Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1365: , night raid

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Instant spike.

Bai Xiangdong died.

Qin Fu is also dead.

Luo Tian’s domineering caused everyone in the city’s capital to be shocked.

The eyes of the disciples on the martial arts are all excited.

"He is the city owner?!"


"It's really too strong. I even shot Bai Xiangdong to the second, and I couldn't see the action of his move. It was too strong."

"You look at the people behind the city, and the breath of each of them is full of compelling killings, people dare not approach, these people's cultivation is affirmation of high horror."


There are many discussions around.

Luo Tian turned and said slightly: "My name is Luo Tian. Maybe you have never seen me, but... What I want to say is that this Wuliang City is the territory of my Luotian, the territory of the brothers of the White House, not someone. Unique, even dare to attack me, it seems that the rich and gorgeous life of these months has made some people forget what happened before."

The sound was shocked.

People in the whole city of Wuliang have heard it.

Especially the white disciples who came here with Luo Tian.

The heart of each of them is a glimpse.

It’s the same as suffering, but... it’s hard to enjoy the rich.

This is the case with Bai Xiangdong.

Baidao immediately said to the disciples: "I still don't see the city owner."


Those disciples brushed their knees and said in unison: "See the master of the city."

Originally, Luo Tian didn't want them to kneel down, but at this time he had to have his own prestige, and he thought that the brother who was born and died with him in just a few months turned out to be like this.

Luo Tian’s heart is a bit cold.


He didn't have the heart to manage this now, and said to Bai Dao: "Call the disciples who left the White House in the Immaculate City!"

Baidao immediately said: "Follow, patriarch, those who are closed?"

"All!" Luo Tian gave a drink.

Baidao quickly said: "I will go."


A little white to the east would dare to do so, Luo Tian no matter what other people think, but those who have such an idea must be shocked, they are only Bai family second-rate disciples, those who have super talents mixed into the king's forces, Bai Shi disciples ?

Have their hearts changed now?

Unpredictable people.

People can't see anyone.

Even if your cultivation is higher, even the creation **** can't see the heart.


ten minutes later.

The main hall of the city.

More than 20 Baijia disciples were summoned.

Their cultivation has made great progress, all because of the talent conversion of the infinite sect.

They looked at Luo Tian's eyes full of shock.

Luo Tian looked at the East and said: "Uncle Dong, tell us about the situation of Lingyun City Dengjia."

He did not say anything about Bai Xiangdong.

Hearing what he said about Lingyun Cheng’s family, some of his white disciples’ faces were slightly better.

It’s not that Luo Tian doesn’t want to pursue it.

If this matter is pursued, there must be a lot of people to be involved. He promised that the white house will rise, and he will certainly take care of the white family who followed his disciples. Luo Tian is reading the old feelings.

The Oriental 朔 朔 朔 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔

"Mountains and seas, the second-rate power in the Mozu."

"It should be a platinum power."

"This time I don't know where a super-powerful demon is coming from. I have rumors that he is the strongest in the realm of Emperor Zun. It took him less than an hour to control the whole mountain and sea magic. ""

"And... Shanhai Mozong responded on the same day and instantly slaughtered the streets of several million people around the city. The scene was terrible. The next city to be looted is likely to be our infinite city, because it can drive straight into the cloud. Yucheng, I am worried... the purpose of the demon supreme is Yunxiaocheng."

These things have only happened in recent days.

Dongfang’s arrival in Wuliangcheng did not grasp the real power.


Bai Xiangdong did not take him seriously.

He just mentioned this thing with Bai Xiangdong, but Bai Xiangdong did not pay attention to it.

Luo Tian nodded and said: "What do you think?"

"What do you think of it?"

He wants to know what these people are thinking.

"Mountains and seas are too powerful. We are nothing but gold forces. It is difficult to deal with the Deng family in Lingyun City. If the mountains and seas are the magic, we have no chance of winning."


"Shan Hai Mo Zong has another demon supreme sitting in the town. If you anger him, I am worried that our infinite city will be as **** as other cities. What we have done in the past few months is in vain."

"The patriarch, let's get out of here?"

"No, this is the place where the patriarchs can't easily fight. How can we give up? Where can we go when we give up the city of masslessness? We are gone, what about the people of Wuliangcheng? Have you thought about their end?"

"I can't keep myself and I have to take care of others to die?"

"The city is gone, we can go grab it again."

"If you don't have a life, you will have nothing."


Many white disciples talked about it and finally argued directly.

Repair is a lot better!


Their courage has become smaller.


Luo Tian saw Xu Feng at the gate of the city and could not help but say to him: "Xu Tongling, you talk about it."

The city gate commander, otherwise he is not qualified to stand here.

There was a sudden silence in the hall, and all eyes were on Xu Feng. Many white disciples had a sneer on their faces.

Xu Feng is also nervous. If it is not Luo Tian, ​​he will not stand here. He will look at the amnesty in many infinite cities. He forced himself to calm down and swallowed his throat: "I don't know..."

"Ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

"You can know a little city commander."



The white disciple got up.

Luo Tian was a little displeased, his voice shook and he said: "If you have any idea, let's talk boldly."

Xu Feng bit his teeth and also went out. He said: "I don't know the strength of the city's cultivation. If there is enough strength, it is better to take the lead and first remove the Deng family from Lingyun City. And then attack the Shanhai Mozong at the speed of lightning, and hit it awkward..."

Not waiting for him to finish, everyone laughed again.

"Lingyun City has the strongest of the Shanhai Mozong sitting in the town ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is it that you want to eradicate it?"

"You are asking someone to die."

"Don't talk about eradicating Deng's family. You can't even get out of the mountains."


Luo Tian’s heart was a cold, but he smiled at Xu Feng and said: “From today, you are the leader of Wuliangcheng.”

"I accepted your proposal."

"Starting action at night, the Battle of Lightning removes the Deng family and avenges the dead white disciples!"


There is still a chapter to add to the update, and today it is estimated that it will not be written.

Tomorrow will make up for today's plus.

The old cow is sorry! R1148

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