Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1165: , the strongest student

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Six people, six horses.

Walking on the official road leading to Yunxiao City.

Along the way.

Under the guidance of Luo Tian, ​​Chen Dongfeng explained to them the distribution of the power of Yunxiao City, the powerful family, the royal aristocracy, and the power of the king standing on the mainland of Zhongzhou, especially the Haijia.

Chen Dongfeng’s eyes are filled with hate, saying: “The Haijia is the most powerful king force in the mainland of China. In the king’s power, the sea family has an absolute hegemonic status, and any family is difficult to compete.”

"In the past, Yunxiao College and the Apocalypse College of Mozong were able to suppress one. Since the birth of the Haijia Prince, even the two colleges that stood proudly at the peak of the Zhongzhou mainland could not help but be swayed by the sea."

The white bear was somewhat disdainful and could not help but ask: "Is the Hai family so strong? And what kind of Haijia Prince can you tell the Haijia over the two colleges by one person? I don't believe it."

It is a very normal thing for a person to promote a family.


If the family you want to ascend is the king's power, then it is different.

This is not something that one can do.

The appearance of the Prince not only made Haijia the most powerful king in the mainland of China, but even Yunxiao College and Abyss College, the two kings who stood proudly for tens of thousands of years could not match, which is a bit too exaggerated. Right?

Chen Dongfeng said: "It is true! It is indeed very difficult for a person to drive a huge family. But for the Prince of Haijia, it took only a short period of time to let the sea family rise rapidly, and the overall force surpassed the cloud. Hey, the two abyss colleges."

The white bear asked: "How did he do it?"

Chen Dongfeng shook his head and said: "I don't know. If I know, I want to make Yunxiao College the strongest king. But he did. Some people say that he is the son of God, and some people say that he is The turn of a strong man in the higher plane, there are more rumors that he is the son of the sky, the first two are unfounded guesses, although the son of the next day is hard to convince, but..."

Speaking of it.

Chen Dongfeng’s eyes were tight, as he said very carefully: “When climbing the mountain, he climbed to an unprecedented height. No one ever surpassed that height. From that day on, there were rumors that he was the son of heaven. Otherwise, it is impossible to climb to that height. Even the patriarch of the year, the undefeated King of the Supreme can't do it. If it is not taken by God, who can climb to that height?"

Tianxue Mountain is known as the higher the closer to the sky.

The Prince of the Sea is only one step away from the top, and he can touch the heavens when he reaches out.

someone said.

He deliberately did not take this step.

This is to pay tribute to Heaven.

Tianxuan Mountain is no stranger to Luo Tian. From the time he met the fantasy fairy, he often heard the word, but for the white bears, Tianxuan Mountain is very strange, they can not understand the power of Tianxue Mountain. .

The white bear said with some disdain: "Isn't that climbing a mountain? Is there such a god? I am a good hand to climb a mountain. I choose a mountain in the sky, and I choose a mountain. I don't know what to say. I will climb to the most." top."

Bai Lingling said to him: "If you don't know, don't talk about it. Tianxuan Mountain is the holy land of the ancient mainland. Let alone climb the mountain. If there is no guidance, we can't even find the location."

The white bear scratched his head and smiled and said: "Hey? Is there such a god?"

Chen Dongfeng also smiled and said: "Don't worry, as long as you enter the Yunxiao College, you have the opportunity to climb the mountain, maybe you can really climb to the top."

The white bear immediately said with a smile: "I will say, I can definitely climb to the top."

Bai Lingling is speechless.

Luo Tian has not spoken. He must go to Tianxuanshan, but as Bai Lingling said, without proper guidance, they can't even find a place. They can't help but ask: "Chen Lao, you need to go to Tianxun Mountain. What qualification?"

Chen Dongfeng said: "It's very simple, become the strongest student in the college!"


He went on to say: "It took only half a year for the Haijia Prince to defeat all the students of the entire college, climb the Tianxue Mountain, become the chosen person, and become the youngest wizard on the mainland."

"He was only twenty years old at the time!"

"The general repair of the sky!"

His voice fell, and Luo Tian’s heart was shocked.

The white bear is even more vocal, but he doesn't know anything else, but the students in Yunxiao College are very clear. It is enough for him to participate in the selection for several consecutive years and even the first round is enough to explain how strong the students in Yunxiao College are. And many of them are special talents of super talents. At the age of 20, they will defeat the students of the entire college. This strength is really powerful and trembling.

Luo Tian’s heart was shocked, and the double fists were secretly clenched. He said: “The strongest student is it?”

"Half time!"


"This record will be broken by me,"

Luo Tian smiled slightly.

His shock was not because of the power of the Prince of the Sea, but because of the excitement!

The more powerful the goal, the more excited he is.

Whether in the past games or in this world, Luo Tian is a militant. No matter how strong the target is, he just wants to surpass him. There are motivations for the target talents, and work hard in that direction!

Chen Dongfeng continued: "One year, Yunxiao College has only one place. There are five continents in the ancient world. There are two places on each continent. Another place on the mainland is in the hands of the Abyss College."

"To get this quota is like killing hundreds of millions of people. It is not a general difficulty."


"Even if you get this quota, you may fail if you go to Tianxue Mountain, because not everyone can climb the mountain, not because you can climb higher and further, it is like heaven. In the test of you, God is not happy, even if you are the strongest of the emperor's realm, it is no good, and will be squeezed out by the Tianxue Mountain in an instant, and it will never be possible to climb a second time."

Luo Tian wrote down all of this.

This will definitely be useful for him in the future~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Tianxuan Mountain must go!

To become a wizard, you can refine the antidote to the soul poison, in order to refine the antidote of the black dragon cockroach king poison, in order to help the fantasy fairy recast the body, he bears the mission of the fate of three women, can not have any failure.

The sky is getting darker.

Chen Dongfeng pointed to the woods in front and said: "We have been there for the night, and the two-day road is here."

Xu Lao could not help but complain: "The college is also true, and it is not until the construction of a transmission array in Wuliang City. It is only three days to go, it is a waste of time."

Chen Dongfeng smiled and looked at Luo Tian. The four of them said: "When they become students of the college, the college will definitely build a transmission array in Wuliangcheng."


chapter Five! R1148

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