Life Control Chart

Chapter 1044: Disaster and Chaos

Shi Yu came to the edge of the city and looked down at Jiufeng.

At this time, Yanlan City looked like a crown hanging directly on the main peak.

Everyone who originally gathered in the city chose a peak to concentrate on their cultivation. The cultivation environment at Jiu Peak was much better than that in Yanlan City.

And the city protection formation has suddenly expanded into a mountain protection formation, completely covering the nine peaks in the formation, declaring to everyone Yanlan City's sovereignty over the nine peaks.

"Has anything big happened in the land of Yuming in recent years?" Shi Yu asked Gai Ying.

"Everything is calm in the land of destiny."

"Where's the Duan Sheng Land? Is there any movement?"

"The Duan Sheng Land seems to have completely disappeared, and even the plundering of the Wanjie side has stopped. Other than the recruitment of a large number of world masters and frequent bombardments of the sky, other forces have not made any changes."

Shi Yu nodded slowly, knowing that all parties were secretly building up strength, but he didn't know if Duanshengdi had killed Yu Luyao.

"By the way, my lord, the Sky Devouring Beast Mother has appeared, and has been for decades. That spiritual king, Meng Chu, is conquering it." Gai Ying thought of another thing.

"The Sky-Eating Beast Mother has appeared? Can Meng Chu deal with it alone?" Shi Yu was surprised.

"Meng Chu is a born space monk, and he also has magical beast control skills. He turned his head and snatched away many of the cubs of the Sky Devouring Beast mother. Now there are two groups of Sky Devouring Beasts fighting."

Shi Yu nodded. Meng Chu controlled more than 100,000 spiritual species to attack all realms and indigenous people. The combined strength of more than 100,000 people in one place should not be underestimated.

"Where did Meng Chu deal with the Sky-Eating Beast Mother?"

"It's at Taishu Peak! A clone of the Witch Emperor is watching from the side. It may not take a few years before the Sky-Eating Beast Mother running around will be killed!" Gai Ying replied respectfully.

"I'm afraid that's not good news for us. The Sky-Eating Beast itself is a strange beast in other heavens. An ordinary Sky-Eating Beast is extremely difficult to deal with. If all the beasts are controlled by Meng Chu, we will probably suffer big losses in the future war. !" Shi Yu said worriedly.

Feeling uneasy after thinking about it, Shi Yu decided to go to Taishu Peak to see what was going on. Suddenly he stopped and said to Gai Ying: "I wanted to give you a body at the beginning, but the promise has not been reached yet. It's better to hit the sun one day. Just today."

Gai Ying was slightly startled and lowered his head.

He had been looking forward to this day for an unknown amount of time, but when Yu Zhen said that he would be given a body, his heart became calm again.

Raising his hand and throwing it, the first flesh and blood body Shi Yu created fell in front of Gai Ying.

Gai Ying couldn't help but be startled when he saw this strange body, thinking where did Shi Yu catch this monster from? Could it be that he is the only one in the world like Yuan Long?

Before Gai Ying could figure it out, the space around them was shaking, and the commanding guard suddenly appeared, staring at the body thrown by Shi Yu and looking carefully.

Gai Ying was shocked, and he was even more convinced that Shi Yu had captured strong men from other heavens, erased their souls and gave them to him.

The commanding guard slowly transformed from the ethereal spirit body into the appearance of the handsome young man. He walked around the eight-armed monster body for several times before saying in a trembling voice: "A body of pure divine power? Shi Yu, you..."

Halfway through the words, the commanding guard stopped again because Gai Ying was still on the side.

Shi Yu smiled slightly and used his divine power to push the eight-armed stranger's body towards Gai Ying, "Hurry in!"

Gai Ying suppressed his excitement. The divine body that Zhi Ling Wei had just mentioned made Gai Ying feel a storm in his heart.

In the entire place where Yuanli is controlled, there is only one pure Yuanli body, Yuanlong, let alone countless divine power bodies that are stronger than the Yuanli body.

As soon as he entered the body, Gai Ying felt that his soul exploded into billions. Countless powerful forces repeatedly tore the soul apart and recast it, completely integrating him into the body in an instant. Gai Ying was horrified, it was not like he wanted to control this body, but this body wanted to devour him.

Fortunately, everything happened quickly and ended quickly. Before Gai Ying had time to call for help, he was already looking at everyone in panic.

Those huge eyes exuded a full desire to survive.

"Hahaha! Not bad! Even better than I imagined!"

Shi Yu's mind glanced back and forth over Gai Ying's body, and his discerning gaze clearly saw every detail of Gai Ying's current state.

The commanding guard raised his palm and was about to slap Gai Ying, but he stopped the force he had accumulated. The corners of his eyes twitched and he shouted: "Only this once! The Mingtian does not tolerate too many outsiders."

Others may not understand this, but Shi Yu knows it clearly in his heart.

The moment Gai Ying entered his new body, all his life lines shattered and disappeared, and the dark lines that were the foundation of all things in the world were also shattered. Instead, endless starlight flickered in Gai Ying's body, which was his soul just now. The fire of life ignited by explosion.

Although Mo Lu couldn't see Gai Ying's inner being, he intuitively sensed that Gai Ying had escaped from Yu Mingtian's control. He reached out and pressed Shi Yu's shoulder and said: "Don't create this kind of thing again, it's not good for anyone! Follow the order." If Wei doesn't kill him, he is just reluctantly resisting God's will. Everything is waiting for the future!"

Shi Yu knew very well that after all, his heavenly domain was still entrusted to Yumingtian. If too many creatures that were not controlled by Yumingtian appeared, it would definitely cause chaos.

"Gai Ying, please quickly find a place to practice and adapt. First, go to Yuan Long to get some God-Returning Fruits. Go ahead." Shi Yu waved to Gai Ying.

Gai Ying also knew that he had an incredible opportunity, so he rushed into the main peak without looking back. The sharp gaze that kept piercing his vest made Gai Ying sweat all over.

After sending Gai Ying away, Shi Yu made a gesture of invitation to the commanding guard, and they walked into the city lord's mansion together.

After sitting down, Shi Yu asked the commanding guard with a smile: "How is Duansheng Land now? It has been peaceful and stable for three hundred years."

"Hmph! That's when you guys are safe and sound, but Duansheng Land is like a mess." The ordering guard snorted coldly.

"Oh? How can I say this?"

"You, the Xuwu Holy Immortal of Yanlan City, not only deceived Yu Luyao into Duansheng Land, but also went to the Tianzhu Domain to trick tens of thousands of realm masters into causing harm to Duansheng Land."

"Ah? How did he do it?" Shi Yu was surprised, but there was a faint smile in his tone.

"He specially went to the place where the realm masters were fighting to use divine energy to open the realm gate, and lied that it was the gate to the upper realm. Those blind realm masters felt the divine power and rushed into the realm gate without thinking."

"That's not right. The Thousand Generals who open the realm gate will definitely realize that it is not difficult to block these realm masters in front of the realm gate."

"That's because the former boundary-protecting formation in Duansheng Land was chopped into pieces by Yu Luyao who entered first." The commanding guard said angrily.

Shi Yu laughed loudly, clapped his hands and said, "What a Xuwu Saint. Although those tens of thousands of world lords are not enough to fill the gaps in Duan Shengdi's teeth, if they escape into various cities, I am afraid they can also cause great chaos."

The commanding guard sat on the chair and said angrily: "Hmph! Not only was there a chaos, but if I hadn't been able to stop them, Duanshengdi would have rushed into the Land of Resistance and massacred them. In the past three hundred years, at least half of the Land of Responsibility has died. Realm Lord!”

As he said that, the commanding guard took a picture, and smoke was everywhere in the Duansheng Land. Those realm owners who broke into the Duansheng Land knew that they had been fooled, but they could only resist with all their strength in the face of the Duansheng Land's ruthless strangulation.

"Hahahahahaha!" Shi Yu laughed heartily as he watched Yu Luyao in the floating shadow kill two realm lords of Duan Sheng Land while avoiding the pursuit of Zhan Zun.

Xiao Hei smiled happily, turned into a little bird and squatted on Shi Yu's lap, clawing Shi Yu's thigh back and forth, and said happily: "Now the four supreme beings are really going to be naked!"

"Commanding guard, your deadline for selecting soul-guarding slaves has passed long ago. Didn't you forcefully recall Yu Luyao?" Shi Yu looked at the floating figure and asked the commanding guard with a smile.

"The soul-guarding slaves are not necessary. I chose them to follow God's old system. But later God said everything is up to me, so I don't care much about the survival of the soul-guarding slaves. He can have them or not. It is his ability to resist my call. ”

"Oh!" Shi Yu nodded thoughtfully, and then asked: "Hey! By the way, is the God Lord still alive?"

The commanding guard nodded and said: "Not only is he alive, but he is also the strongest among the four supremes! He was rescued by the other three supremes who forced their divine power on him, and was put into the Dingjun Hall to practice full strength. He has recovered to his former self. Ninety percent strength.”

"Ah? So fast? How long can you stop them?" Shi Yu was shocked.

The commanding guard gave Shi Yu a cold look, then looked at Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei immediately turned into armor and put it on Shi Yu, saying in a muffled voice: "I am a weapon, the same weapon as Mo Lu!"

Shi Yu patted Xiao Hei and nodded to the commanding guard, "Tell me what happened."

The commanding guard asked back: "First tell me what happened to that body just now, and why the God Lord was severely injured and on the verge of death by you again."

"You can't see my world?"

"No, you have transcended the Mingtian, I can't see everything about you, and now you have another shadow.

"Then you can't see me fighting the Four Supreme Beings in Chaos?"

"Everything in chaos is invisible, and it is not within the scope of the destiny map."

Shi Yu said no more and replayed the scenes of creating the Heaven Realm and defeating the Four Supreme Beings. He also demonstrated how he and the Tian Realm ran wildly in the chaos and accidentally created the first body. .

After seeing all this, the commanding guard fell into silence for a moment, and then said to Mo Lu: "Have you foreseen all this?"

Mo Lu shook his head, "If I had that ability, would I be stupid enough to go back to Yumingtian to seek death?"

The commanding guard sighed and disappeared into the hall, leaving a few words before leaving:

"I will stop the Supreme Lord until I die in battle. Now the God of Earth is practicing the Way of Controlling Life. When he comes out of seclusion, it will be the moment when Duanshengdi fully attacks the land of Controlling Life."

"What does the command guard mean? Why did he want to die in battle?" Xiao Hei asked in surprise.

Mo Lu sighed longer than the command guard and replied: "He sacrificed his life for freedom, but ended up becoming the least free command guard. Seeing that Shi Yu's cultivation level was so low but he was able to break the imprisonment of the life master, I still have the potential to become God, how can I feel better?”

"Same for you?" Xiao Hei asked Mo Lu again with a pair of green eyes.

Mo Lu suddenly laughed and nodded: "Yes, me too."

Shi Yu knocked the little black roc on the head and scolded: "What nonsense are you talking about? Without Mo Lu's help, I wouldn't be where I am today."

"Then you have to work harder. From the words of the commanding guard, I can tell that you are far inferior to the Supreme. And he can hardly stop the Supreme from breaking into the place where he controls his life." Mo Lu said solemnly.

"It's strange, the Supreme Being is already so powerful, why can he still tolerate Yu Luyao?" Xiao Hei was puzzled. He wanted Yu Luyao to die, and he was going crazy thinking about it.

Mo Lu snorted coldly and said: "Yu Luyao is a soul-guarding slave! How dare the Supreme Lord kill him?"

Shi Yu suddenly understood that Yu Luyao was possessed by the soul-guarding slave after he killed him. Duanshengdi obviously also knew this secret, so he put restrictions on everything to allow Yu Luyao to survive to this day.

Shi Yu took a deep breath and said: "Let's find out the details of Meng Chu first! Test his intentions. If he makes up his mind to be an enemy of Yanlan City, then I will strike first!"

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