Life Control Chart

Chapter 106: Dream

Shi Yu was groggy and struggled to get up. He had no strength left in his body. He tried hard to mobilize his energy, but there was no response from inside or outside his body.

With a wry smile, Shi Yu felt that he had become an ordinary scholar with no power.

My vision was also blurred, and the surrounding area was dim, as if I had just woken up and there was still dirt stuck to my eyes.

Rubbing his face vigorously, he wanted to wake up again so that he could take a closer look around his body. Shi Yu felt even more helpless. When he touched the undulations with his palms, he knew that the marks on his face had reappeared. He had lost his energy and all his spells were useless. If it is used again, it will naturally not be able to cover up the large formation pattern. Opening the clothes and looking again, it is indeed the case.

"Why are these tattoos still there when my Yuan Power is gone?" Shi Yu asked himself, "Didn't Sister Qingxi say that these tattoos were formed because I had abundant Yuan Power?"

Shi Yu raised his hand and caressed his arm again, and pulled a few times on a tattoo, which was like a scar from old age, hard and abrupt.

Touching the pattern with his hand, Shi Yu turned his head and looked around. There was a piece of blue bricks under his feet, surrounded by thick fog. Without Yuan Power, he could barely see seven or eight feet.

"Did you return to Yu Shen Palace?" Shi Yu was stunned. "Could it be that the inner formation was accidentally triggered and transmitted back to Shen Yu? Didn't it mean that the two sisters had closed their way back to the world? And also It shouldn’t be in the temple, it should be in the imperial capital or the imperial city.”

Shi Yu randomly chose a direction and walked in confusion. Under the thick fog, he didn't distinguish between east, west, north and south, so he had to find the wall first.

After walking for a long time, Shi Yu confirmed that this was not Yu Shen Palace. This hall was too wide. After walking for a full moment, he could not even touch the wall. Yu Shen Palace did not have such a big hall.

After walking for a while, it seemed that there was still no end. Shi Yu sat on the ground and worked hard to run his skills, trying to absorb the spiritual energy and transform his energy. However, his body was like an ordinary person who had never practiced before. The aura outside has no power to absorb it.

Shi Yu tried again to open his body orifices and take out some spiritual talents to replenish his energy, but he couldn't do it. In desperation, he had to stand up again and continue to explore aimlessly.

The road ahead was confused and unknown. Only the solid ground under his feet prevented Shi Yu from the illusion of being trapped in an endless void.

"Is there anyone there? Where is this?" Shi Yu knew there would be no results, but he still couldn't help shouting. It was already quiet everywhere, and if he continued to be silent, the feeling of helplessness would sooner or later drive him crazy.

There was no response, Shi Yu's voice was like water flowing into fine sand, without even the echo that the main hall should have.

"What the hell is going on? Why did you suddenly faint and why did you suddenly appear here again?" Shi Yu didn't know what happened between when everyone attacked Xi Yue Pan and when he woke up. He even thought Xi Yue Pan was randomly guessed. In order to seize the treasure, Monk Yue captured him and locked him up in a desperate situation. Otherwise, the legendary Xiyue Secret Realm that everyone is flocking to should not be like this. Shouldn't the Xiyue Secret Realm be full of chance treasures?

"I admit it! I'll give everything to you! Let me out! I still have a few Lingxiao fruits, and I'll give them to you too! Is that okay?" Shi Yu shouted at the top of his lungs.

Shi Yu, who was no different from ordinary people, was finally exhausted from walking, and his throat was so hoarse that he could no longer make any sound. Refined

Shen almost collapsed and fell to the ground with a thud. His limp body could no longer support him and his eyes gradually closed.

"How dare you come back!" A thunderous voice sounded in Shi Yu's ears.

Shi Yu's confused soul was shaken by the thunder. The severe pain in his mind made him try to open his eyes. A pair of huge scarlet eyes were staring at him fiercely from the endless sky, with a huge mountain standing beside him.

He was still lying on the ground, but there was nothing underneath him. Only the cold feeling made him feel that he was still alive.

"Ghosts aren't afraid of the cold, right?" Shi Yu laughed at himself, stood up with all his strength, sat cross-legged in the void, and looked around for the source of the sound.

The thick fog was gone, and there was a pitch-black void all around. After looking around, he found nothing. Shi Yu looked up again, and met his eyes with a pair of giant eyes.

Seeing these familiar pair of giant scarlet eyes, Shi Yu, who was still a little flustered, calmed down instead.

"Dreaming again? Why do you always see this thing?" Shi Yu sat there, staring at the giant eyes and the giant mountain without saying a word, "Come and poke me. If you poke me to death, you'll wake up. "Shi Yu was silently looking forward to it.

"How dare you come back!" There was that thunderous roar again.

Shi Yu covered his ears with his hands, shook his head vigorously, and shouted back unwillingly: "You think I want to come, you come here as soon as I fall asleep! What the hell is this place? Do you think I'm afraid of you! Come on! ! Poke me to death!”

As if surprised by Shi Yu's boldness, there was no sound again. His giant eyes stared at Shi Yu for a moment and then gradually moved away, and the giant mountain also disappeared.

"Run away?" Shi Yu was even more surprised, "This dream was outrageous. Such a powerful guy scared me away?" Shi Yu still remembers the first time he dreamed about this thing, even if he was in the endless The void, the terrifying oppression brought by the absolute power, still made Shi Yu's heart palpitate.

Scratching his head, Shi Yu once again cast his gaze into the endless void, a world without even dust. It was dead and empty, and Shi Yu was the only agile life.

The silent void seemed to be waiting for Shi Yu to create something and fill it with something. Shi Yu took a light step, and ripples rippled everywhere where he landed, as if he were stepping into an invisible flat lake.

As the ripples fluctuated, another picture of dots and lines spread out rapidly in front of Shi Yu, and the fresh and simple life once again jumped for joy.

"Ignorance! Proceed with caution!" A loud thunderous sound suddenly appeared again, startling Shi Yu, and he looked up to the sky. There was nothing. Only the sound of thunder still lingered in his ears, and the endless scrolls also rippled. Ups and downs, the strange thing is that no matter how the scroll shakes, everything inside seems completely unaffected.

"Can you please lower your voice! It scares me to death!" Shi Yu shouted as loudly as he could, trying to compete with the thunderous sound, but in the silent void, no one responded to him.

"What's going on? Are those big eyes the owner of this place? What about me? Why am I here? Isn't this a dream?" Shi Yu became more and more confused as he thought about it.

Without the giant eyes on his side, Shi Yu's nervous mood gradually calmed down, and he focused his gaze on the infinitely extending scroll at his feet. Countless creatures in the scroll still didn't notice Shi Yu's existence. Even with the wild scroll wave just now, they seemed to only be aware of it.

I was a little panicked and didn't know who caused all this.

Shi Yu kept searching on the scroll, trying to find a way to save himself and escape from this illusion. In the endless void, apart from himself, there was only this scroll to ponder.

Shi Yu carefully observed every detail of the scroll, trying to figure out what it meant and what the creatures in the scroll were doing, hoping to find some clues.

"Are you playing for fun?" Shi Yu watched as several figures that looked like little people were wandering around in the scroll, stopping next to many motionless lines.

"Interesting. What are these things fighting?" Groups of strange-shaped things collided with each other, some scattered and disintegrated from time to time, and some remnants kept jumping for joy.

"Haha, what are these two doing? The two of them are huddled together, up and down. Haha!" Shi Yu thought of some embarrassing things, and was embarrassed to look again, so he looked away with a strange smile.

... After watching for an unknown amount of time, Shi Yu was confused and came up with his own guess: Is this a world that has been flattened?

In order to confirm his idea, Shi Yu chose a corner with no moving objects, stretched out his fingers and hooked a few static lines, as if he heard a "pop" cracking sound, the picture in that area suddenly collapsed and curled up, A few broken lines collapsed rapidly and spread to the surrounding area, from an inch in size to a foot in radius. Tens of thousands of smart things that were not intended to be involved were also involved.

"What's wrong, if this is really a living thing, I have committed a sin!" Shi Yu was shocked and did not dare to act rashly again.

After a brief period of chaos in the painting, new lines gradually emerged to fill in the blank spaces. The creatures that seemed to be living creatures in the distance kept migrating here, and in the blink of an eye, they merged in as if nothing had happened. The whole picture.

Shi Yu thought for a moment, but he didn't notice that the disappearing giant eyes reappeared in the void again, as if they were also thinking, and then disappeared without interfering with his actions.

"It should be possible to change into another appearance!" Shi Yu thought silently. He clearly remembered the first time he came here. Everything was no different from his own world. There were roads, trees, and houses. What was missing was just flesh and blood. . "Maybe it's that guy who's doing something weird."

Shi Yu had some concerns in his mind and looked up into the void. There was no shadow of the giant eyes there, "Are you there, Big Eyes? Come out, I have something to ask!"

The void was silent.

"If you don't come out, I will destroy this place!" Shi Yu threatened those giant eyes, waiting for a long time but still no response.

"I will really destroy everything!" Shi Yu continued to shout. As he spoke, he pretended to grab a place that was dynamic and prosperous. If he clenched it with his five fingers, he would pull the countless lines there away from the painting. It was nothingness, now it was solid, but it was no longer the damage of Zhang Xu Fang Yuan.

"Stop!" Those giant eyes seemed to be really frightened by Shi Yu's reckless behavior. Suddenly, thunderous words came rolling in from the sky, shaking Shi Yu for a while, and the scroll under his feet also swayed.

As if he had no intention of answering any of Shi Yu's questions, the angry endless mountain also rolled down, pressing directly towards Shi Yu.

Shi Yu was prepared at this time, and quietly watched the irresistible force hit him hard, and then disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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