Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1332: , and Kailin’s pro...

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"By worship!"

Luo Tianchao waved his hand on the black moon stopped by the beast, and his face showed a smug smile.

The black moon is full of anger.

The light sword in the hand burst into a burst of glare, the sword gas is like a laser light speed raging out, the surrounding runes of the thorns of the vines are all cut off, the beasts are forced to retreat again and again, pale face without blood.


In this moment.

His eyebrows moved, so the thorns of the thorns re-emerged, all rushing to the entrance, forming a door of thorns.

Rooted in the ground.

Then, the beastmaster was condensing a drop of blood, "take blood as a guide, give me a shut!"


The blood was scattered on the door of the thorns, and the entrance was sealed for a moment.

The beastmaster laughed and released: "Black moon, you can't get in, hahaha..."

The black moon fell, no longer attacked, but faintly said: "Do you think that you are very smart? Do you think they are smaller than my threat? Forgot to tell you something, just that kid is the prophecy of God. People, if anyone in the world can find the king of the ancients, that is him. You think you are very smart, in fact, you are stupid like a pig!"

There is anger and ridicule in the words.

The beastmaster’s eyes were faint, and he was shocked: “The prophecy of God?”

Black Moon said: "He is much stronger than you and I imagine. Do you think someone in the guardian can resist him?"

"You better give me the door to open the thorns now."

He wants to go in.

I really want it.


His ability could not break the seal on the door of the thorns.

The Orc suddenly smiled and said: "He is not the person in God's prophecy. I don't know. My task is to stop you. Black Moon, this thorny door can be opened even if I can open it. I will not let you in. ""

"What's more, what I just said is a dead seal, even if I can't open it."

He did not believe what Black Moon said.

Luo Tian's repairs can't pass the next pass, which is absolute.


Black Moon’s sly words, then turned and left.

Go straight out of the hole.

I didn't want to waste time in the hole, and I didn't want to waste a little bit of energy. Standing in the hole, he looked back at the hole and said coldly: "Do you think that you managed to escape my control? Kid, you have my own body. Breath, everything is still under my control, hahaha... Waiting for you to find the king of the ancients, waiting for you to get colorful, no matter where you escape, I will find you, when... you will give me Let's die."


As soon as Luo Tian released the Hulk to transform, he left a breath on Luo Tian.

This breath can find everything that Luo Tian has done.

and so.

He is not worried at all, but he is happy. "Since you are the person in God's prophecy, even if there is no one to help you can get colorful stones, and all I have to do is to be a qualified oriole, waiting for you. come out!"

"Ha ha ha..."


In the hole, the second floor!

A dimly lit gallery.

"Is there any injury?"

“Have you been injured?” Luo Tian asked a few times immediately after entering the second floor.

Kailin shook her head and said, "We are all fine."

Liu Zhan also said: "Boss, we are fine."

Luo Tianqing clicked on the number of people. Except for the three paladins who just died, everyone is still there, but it seems to be a little tired. The battle that was just consumed is too much.

"Resting in place!"

"Restoring strength and vitality."

Luo Tian ordered it.


He went to the side of the saint and took out a few high-grade medicinal herbs. He said: "This medicine can help you recover faster."

The sacred woman hesitated for half a second. In the end, she took the medicinal herbs in Luo Tian’s hands and swallowed it. She slightly sensed the vitality contained in the medicinal herbs, and looked at Luo Tian’s heart for a while, "I am afraid of this kind of remedy." Even the masters of alchemy are hard to refine. The refinement of vitality is at its best."

Then Luo Tian gave some medicinal herbs to Kailin and let her go.

Kailin did not refuse, the genetic recovery fluid they brought was almost the same. At this time, the medicinal herbs were like charcoal in the snow. Kailin gratefully said, "Thank you!"

Luo Tian faintly said: "What are your plans for the next step?"

The first step has been completed.

Luo Tian's intentions may not be correct.


He only played the role of pushing the waves, even without him, the black moon will not save them, and even in the end will still remove them.

The first step was very successful.

The second step can no longer use the method of the first step, Luo Tian must be sincere.

Karin is silent.

The other paladins are also silent.

A few minutes later.

Karen’s younger brother, Karen, who was the first rescuer of Luo Tian, ​​suddenly said: “We can’t go back to Eurasia. The Holy See will definitely chase us everywhere. Our reputation is notorious in Europe and Asia. There is definitely no place to stand. It is better for us to sneak in the mainland of China. Even if we can't, we can go to the ice country. I don't want to go back to the Holy See anyway. I don't want to do things for them."

"Karen is not bad, I don't want to go back."

"I won't go back if I kill."

"Black Moon is here with the purpose of removing us, because we have affected the reputation of the Holy See, crossing the river and breaking the bridge. The teachings of the Holy See are some cold-blooded animals. Every good thing, I can see through it."

"We have no relatives in Eurasia anyway, and we have nothing to worry about, but what are we going to do?"


Most of them are orphans.

Received the training of the ruling from an early age.

On the mainland, they have no relatives. Anyone who is intimately contacted will disappear mysteriously. They don’t say anything in their mouths, but their hearts are very clear. They know that the Holy See has too many secrets. If this kind of thing goes out, it will inevitably cause various kinds of things. dissatisfied.

Kailin did not speak.

She also knew that the Holy See could not go back, but the world is so big, where can they go?

It can be said that there is no place to go.

Luo Tian is not anxious, this kind of thing is not eager to come, said slightly: "What if you get the colorful stone?"

Liu war and the saint were shocked and looked at Luo Tian.

Liu Zhan said: "Boss..."

Kailin was shocked and looked at Luo Tian. She didn't know why Luo Tian suddenly said this.

Luo Tian said: "I am the prophet of God~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then I should be able to get the colorful stone. If you bring the stone back, you can let the Holy See re-admit you, or let the royal family accept it, I will... ”

Don't wait for him to finish.

Kailin said: "Whether we have the colorful gods and the Holy See will not let us go, we can't escape if we go back."


“Congratulations to the players ‘Root’ and ‘Kelly, the Golden Paladin’ are intimate +10...”


Let's take a chapter first.

Today's college entrance examination, I wish all candidates a good grade.

Every year, the old cows are very emotional when they go to the college entrance examination day. I want to get a Tsinghua University with a score of 1 point. Tsinghua’s admission score is 691 points. I took 69 points. Oh, it’s really sad. R1148

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