Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1349: ,Ding! exploded

The world is changing. ⊙Vertical novel, www.

The Pangu Mountains are enchanting in the ground, making a low-pitched fear.

The time within a million kilometers is like freezing.


Violent vibration.

This super strong vibration has caused countless strong people to wake up from the retreat!

Their eyes are all looking at the Pangu Mountains.

"what happened?"

"Is it the king of the ancients that broke through the crackdown to go out?"

"Impossible, the guardian family was once the strongest race on this continent, and they could not let the king of the ancients go out."

"The king of the ancients hides this big secret. What is this secret?"

"Who is it?"


They can't see!

Even the peak of the emperor's realm is not likely to feel the Pangu Mountains tens of millions of kilometers in a flash.


One person has arrived.


He is the master of time and blood, he can tear time and space, and travel through time and space.

It is also known that the shuttle in time and space cracks will be crushed into powder by time and space cracks, but he did it because of the relationship between blood vessels.

He stepped out from time and time.

The idea moves directly to cover the entire Pangu Mountain Range.


Locked in one place and quickly flew over.


Outside the Pangu Cave.

Black Moon's eyebrows are wrinkled, extremely nervous, and the breath is so sensitive that Luo Tian's life signs are extremely weak, already on the verge of death, and he also feels that the king of the ancients is also like Luo Tian.

"Prophecy of God."

"God's prophecy!"

"Absolutely wrong, he is the person in the prophecy."

"Kid, you must hold on, hold on, kill the king of the ancients, you will get the colorful stone, then... you will die in my hands, and the saint and the royal paladin who betrayed the Holy See, you All have to die, hahaha..."

He is very excited!

Luo Tian is going to succeed.

Even if Luo Tian did not succeed, the king of the ancients could not live.

At that time, he rushed in and got the colorful stone, he became the first person in ancient times.

It became the strongest person in ancient times.

Why did the king of the ancients ever become the strongest? It is because of the stone that has the power of creation, this is still the case that he did not fully refine, he succeeded in robbing the heavens, confined the godhead and became the first person in ancient times.

If he waits for all his refining, who can still suppress him?

Guarding a family?

Not enough to see!

The black moon was extremely excited, and his brows were slightly tight. He felt that there was a very strong breath in the Pangu Mountains, and the black robe on his body jerked and the body disappeared instantly.



Look at the hole again.

Luo Tianhu went out to go.

Directly rushed into the eyebrows of the King of the Ancients, directly rushed to the depths of his knowledge.

The yin and yang sacred powers began to madly kill in the sea of ​​the king of the ancient times. The king of the ancients screamed in pain. "Luo Tian, ​​you have a dog thing, I am dead, you can't live!"


The king of the ancients could not withstand the crushing of the yin and yang.

The body began to burst.

Know the sea crazy fester.


He slammed all the magic flames back into the body, and instantly poured into the sea of ​​knowledge. He laughed and said: "Luo Tian, ​​your body is not going well. Follow me to hell, in hell. I will let you **** means."

He knows he is going to die.


He never thought that he would die in the hands of Luo Tian.

there has never been.


He will never let Luo Tian live.

The magic flame attacked.

The king of the ancient kings blasted open.

Luo Tian’s consciousness is blurred, his body can’t stand it, he has to split it, his arms and feet, and even the internal organs of the body are beginning to split. Every hair and pores are splitting.

Blood rushes.

The line of sight slowly turns black.

In the last moment.

Luo Tian thought of a move and released the transformation card of the 'Judge of the Angels'.

"Invincible state!"


His consciousness disappeared completely, just as the body fell into the endless dark abyss, and began to fall wildly.

Invincible state can only keep a few seconds.

What can I do in these few seconds?

Luo Tian doesn't know, but he is living for survival. He wants to live. He is afraid of death. He must live. He has too many things to finish. "God, let me live for a few more years!"

The magical flame of the King of the Ancients wraps the body of Luo Tian.

Crazy crush!

Crazy bombardment!

Even the power in the godhead was released, but... these crushing, these bombardments did not have a bit of a point at this moment.

"how come?!"

"How could this be?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how can he resist my strength?" The King of the Ancients stunned in horror, his eyes staring at the sky, his arms suddenly moving, and he jerked his grip. "Even if I die, I will not It will make the world peaceful, and I want the world to flow into the river."


"My army of the Mozu, all rise!"






In this moment.

The body of the King of the Ancients exploded.

The magical flames of the sky are not flying out of the control of the gods of the gods.

The entire Pangu Mountains suddenly became dark and the fingers disappeared.

The magic flame changed into countless virtual shadows and burst out, scattered in every corner of the ancient continent, on every continent.


The mysterious realms of the five continents of the ancient continent began to turmoil, and one after another tens of thousands of years ago, the devils began to resurrect, the village was slaughtered, and the city fell.

Earth blood flows into the river.

It is like entering the dark age.


Let's talk about Luo Tian.

Blowed out of the body of the King of the Ancients.

Invincible state disappears!

His body slammed down on the wall, and the body was as dead as the bones.

The sacred woman went crazy and ran up. She rushed to Luotian’s mouth, but she couldn’t get in. She thought that the feeling of Luo Tian’s consciousness gradually disappeared and her body began to get cold.

"Don't die!"

"do not die!"

"You don't want to die!"

I don't know why.

The heart of the saint is very sad, and the kind of sadness does not even know what is going on with him. He even wants to exchange his life with Luo Tian.

at this time.

She also couldn’t care for her nakedness, didn’t wear clothes, and directly held Luo Tian in her arms, crying and tearing her heart, saying: “Don’t die, I don’t want you to die, Luo Tian, ​​have you heard? I Don't you die!"



At this time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ she suddenly found herself useless.

Nothing at all.

What about the Virgin of the Phoenix Tianshan?

What about the talent of the gods?

What about being able to win the gods?

Even the individual can't save it. What does it mean to live in this world?

She thought of death!


A reminder sounded in Luo Tian’s mind, "Hey!"


The new week begins right away, asking for tickets and monthly passes! ! ! ! 527

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