Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1364: , 1 fist headshot

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"Lotte City Lord?"

"White Road, what kind of joke you are making, Luo Tiancheng is clearly in Yunxiao College, how could he suddenly appear here?" Qin Fu slammed, did not put the words of Bai Dao in mind. ,

Instead, he urged him to say: "You are still doing what you are doing, give me the guys, do you not understand me?"

"Qin Fu, I think you are tired of living."

The pace of the white road accelerated, and it quickly hit, and he said: "I haven't seen the city owner yet!"

He is the governor of the city government.

It is also one of the white disciples who came here with Luo Tian from Lingyun City through Wuliangshan.

He knows to know Luo Tian.


No one has seen Luo Tian in the scene except him.

Everyone is coming to me, I see you, and I didn’t react in the first place. In their hearts, Luo Tianzhuang is like a mountain, and the mighty sea is like a roaring sea. How could it be this weak wind?

Baidao walked to Luo Tian and said with respect and respect: "The patriarch, you are back!"

The sound fell.

Everyone is shocked.

Qin Fu's face turned pale and turned pale.

Luo Tian smiled lightly and said: "Let's take a look."

"White to the east?"


Luo Tian glanced coldly at Qin Fu, and said coldly: "I don't want to see him again in the city of nowhere."

Then strode into the city government.

Qin Fu body a span, directly shocked in place, his face turned white, the body trembled and said: "No, no, Luo Tiancheng is clearly in Yunxiao College, how could it suddenly come back, impossible It must have been mistaken."

Bai Dao’s face sighed and said: “Come, come and give me him!”

The guards of the city's main government immediately took the opportunity to marry Qin Fu who was scared.

The crotch is wet and instantly scares the urine.

Also in an instant.

Qin Fu suddenly broke free and rushed directly into the city government. He shouted loudly: "Sister husband rescued me, my brother-in-law rescued me, my brother-in-law..."

Luo Tian's eyebrows are lightly wrinkled.

at this time.

Two people came out of the city government.

One of them is Bai Xiangdong, and he is surrounded by the East.

Bai Xiangdong sighed coldly and said: "What are you panicking in this infinite city, who dares to move you? I don't think he wants to live."

Luo Tian is not the city owner of the Immaculate City, the landlord.

He can cover the sky with one hand.

So, after Luo Tian left here, he forced the most beautiful woman in the city.

When Qin Fu saw that Bai Xiangdong came out like a life-saving straw, he said aloud: "Sister-in-law, that is, he wants to kill me. He is still a spy from the Deng family sent by Lingyun City."

Said, pointing to Luo Tian who slowly came up.

Bai Xiangdong’s face changed slightly. “Small? I want to kill you. Whoever dares to be so arrogant in my territory, I think he is looking for death.”


Luo Tianwei smiled and said: "I!"

Looking at the sound, Bai Xiangdong’s face is extremely disappointing!

The body trembled.

Some of them are unstable and their faces are slightly white, and they say: "Luo Tian, ​​Luo Tian, ​​the city owner, the city owner, the adult,"

Qin Fu’s face is changed again, and there is still a trace of luck in the heart, but now... even the brother-in-law said that he is the owner of Luo Tiancheng, then there will be no mistakes, his heart is dead, but... he did not give up. .

Immediately voiced to Bai Xiangdong: "Brother, his repair is not strong, you can take him down in the instant of repair, Luo Tianyi died, you are the real master of this city."

months ago.

Luo Tian’s cultivation is not as white as Dong Gao.


Luo Tian’s body is very weak now, and the group of them are exhausted and their expressions are very embarrassing.

Bai Xiangdong’s eyebrows were tight, and a slap in the face of Qin Fu’s face. “You’ve got a dog’s eye, even the city’s adults don’t know, you’re really tired.”


Qin Fu slaps his eyes and is staring at Venus.


He was not afraid, but instead showed a hint of insidious smug in his eyes.

Luo Tian looked at Bai Xiangdong who came up and shook his head and smiled.

Bai Xiangdong went to Luo Tian and said quickly: "The patriarch, why don't you tell me when you come back, I will go to meet you, where did you come from?"

Luo Tian said: "I just came back from the expedition of the mountains, and I will come back and see."


Bai Xiangdong’s meaningful ‘oh’, then asked: “Are they all students at Yunxiao College?”

"Not at all."

"First find a place to rest and rest for them." Luo Tian deliberately said this, and at the same time he looked into the distant East, the East blinked and moved a little.

Bai Xiangdong said: "I will arrange it immediately. You are going to Wuliangshan this time..."

Luo Tian waited for him to finish, said: "We encountered a nine-order monster, we suffered heavy damage, let's arrange it."

“The damage is heavy?”

Bai Xiangdong said a long-speaking self-speaking sentence, and then the double fists under the sleeves slammed tightly. The mind kept thinking about what Qin Fu said just now. "Kill him, I am the city owner of Wuliangcheng, I am here. Emperor, why should I listen to a broken waste from Dantian?

"The city of mass is managed by me. What is he counting? Why do you order me?"

"His mother!"

"The rich and the dangerous, the current Luo Tian must be exhausted, and ... he is definitely not good at playing against the sea in Yunxiao City. In the past few months, I am afraid that I have not made any progress in repairing it?"

After this village, there is no such store.

White Xiangdong’s brain is turning wildly.

At last!

He made a choice.

Double fists and moves, directly sacrificed the killings, condensed a yellowish spirit on the fists, double fists like thunder, heavy bangs on Luo Tian's head, coldly screamed, said: "Luo Tian, ​​you are going to die Let's go."

As long as he killed Luo Tian, ​​he is the real infinite city owner.

Everything is his.

Qin Fu also stood up and his face showed a smug smile. "Ha ha ha... dog stuff, this is my brother-in-law's heavenly exercises, you are ready to die."

He smiled.

Laughing very proud.

The eyes could not help but look at the saint, revealing a sinister smile.


Between this lightning.

A phantom suddenly burst out.


A dull crash sounded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then a body flew out like a straight line, hitting the courtyard wall of the city's main house, crashing the wall, and then moving to the phantom, falling on Qin Fu In front of him, his face still smirked.

The smile suddenly settled in one place.

"I said, you are dead!"

The voice fell.

Luo Tian punched his head and kicked it out.

Surrounded by a sudden silence.


Luo Tian will explode the fifth-order repair of Wan Hua, and the whole city is quiet!


I came back very late today, the first chapter is offered, and there is an update before 12 o'clock! R1148

The fastest update, no pop-up window please.

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