Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1403: , 4 doors, 4 worlds...

A group of people entered.

After a brief darkness, the glare is glaring.

Luo Tian blocked his eyes and the breath was released instantly.


The Gorefiend King said in an instant, "Weird, why not?"

Here he is the highest and the most inductive. At the moment he is down, the breath is scattered in every corner of the 18th floor. He is protecting Luo Tian and protecting himself. He must be careful when he goes out alive.

And still can't let Luo Tian die.

When Luo Tianyi dies, his life must follow Hell. This is the power of the contract.

Xiaobai said: "There is no one, I can't feel it."

Luo Tianhe met with the glare here, and he first said: "How is there nothing? Impossible, the ancient book records that the 18th floor of the reincarnation is the most dangerous, and the strong person who does not consolidate the godhead can not enter, otherwise It will be overwhelmed."

Luo Tian carefully observed the surroundings, it is like a unique secret.

Except for the glare that doesn't know where it comes from, there is nothing left.

There is neither the guardian of the god-level powerhouse nor the spiritual treasure left by the phoenix true fairy.

Luo Tian is somewhat disappointed.

After observing for a while, I did not find a special place. I couldn’t help but ask: “Which ancient book you said is an ancient book, who compiled it?”

"The reincarnation cage is made by the ancestors. As long as the disciples of the Phoenix Tianshan can't complete it, and they don't meet the rules of the Phoenix Tianshan, they can reincarnate. Once they have passed, today, women must do their best to help her finish her. What needs to be done, this is the inheritance of the Phoenix Tianshan." He said in detail, "The reincarnation cage is the ancestor refining, should the ancient book be compiled by her?"

She is also not sure.

Luo Tian looked at her, her nose was sour, said: "How silly you are, stupid than your sister, you took me into the reincarnation cage, just want to pass it to let the goddess save me? Too stupid ""


I was blushing at the moment and immediately denied: "I don't want to save you."


She changed her mouth again: "If I don't look at my sister's face, I won't save you. Right, how do you know my sister, my sister, is she okay? I miss her."

Even Luo Tian is not her brother-in-law.

As usual, he will save his life.

Love can make anyone stupid!

She is a little girl who opened her heart. Once she is determined to go in the fire and go to the sea, she really doesn't think so much.

This is exactly the same as Li Xueer.

Luo Tian smiled a little and said faintly: "She is very good, very good."

Under the sleeves, the fists clenched fiercely. For a long time, even the formula of the poisonous antidote did not know. Now even the fantasy fairy disappeared. How can he be worthy of Cher, how can he be worthy of fantasy fairy?


芊芊Gently ‘oh’, “Well, you dare not be good to my sister, I can’t spare you.”

"the host……"

Just at this time.

The Gorefiend suddenly shouted, "There is discovery!"


Luo Tian quickly ran over and said: "What did you find?"

The Gorefiend King pointed to a hole in front of the house and said: "Look, turn back to the hole!"

"It's really."

"Is there a reincarnation on the 19th floor?"

"No way?"

In the distance, there is a humble mountain. There is a hole in the middle of the mountainside. The glare is flashing out of the cave. The Gorefiend wants to go out, so he looks around and finds the reincarnation hole first.

"Reincarnation hole!"

A group of Luo Tian people stood in the hole and looked at the glare of the hole. They couldn’t see anything. "All come, no matter what, you can only go in."

There is no other choice.

Otherwise, they will not go out.

"Be careful."

"Blood King, you open the way, go slower, and be careful." Luo Tianyi said, to Xiao Baidao: "Little white, behind your temple, there must be weird in this hole, we must be very careful."

It is impossible to have nothing on the 18th floor of the cycle.


Two behemoths, one before, one guarded.

Luo Tian and He walked in the middle. "Hey, what is recorded in the ancient book? We only rely on the ancient book you have seen."

When I first read this book, I didn’t pay much attention to it. I only knew about the reincarnation cage. I said a little: “I don’t know much. The records in the ancient books are also introduced to the guardian beasts on each floor, but... ...from the beginning of the first layer, I feel weird, and what does 'recurrent' mean? I don't understand, is it a rebirth? Or a new life, or something else?"

This kind of brainstorming thing is what Luo Tian hates most.

He woke up on the fourteenth floor, had little knowledge of the reincarnation cage, and... he also went through more time to pay attention to what reincarnation.

The group has been walking.

The passage in the cave slowly grows larger, and in the end it is like another hole in the world.

It took about half an hour to walk.

Also came to the most spacious place in the cave.

A stone table.

Four stone benches.

There is a set of tea set on the stone table. The tea set is covered with a thick layer of dust. There are four rooms behind the stone table. There are four strange runes on the door of the room. What do you mean.

Luo Tian wiped it on the stone table and said: "The dust on the stone table may have been cleaned for hundreds of years. It seems that there is really nothing in the 18th floor of this round. Now I can only watch it. These four rooms are up."

"Hey, do you know what the runes on the door are?"

There is one character on each door.

This character Luo Tian has never seen it.

He shook his head and said: "I have never seen it. I have studied the texts of the ancient continent. I also know some of the runes on various arrays, but I have never seen these characters, and four on the altar. The runes on the stone columns are different."

Luo Tian walked in and looked at it carefully. Some were familiar, but I couldn’t remember it for a while.

Two people, one demon, one beast.

Just four rooms.

Is this a coincidence?

what is this else?


"No way?"

Suddenly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Luo Tian's eyes glanced, some horrified said: "ABD, I said how familiar is it, it turned out to be these four letters, but how come the English letters on the earth? Phoenix Is it true that the fairy has been to the earth?"

I have never been there, and he has no thoughts about it now.


Four rooms are equal to a multiple choice question.

Luo Tian was a student of scum, and he was ignorant of reading. Now there is a multiple-choice question in front of him. "According to common sense, the probability of B and is a little bigger. I X, give me a choice, and give me a question. Otherwise let me choose."

Just at this time.

Xiaobai pushed forward the second door, and when he wanted to talk, the body was directly involved in it...


Chapter VII! ! ! 1148

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