Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1357: , 1 wave to send you on...

"Ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

At the Pangu Cave, Luotian Station looked around and probed the brain. Chasing books


A few loud laughter sounded.


"You finally came out. It seems that even the guardian of the beasts has not won you. It is really amazing. It is really a person in the prophecy." The figure of the black moon instantly appeared, and his face was filled with a smug smile.

Looking at Luo Tian is like watching a peerless baby.

His appearance made Luo Tian secretly surprised!

Appeared out of thin air.

Is it coming out of the void?

Not quite like!

Is his mysterious blood?

At this time, Luo Tian did not think much, standing in the hole revealing a pleasing smile, said: "Black Moon, who are you waiting for?"


Luo Tian went out.

Black Moon excited: "Of course I am waiting for you!"


"Looking at you as a prophet, don't say that I didn't give you a chance to surrender the colorful **** stone and the treasure of the ancient king. I will spare you not to die." The black moon eyes are full of contempt, and Luo Tian is not allowed at all. In the eyes.

The strong man in the realm of imperial conscience will naturally not put a warrior in the realm of fantasy.

Luo Tian said: "If I don't pay?"

The black moon had a shock, and the black robe flashed a thick breath. The breath directly blew the grass around his body, and said coldly and coldly: "It doesn't matter if you don't pay it, anyway, the colorful **** stone is on you." As long as you kill, I can get the colorful stone."


"You'd better hand it over!"


He has never seen a colorful stone.

Luo Tian's right hand moved the colorful stone from the space ring and said: "This is the colorful **** stone, don't you want him?"

The eyes of the black moon flashed a fine man, staring at the stone in the hands of Luo Tian, ​​he could clearly sense an unprecedented force, and the pupil moved, saying: "Give it to me."

"Come and take it!"

Luo Tian stretched out.

Black Moon took a hard look at Luo Tian. "You don't have any conspiracy?"

Not the first time to go forward.


Half a second after he finished speaking, he suddenly laughed wildly and said: "What about your waste even if you have a conspiracy? Even if you have the ability to pass the sky is not my opponent, the Phoenix Virgin Plus On the group of **** paladins, all of you are not my opponent."

He is crazy!

Also enough confidence.

This self-confidence and arrogance comes from his absolutely crushed realm of emperor!

Luo Tian smiled and said: "Yes, then what are you afraid of, come over and take it!"

Black Moon eyes squinted and stepped on.

It almost instantly fell on the side of Luo Tian!

Staring at the colorful **** stone in Luo Tian's hand, his expression was slightly nervous. He took the colorful stone in one hand and said excitedly: "The colorful **** stone, the power of creation, I finally got it, hahaha... I finally, finally..."


The stone in his hand is just a shadow.

The colorful **** stone is still above the palm of Luo Tian!

The black moon immediately became angry. "I dare to play with me. I think you are looking for death!"


With a palm of his hand, a powerful force instantly fell.


Luo Tian’s body was directly smashed on the ground, his head was broken, his internal organs were broken, and all the bones on his body were broken.


"Give face a shameless face." Black Moon looked coldly at Luo Tian who was lying on the ground.

His palm is not all.

But it is more than enough to kill a imaginary realm.

In this case, Luo Tian is already dead.

Just as he bent over to smash the colorful stone on the ground, a figure appeared in front of him, his eyes lifted slightly, his eyebrows tightened, then he glanced at the body on the ground, his mouth cornered, and he smiled coldly.

The killing is extremely strong.

He did not go to the colorful stone on the ground, looking at Luo Tian from the hole, said: "I don't think you have this kind of ability, this should be your avatar, the colorful stone is also fake?"


What was just now is the avatar that came out of the mirror of the gods.


"Target lock!"

Luo Tian instantly locked the black moon and then smiled: "The God in your church predicted that I could get the colorful stone. Did the God in your church predict that you will die in my hand?"

"Ha ha ha..."

"just you?!"

“A waste also dares to say this in front of me?”

"If it is not because you have colorful stones on your body, now you are already in front of me like your avatar." Black Moon laughed and said: "Hand over the colorful gods, and then I will make you die decent." ”

Luo Tian's right hand moved and said: "Come and come."


His thoughts moved and he screamed and said, "Prepare!"

"Kelly, your Knights can start to hit."


The deepest part of Pangu Cave.

A group of nine-order peaks and incomparable werewolves, incarnation into a two-meter-high giant wolf, the body of hair such as steel needles, eyes with the original ferocious, body exudes a thick atmosphere, people are taboo.

Karin took out her long sword and pointed at the hole and slammed it, saying: "Shock!!!"

Fifteen wolves fight and move at the same time!


Accelerate, shock out!


Outside the cave.

Luo Tian smiled and said: "I am now giving you a chance to live, sing and conquer, then get out of the Pangu Mountains, and return to your Holy See never to step into the mainland of China. How about? I am generous enough."

"You are looking for death!"

Luo Tian murdered, as a phantom, the speed is like a jump to the side of Luo Tian.

Also at this time.





The entire Pangu Mountains suddenly violently vibrated.

It's like a big earthquake.

The black moon also suddenly stopped, looking at the Pangu Cave behind Luo Tian.

Luo Tian smiled and said: "Do you know what sound?"

at this moment.

Luo Tian is very nervous!

Very nervous.


Black Moon and his distance are too close, and the black moon can kill him before Kelly has yet to rush out, and Luo Tian must faint the black moon at the moment when Kailin rushes out of the hole, otherwise the time Not enough at all.

Black Moon sneered and said: "What kind of voice is it, isn't it the impact of Kailin's Paladin?"

"Do you think that they can live with me because of their waste?"


"They are your dependence?"

"That's too weak!"

The voice fell.

The eyes of the black moon slammed and stunned: "They..."

"Black Moon!"

"Go to hell~www.wuxiaspot.com~ kill!"

Karin took his paladin out of the hole.

Black Moon smiled coldly and said: "How about changing the battle, you can't even get close to me!"

"Bright barrier!"

A light shield barrier is about to be released, so that the Paladin's Paladin, which was released, will immediately hit an iron plate and be instantly disintegrated.


Luo Tian’s fire was released, and he screamed, “One wave will send you to the West!”



Brothers, if you can reach 100 monthly tickets tomorrow, the day after tomorrow Dragon Boat Festival) the old cow will be released in five chapters to everyone, brothers, what are you waiting for, the monthly vote cast! ! ! R1148

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