Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1166: The assassin is coming

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Night falls.

The woods are silent.

Ignite the bonfire and simply ate a little dry food.

Everyone talked around the fire.

It didn't take long for them to go back to the tent and sleep.

Because it is next to the official road, so there is no need to worry about encountering bandits and thieves, even if they meet the status of Yunxiao College, they do not dare to move, so Chen Dongfeng did not make people alert.

A few minutes later.

A thunderous snoring sounded in the white bear's tent.

Luo Tian was lying on the ground, not sleepy, recalling the words that Chen Dongfeng said during the day, the heart could not help but ask the fantasy fairy. "Fantasy sister, is Tianxue Mountain really so powerful?"

Fantasy Fairy said: "Tianxuan Mountain is known as the holy land in the ancient mainland, and it is also the place closest to the sky. Any mountain climber, as long as it will let you take the first step, you will get the power of heaven. This is the ancient One of the three strongest forces in the world, can it be weak?"

"For example,"

"The paradise in the minds of the warriors in Zhongzhou is Yunxiao College, but all the kings on the five continents, the colleges and universities, their paradise is the Tianxue Mountain, and the power of the election is a powerful symbol."

"The sea prince who the old man said during the day, he is indeed very powerful. At the age of 20, he can climb to the unprecedented height of Tianxue Mountain. It is estimated that the rumor is true. He should be the son of heaven and the person who is being looked at."

"Once you are fancy, then one day he will be able to enter the high plane one day and be in the class."


Fantasy Fairy paused for a moment and then said: "The sea home can rise rapidly within a year. I suspect that it happened to be the year after the Haijia Prince climbed the Tianxue Mountain, and... I suspect he entered the high plane. There must be a strong person in the higher plane to help him. Those who are in the higher planes are simply as simple as moving their fingers if they want to make a family rise in the ancient continent."

Luo Tian mouth corner hook, even more excited smile, said: "It is really powerful to the point of fear, actually entered the high plane, and waited for the help of the high-ranking strong, it seems that in ten years It’s really hard to turn the sea home out of it."

Fantasy Fairy also said: "Do you think that the king's power is so overthrown? Not to mention the Hai family, it is even harder. I advise you to find a way to reconcile with the Hai family, which is more conducive to your development."


"Ha ha ha..."

Luo Tian smiled slightly and said: "I haven't finished talking about it. Although it is very difficult to get rid of the sea, but he has repeatedly wanted to put me to death, it is difficult, in my eyes. He must have turned him over because he got me and got me Luo Tian!"

It is impossible to reconcile.

The tragic death of the grievances in the Wuliang Mountains, the murder of Wu Shuang, the humiliation of Haiyulong, these and so on are all destined to be reconciled. Even if Haitong Scorpio wants to reconcile in front of him, Luo Tian will not agree.

At least you have to sing a ‘conquest’!

At this moment.

There was a subtle voice in the forest.

The sound is subtle to negligible!


Luo Tian is a spirit, and he immediately sits up and plays, and his mind is released.





I didn’t feel anything in my mind, but I felt a humming sound.

Luo Tian has never encountered such a thing.


Intuition tells him that there is danger in approaching.


He concealed the breath of his body, and also took out the mirror, used the mirror to summon a avatar, lying in the tent, his deity quietly left the tent, hiding in a treetop, quietly Pay attention to everything.

Half a minute passed.

There is no sound at all, and there is no strange smell.

Just as Luo Tian wanted to jump off the treetop, a black shadow swayed in the darkness and landed in a tent.


The other two shadows also came up.

It’s not someone else, it’s really Haiyulong!

Luo Tianmei's heart stunned, staring at Haiyulong, his heart secretly said: "You have no way to go to heaven, there is no door to hell, you come in, today I will see who can save you!"

At the beginning of Lingyun City, it was easy to dream.

If it is not a strong person, Luo Tian will never let Haiyu Long.

Yi Yumeng was disfigured because of him!

Haijia pursues himself, and the cause of everything is also because of him.

Haiyulong lowered his voice and said: "First look for the dog thing in Luotian. After I find him, I will humiliate him!"

His heart is also extremely unhappy.

In Haijia, his position was shocked and defeated by a broken waste of Dantian. This is a shame for him. He was punished by his father. Now he breaks through the realm of Taiyan and gets the power of Taiyan. So he will Have enough strength to crush Luo Tian.

In his heart.

Luo Tian is at best only the realm of Condensation. In just one month, even if he upgrades quickly, he will not be able to break through the realm of Wu.

He has absolute confidence to defeat Luo Tian.

This time he sneaked out, with two Poseidon disciples coming together, it can be said that it can be foolproof.

"Young master, what about other people?"

"Don't worry, first find the Luotian dog thing for me. I won't kill him one day. I will be unhappy for a day. I will be retiring for half a month, just to be able to crush him." Haiyu Long said coldly, "My brother. The fancy woman also dares to move, he is looking for death!"

The tent was opened.

Very light, and except for Luo Tian, ​​these people are very sleepy.

Who is the appraisal officer of Yunxiao College?

Isn't this looking for death?

It was because of this that they opened the tent and sent out a subtle voice without waking them up, still sleeping, especially the white bear’s snoring could scare a cow, too terrible.


A black man opened the tent where Luo Tian was, and looked at Luo Tian in the 'sleeping'. His face was a joy and said: "Young Master, here!"

Haiyulong was so excited that he immediately sipped and said, "Okay!"

Because he was so excited, he forgot that there are people around.

Lin Dong first woke up and rushed out of the tent and said, "Who is it?"

Then Chen Dongfeng, Xu Lao, two old men, and then Bai Lingling, the last one is a white bear, he squinted, a sleepy still awake, scratching his head, said: "Who is in the middle of the night?"

Suddenly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ saw a black man coming out of Luo Tian’s tent with Luo Tian in his hand.

The white bear immediately woke up and screamed, "Let me open my boss!"

As soon as the voice fell, the whole person rushed out like a heavy tank...

Luo Tian’s face changed darkly, and his heart said: “Oh, this fat man is completely unsettled, and it is definitely dangerous to rush.”


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