Life Control Chart

Chapter 264: Exploring the Martial God Temple

Shi Yu knew nothing about everything. He only knew that he was being carried around by the Iron God of War, and felt the last trace of warmth in his head slowly dissipating.

He was thinking about how to explain all this to Dayu. Dayu was placed in Shi Yu's soul and locked up everything. He could only sense his body in the dark, and would not feel pain or death.

From the moment he was broken, the feeling of panic always gathered in Dayu's heart. He asked Shi Yu several times if there was anything wrong. Shi Yu always comforted him that it was nothing serious, but he knew that something must have happened, otherwise Shi Yu would not repeatedly refuse.

Shi Yu was afraid that Dayu would react too strongly to the truth and alarm the three Gods of War. He did not tell everything until everything around him was quiet.

To Shi Yu's surprise, Dayu did not react as strongly as he imagined. He only slightly jumped his soul when he first heard that he might die, and then he remained silent. Instead, Shi Yu could not help feeling guilty and took the initiative to promise to find him a better body.

Da Yu didn't comment, and just asked one question that made Shi Yu unable to continue: "Then am I still me?"

This sentence was also said by the King of Wenshen when he asked Shi Yu if he was willing to accept the body swap. He had remembered the principle of not doing to others what you don't want others to do to you since he was a child.

But now Da Yu's body is completely cold. Even if the two sisters Qingchi and Qingxi are resurrected, they may not be saved by setting up the boundary array immediately.

Shi Yu didn't answer, and Da Yu didn't ask more. He knew that everything at the moment was beyond his control. Moreover, after several days of contact with Shi Yu, he understood that he was not a malicious person. The current situation must be caused by an accident. It's not terrible to die again. The only thing he couldn't let go of was the person who was coming.

"The ugly girl is coming soon..." Da Yu asked softly.

Shi Yu was thinking hard about how to save the current situation. Suddenly, he heard Da Yu spit out such a sentence, and his guilt was even heavier. He had forgotten about it long ago.

Feeling that the big fish was silent again, the inexplicable sadness from that wisp of soul was vaguely seeping into Shi Yu's soul. Shi Yu seemed to be evoked with the same sadness. A pain that had been in his heart for a long time but he never wanted to tell others gradually became stronger.

This kind of pain in the heart can only be slightly soothed by illusory sweet memories, but that sweetness is like a soul-eating poison. Only a moment of pleasure will make you lose yourself for a long time, and new injuries will be added before the old injuries are healed, and it will repeat endlessly.

Shi Yu, who was lost in memories unknowingly, suddenly felt that his soul was warm and began to relax. The part that did not belong to him slowly dissipated. It was the big fish itself that began to disintegrate. He suddenly woke up and felt that the big fish's body was completely cold.

It must be that the connection in the dark was completely severed. The big fish knew that the matter was irreparable and had completely fallen into the mystery of the past, unconsciously giving up the last hope of life.

Shi Yu felt that he could not drag it on like this. Whether there was a big fish or not, he would start to take risks. There was no one around, and there would be no external force to help or hinder him.

Shi Yu forced the gradually dissipating soul of the big fish to condense in one place. Once the soul was completely dissipated and the true spirit had no support, he would really die.

Sketching out the prototypes of countless large formations, Shi Yu took a deep breath in his heart. He had less than a breath to escape from the soul and set up these immature formations to isolate the sky. At most, he had one breath to take out his body and return to its original position.

Perhaps the heavy damage in these two breaths would make him return to a more serious injury than in the stele room.

But he could not care about these anymore. Without the support of his own body, Shi Yu did not have enough strength to escape from the Buwu War Academy.

"Hiss~" A breeze blew in the deep rock room where even the air was frozen. A holy coffin lying on the ground suddenly trembled and cracked. A human figure suddenly stood up from it, but did not move for a long time.

As if the eternal and silent rock room was quiet as soon as it was disturbed, the slightly swaying dust floated in the darkness for a moment, and then slowly fell to the ground.

The figure slowly turned his head and looked around.

Shi Yu had returned to his body. It was dark all around, but it did not prevent him from seeing everything around him clearly with his strong eyesight.

Suddenly, a yellow-green fluorescence lit up, and the air seemed to be filled with light water vapor.

Shi Yu was startled and looked around suddenly. The clear light slowly flowed with his rotation, creating a bleak and dreamy picture.

"Is this the Martial God Temple? What a strange place." Shi Yu walked out of the holy coffin and closed the coffin lid. He didn't know that such a colorful light would appear before, and he didn't feel anything when he was shrinking in the coffin. He closed the coffin lid tightly because he was afraid that the light would hurt the body of the big fish.

Turning his head to look at the other holy coffins, it was still dead silent. The yellow-green light only gathered outside the coffin, and there was no other abnormality.

The light came quickly and went quickly, and the rock room returned to darkness in an instant.

Shi Yu gently opened the lid of the coffin where the big fish was, eager to check if the fragments were damaged. Unexpectedly, many small muscles connecting the fragments appeared on the body of the big fish.

However, these muscles were too fine and fragile. Shi Yu just opened the lid of the coffin to create a slight breeze, and they broke into pieces. Shi Yu was so shocked that he hurriedly held his breath and slowly closed it again.

"I didn't expect it! There was obviously nothing before the coffin was closed. What is the origin of this holy coffin? It can not only isolate the sky, but also give birth to the body to remain immortal!" Shi Yu murmured to himself, and walked to another holy coffin.

Reaching out to lift the lid of the coffin that was half of the human body, what came into Shi Yu's eyes was a withered corpse covered with spider patterns.

The withered corpse barely opened its eyes when Shi Yu opened the coffin lid. Two weak and threatening gazes were directed at Shi Yu's face, but he was too weak to see clearly what the black shadow in front of him was. appearance.

But it was only a slight intimidation. The dying Martial God could not open his mouth to ask anyone who dared to disturb his sleep. This hasty move had destroyed some of the stability he had gained from countless years of suffering, and one can imagine the corruption in his heart.

Shi Yu was unmoved, and then he opened the third holy coffin and squeezed the two Martial Gods together. The broken body still had a lot of skin and flesh split open, no matter how careful Shi Yu was.

Although he couldn't bear it, Shi Yu had to do this. He could only use his Yuan Power more carefully and slowly, trying to move the two Martial Gods as smoothly as possible to maintain the fragile status quo.

The two Gods of War were furious in their hearts, but they had no choice but to shoot out fierce eyes, scanning the blurry figures in front of them. Unfortunately, as soon as the coffin lid was closed, they lost all perception of the outside world, and any anger they had could only be buried in their hearts.

Shi Yuquan had placed everything properly, and had placed numerous forbidden formations outside the closed double holy coffin. Unless someone came to open the coffin at this time, there would be no chance of it happening.

Something strange appears.

The reason for doing this is because when Shi Yu changed his body just now, he didn't attract Tian Qi. All the prepared moves were useless. The holy coffin blocked Tian Qi. This was great news for Shi Yu.

Now that all his strength is in his soul, Tian Qi is restricted everywhere. With this holy coffin, he can at least do some cowardly things inside, and the holy coffin itself is worthy of careful exploration.

Shi Yu let go of the trapped soul of Big Fish, and Big Fish woke up at this time, confusedly sensing everything around him.

Shi Yu used the soul wave method to create the same scene for everything he saw, and Da Yu was also immersed in the scene.

"Can I... return to my own body?" Da Yu made his request at a loss. Now that Shi Yu has returned to his original body, although his body is dilapidated, it is at least his own destination.

"Don't worry, you can't do anything if you go back, and maybe you can find a way to recover your body in this Martial Arts Temple first, and then you can go back." Shi Yu reassured.

Da Yu had no objection to this. He just asked casually without any purpose. In his eyes, Shi Yu was already comparable to the Holy God. Everything he said and did was beyond his comprehension.

"What to do next?" Big Fish asked again.

Shi Yu thought for a moment and replied: "Check the entire Martial God Temple first. There are no more than ten breathing Martial Gods here. These two are not a threat, and the others who came in earlier should be about the same. Let's see what Tuoba Martial God looks like. , I guess it’s not much better, otherwise it wouldn’t be sent here.”

The yellow-green light would appear every other moment. At first, he was still alert. After experiencing it a few times, Shi Yu felt that he was completely unharmed under the light, so he put down his guard. In addition, Big Fish always said that he felt better. The remaining worries disappeared.

Shi Yu was actually happy with this. He wished that this light would always exist and heal the big fish's body through the holy coffin.

He had made repeated mistakes, which made Big Fish pregnant and unable to return, and also disturbed the peace of many martial gods. A slight improvement was a great comfort to him.

Shi Yu's feeling towards Zhenwu God Realm is much better than that of Daxu Immortal Realm. Thinking about it carefully, he was the first to cause trouble in all the entanglements and fights. Even the Martial Saint of Blood Slaughter Island who fought him to the death only stood on his side. The stance of justice in the world, not greed and selfish desires.

Facing such a big world, Shi Yu couldn't bear to lose too many causes and effects, so he just treated himself as a passing guest, coming and going in a hurry.

Shi Yu, who had calmed down a little, walked slowly in the long corridor of the Martial Arts Temple, wearing a thin layer of the holy coffin.

After pondering for a long time, he could not see what was special about this corpse-like holy coffin. It was just a hollowed-out mummy, with tougher skin at most.

The Martial Arts Temple is not vast. There are more than a dozen corridors and connected rock chambers, and Shi Yu can walk through them without much effort.

None of the holy coffins responded to his arrival, and everything was dead silent.

After counting, there were a total of sixteen holy coffins placed in scattered rock chambers. Some of the rock chambers were empty, with only dust accumulated on the ground.

Shi Yu explored every rock chamber. When he left the last rock chamber and returned to the starting point, the strange light appeared again, covering the three holy coffins.

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