Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1331: , all lightning...

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Very Luo Tian guessed exactly the same.

Black Moon will not save them!

There may be some use outside, but the performance of the Paladin after entering Pangu Cave made him too disappointed.


The weakest monsters in Pangu Cave are the nine-order monsters, and they can only resist it.

Instead of taking these cumbersome things, let them die here.

and so!

He didn't want to save Kailin at all.

There was also a sneer sneer on his face. In his eyes, Kailin was a group of wastes.

Karin is so sad.

Over the years, she has never been sympathetic to the Holy See. She can say that the Holy See has given her the task. No matter whether it is murder or arson, she has no hesitation and no doubt about the Holy See. Her Knights have made it in Eurasia. More killing, so that her Knights are notorious.

They live in the dark.

Perform some unsuccessful tasks.

I thought this time as long as they assisted the Black Moon to bring back the colorful gods and make the strength of Eurasia stronger, the people will change their attitude towards them, but what she did not expect is that this task is their end.

Many paladins looked at her.

Luo Tian is also watching her.

"Head, we..."

"Head, go against it!"




Another paladin was rolled up by the thorns of the thorns, his body was torn, blood was dripping, and the scene was terrible.

Luo Tian looked at Kailin and said, "Let's make a decision quickly, we don't have time."

Karin’s eyes were shocked and she said, “Reverse!”

"Everything listens to the command of Luo Tian!"

She will still be herself, but there are so many brothers who are born and died with her. Most of them are joined by this holy Knights because they can't let them go to death here.

If they don't make a decision, they will all die here.

Her voice fell.

The other paladins all showed excitement, and the depression in their hearts was completely released. Over the years, the Holy See has called them like dogs, and now they can’t help but die.

In particular, the cold and contemptuous expression of the Black Moon made them chilling.

They have also repaid enough for the training of the Holy See in these years.


Luo Tian was excited and smiled.

This Paladin was finally separated from the Holy See, and now he just needs to slowly absorb them.

It is not strong for their current strength.


Luo Tian is proficient in the power of all knights. He has several ways to improve the strength of this Knights. He can even have the power to withstand the power of the Emperor, just give him some time!

Luo Tian put away the expression of excitement, watching the thorns of the thorns flying around, there is no place...

Behind the Beast!

There is an empty place.

And the space in that empty place is slightly distorted, just like a thin layer of heat wave, just like the transmission array in the game, obviously, that is the entrance!

The second entrance!

Also at this time.

Luo Tian pointed to the distance and said: "You follow me!"


Luo Tian’s body suddenly changed, and he screamed: “Raytheon, transforming!!!”


Instantly turned into Thor Thor, holding the Thor hammer, with the power of endless thunder and lightning, facing the sacred thorns around the glory of the martial arts, Luo Tianlei hammered a hammer, slammed down and slammed, "The beast , raging!"


Thor's heavy bombardment is on the ground.

The lightning column is scattered along the **** liquid in the groove.

The thorns of the thorns are flying from the blood.

The power of powerful lightning broke out with bursts of glare, and the dazzling light in the cave turned into a huge minefield.

Also in this moment.

Luo Tianxin screamed, "God!"


The power has become more raging.

"Purple lightning, give me a bang!"

Another method of thunderbolt was released, and once again on the basis of the beast, the runes of the thorns of the thorns were frozen in one place, as if all were sealed, Luo Tian shouted, " Rush!"

Black Moon’s brow, staring at Luo Tian, ​​sneered, said: “You still want to pick it up in front of me? Who do you think you are? You are just a waste of Taiyan realm!”

He didn't know what Luo Tianchong was up for.

But one thing he can be sure.

In this world, only Luo Tian knows how to enter the second floor. Only he can find the king of the ancients. He must not let Luo Tian slip away.


At the moment of his movement, the beasts were gone.

Black Moon and Luo Tian them.

I don’t have to think about it, he will choose to resist the black moon!


The Black Moon is the strongest of the emperor's realm. His threat is even greater, and Luo Tian's cultivation is even if he enters the second floor. He can't escape death, let alone know the king of the ancients, so the moment he moves in the black moon. He followed.


The two forces collide.

The whole space is shaking.

The power of the emperor's realm was shot out.

"good chance!"

"Fast, fast, fast, all rushed in."

This is what Luo Tian expected.

If he is a beast, he will also choose to resist the black moon of the emperor.


A paladin rushed in.

The figure disappeared!

Luo Tian excitedly said: "Fast, fast, fast!"

Karin is not particularly trusting about Luo Tian, ​​but now there is no choice. The runes of the thorns of the thorns begin to wriggle uncontrollably. If they are delayed for a second, they may all die.

One after another rushed in.




There was a deafening explosion in the cave.

The two figures constantly slammed, and the continually ejected, the constant force hit, and the whole cave was torn apart. If it were not supported by these runes, the cave would have become a powder.


Yunxiao College.

The imperial concubine moved his right hand and exerted a force of time and space. He stepped into the gap between time and space. His eyes were slightly combined and turned into a glimpse. "Tanggu Mountain Range? Two emperors are in the battle, where is happening?" What?"

The battle of the emperor's realm is difficult to appear once in a few hundred years.

It is even more rare to think of such a deadly battle.

Huangfu’s expression is dark and tight~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Suddenly!

He suddenly thought of a person, "Is it rare that Luo Tian went to the Pangu Mountains to do the mission?"

Think of this.

His face suddenly changed.

Immediately, his hands were directly inserted into the void, tearing the space in front of his eyes, and finally the whole person directly penetrated into the cracks of time and space and quickly rushed toward the Pangu Mountains.


In the cave.

Luo Tian looked at the black moon not far away and smiled coldly, and got into it...


Two more chapters will be updated tomorrow! Add more to the ‘ī_佐掱诫指’ brothers! R1148

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