Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1346: Big chest, no brain...

"Can you dress up after you take off your clothes?"

"There are such good exercises in the world..."

Luo Tian said involuntarily, and his heart said: "Is it the legendary? Jade sword method?"

Seeing the expression of the saint's face was cold, Luo Tian immediately changed his mouth and said: "That's not good, you are a heavenly mountain saint, I am just a city boy, I don't care if I take off, you just get out, how can you go out and meet people?" ”

"No, no, absolutely not!"

Said the big righteousness.

Luo Tian’s heart is, “Ha ha ha... This time I earned it, I’m going to be high on the whole day. Now I’m going to take off my clothes and I’m in front of me. Wow, I should have seen it for the first time in the history of the ancient continent. Is the saint stripping out?"


"She is Cher's sister, which is my future nephew..."

"There is a family, fat water does not flow outside the field, hahaha..." Luo is very shameless, but on the surface I pretend that I am a good person, I will never do this kind of thing.

The face of the saint is still very red.

Very shameful.

She was ashamed of these things, but... she had to say.

This is why she came to Pangu.

If Luo Tian can't remove the king of the ancients, and wait for him to rush out of Pangu Cave, it is a catastrophe for the entire ancient continent. As a virgin of the Phoenix Tianshan, she must maintain the stability of the ancient continent.

This is the responsibility of Phoenix Tianshan.

If the king of the ancients does not die, she must not let him rush out.

He prevented Luo Tian from taking down the stone of repression, even killing Luo Tian, ​​and then she committed suicide.

just now!

She has the opportunity to kill the king of the ancients, so that the ancient continent will never suffer. This is a great morality. It is a very good thing for her and for the Phoenix Tianshan. It will bring more to the future. Strong power.


When she left, the Phoenix Heavenly Girl taught her a set of exercises to deal with the King of the Ancients. It is only this set of exercises that requires men and women to cultivate and succeed in order to release the power of the exercises.

This is also their only chance!

The saint's eyebrows are loose, and she gently vomits a breath, whispering: "For the ancient continent, for hundreds of millions of civilians..."

"Luo Tian!"


The voice of the saint became serious.

Luo Tian’s eyes shook and said: “What’s wrong?”

The saint said: "I am going to enter your sea with a mind. I will pass on the method of cultivation and cultivation of this method. You listen well and practice well. Don't have any Distraction."

Luo Tian looked at the saint who looked serious: "Then you..."

The virgin eyes stared at Luo Tian, ​​and some angry said: "All I am doing today is for the peace of the ancient continent. Everything that happens here if you dare to say half a word..."

The eyes are cold.

With a cold killing, said: "I will definitely kill you!"

She made a decision.

This is very difficult for a young girl.

No matter what.

The virgin of the Phoenix Tianshan can't have any emotions. Luo Tian is only slightly different in her heart. There is no dark feeling. Her world is different from Luo Tian's world. From the moment she was born, she is just for the moment. Entering the domain of God to become a **** and fighting, there is no side to heart, she will not consider anything.

She said so.

Luo Tian has to cooperate even if he wants to work again. "Okay, but this person likes to talk about dreams. If you sleep, say it?"


"No matter what time you can't say it!"

"I want you to swear." The sacred face is red, and her body has not been seen by the mother of the Phoenix Tianshan, let alone in front of the opposite sex. If this is not the only way to kill the king of the ancients, she is absolutely I won’t take off my clothes in front of Luo Tian. “If you say half a word, you can’t die forever.”

"Too poisonous?"

Luo Tian said slightly.

The saint said in a serious way: "Swear to me soon."


Luo Tian said: "If everything is happening today, if I reveal half a word, I will hit five thunders, and I will never die. I have a long bag at the top of my head, and my feet are thick. The younger brother does not raise, my legs are smashed, my hands are sore. Repairing backwards, exhausted..."

A series.

Luo Tian said the most poisonous words.

The saint looked at Luo Tian’s expression and was greatly relieved.

Luo Tian wondered, and said: "The vows have a fart. If the vows are useful, then the world is so beautiful. I really don't know what these girls think about all day, hehe..."

"Big chest, no brain!"

The saint exhaled and said: "Now your mind is relaxed, I am ready to teach you the heart."


The saint sits cross-legged and floats in the air.

Luo Tianzhao did it, and his thoughts were empty, and all the distractions in his heart were cleared.

He has not yet tried to kill the king of the ancients.

I don't think there is a way for the saint!

This made him feel very surprised, and his heart was extremely excited. It was impossible to kill the king of the ancients with the harm caused by his practice and vitality. The saint had a way, even if he let him do anything, he would be willing.

To know!

The king of the ancients is a super BO with a godhead.

How much experience can he get when he kills him?

How much energy can you have?

How many artifacts can you explode?

Think of this kind of thing makes Luo Tian boil.

Luo Tian sat down, his eyes gently combined, said: "Get started!"


As soon as the voice fell, Luo Tian’s mind slammed.

A light mind is like a drop of clear spring, pure and messy, without any impurities.

Abnormal purity!

Even the fantasy fairy in Luo Tian’s body can’t be amazed. “Good pure thoughts, no wonder it will become a saint, her soul is probably the purest in the world, this soul...”

Her words cannot be heard by the saint.

Luo Tian could hear it, and his heart was a bit embarrassing.

The idea of ​​the saint immediately sensed, slightly reminded, "Don't be distracted, I want to start!"


Luo Tian responded with a call ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in an instant.

The two are like a current, and huge information is pouring into Luo Tian’s mind. At the same time, Luo Tian said to the fantasy fairy: “Can I check it out from her brain, she Is the person you are looking for? Cher?"

The fantasy fairy smiled softly and said: "I will copy all the memories in her brain to you, and you will find it yourself."

"Thank you!"



A wave of heartfelt thoughts poured into Luo Tian’s mind.

No cultivation.

This kind of mind is like a computer download, a one-of-a-kind upgrade, when he sees the name of the heart, he stunned. 1148

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