Life Control Chart

Chapter 225: Yu Mo Reappears

All the True Immortals in the Great Void Immortal Realm were wiped out. This earth-shaking event could not be concealed for long. Soon, some immortal masters discovered that their ancestors had become useless and were only relying on their past prestige to barely suppress the sect.

At first, they thought that this was a deliberate pretense by the ancestors to lure out the dissidents or ambitious people in the sect and eliminate them. But gradually, they found that the ancestors, who were shaky when walking, did not get angry and kill one person to warn the rest after being refuted several times, but turned their cloudy eyes helplessly, unable to cover up the sadness in their hearts.

No one is immune to the desire for power, even the monks who look like immortals. The True Immortals who only have prestige but no strength were soon sidelined. Once someone broke the peace that they had tried hard to maintain in the past, it was like a hall with its dragon bones extracted, collapsing and collapsing continuously.

Shi Yu and his companions had only been wandering in the Great Realm for more than a year when they saw hundreds of sects fighting and killing, and countless innocent souls wandering and crying on the ruins of the once prosperous immortal sects, towns and villages.

Shi Yu was very angry about this and sent a message to Long Kuang to suppress the matter. Long Kuang felt puzzled. It was normal for the power to be redistributed when the True Immortals lost power, but Long Kuang did not dare to refute it and had to run around under Shi Yu's orders.

Xu Ming Sect flew over the sky of the Great Void like a meteor, rushing to wherever there was trouble. Long Kuang killed at least eight people every day.

Even so, the chaos like a prairie fire spread rapidly. The disaster caused by the ten True Immortals being abolished this time was not something that could be easily solved by one person or one sect overnight.

Four True Immortals who had lost their strength were killed in a blink of an eye, especially the old woman of Juxian Palace, who had a weird temper and was cruel in the past. The first one was hung on the flag of the Juxian Palace's parade ground. Even after death, she could not rest in peace. She was skinned and thrown into her own ancestral temple. The disciples of the Juxian Palace forced her descendants to eat the old ancestor's flesh and blood and bite the old ancestor's bones...

Long Kuang was also worried that Shi Yu would blame him for delaying the main business, so he patted his chest and promised that he would suppress all the sects within two years at most. Those bastards would make trouble behind closed doors, but those who dared to delay the assigned tasks would be killed cleanly to serve as a warning to others!

Hearing this, Shi Yu fell silent, cut off the voice transmission with Long Kuang, lowered his head and slowly landed in a small city. He stood in the center of the city and looked around for a moment before lowering his head, staring at the bleeding ground under his feet in a daze.

Here, it is just a mortal city affected by the fight between the immortal masters. At this moment, there is no longer the bustling voice of the past, only the chaotic corpses and fireworks.

The fire and blood reflected in Shi Yu's eyes, and his cheeks were gradually burning hot. He remained silent, staring at the swaying flames in the whistling wind.

Suddenly, a faint cry came with the wind, and Shi Yu quickly flashed to a house.

It can be seen that this family is quite well-off, with a spacious house and winding pavilions. But all this is gone, and now there are only broken tiles and ruins. The faint cry came from a well that had been half-closed for a long time.

Shi Yu lifted the broken wall and pillars attached to the wellhead, stretched his head down, and at the bottom of the dry well, there was a woman who had died lying on her back.

A one-year-old child was slowly squirming in her arms. He kept groping the woman's body and stretched out his little hand to rub her face, but no matter how he cried, the woman in her ignorant eyes would not pick him up in a hurry like in the past, laughing and teasing his little face.

Reaching out to rescue the woman and the child from the dry well, Shi Yu gently picked up the child from his mother's arms and held him in front of him to see if he was okay.

But how could a little baby distinguish between good and evil? Only the mother's arms were a warm harbor. The weak cry turned into a heart-wrenching howl. The tender little hands pushed and hit Shi Yu desperately, and the little feet kicked wildly to escape from the stranger's hands. Shi Yu was hit on the forehead several times by weak fists and kicked in the nose and jaw by the little feet.

Shi Yu tore open his clothes expressionlessly, wrapped the child tightly in his chest, and released a more scorching flame with one hand, sending the child's mother's body to another world.

The crying became louder, and the beating became more intense. The originally innocent and bright eyes were filled with boundless fear. In his eyes, Shi Yu was no different from those villains who rushed into the house.

Shi Yu just endured it silently, hugged the child tighter, and only the fire in his eyes seemed sharper.

The brother and sister who had been following Shi Yu silently looked at each other, and worried expressions appeared on their faces. Often at such moments, Shi Yu would inexplicably fall into anxiety and throw out some extreme and ruthless remarks or pedantic clichés.

Gritting his teeth, Mu Liu took a deep breath, stepped forward a few steps and patted Shi Yu's shoulder. Just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Shi Yu.

"I know what you want to say, and you don't have to worry about me getting sick. So, I will slowly adapt, otherwise, when can I take revenge? My brother is only three years old. Let's go!" Before the voice fell, Shi Yu had already jumped up and flashed into the distance.

Mu Liu, whose palm was still hanging in the air, opened his mouth wide, looked back at his sister who was also at a loss, stamped his feet hard, and shouted: "It's bad! Something big is going to happen!" He took her hand and chased after her.

They couldn't see that Shi Yu's eyes were illuminated by the flames and were bright red, like the raging waves of a bloody sea. Yes, what Shi Yu saw was no longer the reality in front of him, but the world of Shen Yu filled with flames, and his parents and younger brother whom he had never seen until his death. The pity he had just felt a moment ago had turned into rage that burned his fragile mind.

Shi Yu was so fast that Mu Liu and his sister couldn't keep up with him, but they were not afraid of losing Shi Yu's trace because Shi Yu was going on a killing spree.

There was a river of scarlet blood, severed limbs and remains, and an echoing roar: "The Yu Demon is here, who dares to fight!"

Whether it was the immortal masters who took advantage of the chaos to massacre innocent people or the bandits who took advantage of the situation, Shi Yu did not let anyone go. Shi Yu doesn't care about his or her cultivation level or status. He only cares about whose face is ferocious and whose hands are stained with blood.

The people who had just been crying and wailing under the butcher's knife saw nothing when they discovered that the person holding the knife had died under his own knife. Only the name of "Yu Demon" was surging back and forth in the air.

The feet of the suffering people were littered with pieces of

A moment ago, the evil spirit was still grinning and showing off its power. The money and treasures stuffed in his arms were scattered on the ground. At this moment, they could take whatever they wanted.

Looking at the Yu Demon disappearing in the distance, people who grew up listening to the Yu Demon story don't know whether to be grateful or to curse as always.

Chasing the fleeing immortal bandits, Shi Yu broke into mountain gates one after another. In his eyes, anyone who raised a magical weapon butcher's knife was a person full of evildoers. No one was his enemy. Often, Shi Yu just When he started, the murderers who saw the arrival of death broke down in their resistance, dropped their weapons and staffs and ran away.

Rumors are the fastest sentences in the world, and legends are the longest stories in the world.

The news of the Yu Demon's reappearance spread to every corner of the Daxu Immortal Realm in just a few months, especially in this turbulent world where demons danced wildly. The immortal sects who were fighting everywhere and the refugees who fled blindly were the best spreaders.

The Yu Demon is still the evil demon that slaughters the world, and is still a nightmare that cannot be avoided when heard of, but the difference is that at least some people are no longer afraid of his notoriety and are looking forward to him appearing in front of them.

The large and small immortal sects in the Daxu Immortal Realm did not restrain themselves much under the suppression of Long Kuang, but they became nervous under the might of the Yu Demon. Only in the face of powerful external enemies would the dispersed forces inside remember the need to unite.

Whether it was Yu Mo who appeared in the form of Long Kuang or Long Kuang who appeared in the form of Tu Zhenxian, they both caused huge chaos for a while.

With Shi Yu's permission, Long Kuang fabricated the lie that the siege and slaying of the Yu Demon failed, all the true immortals were deprived of their cultivation, and he also lost his true identity. Call on all immortal masters to gather together and issue orders together to fight against the Yu Demon.

Whenever some immortal masters who are still ready to act do not restrain their viciousness or refuse Long Kuang's call, they will find that either an army of immortal masters or a Yu Demon alone comes to kill the immortal gate and slaughter all the injustice.

Under strong pressure, hundreds of immortal sects, large and small, were wiped out in one fell swoop. The turmoil that affected the entire Daxu came and went quickly. The entire Daxu finally calmed down and returned to its former tranquility.

Here there is both the ruthless erasure of Shi Yu and the cruel suppression of Long Kuang. No matter what, the immortal masters from the Great Realm gathered around Long Kuang, but he was the only one who obeyed. Only the forces protected by Long Kuang were not conquered by the Yu Demon. They believed that only Long Kuang, the only true immortal, could deter the Yu Demon.

When everything calmed down, Shi Yu stood on the top of a mountain somewhere in Daxu holding the rescued child, pointing to the endless land and said: "Shi Feng, you will come back here by yourself in the future to regain everything you have lost. Whatever the master did, you should do the same!”

"Yes, Master!" Half-sitting on Shi Yu's arms, the little baby vigorously waved its pink fists and made a milky sound.

After more than a year of peace and control, the child was no longer afraid of Shi Yu. Instead, he was closer to him than anyone else. Even if Mu Li wanted to hug him, he would reject him with a pout.

Afraid of Shi Feng's discomfort, Shi Yu would alternate between the two bodies from time to time to make him understand that the master has two different faces. However, the little guy was not afraid at all and actually enjoyed this interesting face-changing game.

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