Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1404: You want to use force...

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The moment to open the door.

Xiaobai was directly involved in it.

The cultivation of the semi-god realm has not even reacted!

The moment the white was taken in, the door of the room was instantly closed.

Luo Tian first rushed up and wanted to open the door, but he couldn’t open it. "Little white, white..."

I shouted a few words and did not respond at all.

"what's the situation?"

"Can this door only be opened for the first time?"

The Gorefiend King tried his best to open the door but could not open it.


Luo Tian took a step back and looked up at the four rooms: "This is not a **** choice question. This is specially designed for us. From the time of entering the reincarnation cage, there are four doors and the blood demon king. Also counted in."


It is the starting point and the ending point.


Luo Tian has some understanding.

I also seem to understand, and then said: "You mean, from the first level we entered, the second floor to the current eighteen layers have been designed?"

Luo Tian nodded and said: "It should be like this. What is waiting for us in the room, we can't know, but we have to endure a round of sharpness, otherwise we can't afford it. These four rooms are for us."

"One person can only enter one room."

"Hey, Goreby, you choose first."

The Gorefiend is somewhat worried, because he has seen the means of Phoenix, and he promised that she will be guarded on the seventeenth floor. He will not let anyone enter the 18th floor. Now he has not done it. How will Phoenix really be to him?

Luo Tian saw the fear in his heart and smiled: "All this is expected in the Phoenix Immortal, don't worry too much, you must believe in yourself, but also believe in me, choose."

The Gorefiend took the scalp forward and said, "Then I will choose the last one. I am the last one to follow you. I will choose the fourth room."


He stepped forward and snorted, "It will last forever."

At the moment when the door was opened, the body was sucked into the room, and the door ‘砰’ slammed shut.

Now only Luo Tianhe is left.

"Oh, no matter what happens inside, you must protect yourself." Luo Tianyi said.

He also smiled and said: "No matter what happens, don't forget me, hehe..."


She went to the third door, pulled open, went in, and her back disappeared, the door closed.

"There is only A!"


"I have never been acquainted with A. This time... God bless you." Luo Tian laughed at himself with a smile, striding forward, guarding the mind, moving the sea, the power of the blood of the four gods. Used for defense.


A thunder was heard in the ear.

When the door opened, a force dragged him directly into it, and his heart screamed. All the defensive forces in his body were instantly disintegrated and completely resisted. This kind of power is stronger than the power released by the prince of the sea. many.

That being the case.

Luo Tian is not going to defend. In the face of this kind of power, even if he defends again, it is useless.


A loud noise.

Luo Tian’s consciousness recovered.

A phantom appeared in front of him.

"You are very strange!"

"So far, you are the strangest person I have ever seen. You don't belong to the ancient continent, nor belong to the heavenly continent. The cultivation of the illusionary realm has no power at all. This is the origin of the heavenly plane of the native continent. The military is not normal, so you are not a warrior on the Tian Xuan mainland. I am very curious about where you came from?" Xu Ying said slowly to Luo Tian.

Stared by this illusion.

Luo Tian feels very uncomfortable, just like he is in the same body.

Any warrior of the original mainland will have its own power, and Luo Tian’s body does not.

Of course he doesn't have it.

Because his soul comes from the earth, the earth is his original continent, even if he lived in the Tian Xuan mainland for a long time, he could not absorb the power of the source.

Luo Tiandao: "What is the power of the source? What is the origin of the mainland, I don't even know what these are."

"Ha ha……"

The ghost shadow smiled lightly and said faintly: "Since you refuse to say it, I don't force it. You must have a special place for a man to enter the reincarnation cage. You can't even use the first layer of your cultivation. But you actually appeared here, have to say, you are really special, your life is special, your cultivation is special, the strange energy body in your brain is more special, these are things I have never seen before. ""

It’s really being seen.

If the shadow is a man, it will be considered.

But this illusion is a woman.

When he talked about a group of energy bodies, Luo Tian first thought of fantasy fairy, but immediately thought that she had disappeared in the body, there is only one possibility, the energy body of virtual shadow should be unbeaten system!

This discovery made Luo Tian even more shocked.

Luo Tian said slightly: "Predecessors, you brought me in, don't you tell me this?"

"Ha ha ha..."

"Nature is not, I am just curious about you." The phantom smiled and said: "Well, I don't talk much about nonsense. Since you can get here, it is a fate."

"How about this."

"I need a drop of blood on your body. In return, I will give you a divine power. This power can keep you alive. How do you see it?"

A drop of blood for a divine power?

Is there such a good deal in the sky?

Luo Tian immediately shook his head: "Thank you for the good intentions of the predecessors, I have a lot of blood along the way, any blood is very important to me, so, forget it, you can just send me out."


Very decisive rejection.

This made it impossible to get a virtual shadow.

"Do you think you have a choice?" The voice of the virtual shadow suddenly became cold.

Luo Tian was shocked and said: "Predecessors, do you want to use force?"

"Ha ha ha..."

"If you are like this, you will dare to talk to me about 'moving the martial arts'. Do you think you have that qualification?" said the illusion, and then said in a gloomy voice: "Give you another chance and give me honesty." Give your blood out, otherwise ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I want you to fly away!"


Luo Tian brows tightly, ", the soul is flying, is it right? Is Laozi so bully?"

Also at this moment. ,

A tone sounds in my mind.


"Target lock..."

In this moment.

"Give ten more chances is also an answer. I want the blood of Laozi, it is impossible!" Luo Tian's right hand moved directly to the fire of the gods, and the pace moved, followed by the trajectory of the fire, and screamed. Road: "I want to see who is the first to fly!"


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