Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1327: Was given to the beast...

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Suddenly in front of these werewolves.

Luo Tian!

Luo Tian double eyes locked, standing there cold.

The werewolf's eyes were scornful, and they licked their long fangs, and they did not put Luo Tian in their eyes.

Just now, this human being sent out a series of lightning, and there was no power to tickle. Now dare to block their way, it is simply to find death.


Luo Tian can see the disdainful look from their eyes.

"Despise Laozi?"

"It’s a contempt for people to be despised. Is it scorned by your group of animals today?"

"Today, Lao Tzu lets you see what is called power!"


Luo Tian was not far away, Kailin shouted, said: "Five minutes!"

Kailin glanced, watching Luo Tian standing not far behind, could not help but wonder.

"Is he crazy?"|Your|Excellent|Small|Say|More|New|Most|Fast||

"What does he want to do?"

"Does he think he is a god?"

"I can block so many werewolves by himself?"

"What a joke?"

"Kid, let's go quickly, otherwise you can't support it for a second."


Those of the Knights are also not optimistic about Luo Tian.


Their hearts are secretly moved.

At least Luo Tian stood up, and the black robe leader still did not move in place!

have to say.

There is some resentment in their hearts, but they dare not show it.

Kailin couldn't help but say, "You will leave there soon, otherwise you will..."

Her words have not been finished yet.

The werewolves have already rushed.

She can't bear to look at it, and the impact of this will be dead.


A strange scene happened.



A werewolf's head was smashed down and directly thrown out, hitting the rock on the cave and killing!


"what happened?"


A knight suddenly pointed to a big green guy in the wolves and said, "Look, what is that?"

"Good strength!"

"The whole body is green, the muscles on his body are full of strength, pure power, this power... so powerful."

"Too fun!"


A headed werewolf was flying out by Luo Tianqi.

The whole scene shocked everyone, even the cold and proud Kailin was secretly sinking. She advocated pure power, the most primitive power, because this is the power of human beings, and her eyes are for those who cultivate the heavens and the earth. The warrior with a sense of contempt, even if it is the strong man of the emperor's realm, she does not look in the eyes, because she always believes that the hidden power in the human body can shake everything between heaven and earth.

She was more convinced of this when she saw the power of the Hulk.


She never thought that the big green guy turned out to be Luo Tian.

The shock caused by the heart is unparalleled.


The same is true of the saint, although she has heard that Luo Tian has changed her body, but she has never seen it. Even in the Phoenix Tianshan, she has never heard of this practice. Now she sees that her heart is also intense. Shocked, "Is this what he is?"

The black robe teaches the master's eyes and his face is cold and cold. "I don't think you still have this trick. Fortunately, I didn't shoot. Otherwise, I don't know if you will take this trick. Kid, you are really too tender. Exposing everything, the road behind you wants to fight with me is impossible, hahaha..."

The black robe will not let Luo Tian die.

At any time, he can save Luo Tian in the realm of Emperor.

and so.

He didn't rush to shoot, and saw Luo Tian turned into a green monster, and when the powerful werewolf flew out, his heart smiled coldly...


Twenty werewolves were held by Luo Tian.

There are always werewolves flying up.

He is also covered with scratches.


He didn't feel pain at all.

of course.

This is not his body at all.

A werewolf flew up and the huge palm slammed down. He screamed, "Is you afraid to despise Laozi like you?"



The werewolf was photographed on the ground and twitched, his head smashed.


Luo Tianyi’s ankles are hiding.

Simple and rude!


A werewolf solved, and a dozen other heads rushed together, and the whole body was full and up, and he kept biting him.

The saint hurriedly screamed, "You look at it, don't you know that he is fighting for time for you?"


She said to Kailin: "Have you heard what he said? Five minutes, he only has five minutes. When the time comes, these werewolves will rush to you from him. Are you still in a daze? ”

It’s no secret that the five-minute transformation time is now.

The saint naturally knows.

Karin’s eyes sank, and the knights around her were secretly moved. At this moment, their power seemed to be blessed, and they broke out more powerful than usual, and they were also madly killed.

Nineteen people deal with more than a dozen werewolves, this against them can fully withstand,

And the one-on-one monster fell.

Look at Luo Tian.

It is bloody.

The saint and the Liu war two looked anxiously at everything, they did not know how to start.

There are always monsters flying out by Luo Tianqi.

"Despise Laozi?"

"You are jealous, give me to die."

While playing, Luo Tian, ​​in the Hulk’s body, roared and said, while also paying attention to the loss of time, and his heart was also anxious. "Not fast, I can't support it."

The Hulk’s old fire has risen.

Aloud, grab a werewolf to grab the werewolf's jaw, and use both hands to force a scorpion. A two-meter-high werewolf was directly divided.

The werewolf is reduced little by little.

The transformation time is also decreasing.

Five minutes will arrive soon.


There are six or seven werewolves on the side of Kailin.

Can't catch up to support Luo Tian.

Luo Tian also overestimated the ability of the Hulk. In the face of these nine-level peaks and monsters, several of them are okay, but it is really difficult to deal with the twenty-one at a time. After all, his limit Luo Tian has long known.

However, he also wants to see the limits of the Hulk.

"It seems that the most able to deal with these morphing cards is the peak of the Holy Spirit and the ninth-order peak monster. Once the gods or the great-level monsters are not opponents." Through this test, Luo Tian has been able to confirm this. Clicked.


Suddenly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ system sounds a tone.

Luo Tianxin screamed, "Oops!"

"It's time to change."

"five four three two one……"

"Transformation is over!"


The Hulk disappeared and Luo Tian restored the body of the deity.


There are ten werewolves in front of him, his front paws are ploughing, his voice is low, his eyes are staring at him coldly, his eyes are extremely fierce...


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