Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1373: , Supreme 9 Snake King

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Shenhuo preparation!

There are no considerations.

Boom you a shot!

Luo Tian took a heart and shot the fire directly.

Huang Wanjian sneered with a sneer, "I can use this kind of non-attacking fire system. Is there no better way to teach you to Yunxiao Academy? Today, I will let you know what is called fire system." law."

"Gengyang nine changes!"

Huang Wanjian’s body suddenly released a hot flame.

The flame forms nine pythons.

With a squint, it’s just a drink for Luo Tian. "Give me tears."





The flame python flew out.


At this moment, the attack of the fire has arrived.

Luo Tianmei is a tight heart.

The pace suddenly changed, and it quickly rushed out. Without releasing blood power, without using any magic weapon, he wanted to see if his strength could kill Huang Wanjian in the realm of the Holy Spirit.

When the fire is over, the second kill will also interrupt Huang Wanjian’s nine fireworks and cause a short fainting.

and so.

Luo Tian is not worried about the nine fire attacks, the speed is surprisingly fast, and the double fists are secretly clenched.


What happened to him was unexpected.

The fire of God fell.

Huang Wanjian’s eyebrows are shocked. “So what can be such a low flame?”

When the words have not been finished, his face suddenly changes, the body is extremely hot, this kind of blazing heat is completely different from the temperament of his cultivation. The internal organs are burning, constantly burning everything in his body. Exhausted.

The skin is cracking.

There is a swell in the cracks.

In just a few seconds, Huang Wanjian became a fireman.

"Hey... actually triggered the spike?!" Luo Tian had some accidents. He hadn’t triggered it once in this month. He couldn’t think of being met by the lord of Shanhai Mozong. He could only say that he didn’t go to the Huangli, he should be unlucky. It is.

"How could this be……"

"what is this?"

"What did you do to me?"


Huang Wanjian shouted in horror, the flame entered his sea of ​​knowledge, burning his knowledge of the sea, he was extremely scared, and finally shouted loudly, "Supreme adults save me, supreme adults ... supreme adults ... fast, fast ,, save me."

The sky is suddenly dark!

Luo Tian's face changed slightly and became very careful.

Liu Zhan also quickly moved closer to Luo Tian, ​​saying: "There is a strong devil's breath, I am afraid that the demon supreme has appeared."

Everything around it became bleak, like being crushed by some powerful force.

Luo Tian’s mind is also the same, inexplicably irritated, and his body’s “God of Heaven” began to vibrate violently, and Luo Tian was more sure which demon lord came.

Huang Wanjian became a fireman and fled everywhere. He shouted for help: "Supreme Lord, save me..."


A black shadow fell.

The snake head, the human body, the black scales, the hands like claws, the eyes are green, and the black evil flames are emitted from the whole body, which is very compelling.

Nine Snake King!

Demon Supreme!

It used to be one of the Eight Great Masters of the King of the Ancients, and was killed by the strong men of the eight peaks of the Emperor.

As soon as he appeared, Luo Tian felt that breathing was difficult.

The green pupil of the Nine Snake King jerked up and stared at Luo Tian.

In an instant.

Luo Tian’s eyes were dull and instantly dimmed.

Fantasy Fairy immediately released a force directly into Luo Tian's knowledge of the sea. "Guarding the heart, the guy has a very powerful force, be careful, don't look at his eyes, or you will be controlled by him. live."

The power of Fantasy Fairy forced the power of the Nine Snake King to force Luo Tian to understand the sea. Luo Tian regained consciousness and immediately closed his eyes and looked away. He said to Liu Zhan: "Don't look into his eyes!"



"You are the first person to escape my power. I once said that if anyone can escape my arrogance, I will give him a chance to loyal to me." The sharp snake's tongue flickers gently. Come out, the body reveals the power of evil.

Huang Wanjian, not far from him, is still dead and still struggling.

He didn't even look at it, showing an evil smile to Luo Tiandao: "How? If you nod, you are the new master of the mountains and seas, you will get everything you want, and a cloud school can't stop it. I, no one in the entire mainland of China can stop me. When I find the devil, the whole ancient continent is ours. The one who kills our great demon Lord will be hurt by the eternal destruction. His soul will Forever a slave to the demon, you can't live forever!"


His eyes are full of excitement.

He did not know that Luo Tian in front of him was the murderer who killed their magic master.

"Supreme, adult, save me..." Huang Wanjian has been kneeling on the ground, still crawling toward the side of the Nine Serpent King.

Nine snake king's eyebrows, "useless waste."

An evil arrogance is bombarded like a ghost.


Huang Wanjian’s body disappeared instantly, only to hear a cry of devilish cry in the depths of the ground, and finally there was no more sound.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Luo Tian’ to kill ‘Huang Wanjian’ to gain experience...”


Luo Tian’s mind sounded a tone and exploded a few good things.


He has no thoughts about what Huang Wanjian broke out now, but all his attention is trying to figure out **** the Nine Snake King, because the purple snake BOSS shines on the Nine Snake King, and then...

Luo Tianqi’s task of killing evil spirits is only one year.

Since it happened!


How can I find a way to kill him?

The snake letter of the Nine Snake King spit out like lightning, looked at Luo Tian in contemplation, smiled softly and said: "You only have one chance, missed it, then you just want the waste just disappeared in this world forever. You have to think about it."

He is a demon supreme with a small number of mainland China.

He needs to expand his power to prepare for the discovery of the devil.

A demon army gathered together, and no one in the ancient continent could resist them.

This is why he has to control the mountains and seas.

Luo Tian's eyes lifted gently ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to avoid the eyes of the Nine Serpent King, smiled gently: "My choice is..."

The voice fell.

Luo Tian's pace is approaching rapid, the black dragon sword in his hand smashes the void, and a sword smashes up and sinks: "My choice is to send you to hell."

The Nine Snake King was a glimpse, and the expression of the Black Dragon Excalibur in Luo Tian’s hand immediately became stunned. “How can the gods on the Lord be in your hands? Is it... Is it that you killed the Lord?? ?"



"No matter what, you have to die!"


If you like this novel, you can take a look at the old man's novel "Invincible Upgrade"!

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