Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1356: , know what is called...

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In past games, Luo Tian always wanted to have his own power.

He took the group.

But they are all for people.

He became the first in full service, but it was also the number to upgrade others.


This is not a game. He has never used it as a game. However, the dreams of previous games have always existed in his heart. The admiration of Karin and her Golden Paladin led him to see hope.

The addition of the old beasts made the prototype of a super powerful troupe in his heart begin to show.

Werewolves fight!

Paladin Legion!

The scene of the million-strong army...


Luo Tian is still happy.

The old man of the beast looked at Luo Tian’s excited look and said humblely: “Master, what are you thinking about?”

Luo Tian said seriously: "Don't call my master, what is your name."

Being called the owner is always a bit awkward.

Everyone is equal!

At least in Luotian, this is the case. Whether it is his own younger brother or a woman, even if it is a war pet, Luo Tian is treated equally.

The beast old man said: "Master, you call me old black."

Luo Tiandao: "Black, I need to build a huge Paladin. I need a lot of combat riding. The higher the level, the better. If the level is less than nine, you can have the level of the seventh-order monster. ""

"Building a legion?"

The old black is a little bit stunned.

Other people around are also secretly stunned.

In particular, Karin and her Paladins all looked at Luo Tian.

Luo Tian did not conceal, saying: "Maybe you don't know, and blame me for not making it clear. My enemy is very strong. For me, he is indeed very strong. It is the most powerful family of Haizhou in mainland China."

"The Hai family is the strongest king family in Zhongzhou. I have to have my own power to fight against it."


"I need you and your Paladin to train a Paladin legion for me." Luo Tian said directly, let them kill the monsters to help them get experience is only a reason, more important reason is their strong usefulness.

Karin smiled slightly: "The Paladin was born for the sake of fighting. I don't know how strong the sea family you are talking about, but... I am looking forward to the day of the battle with them, because I will carry thousands of The Paladin crushed them!"

"Head of authority is mighty!"

"Head of domineering!"

"Ha ha ha ... Luo Tian adults, our heads dreamed of having a huge Paladin army, like her father to lead tens of thousands of Paladins across the continent, this scene is exciting. ""

"Ha ha ha..."

"The picture must be very beautiful!"


Luo Tian looked at the old beast and said: "Half or not the Paladin is determined to be above their battle. The battle I need does not require a strong attack. As long as I meet two points, the speed is fast enough and the defense is enough. Strong, the real power of the Cavaliers lies in the impact, the speed determines the power of the impact!"

Laohe smiled and said: "There is no problem, it is on me. This kind of monster can be cultivated casually. How much can I provide? Hahaha..."

This is definitely not a fake.

He is the strongest beastmaster who guards the family!

even more.

The only beastmaster on the mainland!

Luo Tianxin was secretly excited and said: "Thank you!"

"Luo Tian adults!"

"the host……"


The dream has not yet been realized.


A big step has been taken, and Luo Tian’s heart has not subsided for a long time.

"All the specific matters we left the Pangu Mountains, I told you in detail." Luo Tian said a word, then said: "Now we have the last BOSS!"

"BOSS? What is BOSS?"

A paladin asked.

Luo Tian looked at the hole, "Black Moon!"

Karin’s face sank and her eyebrows wrinkled.

The same is true of the other paladins, with a dignified expression on his face.

They are very clear about how strong the black moon is.


They hated the Black Moon very much in their hearts, and thanked him because he let them see clearly and let them find Luo Tian. Of course, even if Luo Tian deliberately designed, they would have to be killed by the Black Moon.

Karin’s fist was secretly clenched and said: “It’s time to find him to take revenge! There should be a knot.”

Lao He said: "The strong man of the Holy See has withdrawn from the cave after you left. I guess he should be waiting for you near the hole. When he starts playing against me, I am afraid that half of the strength will not be used."

"but me……"

The old black face looks awkward: "Without this hole, I can't be super-empty of these runes. The nine-order monster that I summoned is not his opponent. My realm is the realm of emperor, but I only offer it. The beast, I really don't have any strength in combat, but I will do everything to protect you!"

The saint also said slightly: "The black moon is not easy to deal with. I know some strong people about the Eurasian Holy See in the Phoenix Tianshan. He should be regarded as the strongest of the top ten of the Holy See. In particular, he has a very mysterious and powerful blood. Power, as for the blood, even our Phoenix Tianshan does not know."

Karin also shook her head: "We don't know. He feels like it is everywhere. His position in the Holy See is very important. He is one of the most powerful assistants of the Pope and is also known as the Dark Right Hand!"

Luo Tian was silent for a few minutes.


He took out the mirror of the god.

Gently, another identical one appeared in front of you.

The people were a little surprised.

"Do you know what is a wave?"

Luo Tian thought of a move, said: "Black moon is very strong, but ... what is he needs to come this time? Colorful **** stone, so this is his weakness, as long as there are weaknesses, it is easy to wait, wait for me to let my fake Go out first, then I will release a kind of exercise to make him faint for half a second. At this time, all the attacks are crushed down, even if they are not dead, they will become disabled, even if he is the super strong in the realm of Emperor!"

"A wave?"

"Luo Tian adults, he is a black moon, can you let him faint for half a second?"

Liu Zha laughed and said: "The boss said that there will never be a mistake!"

Kailin's eyebrows wrinkle ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wei Weidao: "If you can make him faint, our fifteen-person knight charge will be able to trample him, plus our werewolf riding can definitely hit him."

The old man of the beast also said: "After your knight's impact, I will let my sacred monsters smash him on the ground."

"And my frozen arrows!"

"I can also help attack."


For a moment.

Everyone is ignited.

Luo Tianqiu smiled excitedly and said: "Well, then teach you what is called a wave today!"


There will be a chapter around 11 o'clock!

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