Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1355: , werewolf battle ride

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Something in front of Luo Tian could not believe it.

Sixteen heads and nine ninth peaks werewolf monsters.

An old beast who holds the scepter of the beast.


All of them were kneeling on one knee and kneeling in front of Luo Tian!


Unimaginable thing!

Luo Tian’s head had some short-circuit reaction, but looking at the front of the beast, he could not help but say: "You are this..."

The old man of the beast is really sincere and said seriously: "You let us guard the family. It is you who killed the king of the ancients. The old woman is willing to give life for you. She put everything on you, you didn't let her Disappointed."

"Get the colorful stone!"

"Get the ancient continent to the treasure of the gods of the stone..."

"There is a very old legend in my family. If anyone in the legend can get these two things at the same time, then he must be the benefactor of the guardian, and the guardian of the people, the inheritance of tens of thousands of years, the guardian of the family. The strength is not as good as it used to be, now...the whole guardian family is only one of me. Today you will remove the king of the ancients, and you will liberate me. Once, I said to myself, no matter who, as long as it can kill the ancient The king is his new master!"

"the host!"

The voice fell.

The beast old man has a heavy sigh, and his head is heavy.

Everything happened too fast.

Half a day ago, I also blocked myself. It was necessary to stop myself, but now I am in front of myself. This is happening too fast.


Luo Tian did not doubt the old man of the beast, because Luo Tian can see the sincerity from his eyes, see the impression, if the old man of the beast goes to himself, then deal with the black moon... Luo Tian double fist clenched himself, Road: "Get up."

"Thank you for your master."

The old man of the beast does not have the posture of the emperor's realm. He is a humble person. He does not feel that he is a shameful thing when he is a strong man in the realm of emperor.

at this time……

Karin and her paladin came out.

The saint came out.

The Liu war also came out, and all of them were shocked by everything in front of them.

"what's the situation?"

"I rely on so many wolf monsters."

"Hey... did he kneel down to Luo Tian?"

"Wow, what happened?!"

"Luo Tian is awesome."


The people talked about it.

Luo Tian faintly said: "From today, he is also our person!"


"Boss, he is a guardian of the family, how?" Liu war said with some concern, after all, he just killed the three of the Paladins, and prevented them from entering below, how to become their own. ?

Especially Kailin.

Everything she has is on her face.

I hate the old beasts.


She did not say a word, because she is now following Luo Tian, ​​and everything is dominated by Luo Tian.

The saint whispered: "He just killed a few paladins, and you should talk to us about things."


Luo Tianmei's heart wrinkled and looked at Kailin.

Waiting for Luo Tian to speak, Kailin said: "Everyone has his mission. He is also the guardian of the ancient king, guarding Pangudong. You don't need to tell me anything. I said, anything you said, do. Anything, no matter what, we will listen to it!"

This is them!

Luo Tian's heart glimpsed a little, and turned to look at the old beast.

The old beast immediately apologized: "I apologize for your sacrifice, no matter what my mission is, I do kill you, as compensation..."

The beast's scepter moves gently.

The wolf in the wolf's beast behind him flashed a strange light.

"Your battles are all dead. How can you call the Paladin without a war ride?"

"From today, these werewolf monsters are your battles, they will make you more powerful, please accept them, because this is the only thing I can take out." The beast old man said sincerely.

This time, Kailin is a slight shock.

The same is true of her members.

It is undeniable that each of them has a flash of excitement in their eyes!

Werewolves fight!

This is something they never thought of.

When they were fighting with the werewolves, they had this kind of thought in their hearts. The kind of strong body, the kind of impact, if they matched them, the strength can be more than doubled. Perhaps... a werewolf team can work together. Kill a strong man in the realm of emperor!

Everyone in the Golden Paladin is very excited.


They are not excited by Luo Tian.

Luo Tian excitedly trembled, not waiting for Kailin to speak, he first said: "Kelly, I promised him."

Kailin nodded and said, "Okay!"

The beast old man's body was loose, his face showed a smile, and his mouth was filled with words. The beast's scepter flashed a void rune. These runes bound the werewolf monsters and immediately said: "Everyone chooses one." Put your blood on top of their heads, and then you sign a contract with these werewolf monsters, they will be loyal to you forever, they will protect you with your own body."

Luo Tian looked at the many Paladins and focused on it.

They stepped forward step by step.

According to the old man of the beast.





A headed werewolf began to roar, and a strong body came out, and that pure power made people feel scared.

Watching them sign the contract with the werewolf one by one, Luo Tian could not help but show his envious eyes and said: "I want one more, can you give me a head?"

The old man of the beast said: "Master, the old lady left the white for you, its power is even if a hundred such a werewolf is not an opponent, these werewolves are not worthy of you."


Luo Tian glanced at the little white dog who was asleep in the arms of the saint. He looked at the bitterness and said: "I really can't see where he is strong. I have to be eaten and crying by him."


Luo Tian asked: "You can control the monster, how many heads do you have such a werewolf monster?"

The old beast of the beast, said: "How much do you want?"

How is a Paladin group enough?

If you can create a huge Paladin, all the Paladins of the 9th-order monsters ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This will be able to sweep the mainland, crushing the sea is nothing to say!

Think of that scene...

Luo Tian’s blood boiled up and said: “The more the better.”

The old man of the beast smiled and said: "This is the case... How many heads do you want, how many heads can I give you, I am not only a beast, but a beast trainer, these werewolves are all cultivated by me."


"This time I really made a fortune."

"Ha ha ha..."

Luo Tianyu went to the treasure, and his heart was boiling, and he said: "Ha ha ha... I can't think of anything I can't do in the game, it will be realized here!"


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