Life Control Chart

Chapter 1074 I killed him

Shi Yu said something vicious, took a deep breath, grabbed the jade pen and closed his eyes again to think.

The jade pen immediately lit up, and it seemed to convey a message to Shi Yu.

After a long time, Shi Yu opened his eyes and smiled bitterly: "It turns out that I really misunderstood Zhilingwei! I killed him, and I forced myself into a desperate situation!"

Mo Lu frowned and said, "What did you see again?"

Shi Yu threw down the jade pen and sneered:

"The Yuming War Road has always had only one master, that is, the Yuming God! Those who leave their names here are just pen holders, temporarily managing the Yuming War Road for the Yuming God! All those who leave their names here are qualified to be the temporary manager, but the predecessors are not dead, and the descendants can only leave their names but cannot control the Yuming War Road."

"So when Zhilingwei died, you automatically became the steward here?" Mo Lu asked again.

"Yes! That's right, but I, as a housekeeper, didn't get any power from God!

That is to say, I have no other benefits except killing people in the city with this pen! Haha, this is the first among all the soul-guarding slaves and the order-executing guards!

It's a pity that I misunderstood the order-executing guard's meaning. He was subject to the possibility that the soul sea could be invaded by the God of Controlling Life at any time, so he dared not leave any memory, nor could he remind me what to do.

And I plundered the divine power in the Road of Controlling Life, and forced him to overdraw his own strength to deal with the Land of Broken Life! His death can be said to be mainly caused by me."

Shi Yu walked out of the hall with a lonely look and flew to the edge of the city.

Mo Lu hurriedly followed and landed in front of a small earthen house with Shi Yu.

Pushing open the door that looked like a rotten wooden board, Shi Yu and Mo Lu stepped in.

The cracked order-executing guard, holding a spear, proudly sat on a broken wooden bench, but his eyes had long lost their spirit.

"He didn't choose the throne, he would rather die in his own home." Shi Yu's voice was a little gloomy.

Mo Lu patted Shi Yu's shoulder and comforted him, "Perhaps this is the ideal destination in his heart. He was prepared to die because of you."

"The Zhilingwei can actually call on the divine power of other heavenly domains to nourish the Yumingtu. He just wanted me to be the writer, so he said those words and did those things so that I could personally erase the Duanshengdi after his death.

It's a pity that he couldn't hide it from the Yumingtian. His death was not worth it!"

Shi Yu sighed, bowed slightly to the Zhilingwei, and turned to leave the earth house.

Back to the hall, Shi Yu picked up the jade pen, "Let me be the chief steward? Then I have to tear down this family? If you don't let me use the Yumingtu to kill Duanshengdi, then I will stare at Duanshengdi and let their every move be under my control!"

As he said, Shi Yu stomped his foot on the ground, and Mo Lu saw that the high platform carrying the emperor's throne seemed to shuttle through countless worlds and landed on Duanshengdi at a very fast speed.

"Wow!" Mo Lu exclaimed, this scene could not be described in any language.

Without using a boundary gate, a teleportation array, or even releasing power, he was traveling through countless worlds. The word "miracle" was a little pale.

Shi Yu glanced at Mo Lu who was extremely surprised beside him and said, "This is an illusion! We are still on the life-controlling battle path! We just saw everything in the life-breaking land."

Mo Lu then noticed that all the people coming and going seemed to be unaware of the existence of him and Shi Yu.

"Look there?" Mo Lu raised his hand and pointed to the distance. He saw the Lord of Heaven holding two wailing boundary masters and flying fast.

Shi Yu's eyes followed the movement of the Lord of Heaven, and he laughed, "Hey! Is this the fate of surrendering to the Land of Death? The Lord of Heaven has captured two more realm masters with special talents to be devoured by the Lord of Earth."

Mo Lu nodded and said to Shi Yu, "The Zhiling Guards had just fought with the Land of Death before they died. The next time they attack the Yuming Battle Path, it will depend on you!"

Shi Yu snorted, "It also cost a lot for them to break through the Juntian Wall. They had to pay the price of two supreme beings losing their strength. But I have to prepare well, the decisive battle is just around the corner!"

"You have been sketching the Palm Sky Pattern for more than three thousand years. Can the divine power you have been absorbing help you improve significantly?" Mo Lu said worriedly.


Shi Yu chuckled and did not answer Mo Lu's question, but said, "Keep an eye on the Land of Death. If they move, wake me up!"

After that, Shi Yu closed his eyes, and the jade pen was thrown on the table like a rag.

Mo Lu only had the sight of Duan Sheng Di in his eyes, but he could feel the roaring and surging around him again, presumably because Shi Yu was plundering his divine power faster.

When Duan Sheng Di began to stir again, Shi Yu's crazy plundering also came to an end.

Without Mo Lu's reminder, he had already opened his eyes.

Seeing Duan Sheng Di reorganizing his men and horses and preparing to attack the Yu Ming Battle Road again, Shi Yu smiled and waved his hand and returned to the solemn hall.

Mo Lu was shocked by what he saw.

Everything in the hall was shrouded in a layer of darkness, as if a person had been drained of his energy.

When he ran outside the hall, he saw the same thing everywhere.

Mo Lu turned to look at Shi Yu who walked out of the hall slowly, "What did you do? This city seems to be collapsing!"

Shi Yu shrugged and replied: "I didn't do anything, I just drained several Heavenly Lord Domains. Now, except for the little divine power of Yu Ming Zhan Dao, Yu Ming Tian has only spiritual energy left!"

"Isn't this... a bit too much?" Although Mo Lu hated Yu Ming Tian Lord, he still had some feelings for Yu Ming Tian.

"Too much? Haha!" Shi Yu laughed, "I didn't consider it when I extracted the divine power from the Life-Breaking Land.

When the Zhiling Guards killed 90% of the population of Duanshengdi in one battle, the divine power that exploded from the dead veterans rushed into the Yumingdi to raise the strength of all human beings, but avoided my Yanlan City. Do you know why?

If it weren't for the sudden intervention of Yuming Tianzhu, Duanshengdi would have been gone long ago. He also deliberately let the divine power avoid my Yanlan City. Do you think I still need to be polite at this time? "

Mo Lu was stunned for a moment and hesitated: "Is there such an inside story?"

"I have also been looking through the Yumingtu for thousands of years and finally know some of the truth!

You say, for such a world that targets me and only wants to destroy all my family and friendship, I am very polite to keep a little divine power!"

Mo Lu said, smacked his lips and said nothing.

"At most ten thousand years, the divine power of Yuming Battle will dry up, and Yumingtu will inevitably collapse without nourishment. Do you think I am the culprit of Yumingtian's destruction? More vicious than Duanshengdi? "Shi Yu asked Mo Lu with a smile.

Mo Lu knew that Shi Yu would definitely not do that, and said this to mock himself, "What are you going to do? Even if those people in Yanlan City go to the upper realm, they still need lifelines to maintain their lives. Without the Life Control Map, they will definitely die."

"You will see!"

Shi Yu's voice was calm, which made Mo Lu's heart beat wildly.

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