Life Control Chart

Chapter 229: Negotiation Collapse

Jian Kaitian's seriously injured body should not exude such a terrifying aura. Except for Shi Yu, no one present could withstand his powerful moves.

But Jian Kaitian didn't take action against anyone, he didn't even care about his own giant sword, and ran toward the fleeing immortal masters with strange screams.

Although he was not flying, his running speed was no less fast than Shi Yu's. Every time he stepped on the ground, he could fly hundreds of miles away. In the blink of an eye, he was chasing a group of small black dots. A big black spot in the back.

"What's wrong with this guy?" Mu Liu muttered to himself as he looked at Jian Kaitian going away.

"Catch him! We can't let him run away!" Shi Yu's mind changed and he knew that Jian Kaitian definitely had a deep connection with Shen Yu. He was not hating him, but was afraid. It was extreme fear that made him look back. Use all your strength to escape.

Naturally, Jian Kaitian couldn't escape from Shi Yu's hands, who wanted to capture him. Without much effort, he was picked up and thrown back by Shi Yu again. This time, Jian Kaitian was really dying and paralyzed on the ground like a heap. gravel.

"Tell me, why did you get so scared and run away when you heard that I was the Shenyu family?" Shi Yu asked coldly, standing in front of Jian Kaitian.

Jian Kaitian opened his one eye weakly and replied dejectedly: "I gave you the sword, why are you still chasing me?"

"Who wants your sword! I asked you why you ran away when you heard that I was the Shenyu family?" Shi Yu's voice became louder.

"Don't want a sword? The last time you robbed me was just for my divine sword!" Jian Kaitian muttered as he tilted his head and looked at the giant sword still stuck on the ground.

"Last time?" Shi Yu immediately thought of a character who still had many doubts - the disciple of Emperor Shenyu, the "one" who suddenly showed great weakness.

"You mean there was a Shenyu monk who robbed you of your divine weapon? Was he the one who broke you into pieces?" Shi Yu asked hurriedly.

"How many times have I told you, it's me who became like that! He didn't hit me!" Jian Kaitian was still in a dilemma.

Shi Yu didn't care whether he was broken into pieces or fell apart on his own. One side was beaten so badly, and the other side only wanted a sword. He must have a key knack.

"What's the use of your divine sword? Is it worth pursuing that person to the death? Besides, what did he do after he took your sword? Tell the truth, or I will put a slave mark on you!" Shi Yu threatened.

"Tch! Although I am weak now, it is because of serious injuries. If I were at my peak back then, I would be more than enough to kill you with one palm!" Jian Kaitian didn't seem to recognize the reality and actually threatened Shi Yu in return.

Shi Yu struck the side of Jian Kaitian's head with a palm, and flying earth and rocks splashed into his face, followed by another crackling sound from the stone head.

"Now I can slap you to death! You are so stubborn!" Shi Yu squatted in front of Jian Kaitian and turned his palms over to him.

"Hmph! Scholars can be killed but not humiliated!" Jian Kaitian looked at Shi Yu with a sneer and sighed: "Shen Yu really doesn't have any good people. I thought you were more innocent, but in the end I was wrong. Die. If you die, don't even think about giving me the slave mark!"

When Jian Kaitian saw that he was about to die, he dropped his schoolbag in a formal manner, shook his head in severe pain, spat hard at Shi Yu, and spat out a stone.

Shi Yu didn't really want to place the seal at first, but he was eager to let Jian Kaitian tell the whole story of the cause and effect, so he had no choice but to say with a sullen face: "Well, you are brave! Tell me the truth and I will let you go. I don't want the sword either. In addition, I will give you a hundred-year healing elixir.”

"You think I'm stupid? You just want to rob and kill like that bastard! I've finally seen through you bastards! Don't even think about it!" Jian Kaitian said harshly and simply closed his eyes and lay on the ground. , as if it’s at your disposal.

"You're like this so I can't kill you?" Shi Yu looked at this stubborn stone man, raised his eyebrows and raised his palms.

"Even if I kill you, if you want to escape from this world, just dream!" Jian Kaitian looked like he would rather die than surrender, but it ignited the fire of hope in Shi Yu's heart.

"You said you can escape from this world?" Shi Yu asked hurriedly.

Jian Kaitian remained silent and lay on the ground with his head tilted.

"Speak!" Shi Yu became even more impatient. He took Jian Kaitian's head and shook it hard. Jian Kaitian obviously had a splitting headache, but he just held it in and ignored him.

Mu Liu looked at it for a long time and felt a little unsure. He stepped forward to hold Shi Yu and shook his head at him, signaling not to press him any further.

When Shi Yu saw Mu Liu taking the initiative, although he didn't know what his plan was, he still stepped aside and took a few steps to stand with Mu Li and Shi Feng.

"Shiling Jian Kaitian? What a domineering name." Mu Liu squatted next to Jian Kaitian, wiped the dust from his face, and flattered him a little.

Jian Kaitian's face twisted even further, and he was almost half buried in the ground. He still snorted repeatedly, but his expression became somewhat relieved.

"What do you think of my body?" Mu Liu said to himself, not minding Jian Kaitian's sarcasm.

Jian Kaitian narrowed one eye and glanced over, saying: "Not bad, good-looking, what's wrong?"

"I'm not talking about good looks or not, but what the essence is." Mu Liu chuckled and patted Jian Kaitian on the shoulder, "You have a good body, but you're not as good as me."

"Nonsense! Although my stone body is not said to be invulnerable to all things and invulnerable to all attacks, it is much stronger than your fleshy and soft body!" Jian Kaitian turned his face, feeling strong. His disdain became even stronger, and he pouted at Mu Li repeatedly.

"Then how many years did it take for you to recover from near death and how long did it take for you to say a few words to my young master? How many years did it take for you to condense this divine sword of destiny again? As far as I know, the previous generation of Yu Demons appeared to my young master, but there were thousands of them. It’s been more than a year.” Mu Liu pulled the stone blade on half of Jian Kaitian’s head and said with a smile.

"So what? It's just a nap." Jian Kaitian was still not convinced.

"Will you get up and get beaten after a nap? Pulling on someone's trouser legs and begging for a reward? Are you ashamed?" Mu Liu tilted his head and looked into Jian Kaitian's eyes, "I won't do that, because, no matter how serious the injury is, I can recover in an instant with some medicine! Without medicine, it will take ten or eight years to recover!"

"Which flesh and blood person is not like this? What's so great about you?" Although I know that Mu Liu is bragging, it is an indisputable fact that the flesh and blood body recovers faster than the stone body.

"Haha, you are really awesome, and I'm afraid my son is not a match for you when you are in your prime. You are ignorant, and you are really ignorant. Don't you see that I am a spirit body like you? It's just that you are a stone spirit and I am a corpse spirit!" Mu Liu said, shed his human body, and another self stood side by side with the flesh body, standing in front of Jian Kaitian.

Although Jian Kaitian was seriously injured, his realm was still there. He could tell at a glance that it was just a body that Mu Liu had forced to condense, without blood, muscles and bones.

"Besides, which flesh and blood person can have a body like mine? Don't compare me with ordinary people..." Mu Liu continued, and before he had time to be proud, he was almost

angry to death by Jian Kaitian's bad words.

"You are a stink bug that crawled out of a corpse, killing people and taking their bodies. You are the same as Shen Yu! Then your sister..." Jian Kaitian determined that both sides were enemies, not friends, and he no longer showed mercy. He squinted his single eye and glanced at Mu Li again. He snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Mu Liu was very angry at Jian Kaitian's words. He said so much in a roundabout way, but Jian Kaitian still couldn't get to the point. Not only did he fail to arouse his curiosity, but he also made him despise himself deeply.

"You idiot! You have a spirit body! Where is your spirit?" Mu Liu was also anxious. He knew that he couldn't beat around the bush with such a stupid guy, otherwise he would get himself confused.

"I tell you! Idiot! This body was given to my brother and me by my master! My brother and I are weak, but thanks to the master's kindness and generosity, we are here today. You, a jerk, rely on your innate talent to condense your body with stones. You are so stupid! Just think about it, if my master is happy to give you a body like this, hidden in your original stone body, you can run rampant anywhere in the world!"

Before Jian Kaitian said anything, Shi Yu felt a little embarrassed. He had little to do with Mu Liu and Mu Li's bodies. At most, he gave them some flesh and blood. The meritorious service was the boundary formation.

Mu Liu said it as if he was a saint. It was really embarrassing. Moreover, even if Jian Kaitian was fooled by Mu Liu, he couldn't give him a body. What should he do?

Jian Kaitian seemed to be moved. He slowly got up and looked at Shi Yu with a squinting eye. Although he still snorted coldly, his expression was much calmer.

Shi Yu also saw that this guy was a stubborn person who said whatever he wanted. He was comparable to Kui San.

Mu Liu quickly struck while the iron was hot, and said incessantly: "You just misunderstood my son, thinking that he was with that Shen Yu monk. In fact, we don't know who he is.

I just said so much to tell you that the son is not what you think, and it is even possible that we will become friends in the future and give you some help that you never thought of. The son is just anxious to ask how to leave this world, so he is slightly coercing you. I believe you have the same idea, why don't we all..."

"Shut up!" Jian Kaitian slowly stood up and pushed Mu Liu away, "You are more talkative than a woman, do you believe that I can punch your pretty boy to death! You are talking about a piece of shit for so long!"

Mu Liu immediately shut up. No matter how weak Jian Kaitian was, he was still a hundred times stronger than him.

Shi Yu couldn't help shaking his head. Mu Liu was not much better than himself. He talked for a long time without getting to the point. As his elder brother Gu Yun said, it was a pity to have such a good appearance.

Mu Li carefully pulled his brother over and complained, "If you can't do it, don't get involved. You broke down when you talked to the young master that day, and now you can break down when you talk to this stone. You should just be quiet in the future!"

Mu Liu, who finally mustered up the courage, looked at his sister unhappily and went to play with Shi Feng.

"I want to leave this damn place!" Shi Yu understood Jian Kaitian's temperament and said straight to the point, "You seem to have a way, just say what you want."

"First, treat the wound; second, take me with you; third, you swear not to cheat me! I'm not like you bad guys who have to give people a slave mark!"

Jian Kaitian, who was staggering, slowly walked to the giant sword he had discarded. He tried for a long time but couldn't pull out his own life artifact. He supported the giant sword dejectedly and gasped.

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