Life Control Chart

Chapter 107: Black Crystal

Shi Yu, who was paralyzed on the ground, opened his eyes. Every detail of the dream was vividly in his mind. Thinking back to the dream, Shi Yu slowly got up, sweat dripping down his body.

This time he was not frightened by the horror in his dream, but it was as if his body was really squeezed by endless power, as if he was being squeezed hard by the palm of a giant's hand, and all the blood in his body turned into sweat and was squeezed out of his body.

"Dead again, haha, it's so real." Shi Yu murmured to himself, "I don't know how long I slept again."

Seeing that the fog was still there, Shi Yu sat on the ground with a wry smile, looking around helplessly, trying to raise his Yuan Power, but to no avail, "Am I useless?" Shi Yu thought to himself.

At this time, Xiyue Realm is at the gate of the secret realm.

The Xiyue Realm monks tightly surrounded the door of the secret realm. Yuan Jiezun closed his eyes and waited quietly after Shi Yu disappeared. After half a day, he stood up and shot a stream of Yuan Power into the door, and saw that most of the Yuan Power collided with the door and collapsed. Bounced back, half submerged and disappeared, he shook his head and said: "It's almost there, it's not fully opened yet. This time the secret realm is opened, there are a lot of strange things, and there may be changes. If you enter the secret realm, you need to be extremely cautious and don't be greedy. What a rash move. I don’t know what’s going on with that kid from the Shenyu Realm?”

Shi Yu was sitting on the ground in a daze, when suddenly a weak elemental force shot into his body, and entered his body with a "whoosh". Shi Yu was so frightened that he rolled far away, and lay on the ground with his butt stuck out, looking nervously. Looking around.

"Is there someone? Who is attacking?" Shi Yu thought as he checked. After searching for a long time, no one appeared, and no Yuan force touched his body.

Gradually letting go of his vigilance, Shi Yu began to examine his body carefully, and he could clearly feel the weak energy entering his body just now. Shi Yu did not dare to be careless.

"Huh? Did you react?" When Yu tried to use his Yuan Power again, he found that the Yuan Power that had been silent for a long time was actually flowing weakly. A trickle of Yuan Power that was as light as silk slowly flowed along the meridians of the body orifices. swim.

Although the Shiyu Body Aperture cannot be used to summarize Yuanli, it is still the path node followed in daily practice of Yuanli, and more or less Yuanli is retained in it than in other places.

As more and more meridians pass through the body orifices, the Yuan Power that is activated becomes stronger and stronger. With 70 to 80% of the body orifices passing through, Shi Yu has been able to mobilize his Yuan Power to open the place where things are stored.

"Great!" Shi Yu cheered and quickly took out something to replenish his energy, hurriedly stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it. He took out more and placed it on the ground, just in case something unexpected happened. The majestic energy was replenished in the body, and the big stone hanging in Shi Yu's heart finally fell to the ground. After all, it was just an extreme loss of strength, not a complete loss of cultivation.

After recovering several percent of his energy, Shi Yu immediately covered up the tattoos on his body.

Only then did he have the time to think carefully about where the source of energy just now came from.

It couldn't just be generated by itself for no reason, and it would just happen to get into his body so coincidentally. Even if a monk wants to condense his energy, he must also absorb spiritual energy from the outside world and then transform it.

Standing where he was sitting cross-legged just now, Shi Yu looked up and down. Such a weak Yuan Power was unlikely to last for a long time. The source must be nearby.

After summoning up all his energy, Shi Yu suddenly swung all his strength around. The strong wind blew hard, and the mist shook slightly, but it was still extremely thick.

Feeling the rushing Yuanli carefully, Shi Yu noticed something strange. The Yuanli suddenly slowed down just one foot away from the body, as if it was blocked by something.

Shi Yu hurriedly stepped forward to take a closer look and saw a black diamond-shaped object the size of an egg hanging in the air, reflecting a faint light under the misty light.

"What is this? Could it be that it emits Yuan Power?" Shi Yu gently stretched out his hand and touched the spar. The spar did not move at all. Shi Yu tried harder, but still could not shake the spar at all.

"It's strange, it's obviously hanging in the air, why does it seem to be fixed here?" When Shi Yu saw that it couldn't move, he released his spiritual thoughts, wrapped the crystal lightly, and wanted to probe in for a closer look. As soon as his spiritual thoughts covered the crystal, Shi Yu felt a slight pain in his mind, as if a small mouth opened on the crystal and bit off a piece of his spiritual thoughts. Shi Yu hurriedly retracted his spiritual thoughts, covering his head and screaming in pain.

After a moment of relief, Shi Yu did not dare to use his spiritual sense to investigate anymore. Instead, he stretched out his hands to hold the crystal and pulled it down hard. The crystal seemed to open its mouth again and sucked hard. Shi Yu's body just started to feel better. The energy was immediately absorbed by the crystal.

Shi Yuli felt that his palms were weak and his whole body was weak. He let go of the crystal and staggered back a few steps. The crystal was still hanging in mid-air, motionless.

There was no sound here, but there was a big commotion on the other side of the secret realm door.

Yuan Jiezun shot a stream of Yuan Power towards the portal. Before he could say a few words, he saw a sudden rumble in the space around the Secret Realm Gate, and the entire Secret Realm Gate seemed to be crushing the space and rising from the ground.

"Back off! Back off!" Yuan Jiezun shouted in surprise. The monks were also quick to respond. They fled far away with a whistle and stood in a safe place to look at the door of the secret realm.

"Yuan Jiezun, what's going on? Is that kid messing around inside?" Xiao Tong leaned next to Yuan Jiezun and asked in a low voice. He guessed it by mistake.

"I don't know, I have never heard that the secret realm door can be shaken by human power. The opening of the door this time is really weird." Yuan Jiezun looked at the secret realm door in confusion, thinking hard.

Shi Yu tried his best to drag the crystal with no result. He just lost his strength and let go, then hurriedly stuffed something into his mouth to replenish his energy.

, I heard the hissing sound of the wind around me suddenly, and the fog that filled here seemed to have a vent, rushing in towards the crystal. The originally diffuse fog turned into a tangible torrent, and with it the people standing aside. Udu couldn't stand up straight, and his cheeks and eyelids hurt sharply.

Hurriedly closing his eyes and covering his face, Shi Yu knelt on one knee to resist the strong wind. After a while, the wind stopped, and Shi Yu slowly put down his arm that was covering his face, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

The fog disappeared completely, and Shi Yu saw that he was standing in a hall with a radius of only a hundred feet. In the middle of the hall was the black crystal stone floating in the air. At this time, the crystal stone had white lines scattered on the surface.

"Ah? It's so small, I didn't even touch the side wall, let alone walk out?" Shi Yu looked around in surprise. The door of the hall not far away was wide open, and he looked out at a pavilion.

Shi Yu was surprised, and the space somewhere in the hall suddenly swayed, and suddenly an arm stretched out and grabbed Shi Yu. Shi Yu was shocked, and his Yuanli was agitated. Countless wind blades and ice knives were thrown out, slashing on his arm, and the arm was attacked and quickly retracted.

"You don't have much ability! I cut off a lot of your skin and flesh." Shi Yu was originally in a state of shock, but he was relieved when he saw the debris on the ground.

"Is there anyone here?" Shi Yu leaned against the crystal stone and carefully looked at every corner of the hall.

Elsewhere, the people of Xiyue Realm saw that the door to the secret realm had returned to calm, and were wondering, when suddenly they saw a hurricane roaring out from the crack of the door, and instantly came straight in front of them, blowing everyone's clothes rustling, and those with a slightly shallow realm were swaying. Endless fog spread with the hurricane, and in the blink of an eye, the high platform door was covered.

"This... this..." Such a change made people speechless. Yuan Jiezun stood on the ground with a solemn face, staring at the fog-shrouded door in silence.

The fog became thicker and thicker, and the cultivators of Xiyue Realm gradually could no longer see people who were a little far away with their eyes, and several divine thoughts kept passing through.

The wind came quickly and went quickly, and the fog gradually disappeared as the wind stopped.

Yuan Jiezun warned everyone not to move rashly, and walked towards the door of the secret realm. This time he did not dare to shoot out the Yuan force again, he always felt that this abnormality had a lot to do with the Yuan force he had just shot out.

He stretched out his hand and gently touched the door, and Yuan Jiezun's arm was halfway in. He was happy and was about to speak, but his brows suddenly frowned.

"The door is open!" The Xiyue monks around exclaimed in unison, not noticing Yuan Jiezun's expression, and all of them were happy.

Yuan Jiezun raised his hand to stop everyone, and slowly retracted his arm. The joy on everyone's face froze, and they saw that Yuan Jiezun's arm was bleeding, as if it was eaten by some monster inside the door, and the white bones were immediately visible.

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