Life Control Chart

Chapter 228 Stone Man Sword Opens the Sky

It didn't take long, and he didn't delve too deep, but within a mile or so, Shi Yu heard the faint cry for help again.

" feet..."

"So close!" Shi Yu was shocked. If he wanted to sneak attack him, he wouldn't even have a chance to react. But as far as the mind can see, there is nothing but earth and rocks for three feet, and there is no way that a person can fit in the occasional crack.

"He~ Such a powerful spiritual thought, I feel much more comfortable." The voice rang in Shi Yu's ears again.

"Where are you? Why can't I find you?" Shi Yu asked in surprise.

"Can you give me some medicinal powder that can strengthen my body and strengthen my health? Just a little bit, otherwise... I will soon run out of energy..." The man did not answer Shi Yu's question, but instead asked for it first.

Shi Yu took out a pill without hesitation and flicked it into the ball three feet away. His mind was carefully placed on the pill to see how it would change.

I saw that the pill was like winter snow meeting the warm sun, melting and dissolving quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into medicinal power and spread in all directions. Even where Shi Yu was, there was a faint medicinal power that spread along the cracks in the earth and rocks.

"Huh?" Shi Yu was even more surprised and said, "I can't be the one who's always been in your body, right?"

Shi Yu's spiritual thoughts followed the power of the medicine and expanded to a radius of a hundred feet before stopping the spread.

"Who says it's not, but it's not as exaggerated as you said." The man's voice became louder, and what happened next was that the earth and rocks around Shi Yu began to tremble slightly, and countless fine rock particles seemed to be summoned by someone. They gather together towards the place where the pills disperse. Not long after, a human form began to take shape, fully three feet tall.

"It's really a broken body!" Shi Yu sighed.

"It's broken, but it's my secret skill to save my life. Otherwise, I would have died in that person's hands." The vaguely human-shaped stone said solemnly.

"Who? A saint?" Shi Yu asked.

"I don't know if he is a saint or not. I only know that he is a powerful guy. He almost broke my body when I first came here." The stone man muttered.

"Where are you from? Are you afraid that I will break you up again?" Shi Yu threatened him.

"In the earth spirit world, the sword can open the sky!" The stone man said with high spirits as he became clearer and stronger.

Before Shi Yu could realize why Jian Kaitian suddenly became so proud, he let out a sigh of relief, supported the earth wall beside him and gasped: "Brother, your pills are not bad, can I give you a few more?" ?”

Shi Yu laughed in his heart, was this Jian Kaitian thick-skinned or was he just like this in nature? Not only was he not afraid of his own false threats, but he also didn't regard himself as an outsider and asked for the precious medicine.

But Shi Yu wasn't stingy either. He didn't have all kinds of pills, but he still had a lot of them. He took out a handful and threw them to Jian Kaitian.

Sword Kaitian Monkey was as anxious as if he had never seen a good thing before, stuffing it all into his mouth.

"Not bad! Not bad! Little guy, you are still a bit lovable." Jian Kaitian's body became clearer before his eyes, and his colorful body looked quite weird. His health has improved slightly, but his speech has begun to lose its tone. Just now we were brothers, but now we call him Shi Yu, little guy.

Shi Yu didn't take it seriously, looked at the stone man curiously, and continued to ask: "That man has beaten you away, and he is so kind to spare your life?"

"As I said, it was my own life-saving stunt! I wasn't beaten to death!" Jian Kaitian's voice became louder, "But if I hadn't thrown away my divine weapon and lured him to another place, I would have really been beaten to death by him. Oh."

As he spoke, Jian Kaitian stretched out his hand, and the huge crystal pillars above their heads rumbled, and the sound of the earth shaking and the sky shaking spread continuously.

Shi Yu hurriedly protected his body and rushed out of the ground in a flash. Jian Kaitian was not slow at all, and even ran out faster than Shi Yu. The earth, rock and mud flow with great resistance seemed like nothing in front of him.

Looking at the bottomless pit on the ground, Shi Yu shook his head. This Jian Kaitian just lacked a brain string and his body hadn't gotten much better yet, so he made such a big noise. Why didn't he look for people to come to him?

In the distance, Shi Yu also heard the sound of panic and running. It must be that the people within a hundred miles radius thought that the earth dragon had turned over and fled in panic.

"Haha, this is just fine. I almost died down there. Thank you so much for saving my life!" Jian Kaitian said.

Waving the silver-white giant sword that was two feet long in his hand, he bowed slightly to Shi Yu, looking dishonest no matter how he looked at it.

Shi Yu turned his head and looked down, and saw that the long crystal wall had been broken into countless pieces, and the sword must have been conceived among them.

"Tell me about your origin. It's such a coincidence that I can find you when I'm looking for something. It looks like you've been buried for countless years."

Shi Yu circled around Jian Kaitian. The stone man's body had jagged edges and corners, as if it were made up of countless types of minerals and rocks, with mottled colors of black, red, yellow and green.

Except for a somewhat humanoid shape with two eyes, a nose and a mouth, there are no other human characteristics. The sharp point of the blood-red stone piercing the forehead makes people shudder.

"Don't look at me like this. The injury is too severe and I can't keep my appearance! I'd like to have ten thousand more pills of your medicine to repay it." Jian Kaitian said boldly.

"Thousands of grains? Do you think these are fried beans?" Shi Yu stared, "Just these dozen grains, you have to give me tens of thousands of years to pay back!"

"Tch! You're stingy! If you let me look after the home, you have to give me at least a thousand pills a year!" Jian Kaitian roared with a loud voice, and he slashed the giant sword with all his strength, shaking the surrounding air.

Seeing the movement he made, Jian Kaitian proudly pushed the giant sword back, and the giant sword attached to his back like gravity.

"Stop talking and answer my question, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you!" Shi Yu changed the topic, feeling that if he continued to follow Jian Kaitian's words, he really didn't know where he was going.

From a distance, Mu Liu and three others flew over. They had been observing for a while. When they saw Shi Yu chatting nonsense with this weak-minded stone man, they felt that there was no threat, so they came closer. Shi Yu also felt that it was nothing serious, and Jian Kaitian had no hostility at all, so he did not stop him.

Jian Kaitian saw Mu Liu and the others flying in from a distance, and suddenly became a little alert. He raised the giant sword in his hand, but when he saw Shi Yu's face was calm and a large part of his back was exposed to the visitor, he knew that the visitor and Shi Yu were friends rather than enemies.

Two earth-yellow eyes glanced at the three of them for a moment, and then they roared again in a loud and unobstructed voice: "Hey! What a waste, what a waste!"

As he spoke, he kept beating his chest and stamping his feet, and the stone on his head made a rattling sound.

Shi Yu looked at Jian Kaitian inexplicably, not knowing what was wrong with him. Just at this moment, Mu Liu and the other three fell beside him. Xiao Feng in Mu Li's arms looked at Jian Kaitian in fear, and exerted all his strength with shock on his face. Twisting, he opened his arms to Shi Yu and wanted to get into his arms.

"Hey, look at your ugly appearance, why is your daughter-in-law so beautiful? Tell me! Are you trying too hard! This brother-in-law is also handsome, how can he agree to marry his sister to you! Fortunately, the baby is not like you." Jian Kai Tian pointed at Shi Yu and then looked at Mu Li, looking distressed.

"Huh?" Shi Yu was stunned for a moment. The stone man's feelings were said to be "wasted" for a long time. He meant that Mu Li's promise to him was wasted! He said angrily: "What are you talking about, you idiot! How do you know they are not husband and wife? I am my brother-in-law?"

"Idiot, you didn't hear them muttering in the distance just now. Did this girl call him brother? Do you call your wife sister?" Jian Kaiqingqing scratched his head several times, and then scratched the stone pieces. There was a loud bang, and his two small eyes radiated disdain, hating Shi Yu's intelligence.

Shi Yu was blocked for a moment and could not speak. He held Shi Feng and breathed heavily through his nostrils. Coupled with his wild and rough face, it was indeed a bit ugly.

Mu Li burst into laughter, coughed a few times without explaining, looked at Jian Kaitian with a smile, and thought this stone man was so interesting. Mu Liu also nodded vigorously, as if agreeing with his words.

It wasn't until Shi Yu couldn't stand Jian Kaitian's mother-in-law nagging and took out his own body that he became a little quieter. His fingers as thick as a mallet poked Shi Yu's body back and forth. He wondered if Shi Yu felt that I am ugly, I stole other people's bodies and prepared to seize them.

Regarding this stubborn guy, Shi Yu really felt that he had saved the wrong person and should have let him bury himself underground to fend for himself. We've been out for a long time, and we haven't talked about anything serious. We've only been talking about Shi Yu's appearance.

It wasn't until Shi Yu gave up arguing with this stone man who was obsessed with foreign ministers and handed over his hands to say goodbye that he shut up and made a request: "Brother, can you give me some more pills before you leave? Otherwise,

I really can't stand it when I encounter some powerful people. "

Shi Yu was angry and funny, wondering if this stupid big stone man was really stupid. How could he have the nerve to ask for something when he saw that he was so angry that he was half-dead. How was this silly stone spirit born, and how could it grow to such a large size safely? And it seems that his cultivation level is quite powerful.

"No! You were born with a spirit. You can just find a place to bury yourself for millions of years and you will recover. No matter what medicine you take, it's a waste!" Shi Yu said angrily.

"How can it be the same? I have transformed now, so I can't use the old method anymore, it's too slow! Anyway, you have so many people, and you can change your body at will. It's useless to keep it, so give it to me." The sword opened. He was so naive that he regarded Shi Yu's things as his own.

"You just wander around the world like this? You're lucky if you don't get beaten to death!" Shi Yu turned his face away, hugged Shi Feng tightly and jumped away.

Suddenly he felt his feet sink. He looked down and saw that Jian Kaitian was grabbing his left ankle and lifting him two or three feet off the ground.

"Let go! Even saving you makes me feel troublesome! What else do you want?" Shi Yu shook his left leg, trying to throw the sword out of the sky.

"Don't! If I don't say you're ugly anymore, I'll take care of your home. If you're not in good health, I will never leave you and go on your own!" Jian Kaitian tightly hugged Shi Yu's legs and pulled them up, about to pull them away. Touching Shi Yu's thigh.

"Let go! Get away!" Shi Yu couldn't help but became furious. He no longer cared about Jian Kaitian's seriously injured body. He kicked his face hard with his right foot, kicked him off his body, and threw him heavily. He rolled far away on the ground, with many angular stones knocked off his body, and his giant sword was thrown aside and stuck sideways on the ground.

This time the injury was really getting worse. Jian Kaitian barely recovered some energy, but how could he withstand Shi Yu's almost full force kick. Half of his stone head was taken off and he lay motionless on the ground.

Mu Liu and Mu Li have not interrupted, because they feel that there is something wrong with Jian Kaitian's temperament. It is unclear whether it is a pretense or true nature, and they have been observing silently.

At this time, when they saw Shi Yu kicking him to death, they were all shocked and hurried over to check. Shi Yu himself was shocked. He didn't want to kick Jian Kaitian to death, he just wanted to try his best to get rid of him.

Slowly descending to Jian Kaitian's side, Shi Yu squatted down and tapped him on the back. Jian Kaitian's huge body seemed to have turned into a rock, hard and cold, without any reaction to Shi Yu's touch.

"Uncle Stone Man is dead?" Shi Feng stood in Shi Yu's arms, staring at Jian Kaitian with his two dark eyes, and asked in a low voice. He had already experienced countless fights with Shi Yu and was not afraid of a dead man.

Before Shi Yu could answer, dozens of black dots appeared in the distant sky. The movement here finally alarmed the nearby immortals, and many immortal masters came together to investigate.

Mu Liu glanced at Shi Yu and saw that he had no intention of paying attention to these immortal masters. He cleared his throat and walked a few steps forward. His excited voice pierced the sky and spread far away: "Yu Mo is here! Who dares to fight!"

The immortal masters who were still black dots and had no human form, like flying insects swept down by a naughty boy with a bamboo pole, fluttered and fell. Nearly half of them fell. Those who were still in the air turned around and ran away, fearing that someone would chase them, and those who fell on the ground hid on the ground, hoping that their companions in the air could attract the attention of Yu Mo.

As for whether this side was really Yu Mo, it didn't matter, because they couldn't deal with this guy who transmitted the sound.

Mu Liu was still gloating over his own bullying. Jian Kaitian, who had been lying on the ground, suddenly raised his head halfway, and stared at Shi Yu with his only remaining eye. "Yu Mo? Are you from the Divine Yu?"

"Yeah, what? Do you have an old friend?" Shi Yu looked at Jian Kaitian in surprise, who didn't look injured at all. He wondered how he could pretend to be dead so well. He also became excited. It was really rare to meet someone who knew the Divine Yu in Daxu.

With a "teng", Jian Kaitian sat up, full of energy and vitality.

"Wait for me!" Jian Kaitian got up with a bang, opened his arms and shouted to the sky, shaking the gravel on his head to the ground.

This shout frightened Shi Yu and Mu Liu and others and retreated one after another. Shi Feng covered his ears in pain even under the protection of Shi Yu's Yuanli.

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