Life Control Chart

Chapter 1075 This is my mercy to you

In the Land of Life and Death, the four supreme masters once again prepared their men and horses and took out the divine weapon to break into the life-controlling battlefield.

"Brother! The Order Guard is very abnormal. He is getting stronger and stronger. My head has been smashed more than a dozen times!" The Lord of the Earth looked up at the sky.

The Lord of the Great War and the Lord of the Heaven were carrying the divine weapon and rushing straight into the sky.

The Lord of the Thousand Generals stroked his machete and also looked up at the sky. Behind him were the few remaining veterans and generals, and behind him were the servants and realm masters he raised.

"If it breaks, it will grow again! I have captured many special world masters for you over the years, and most of the divine power has been spent on you. You must go all out in today's battle! No matter what, one of us must rush into the life-controlling battle path!"

The face of the Earth God Lord gradually became ferocious, and he smiled: "Don't worry, I have condensed the remaining thread of the life-controlling diagram to the top of my head. If the Zhilingwei dares to slap me again, the backlash will be enough to break him! Big brother, if you add a few more slashes, he will lose his combat power even if he doesn't die!"

The Thousand Generals nodded, took a deep breath and raised the Pudao.

"The second and third brothers have already started, let's go together!"

The Earth God Lord's expression returned to solemnity, and each of his hands tightly grasped a Yi Killing Arrow.

The artifact hanging in the air made a low humming sound, and the Heaven God Lord and the War Lord poured all their divine power into the artifact together.

An invisible giant blade shot out from the top of the artifact like a cone, instantly tearing open the void for thousands of miles, and endless chaos rushed into the broken life land along the crack.

The giant blade was like a long arrow with a long black tail flame, hitting the blood curtain and the Juntian Wall heavily.

The strong impact was strange but there was no loud noise. Only the visible dents were pushed up by the giant blade and finally broke due to the extreme pull.


Qianjiangzun shouted, and rushed to the broken sky.

The Lord of Earth was not willing to fall behind, with two Yi killing arrows on his waist, and his face was ferocious again.

The Lord of Heaven and the Lord of War, who took on the important task of opening the sky, did not run out of strength this time, but chased after Qianjiangzun with pale faces.

The four supremes took the lead and rushed to the crack in the sky in an instant.

Qianjiangzun said nothing more, and took the lead in slashing into the crack with thousands of sword beams, and the Lord of Earth followed the sword beams and broke through the air, and raised two Yi killing arrows above his head.


With a loud bang, all the sword beams were blocked by the huge mountain that suddenly blocked the crack.

The broken blade light flew in all directions, cutting open countless cracks in the void again.

The huge mountains were also overturned by the blade light and rolled away.

"Heaven-suppressing Seal? It's Shi Yu!"

The Earth God Lord, who had already rushed into the crack, shouted in shock and anger, and saw a long iron chain whipping him fiercely in the face.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Shi Yu who was sneering at the end of the iron chain?

This was the first time in thousands of years that the Supremes had rushed into the Life Controlling Battle Path intact.

They never knew that Shi Yu had been practicing in the Life Controlling Battle Path for a long time, and they didn't dare to think that Shi Yu had regained control of the Life Controlling Battle Path.

The Earth God Lord hurriedly swept his eyes over Shi Yu's hands, and he was slightly relieved when he didn't see the jade pen.

Waving arrows to repel the holy chain, the Earth God Lord shouted: "Shi Yu! Where is the Order Guard?"

Shi Yu sneered, "Order Guard? Do you want to see him? I'll take you there!"

The holy chain was pulled out again, and the Heaven Seal also whistled and slammed heavily on the Earth God Lord's fontanelle.

"Looking for death!"

In the mind of the Earth God Lord, Shi Yu without the Jade Pen was definitely not his opponent.

"Huh? Where is the divine power?" Qian Jiangzun, who rushed into the Life Controlling Battle Road after the Earth God Lord, cried out.

Only then did the Earth God Lord realize that there was only a very thin divine power flowing in the empty Life Controlling Battle Road.

The pale faces of the Heaven God Lord and the War Lord were even paler at this time. They were still hoping to take the opportunity to seize the divine power to recover, but the divine power at the moment was not worth plundering at all.


The Heaven Seal hit the Earth God Lord's double arrows again, forcing the Earth God Lord to stagger back.

The four supreme beings looked at Shi Yu with even more surprised eyes, and then they all showed a cautious expression.


Qianjiangzun swung his sword and the sharp sword light instantly cut Shi Yu's face.

Shi Yu did not move, and sneered at the four supreme beings, ignoring the sword light falling on his face and body.

After a slight sound, the sword light slashed by Qianjiangzun with all his strength, as expected, split Shi Yu's muscles and bones.

But the long sword marks from Shi Yu's head to toe made the four supreme beings retreat in shock, and everyone raised their personal treasures.

Shi Yu curled his lips, and the deep sword wound quickly disappeared, and he stood in front of the four supreme beings again.

Only then did other war masters rush into the life-controlling battle path, and they were all surprised to see Shi Yu smiling.

Shi Yu reached out and touched the place where the knife wound disappeared, and said with satisfaction: "Not bad! I just want to test how strong I am today! You will never have the opportunity to hurt me so easily again."

With a flip of his wrist, the holy chain disappeared from Shi Yu's hand, and the jade pen took its place.

The four supremes retreated together, their eyes all focused on the jade pen.

When Shi Yu was not as strong as he is today, he could already use the jade pen to severely injure the Lord of the Earth.

Now that he has the strength comparable to the supreme, can he not threaten the real Lord of Heaven?

"Shi Yu! Where is the Zhilingwei?" Qianjiangzun asked the same question as the Lord of the Earth.

Shi Yu patted the jade pen in his hand and said: "It seems that you all miss him very much, so how about I send you to see him now?"

As soon as these words came out, the supremes knew that the Zhilingwei had died, and Shi Yu had replaced the Zhilingwei and became the master of Yumingtian.

The most worrying thing happened. The Life Control Diagram has now become a toy in Shi Yu's hands. He can completely wipe out everything in the Broken Life Land at the risk of backlash.

The hands of the four supreme masters trembled slightly. They didn't want to die in such a miserable way. Even if they died in a fierce battle, it was better than returning to the peak but having their lives simply cut off.

Calming down, Qian Jiangzun raised his machete and pointed it directly at Shi Yu, "Let's fight fair! Don't let down the name of the Supreme."

At this moment, Qian Jiangzun regarded Shi Yu as a top power with equal strength to him. There should be no tricks in the battle between the strongest.

Shi Yu raised his lips higher, but his smile was full of coldness, "Fair fight? Qian Jiangzun, you are so shameless to say that! What is the purpose of your coming here?

Isn't it just to kill the Zhiling Guards and then kill my Yanlan City? Now the ten thousand year deadline is up? Do you really have the idea of ​​a fair fight in your heart?"

Qian Jiangzun's old face was reddened by the ridicule, and he pursed his lips and couldn't answer.

"Now that I am strong, you must fight me fairly. When I was still weak, which of your sneak attacks, provocations, and strong attacks was not extreme?

Haha, you are not worthy of talking about fairness!"

"We are not worthy, so you are worthy? You have led the bastards into the land of death again and again, isn't it just to prevent me from practicing in the land of death?" The Lord of the Earth shouted angrily.

Shi Yu smiled even more brightly, raised the jade pen in his hand and shook it, "So, don't talk to me about fairness, there is no such thing as fairness in this world.

You are strong and you have the final say, I am strong and I have the final say. Fairness is either the pity of the strong for the weak, or a compromise between equals.

Come on! Fight!"

A life-controlling map slowly appeared in Shi Yu's hand, and the jade pen also gently tapped on the life-controlling map.

The people in the land of death were in chaos, and they all knew what would happen next.


Qian Jiangzun shouted and lowered the Pudao in his hand.

Shi Yu tilted his head and smiled at Qian Jiangzun, raised his eyebrows and asked: "What? Any last words?"

Qian Jiangzun was speechless.

The conflict between Duanshengdi and Shiyu is irreconcilable and must end with the complete extinction of one side. Begging for mercy will not work.

At this moment, a chuckle sounded on the Yuming Battle Road,

"Not bad! Little guy, you are better than I thought. You can withstand my mind control. Then fight Duanshengdi honestly! Bluffing can delay time, but what's the point?"

"Lord?" Duanshengdi's veterans exclaimed in unison, and knelt on the ground.

Shiyu's face was cold, and he gritted his teeth as he looked at the Yuming map and jade pen that disappeared in his hands.

"Don't worry, Yumingtian is still yours, but I just want you to fight Duanshengdi fairly. This is my pity for you and Duanshengdi, hahahahaha!"

The laughter of Yumingtian Lord quickly disappeared.

Qianjiangzun, who was kneeling on one knee and standing up at the front, snorted coldly.

Raising the broadsword in his hand again, Qianjiangzun took a deep breath and shouted: "Fair fight! I will not bully the weak with the strong! Three days later, the true test will be in the Land of Life Control!"

After saying that, Qianjiangzun jumped back to the Land of Life Control without looking back. For a moment, the army retreated in a hurry, and the Land of Life Control became an empty and cold place again.

Mo Lu showed up at this time and asked: "Are you sure?"

Shi Yu's cold face suddenly bloomed, and he smiled: "I knew that the Lord of Life Control was watching everything. Didn't you hear him? Fair fight. If I am not strong enough, he will definitely not allow the war to happen!"

Mo Lu thought for a while and nodded, "Then let's fight!"

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