Life Control Chart

Chapter 1045: Sky Devouring Beasts

The world near Taishu Peak had long been replaced by a large area of ​​broken space, with countless broken star lands suspended in the air, constantly being attacked and cut by space cracks.

Surprisingly, Taishu Peak was floating in the air intact, with countless blue monsters crawling all over the mountain, making strange howls.

A clear boundary ran from the top of the peak to the bottom of the peak. Meng Chu and the Sky Devouring Beast Mother looked at each other across dozens of miles, as if they were in the interval of a battle.

Except for Taishu Peak, there were no living creatures within a radius of billions of miles, and even the grass and trees had long been cut into powder by the space cracks.

A space crack passed through the little black feather, causing a slight tremor in the feathers.

Xiao Hei laughed strangely and encouraged Shi Yu, saying, "Brother Shi Yu! Go ahead. We both have space skills. Let's kill these little beasts, kill Meng Chu, and capture the mother of the sky-devouring beast alive."

Hearing Xiao Hei's unreliable words, Shi Yu tapped his chest lightly, "Don't make trouble. Isn't it better for them to fight to the death first?"

Shi Yu and Xiao Hei's unscrupulous teasing attracted the attention of Meng Chu and all the sky-devouring beasts.

No matter which side of the sky-devouring beasts, they all shouted at Shi Yu.

When Meng Chu saw Shi Yu, his face turned blue and black.

"Shi Yu! What are you doing here?"

"Of course, I'm here to see how the battle between you and the mother of the sky-devouring beast goes. Don't you think the fight is boring without a spectator?" Shi Yu sneered.

"Get out of here!" Meng Chu shouted angrily, and slapped the void in front of him with two palms. The countless sky-devouring beasts controlled by him roared and pounced towards Shi Yu.

Shi Yu laughed and stretched out his hand to tear open the folds of space in front of him. The Sky Devourer was instantly pushed out tens of thousands of miles and landed behind Taishu Peak.

"Fuck! Shi Yu, you bastard!"

The loud shout from behind the mountain surprised everyone. A disheveled figure jumped up from the Sky Devourer group and rushed towards the blood curtain in the sky.

"Bai Que?" Shi Yu raised the corner of his mouth. He didn't expect Bai Que to be hiding nearby.

Meng Chu narrowed his eyes and looked at Bai Que coldly.

Obviously, Bai Que is much more sinister than Shi Yu. Shi Yu came to join in the fun, while Bai Que must be thinking of fishing in troubled waters and being the last fisherman.

"Meng Chu, you are too careless. Bai Que hid so close, and you didn't notice it?" Shi Yu took the opportunity to stir up trouble and instigate Meng Chu and Bai Que to fight.

The two glared at Shi Yu at the same time, but the first to fight was the Sky Devourer mother.

The fierce battle with Meng Chu had exhausted the Sky Devouring Beast Mother. Now there were suddenly two more powerful beings who were also eyeing it covetously. The Sky Devouring Beast Mother just wanted to break through and escape.

To break through, it was natural to defeat the enemy in front of it first. Meng Chu, who was closest to it, was naturally the best choice.

The other half of the Sky Devouring Beasts lying on Taishu Peak roared and rushed towards Meng Chu layer by layer, while the Sky Devouring Beast Mother herself swung her claws and smashed the space and plunged into it.

"Where to escape!" Meng Chu shouted loudly, and hit the space barrier with a single fist, which actually shook the Sky Devouring Beast Mother, whose body was half submerged, out of the chaos. She fell to the ground with a roar and let out a thunderous roar.

"Share the soul!" Meng Chu shouted again, and a huge crystal wall instantly appeared outside Meng Chu. The Sky Devouring Beasts that were pushed away by Shi Yu suddenly howled, formed a battle formation like a well-trained army, and flashed around the Sky Devouring Beast Mother and attacked frantically.

The Sky Devouring Beast Mother was attacked by her own offspring, and was obviously furious.

In terms of individual strength, it is stronger than any Sky Devouring Beast, but with countless offspring attacking together, it, the mother of all beasts, is powerless to resist.

As a last resort, the Sky Devouring Beast Mother could only howl to call back the offspring that besieged Meng Chu, and fight with the traitors around her.

At this time, the huge difference between disorder and order can be seen.

The Sky Devouring Beasts under Meng Chu, every attack is a clear target and a fusion of power, hitting the Sky Devouring Beast Mother's side all over the sky, and the Sky Devouring Beast Mother's side can only rely on the advantage of numbers to forcefully hold on.

Fortunately, the Sky Devouring Beast Mother continued to spit out her offspring during the battle. It seemed that her mouth was connected to another space. Countless Sky Devouring Beasts rushed out, and the beast tide swept away one after another of the rebellious offspring, making the battle seem less one-sided.

However, these newly born sky-devouring beasts obviously need to be cultivated to be loyal to their mother. Once they are hit by the crystal ball thrown by Meng Chu, they immediately become Meng Chu's supporters and fight with other sky-devouring beasts.

In an instant, Taishu Peak was covered with blue flesh and blood, and the surrounding void became more hazy. It was almost impossible to see a complete space. There were only countless sky-devouring beasts screaming and fighting in the space debris.

The most conspicuous one was Meng Chu's indestructible protective crystal ball.

"Awesome!" Shi Yu and Xiao Hei were amazed.

"Shi Yu, you bastard! If you don't come to make trouble, everything Meng Chu has belongs to me! I will definitely knock you down and step on you!"

Bai Que, who came from a distance, seemed so angry.

Shi Yu smiled, stretched out his hand to open the boundary gate to the broken life land, and made a gesture of invitation.

"Go! Kill the Earth God Lord, everything he has belongs to you. This Sky Devouring Beast Mother is just a tiny part of his body.

Or go and kill Yu Luyao, he is inside, Yu Luyao can be compared with the four supreme beings. If you go to the Land of Life, you will definitely not see the annoying me."

Bai Que was furious, "Do you think I'm stupid? I've been there a long time ago! Qianjiangzun and Dazhanzun chased Yu Luyao to death without killing him, there must be something fishy! And the Earth God Lord is not in the Land of Life!"

Suddenly, Bai Que laughed, pointed at Shi Yu and taunted, "Wait for death!

The Land of Life is no longer the same as it used to be. What use do you think Yu Luyao, who was tricked into it by you, can be?

Let me tell you a secret, the Dingjun Hall has been fully opened, and the divine power is surging to the point of overflowing every day. All the war lords and gods of the Duan Sheng Land have gone in, and many world lords have also gone in! They were forced to this point by you! "

Shi Yu frowned, and the figure of the Earth God Lord flashed in his mind. He must have done some tricks in the life-controlling battle path to make the Dingjun Palace full of divine power.

His brows relaxed, Shi Yu said nonchalantly: "What am I afraid of? They have become stronger, and so have I. But you should be careful, because you have done more evil in Duan Sheng Land than I have."

"Hmph! I'm not even afraid! Duanshengdi will blame everything on you. If he wants to kill me, he will kill you first!"

"Then you can run away?"

Shi Yu and Bai Que were quarreling fiercely here, and Meng Chu and the Sky-Eating Beast Mother were fighting even more fiercely over there.

A ray of sword light suddenly roared out from the boundary door opened by Shi Yu, and struck Meng Chu's strong protective crystal shield. There was only a chaotic clicking sound. Although the crystal shield was not completely shattered, it was also struck. It was broken into several pieces, revealing Meng Chu's true body.

Meng Chu was shocked and hurriedly retreated and fled.

How could the Sky Devouring Beast Mother miss this good opportunity? She flashed in front of Meng Chu with a long howl, grabbed Meng Chu's head with her two claws and stuffed it into her mouth.

But there was more than one sword light splitting out from the boundary gate.

Another ray of sword light came across the air, hitting the mother's shoulder and back. The unprepared beast suddenly screamed in pain and rolled to the side.

Immediately afterwards, dozens more swords came one after another, chasing Meng Chu flying and slashing.

Fortunately, Meng Chu took advantage of the mother's blocking and hurriedly hid in the group of sky-devouring beasts. Countless sky-devouring beasts instantly became dead souls under the shadow of the sword.

Shi Yu and Bai Que, who were standing by the door, had long since disappeared. Qian Jiangzun's sword power was obviously several times stronger than before, and they didn't want to get even a blow.

What shocked Shi Yu was that back then, Qian Jiangzun didn't dare to touch a piece of Sky Devouring Beast's flesh, but now he easily chopped up the Sky Devouring Beast's mother. It's hard to guess how much strength he has recovered.

The other side of the Realm Gate had long since thought that Shi Yu was the only one who would break into Duansheng Land, and Qian Jiangzun's dull roar came.

"Who is looking for death again?"

Shi Yu and Bai Que didn't say a word, only the roaring and wailing sounds of the Sky-Eating Beasts came into the realm gate.

Qian Jiangzun listened carefully for a moment and then let out a soft sigh.

Immediately afterwards, more swords burst out of the door, and even Qian Jiangzun's simple sword pierced the boundary door, but he himself never took a step out of the boundary door.

The Sky-Eating Beast Mother had long since fled far away, licking her wounds vigorously, while Meng Chu was also frightened by Qian Jiangzun's unrivaled sword power and moved away from the direction facing the realm gate.

So the unlucky ones are those ordinary sky-devouring beasts. Each sword light can chop thousands of sky-devouring beasts into powder.

Meng Chu was so frightened and angry that he expected to use these space-devouring beasts to conquer the place where he controlled his destiny.

The Sky-Eating Beast Mother was even more furious, and every knife seemed to hit her body.

After all, her wisdom was limited. The Sky-Eating Beast Mother suddenly disappeared in a flash, and when she saw it again, she rushed into the world gate.

This made Shi Yu and Bai Que laugh, feeling that Qian Jiangzun was really asking for trouble.

But before Shi Yu and Bai Que finished laughing, the Sky-Eating Beast Mother jumped back to the place where she controlled her life.

Qian Jiangzun's gloomy voice immediately sounded, "Shi Yu, Bai Que is indeed you two!" Shi Yu said sternly: "It was you who provoked the Sky-Eating Beast Mother this time! I didn't drive it into the Duan Sheng Land. ”

"Squibbling! But it doesn't matter! We will soon enter the land of destiny, just wash your neck and wait!"

Qianjiang Zongzhong roared angrily and broke the boundary gate.

Shi Yu's smile faded and he shouted to Bai Que: "What on earth are you thinking, guy? Duan Sheng Land is about to rush into the Land of Controlling Life!"

"Why do I think you can't control it! Don't expect me to be your lackey anymore! I help you in the world, and I get angry when I do it. It's better for you to go home and enjoy your happiness!"

After saying that, Bai Que disappeared into the sky without looking back.

Shi Yu turned his eyes to Meng Chu who was still frightened and angry on the other side. Sha Jiexing also appeared beside him, helping Meng Chu clean up the remaining space-devouring beasts.

The Sky-Eating Beast Mother was nowhere to be seen.

The number of sky-devouring beasts that once covered the entire Taishu Peak was now less than 10,000, but they were still a powerful force that could not be ignored.

Without saying a word, Shi Yu used a burst of divine power to knock a space-eating beast that was trying to escape back to Meng Chu, as a slight gesture of goodwill.

Meng Chu glanced sideways and said nothing.

Sha Jiexing stared at Shi Yu warily and hid himself behind Meng Chu.

Shi Yu didn't care either. Sha Jiexing's current speed was nothing in his eyes, and it would be useless no matter where he hid.

"What do you want to do by putting away these monsters? Dominate the Land of Life? You have also seen that even the Sky Devouring Beast Mother cannot stop the Thousand Generals. Apart from killing all the mediocre people in the Land of Life, you will not be prepared for the future war. Any help would be helpful," Shi Yu said as he walked towards Meng Chu.

Sha Jiexing immediately glowed with light in his palms, making no secret of his hostility towards Shi Yu.

Meng Chu held down Sha Jiexing's powerful arms and said to Shi Yu in a deep voice, "What do you want to do? Just tell me."

"I see that the Sky-Eating Beast Mother has escaped, but you are not worried at all. It must not be able to escape from your grasp. I can help you subdue it, but I have a request."

Meng Chu narrowed his eyes and looked at Shi Yu for a moment before replying: "Say."

"In the future, when Duan Shengdi breaks into the land of destiny, you have to be the first to fight. If the Sky-Eating Beast Mother dies in battle, you can retreat. How about that?"

Shi Yu made no secret of his purpose of using Meng Chu, and frankly made his intentions clear.

Meng Chu flatly refused, "Are you overestimating me? I captured the Sky Devouring Beast Mother in order to leave this place of trouble as soon as possible. In the Land of Controlling Life, there are you, Bai Que, and many other powerful people. I, Meng Chu, do not think I have the ability to compete, so I just want to leave as soon as possible."

Shi Yu pretended to be surprised, pointed at the blood-red sky and asked with a smile: "Leave? Where can you go? That illusory upper world?"

Meng Chu was very dissatisfied with the sarcasm in Shi Yu's tone, and said:

"Why not? The celestial beings from the upper world have come down to the lower world many times, and I have met you more than once. If he can come down, I can go up! The Sky Devouring Beast is the first choice to gnaw through the barrier between the two worlds."

Shi Yu laughed and shook his head and said: "I didn't meet someone from the upper world, but the guardian of this world. His biggest responsibility is to prevent the celestial beings from coming down to the lower world."

Meng Chu and Sha Jiexing looked at Shi Yu doubtfully, and they were speechless for a while.

"Besides, even if you go up, with your current strength, you can only be a lamb to be slaughtered. The one who attacked you just now was Qian Jiangzun, a general who had fought in the upper realm. Without his strength, it would be difficult to move forward in the upper realm."

Shi Yu continued to narrate slowly, shaking Meng Chu's belief.

Meng Chu lowered his eyes slightly and said in a muffled voice: "Then why don't I just surrender to Duanshengdi? They are much stronger than you. Joining forces with you to fight against Duanshengdi is a dead end!"

Shi Yu laughed, "Haha! Because Duanshengdi doesn't want prisoners, haven't you heard about what they did in the Ten Thousand Worlds?

Think about Xuan Pan and Yu Luyao. They only conflict with Duanshengdi. Bai Que has also been fighting in Duanshengdi for hundreds of years. Do you think they are afraid of your spirit species, or do they think that the fight with you is really not worth mentioning?"

Meng Chu's face twitched several times and fell into silence.

"Don't waste time, hurry up and catch the Sky Devouring Beast Mother. If you help me, there is still a chance to enter the upper realm safely, otherwise there is only one way to go!"

After saying that, Shi Yu stood with his hands behind his back, waiting for Meng Chu's decision.

After a few breaths, Meng Chu slowly said: "I will not enter your Yanlan City. After subduing the Sky Devouring Beast Mother, I want an auxiliary peak for my spirit seed to practice until you and the Broken Life Land start a war."


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