Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1435: , the ultimate BOS...

Not a biological daughter?

bastard? !

When I said these words from the mouth of the violet, Luo Tian was very angry.

I looked at Li Xueer, who was dull.

Luo Tian’s voice suddenly disappeared. The next second fell in front of the violets. One hand grabbed the throat of Violet, and Luo Tian took murderousness. He said, “Let me die!”

Violet is not afraid.

But looking at Luo Tian with a sneer, said: "You killed me, you killed me, Cher will blame you for a lifetime, she is now in the soul, I just said what she did not hear, you Killing me, she will hate you for a lifetime, hahaha..."

"You kill!"

"You kill, hahaha..."


Violet counts everything.

Otherwise she would not dare to say it.

It was purely accidental that Li Xueer was accidental. Her daughter could not stand the bumps and died on the way because she fled. She was heartbroken. When she entered the Ghost Mountain, she even found this white girl like a snow, holy snow.

The little girl fell asleep, and when she hugged her, she opened her eyes.

In this moment.

A phoenix shadow on her body rushed into the sky, making a screaming phoenix.

Also in this moment.

The blood of the phoenix was born.

Violet had been seriously injured at the beginning, and then she was secretly excited. This girl will definitely be a disappointing person in the future. She will definitely reach a terrible realm, but she can't escape with her.

It happened to meet Luo Haoran who went to the mountains to find the grass.

It is Luo Tian’s father.

Give it to him. Then I will leave quickly.

Later, Violet returned to Yushan City and took Li Xueer back to the Temple of the Soul.

Because of Li Xueer's reason.

Violet elders from a small outer door. Suddenly she was promoted to the deputy lord of the Soul Hall, and she was fully convinced that it made her very satisfied. My heart was also very clear that it all had a great relationship with Li Xueer.


She wants to get more. When the Tibetan **** Tianlong of the Emperor Xianzong came to the door, she promised that she didn't even think about it. She thought that the real dragon is her son-in-law. The female phoenix is ​​her own daughter. Who can incite her position in this world?


She always looked forward to the day when Li Xueer and Murong Wanjian got married. When they get married, she is the mother of the Tian Xuan mainland, the most powerful person in this plane!


The appearance of Luo Tian disturbed everything she had.

She hates!

Very hateful, hateful.

It is now like this. Her heart hated Luo Tian even more. It was Luo Tian who took everything she had belonged to. It was Luo Tian who made her a bad woman.

She can't get what she wants, and others can't think of it.

Looking at the hesitation in Luo Tian’s eyes, she smiled and laughed proudly. “Ha ha ha... Luo Tian, ​​you dare not, kill me. There will always be a knot in Cher’s heart. The two of you are always separated by a thing, hahaha..."


A smirk of laughter.

The faces of the people around him have all changed.

Unbelievably ugly.

but. No one has spoken.

Cold frost did not speak, Qin Yueer did not speak, even the An Chunchun who had been active was silent.

As the violet said.

If Luo Tian killed the violet, Li Xueer’s heart would have a knot. This knot may be a knot that can never be solved. Even everyone said that Violet is not her biological mother. But when she grew up, she took Violet as her biological mother, can she believe it?

The more you say. On the contrary, it will be counterproductive.

This is clear to everyone.

The soul king looked at the violet. For the first time, I thought this woman was very amazing. The corner of her mouth was not a smile. She said: "Luo Tian, ​​for Li Xueer, you better still know something interesting, otherwise... you can’t get her body. I can't get her heart either."

“Not as good as we do a deal?”

"I can help you with the soul poison, but you have to take orders from me. We join forces to rule this continent. I know that your heart is not here. As long as you help me rule this continent, I will let Li Xueer let go. Go to a higher plane."

"how is it?"

The soul king is excited.

He now knows Luo Tian's weakness.

His weakest place is Li Xueer. As long as he controls Li Xueer, he can control Luo Tian.

It is so great!

The soul king couldn’t help but be happy. As long as Luo Tian used it for him, it was only a matter of time to slash this continent. He was the master of Tian Xuan’s mainland. When he came to mind, his heart became more and more excited.


Luo Tian's expression became very cold, very cold, very cold, and the corner of his mouth was slightly hooked, showing the sneer of death, looking at the violet, saying: "Do you think I dare not kill you? You think I will care about Cher's heart. Do you have a knot?"

"you are wrong!"

"The big mistake is wrong."

"And, I believe that time can prove everything, and I believe that Cher's biological mother must be in a certain corner of the world, as long as she finds her mother, she can prove everything."

"Violet, you shouldn't have to do it, you shouldn't say that Cher is not your biological daughter. Otherwise, I really don't dare to treat you. Since you are not Cher's biological mother, then you will give I am going to die."


Do not give the violet any chance to speak.

The five fingers forced the neck of the violet to be cut off directly.

Blood is arrogant.

Half of the body stood in the ground and was faltering, the head fell, and the two eyes were very big, looking at Luo Tian, ​​terrified.

Everything she counted...


Luo Tian, ​​a madman, did not care at all, killing her directly.

At the moment when her head rolled down, Luo Tian thought about it, the power of the two energy columns directly rushed up, and the body and head of the violet were broken into powder, and they drifted out with the wind. Luo Tian said coldly: "I really I have been holding you for a long time, now I want you to don’t even think about ghosts!"


“Congratulations to the player ‘Luo Tian’ to kill ‘紫罗兰’ to gain 1 experience, and the mysterious value is 1 point.”


"Unbeaten value +1"

Luo Tianchao spit on the ground, "I am, a little experience!"

Just as Luo Tian looked up at the soul king.

The system sounds a beep again.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Luo Tian’ to trigger the task ‘Looking for Lee’s mother’.’

"Task level: ???"

"mission rewards:???"


A series of question marks.

“Task Description: Enter the ancient world, find the king of the ancients, get information!”

"I rely!"

"The King of the Ancients ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Isn't that my master?" Luo Tianxin sinks, his mind moves, and immediately chooses to accept, even if there is no task, he will help Li Xueer find his own mother, or prove himself.

Just as Luo Tian killed the violet, a huge dragon, with a colorful light, the violent force was released, and said: "Luo Tian, ​​your death is here, hahaha..."

The son of the real dragon, Murong Wanjian.

Combining the remaining seven energy columns, he has nine energy columns in his body...


The seventh chapter is delivered!

The bullwhip of the old cow has been saved, haha...

Thanks to the ‘1229631547’ 10,000 book coins floating red, thank you brothers who accompany the old cow today, thank you, you gave everything to the old cow, thank you for your 90s, thank you for your support! ! To be continued

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