Karin pointed a finger.

His Majesty’s predecessor leaped and his back was heavily crushed like a quick-impact Tucker.

The speed is very fast.

The faster the speed, the faster the impact will be.





The sound was like thunder, and the whole cave began to vibrate violently, and the gravel rolled down.

Let's talk about Luo Tian.

Luo Tian did not retreat but shocked up, the hands of the Etienne sword stabbed several swords in a row, but unfortunately ... his repair is really not enough to see, the damage is not as high as 100 points, and even two swords are MI, no point hurt.

Thinking of the gap between the two perverted women with the saint, Kailin, Luo Tian has the urge to cry, "the gap is too big."

The werewolf snorted, and when he jumped up and down on Luo Tian, ​​he grabbed his thigh and slammed it down on the ground.

Liu war face a tight face, a huge incomparable frozen arrow shot out.


Exploding on the werewolf's body, the werewolf's body is covered with a thin layer of frost, half the speed.


It is still firmly grasping Luo Tian, ​​or squatting down on the ground.


Luo Tian shouted.

I saw a flash of white light, and a unique fragrance of the saints floated over, and when the white sword moved, a low-pitched sound of the icon appeared in the blade, and the power that broke out on the sword became extremely strong.



"Oh la la..."

A sword smashed the arm of the werewolf.

Blood was sprayed on the ground.

On the top of the werewolf's head, Luo Tian looked very clear, and floated a bright red number of "-2001000".

"I rely!"

"Two million damage!"

Luo Tian looked so dumbfounded, and said in his heart: "This person is better than the human being than the dead."

The arm was removed and Luo Tian escaped smoothly.

Look at the arm of the werewolf, and the anger is incomparable. The other arm slams out, the claws flashing cold, and the surrounding space is directly scratched, seeing the dark void.

The saint flutters in the air,

If you get some water, you can avoid the attack of the werewolf.

at the same time.

The other 30 or so werewolves behind the werewolf saw the leader injured. At this time, they couldn’t manage any formations. They all rushed up.

Sharp knife formation, scattered!

Luo Tian’s eyes sank and screamed and said: “It’s now, shock up!”

Also at the same time.

He immediately warned against the Virgin and Liu, "We are withdrawing."

What he wants is the formation of the werewolf.

If they are still a sharp-knife type, even if Karin's knight impact exerts a strong force, even if it wins, there will be a lot of damage, not to mention that these werewolves' defenses are much stronger than expected.

Karin is naturally clear.

Grab the opportunity of this moment, with eighteen Paladin bulldozers generally rushed up.

The broken-armed werewolf's eyes screamed and screamed.

Many werewolves also roared.


Their bodies were pressed down, their limbs were supported, and they were instantly launched.

"Oh oh...oh oh..."




It becomes a form of a wolf, and the speed is very fast.

And half of the wolves are on the curve.

Luo Tian’s heart was tight and said: “They want to wrap around, both sides are hit!”


"The IQ of these werewolves is too high, and they will understand the tactical use, and they will still play it on the spot."

Tactics are the nature of wolves.

Their tactics on the battlefield are unmatched by any monster.

Seeing the impact of the Paladin, these werewolves immediately changed their tactics.

Liu war could not help but ask: "Boss, what should I do now?"

The saint said: "The nineteen people deal with the forty-nine ninth-order peaks and monsters. They are not opponents at all. It is a miracle to survive half."

The black robe in the distance is indifferent.

Coldly looking at everything in front of him, he did not mean to save.

If he shoots.

It is not necessary to kill all these monsters in a few moments. The power of the emperor's realm is completely different from the power of the ordinary realm.

One hundred Holy Spirit peaks are not the opponents of an emperor's first-order powerhouse. This is the gap!

The biggest gap between the realm of disparity.

Luo Tianmei was tight and said: "No matter what, we can't watch them die."


Luo Tian really likes this golden paladin.

They are dead, who will give him a strange upgrade in the future.

Liu war a little, said: "Boss, how to fight, you say!"

The saint looked at Luo Tian and looked at it with some respect.

To know that these paladins are the people of the Holy See, the black robes used to deal with Luo Tian, ​​he did not want to see them dead, which made her a little surprised, but where did she know what Luo Tian was thinking? .

She also followed: "I will also cooperate fully."

Luo Tian smiled lightly and said: "Stop the werewolf from the back bread, free to fight, Liu fat, you must pay attention, these werewolves are very fast, if you are not dangerous, I will teach you a way to run Going around with the black robe, these werewolves dare not approach him."

This is beyond doubt.

The black robe is the strongest of the emperor's realm. The werewolves are very clear, they simply do not dare to approach.

Because the breath of the black robe makes them feel scared.

This is why the black robe stands there, and there is no one who dares to rush.

Liu war nodded and said: "I know."


at this time.

The Paladin and the werewolves in front of them have already collided.



"Booming... rumbling..."


There were a few werewolves who were instantly smashed and smashed. There were also several horses smashing their heads and smashing their blood.

Several paladins have also been knocked out and the injury is not light!

Luo Tian’s mind sounded a few prompts.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Luo Tian’ to kill ‘wolfman’ and gain 10000000 points and 100,000 points.”

10 million points of experience!

This experience is simply cool.


Luo Tian was not happy ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but the brow was locked, he thought that Kailin would organize the second impact, but... she did not do this because several paladins have been trapped If she takes another impact with the remaining paladins, those who are surrounded will not be able to support them and will be killed.

and so.



The paladin raised the holy shield, the long gun blocked the front, and quickly rescued several surrounded knights.


Several shields were smashed.

Karin immediately sipped, "broken!"

All the knights are struggling to attack.


Not far behind them, another twenty monsters rushed up... 1148

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