Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1436: , Tenshiko made ...

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Haijia's strongest BOSS?

Why not come out?

Luo Tian didn't know, but the purpose of his coming today was to turn over the sea. Even if the Prince came, he would have to work over the sea.

Revenge for those innocent people who died in Yunxiao College.

just now.

The four-beast army came, and Xiaobai also brought them with Kailin. It was the most powerful period of Luo Tian. If you don’t do anything at this time, then you are too sorry for yourself.


Luo Tian shouted with a sly smile: "Give me a kill!"


The Gorefiend King took the lead, and the huge blood shadow rushed up and fell directly on Luo Tian’s side. His eyes swept away and said: “You just started to work with my boss?”

The words have not been finished yet.

The Gorefiend King suddenly shot, and the blood of the sky fell heavily.

Eleven old ancestors and other eleven emperor strong enthusiasm, this time did not dare to resist, in front of the blood demon king of the emperor's peak, they also have no room for rebellion, flying around.

Luo Tian was a heavy drink, "Little white, one should not let him escape."

Xiaobai excitedly laughed and said: "I understand, the sky will be handed over to me."

Since you are here, don’t even think about it.

One counts, these people have to pay for what they do.





In three directions, the three bodies fell from the sky and squatted at the foot of Luo Tian. One of them was the royal ancestor. He was weak and looked at Luo Tian. He said, "Don't, don't , don't kill me, these are all instructed by the Hai family. We are also forced to help. If we don't listen to the Hai family, our family will be destroyed. I have no choice, Luo Tian, ​​don't,..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Luo Tian stepped on his head and said, "The sea is instructing? Now lying on the ground, he said that the Hai family is instructing? The royal ancestor, when you kill the innocent students of Yunxiao College, you Have you ever thought about today? Now tell me that I am forced to help, I force your ancestors to be eighteen generations!"

The idea is moving.

The pure power of the eight-level body was released and it was blown down.


The ground is sunken.

Half of the royal ancestor was blasted in.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Luo Tian’ to kill ‘Royal ancestor’ and get an experience of 1300000000 points, with a value of 1000000 points.”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Luo Tian’ to get...”

"Congratulations to the player..."



"Sin value +1, currently 3000 points!"


A reminder sounds.

Exploding an artifact, Luo Tian did not go to see, because now it is really too busy, at the same time, Luo Tian said to the stupid column and Kailin: "To all those coalition forces, these people should not live in This world."



The four-beast family moved.

Karin’s rifle pointed out that the Paladin immediately summoned the werewolf to ride, “charge!”


This time the charge is not on the ground.

It is in the sky.

It is a dive!

Luo Tian slightly glimpsed, wanting to keep seeing these days, Kailin actually played the most powerful advantage of the werewolf, and the impact power on the ground was at least doubled. My heart said slightly: "It is a wise to bring you back." s Choice."





at this moment.

The soldiers of the four-beast family are more chest tight. They are all in a state of animalization, and they are pure power. Forty or fifty people rush into the army of thousands of people, just like the tigers entering the sheepfold.

Instantly dispel the coalition army.

For a time.

The pig-like screams are coming and going, and they keep ringing.

Death is also happening constantly.

Haijia... collapsed into a military!

The situation has undergone a major reversal.

There are only ten strong men in the fifteen emperors' realm, all of them are killed by Luo Tian, ​​and the experience value is about to rise to the fourth level of the Holy Spirit.

Thousands of coalition forces have only a thousand people left. These people are surrounded by less than one hundred people and are forced to a dead end. They all cry and yell at the mother’s pleading, and even more directly rise to the sea. Home.

"Haitongtian, you are not dead, and we are terrible."

"It’s all about you, it’s all because of your sea family, our ancestors have killed.”

"Haitongtian, yours is calling your son back."

"Prince, where is the Prince? Call back soon."


A variety of buzz, a variety of complaints can not stop.

They thought that they stood on the side, thinking that they could have meat to eat with the Hai family, but the meat had not yet eaten it. In less than ten days, they tasted the evil and fell into a state of death. This is where they are. I didn’t think of those who had killed the Yunxiao College students ten days ago.

Luo Tianlai is too fast.


This perverted guy is simply not a human.

Haitongtian is still on the ring, or the non-stop gimmick, constantly seeking the strong man in the void.

He is very clear.

The son is not in this plane, and enters the cultivation space prepared by the ancestors of Heaven. He can't contact the Prince. He can only ask for the spirit of the heavens. At present, only the Tianlingzi can save the sea, and it is also the last straw in his heart. .

As long as the Tianlingzi shot, Luo Tian and all of them will die.


Haitong Tian did not understand why the Tianlingzi did not shoot?

Does he want to see the demise of the Hai family?

Haitong Tianqiu said: "Tianlingzi adults, beg you, save the sea, please take a shot, these people are just ants for you, you will help the sea, the Prince will be thankful your."

At this time, Haitong did not care so much.

As long as the Tianlingzi shot, the situation will be reversed.

Happy Tianzun also succumbed to it, and said: "Heavenly adult, please take it!"

Even the sacred Tianzun of the imperial peaks of the emperor has fallen!

The sound around it was quiet.

They don't know who Tianlingzi is. They only know that Haijia wants a superpower to not come out. If this strong man can save them...

at this moment.

Those people all collapsed.

Said in unison: "Save us."

Luo Tian could not help but look at the void, and then looked at Haitongtian on the platform, and gave a look to Xiaobai.

Xiaobai grinned and said: "Understand!"

Immediately ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xiaobai's semi-god realm was released, and instantly fell on the platform. The claws were like a knife, and the sly slap on the back of the sea, and said: "You are bullying me." Yes, give me to die!!!"

The voice fell.

Not waiting for his claws to fall.

The sky suddenly rang loudly.

The incomparably powerful force of heaven is directly crushed like a thunder, and screams, "Enough!"

BOSS is here!


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