Life Control Chart

Chapter 224: Finding a Way Out

Seeing that the two siblings couldn't tell each other and wanted to fight together, Shi Yu had no choice but to reveal his identity with a laugh.

The brother and sister looked at the rough and burly man in front of them in disbelief. Thinking about the elegant Shi Yu before, they couldn't help laughing. Sometimes when Yu is around, they no longer worry about being embarrassed, and return to their original appearance happily.

Shi Yu looked to his left at Mu Liu, who had a jade-like face and a jade tree facing the wind, and to his right at Mu Li, who had divine muscles and jade bones and was extremely beautiful, with his mouth crooked and his eyes squinting.

Mu Li looked at Shi Yu's appearance, her beautiful eyes were smiling and she was silent. Mu Liu held his head high and was proud of himself, his thoughts finally overriding yours.

However, this also made Shi Yu happy. Even people who were so familiar with the two brothers and sisters didn't realize that he was Shi Yu. The matter of borrowing the body was very promising, and his safety was further guaranteed in the future.

Shi Yu detailed his experiences in the past few years. The brother and sister were amazed, especially happy for Shi Yu's huge gains.

They also told Shi Yu the good news that with the help of the body created by Shi Yu, the two of them had made rapid progress in cultivation. They never dreamed that in just over a hundred years, they would rise from a meager strength equivalent to dozens of orifices to a tenth century. power.

Moreover, like Shi Yu, all their bodies and souls closed on their own. This frightened the two of them at first, thinking that this would end their path to cultivation.

Shi Yu also felt the same way. The despair and pain of not being able to practice back then was absolutely unbearable to look back on.

However, Shi Yu also told the two brothers and sisters about his judgment on physical fitness, reminding them that they would probably have to stay at the threshold of the tenth century for a long time. Without a massive foundation, it would be impossible to go further. After hearing this, the brother and sister didn't take it seriously.

Tenth century! It is enough for them to last forever, and they have no big ambitions. Enjoying life is the true meaning!

Shi Yu was very envious of their optimism, and secretly thought that he would be able to take revenge in the future, and he would be as happy with life as they were.

Without further ado, when Yu said that he wanted to take them out of the Daxu Immortal Realm, Mu Li almost jumped with joy. She had long been tired of this closed world, and then she heard that Shi Yu said that this was a foster care. The place is even more frightening, and I hope to leave as soon as possible.

But at that time, Yu said that he would probably go to the Zhenwu God Realm first. After knowing where the Zhenwu God Realm was, Mu Li's face fell again, with a look of reluctance.

As for how to leave here, they both have no idea.

Shi Yu simply did not return to the Xuming Sect, and only let Long Kuang drive the sect to stop nearby. He lived with the Mu Liu brothers and sisters. Compared with the cold palace, he preferred to be with his relatives and friends in Ying. Amidst the vibrant countryside.

Shi Yu had been trying to figure out that node in the void day after day, but he still found nothing. When he fell here that day, it was as if there had never been a passage directly to this place from the outside world.

Moreover, the ancient records also said that there are four soul refining paths here, but none of them have been discovered now. I really don’t know how high the cultivation level of God Yu Tiandi and his disciples were at that time, and they can easily break through things that they can’t even see. barrier.

Shi Yu, who found nothing, had no choice but to take his two brothers and sisters to Xuming Sect and carefully examine the soul refining path of Xuming Sect. The complete path at this end is just a small portal.

Several slaves were revived. They knew nothing about how they fell into the soul refining path. They only said that they were walking when their vision suddenly went dark. When they woke up, they saw Shi Yu standing in front of them. Moreover, the slave with the highest cultivation level is only more than ten years old, and has no ability to resist the soul-washing needle.

Shi Yu and the other two people disagreed on whether to use the retrograde soul-refining path to leave Daxu. No one dared to predict the dangers of the retrograde soul-refining path.

Shi Yu wanted to go in first and give it a try, but was firmly held back by the brothers and sisters. It was still a matter of time before he could come back. He said frankly that if Shi Yu dared to step in, they would follow immediately. As for the outcome, God decides.

Long Kuang, who was standing beside him, timidly expressed his dissatisfaction with Shi Yu's risky behavior. The boss was likely to run away on his own within a few days of worshiping him, so how could that be done?

Shi Yu had no choice but to spread his hands and said: "This won't work! That won't work either! There is no other way. I can't escape from here and I won't be able to bring you into my body. So what can I do?"

Seeing that Shi Yu was a little anxious, Mu Li Zhen said goodbye and hid behind his brother. He was afraid that Shi Yu's temper would change suddenly again, so Mu Liu quickly shut up and looked like it was none of his business.

Long Kuang came up and nodded and said, "Lord, I have an idea. Maybe it will work?"

Brother Shi Yu and Mu Liu were stunned when they heard this, and turned to look at him. After all, Long Kuang had cultivated for nearly four hundred years on his own, and his knowledge should not be underestimated.

"Does your Daxu Immortal Realm still have a way to store living creatures?" Shi Yu asked uncertainly. No one has ever been able to put a living thing into the sea of ​​body, orifice, and soul. As long as this has been done throughout the ages, a living person will go in and a corpse will come out. No one knows why.

Shi Yu put away his body because there was no real soul in it and it was no different from a corpse, so he dared to do so. Could it be that Daxu could still have such a method of storing living people that was so different from the outside world?

"Ah? No, no! How can living creatures be stored?" Long Kuang knew that Shi Yu and the others had misunderstood, and waved his hands repeatedly, "I mean, if the Lord, the two of them are immobilized with soul-washing needles and lose their minds, then I should not be harmed again in the soul refining path, and I, the Daxu Immortal Master, will not be harmed. As long as the Lord holds us back, I should be able to follow."

"Hmm..." Shi Yu raised his eyebrows and thought, this might be a solution.

"However, this method also has

Disadvantages. "Long Kuang saw Shi Yu thinking deeply and knew that his mind had moved.

"Say!" Shi Yu asked.

"The master's cultivation is whether it can support the need to go retrograde. Immortal Master Daxu, no one has ever really been able to go retrograde. Everyone who goes in will die and be thrown back into a corpse. "Long Kuang lowered his head and did not dare to look at Shi Yu again, for fear that the Lord would be angry because he doubted his strength.

"Yeah..." Shi Yu nodded and said nothing more, and Long Kuang breathed a sigh of relief at his calm tone.

"As far as I know, there are only one and a half people who have successfully escaped in reverse. One is the Yu Demon you call him. Half is your adoptive father, and half is gone. We can't even compare to these two people." Shi Yu sighed.

Long Kuang had never talked to Shi Yu about his adoptive father. When Shi Yu said that his adoptive father was halfway gone, he knew that he must have met his adoptive father in the soul refining path. He wanted to ask, but he was afraid that his foster father and Shi Yu would have some trouble, so he suppressed his unbearable emotions and lowered his head in silence.

"By the way, how did your adoptive father betray Daxu? Was he discovered by the Holy Immortal?" Shi Yu asked in turn.

"I don't know either. My adoptive father killed the leader of the Black Abyss Sect and fled into the Soul Refining Path without even saying a word to me." Long Kuang replied quickly.

"Forget it, there's no point in bringing up the past!" Shi Yu sighed sadly, turned his face and asked Mu Liu and Mu Li: "What do you think of this idea?

"Not very good!" Mu Liu did not hesitate, "If you insist on inserting soul-cleansing needles on us, it would be more comfortable to transform into a spirit body and get into the boundary formation inside your body."

Shi Yu was stunned when he heard this, "Yes, my body can not only exert its full strength, but also provide safe shelter for the two brothers and sisters, that is the best choice."

Shi Yu had some calculations and calmed down, and said: "Retrograde to the Soul Refining Road is the last resort. Long Kuang, hurry up and collect information about the secret place. The sooner the better, we must leave here before the return of the Holy Immortal. I will look for other ways out and be prepared."

Long Kuang quickly agreed upon hearing this.

Shi Yu made a five-year agreement with him. After five years, he would come back here to work together no matter what. Shi Yu concluded that it would take at least ten years for the saint to return, and everything must end as soon as possible before that.

He also taught Long Kuang and his brother and sister the Duxu Sound Transmission that had been engraved on their souls by the eldest brother, so that they could communicate more easily. Unfortunately, the brother and sister were really at too low a level and couldn't find any way out. However, Long Kuang soon gained some insights.

Seeing that there was nothing else to do, Shi Yu left the Void Sect with his brother and sister, and began to wander around the world. Another idea he had was to see if he could find a weak point in the Great Void Space, so that the Wanyu Realm Sect Orders could feel the weakness of other great Void Spaces. If you can, it would be perfect.

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