Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1372: , Wan Ying arrow method

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"Roll your mother!"

Huang Wanjian’s words were not finished.

In the jungle, two people came out slowly.

Liu war directly recited aloud.

When Luo Tian and two people came out, Huang Wanjian’s expression became colder and colder. He said coldly and coldly: “You two will die here today, not to mention that you are a student of Yunxiao College, even if you are the king of heaven today. Got dead!"

Angry to the extreme!

Luo Tian sneered and said: "Everyone said this to me. Just now your disciple is, Deng Leigong is also, now we are living well, but... they are just like you said ,died!"

The voice is mocking.

Huang Wanjian is even more angry.

The face is purple, "Boy, I hope that your cultivation is as powerful as your mouth. When I am in the mountains and seas, I still dare to be so arrogant, you are really tired."

Luo Tian smiled: "It's not me who is tired, but you!"

"As a demon, it is a collusion."

"The devils are all stunned, but you send the mountains and seas to the magical sects, killing several cities around you, killing and innocent people, millions, Huang Wanjian, you are really alive." Luo Tian is getting colder and colder. .

Several cities around the city like Lingyun City have flowed into the river, and millions of lives have been slaughtered.

If it is not Lingyun City, it is the subsidiary force of Shanhai Mozong, I am afraid it will not escape.

These Luotian can be ignored.


He can't leave it without the city.

As Deng Leigong said, as long as the city of Wuliang is taken down, they will be able to drive into the city of Yunxiao based on the city of masslessness. Everything else can be, but it will not work to destroy his infinite city!

Huang Wanjian’s face was cold.


Now Mozong has removed his Shanhai Mozong in the Mozong, and has been discussing him.

Not to mention the Zongmen.

The Shanhai Mozong has become the target of public criticism, but... Huang Wanjian has no regrets, and the person who knows the time is Junjie. As long as he has seen the demon Supreme, he will choose to stand on the side with the demon.


Only then can we live.

He believes that the last laugh is definitely a demon!


Huang Wanjian smiled coldly and said: "Listen to your tone, as if you were sent by Yunxiao Academy to crusade me?"

Luo Tiandao: "You don't have to send anyone to crusade."

In my heart, I said: "Ghosts have the time to attack you. If you want to move the city without money, Laozi does not have the leisure to talk with you here. The day after the election is about to start, Laozi is still very weak here, and it is a bit of a pain!"

Huang Wanjian smiled and said: "Well, you are the first to crusade my mountain and sea magic, I began to think that you are only revenge on the homeowners of Lingyun City. Now it seems that you are coming to my mountain and sea magic. ""

Some of the Liu wars on the side are impatient, "I don't want to be stunned, we are coming to your dog's life, let's play!"

"My arrow is already hungry and thirsty."

An old man next to Huang Wanjian’s eyes was angry and rushed out and shouted: “Little fat scorpion, I think you are looking for death!”

A magical hand.

There are thousands of palm prints in the air, and each palm print is as true as it is.

The whole body of Liu Zhan was sealed.

Do not give him any space to retreat, just... He did not think that Liu Zhan would have no idea of ​​retreating. Zhang bowed his arrows, the strings were full of moons, and he was not in a hurry. His eyes suddenly lifted and flashed a fine mans.

Between the flashes.

Two fingers are loose.

An arrow goes out.

"The Shadow of the Shadows!"

The arrow that shot out suddenly turned into tens of thousands of arrows, and each arrow was also substantial.





A piece of black pressure.

These arrows all contain a thick bow and arrow blood with elemental attributes.

"Thousands of palm prints sealed the old man?"

"Then you will try Laozi's Wan Ying arrow." Liu Zhan buckled his nose and popped his nose. He grinned and said: "Give me a burst!"

The 10,000 arrows in the sky exploded in an instant.





Thousands of palm prints are gone.

There are more than 9,000 arrows pointing toward one point and quickly gathering.

Between the blink of an eye.

Turned into a huge arrow, like a towering arrow, shot directly.


The old man turned pale and frightened and retired. He had never encountered such a strange archery. He had to escape with the ghost, but... his speed was too slow.

"Sovereign, save me, save me..."

"Save me..."



A loud bang, the huge arrow directly shot his body into the mud, directly buried!


Luo Tian slightly glimpsed, the heart secretly said: "I can't think of the fat man this month to repair a lot of improvement, the archery is more and more superb, the control of the elements is even more innocent, it seems that after awakening the bow and arrow blood, He will become more aggressive."

It is really looking forward to it.

Luo Tian is making progress.

The same is true of Liu Fatzi. On the surface, he has never stopped practicing. In the past, he was a cultivation madman. Now he is a hundred times more crazy than before. He also knows how he can keep up with Luo Tian if he does not work hard. The footsteps?

I will only become the burden of Luo Tian.

He doesn't want this!

He wants to follow Luo Tian, ​​because Luo Tian brings him a different life!

Liu wars the domineering and said: "Mom has a bazi, called Laozi chubby scorpion, Laozi fat? I am only a little swollen body, how can you call fat? How can this young man so handsome man fat? ”

Huang Wanjian has a cold eye, "useless waste!"

"The face of the mountain sea magic sect is thrown away for you."

It’s also the elder of the mountain sea magic.

It’s just dead!

Is this too shameful?

Luo Tian looked at Huang Wanjian and said: "Don't be embarrassed. It's time to send you on the road, but... Before I send you on the road, I would like to ask, the mountains and seas are dead so many people. So, did you see that demon supreme?"

It’s time to come out!

Huang Wanjian sneered and said: "Where is this waste you are qualified to see the Supreme Master? Kid, you make me angry, very angry, there is only one end that irritates me..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Luo Tian thought of a move, "lock!"

Immediately ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the system sounds a tone.


"Target lock!"

After hearing the system prompt, Luo Tian said nothing, sinking and drinking, said: "God burst!"

The spike property is doubled.

Luo Tian looked at Huang Wanjian, who was still stunned, and said, "You will give me a roll to go to hell!"


"Give me a blow!"


The monthly ticket, the monthly ticket, the end of the month, the old cow does not want the chrysanthemum to be blasted one after another, brothers, as well as the monthly ticket, please support the old bull! R1148

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