Life Control Chart

Chapter 227: Stone Mirror Illusion

Shi Yu quickly released his strength to explore and confirmed that Shi Feng was fine before he felt relieved. He injected a gentle force into Shi Feng's body and slowly traveled around for a week to wake him up.

Shi Yu, who was full of doubts, raised his head and looked at the mountain wall, but he also didn't find anything unusual.

"What's going on? What did you see?" Mu Liu asked her sister softly.

"I saw... I saw those divine corpses came alive, and ate the young master inside, and then... then they caught you and me, biting me hard..." Mu Li was still in extreme shock, He pressed his chest tightly with one hand, and grabbed Mu Liu's chest with the other hand, and said in a trembling voice: "It's alive! It's all alive! Brother, what should I do? What should I do!"

"Don't think blindly, it's just an illusion. Even if they are alive, how can they come out along the rock wall." Mu Liu rubbed his sister's head a few times, held her gently in his arms, and turned to Shi Yu.

Shi Yu kept listening to the conversation between the brother and sister. When Mu Li stopped talking and buried his head in Mu Liu's chest, Shi Yu gradually woke up.

Shi Yu gently stroked his forehead and asked softly: "Feng'er, tell Master, did you see your mother?"

"Master! Mother is in there! In there! I want mother!" Saying this, Xiao Feng jumped out of Shi Yu's arms, pulled Shi Yu and ran towards the stone wall, patting and touching it constantly, like I'm looking for a portal to enter.

How can a child speak clearly and completely? He only expresses his thoughts in the simplest language.

Shi Yu followed him and stood in front of the stone wall, extending his hand to touch it gently. Shi Yu in the mirror wall also stretched out a palm and pressed it tightly against Shi Yu outside. There was absolutely no difference in the cold stone wall.

"Could it be that I missed something just now?" Shi Yu thought to himself, his eyes wandering back and forth on the stone wall.

Bending down to pick up Shi Feng, who was still looking for his mother anxiously, Shi Yu comforted him: "Don't worry, Feng'er. Master will go take a look again. You and uncle Shi wait here and don't run around."

Shi Fengqiang stretched his neck and stared at the mirror wall, seeing that his mother's shadow had long disappeared, tears streaming down his face.

"This must be an illusion. Sister, you and I are both good at this art. Don't let your mind be shaken. Someone must be using this stone wall to deceive people's hearts. Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!" Mu Liu also softly comforted Mu Li on the side, and took Shi Feng's hand to the two of them. At the same time, he held him in his arms.

Shi Yu nodded repeatedly, feeling that what Mu Liu said was true, and said softly to Mu Li: "Mu Liu is right, the divine corpses in the corpse hiding place were all devoured by me the night I marked the Fufeng Sect. It's impossible for him to crawl out and cause trouble and eat people. You don't have to worry. Even if there is another divine corpse, he will never come back. "

Mu Liu Muli heard Shi Yu talk about this for the first time. It turned out that she had always threatened him.

The corpse hiding place threatening them has long been destroyed.

Standing in the tunnel again, Shi Yu stretched out his hand to roll up a rock that was half submerged in the flames, and pressed it hard.

"Crack", accompanied by a crisp sound of shattering, a small piece of crystal fell into his hand. Shi Yu repeatedly checked it. It was just an ordinary mine, and nothing special was found.

Strange, why can’t Mu Liu and I see it? The immortals and masters of the people around me also said that their deceased ancestors often appeared to them. Is it possible that the person who performs the magic is still choosing people to confuse? What's the use of confusing children?

Shi Yu smashed the crystal in his hand into pieces, becoming more convinced that it was just an ordinary mineral vein. After digging it out and polishing it carefully, it could only be used as a toy or a dressing mirror.

I had earlier judged that the strange phenomenon here was just the leakage of earth's light, and it was also because the ore was so crystal clear that it was likely to reflect the light of underground lava and earth fire to the ground.

It must not be that the rocks are different! Shi Yu made a decision in his heart and walked around the mineral vein diagonally inserted into the Yanliu. He saw that it was straight and he didn't know how far it penetrated.

With his heart pounding, Shi Yu tried his best to open up his Yuanli shield to protect his whole body, and was slowly immersed in the rushing flames. He wanted to thoroughly understand where the mirror wall rock vein leads to, what its length is, and what's underneath , and what exactly is hidden?

What surprised Shi Yu was that after the mirror stone reached the bottom of the Yan River, it not only continued to extend downwards, but also extended along the upper and lower reaches, covering the river bed for hundreds of miles at each end, just like An iron pillar is inserted into the furnace, slowly melting and dripping with iron juice.

Shi Yu didn't know how long the Jingbi Rock Pillar had been immersed in the flame stream here, but judging from the thick juice at the bottom of the flame stream compared with the size of the entire rock pillar, it would probably take tens of millions of years to melt the entire rock pillar. .

Shi Yu took a brief look and stopped delaying. He strengthened the shield and continued to descend rapidly along the rock pillar. Fortunately, I finally touched the bottom of the rock pillar.

What he saw in front of him made Shi Yu shake his judgment. This rock pillar was by no means a natural formation, but was thrust down from the sky and penetrated deeply into the earth. The end of the rock pillar that penetrated into the ground was actually perfect. It is in the shape of a pointed cone, extremely sharp and radiating cold light. It is impossible for natural rock veins to be like this.

If the earth is the muscle and bones of human beings, then the long and narrow conical stones that pierce deeply into the earth are steel needles that penetrate into the bones.

Shi Yu carefully stood at the tip of the rock vein, stretched out his hand and touched the tip gently. The sharp metal and stone energy shot out, leaving a deep blood mark on his hand.

"Interesting, I don't have this sharpness if I don't touch it. Is it possible that a stone pillar like yours can still sense popularity?" Shi Yu said to himself, shaking his hand hard, and the blood stains disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Puff!" Knock it hard on the side of the tip several times, and the dull sound of earth and rocks cannot be heard underground.

No matter how far it was, there was no trace. Shi Yu looked at the motionless rock veins and began to think deeply.

"Could it be a weapon? Which cultivator from another world escaped the soul-washing needle, fought desperately with the immortal master who was chasing him, and threw out his own divine weapon when he fought hard, and was buried here? That person is too huge! What did Mu Li and Shi Feng see? Is the divine weapon spiritual?" The more Shi Yu thought about it, the more confused he became.

"Save me..." The extremely weak call reached Shi Yu's ears, scaring him.

"Who!" The alert Shi Yu instantly released his divine thoughts, covering a radius of more than ten miles, with countless rocks and soil, and no trace of a person.

"Go down, come down a little more..." After a long time, the voice barely sounded again.

Shi Yu did not rush to go, although it seemed that this person had no strength to fight, but if the vision of thousands of years was arranged by this person, it would not be the weak and powerless feeling it gave people now.

Shi Yu did not move for a long time, and the voice did not sound again. Both of them were silent, as if they were trying to figure out each other's intentions.

Shi Yu suddenly twisted his body and fled to the ground. He was worried about the three people above, especially the one who was a pure burden. He never thought that there would be another cultivator when exploring the secret realm. He couldn't take such a risk.

After a long time, the silent earth sounded a long sigh, as if sighing about his bad luck.

"You three, stay away. There are indeed ghosts underground." Shi Yu suddenly jumped out from the ground, and his rash words scared Mu Liu and Mu Li.

"What ghost? Is there really a god corpse?" Mu Li's eyes became round again as his mood gradually recovered.

"I don't know if it's a god, but it's definitely not a corpse. It can talk." Shi Yu waved his hand, took out a set of armor and shield, threw it to Mu Liu, took out a python leather armor and handed it to Mu Li, and then took Shi Feng from Mu Liu's arms and stuffed it into Mu Li.

Seeing that Shi Yu was so partial, Mu Liu was so angry that he panted and panted, but he didn't respond at all.

"Look at the depth of this stone pillar, it's thousands of miles long. You run first, run ten thousand miles." Shi Yu made careful arrangements, "Don't come back if you find something wrong. I have my own way to get out. At worst, I don't want this body anymore!"

Mu Liu, who was still angry, was even more straightforward. Without saying a word, he wrapped all the protective gear on the three people, pulled up his sister and rushed away in a hurry, even skipping the polite reminder to Shi Yu to be more careful.

Shi Yu turned around and went back to the underground. At this time, there was a dead silence around.

Shi Yu calmed down and carefully spread his mind to explore downwards. The divine sense exploration did not find anyone underground. Either this person's realm was too high and he couldn't find it, or there was some magic that covered the divine sense, so he couldn't explore it. In any case, this is not an easy person.

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