Life Control Chart

Chapter 265: The Remains of the Holy Spirit

Only this time, there were a few lines of silvery white in the pale and faint light, flickering in and out of the yellow and green colors like swimming fish. Once they got close to the holy coffin, they disappeared into it and never appeared again.

Shi Yu noticed something strange immediately. This yellow-green color had appeared and faded for more than ten rounds, but no strange color had ever appeared. When the silvery white seemed to be mixed in the yellow and green, it was always careful. From the perspective of Shi Yu, it was no different than a giant rock falling from a flat lake, and the turbulent waves were clearly visible.

Vision means abnormality. Shi Yu waited patiently until the rock room returned to darkness again.

He hurriedly opened the holy coffin of Big Fish, used his eyes to look inside, and saw that the originally weak body recovered, and suddenly there were more bones connecting it.

After several more rounds of alternating light and dark, Shi Yu opened the coffin each time to check, until the big fish's body showed no progress at all.

Big Fish is now just like those remnants of the Martial Gods, barely recovering their human form, but this is far different from complete recovery.

After closing the holy coffin, Shi Yu sat in the empty space and meditated for a long time. Under common sense, the big fish's body must be dead, just like he was smashed to pieces by Qingxi's palm that day. Afterwards, Qingxi Qingchi worked hard to set up a boundary formation and saved his own life.

What is the mystery behind this Martial God Temple that makes the old man and all the Martial Gods think that the only way to survive and recover is by sending them here? What does this have to do with the Holy Coffin? Obviously it won't take long to reach the point where he can no longer recover, so what's the point of lying in the Martial Temple for so long?

Shi Yu, who was completely puzzled, had been sitting quietly in the rock chamber, pondering over the empty holy coffin in front of him. He always felt that he had overlooked an extremely important key, but he just couldn't figure it out.

There were no unnecessary changes in the light and dark colors that came and went. Shi Yu's thoughts cycled back and forth like this, and he fell into an unsolvable puzzle for a while.

Da Yu could also feel Shi Yu's helpless and confused mood, knowing that he was in this situation for his own sake, and finally couldn't help but comfort him: "Forget it, you are free now, don't worry about me anymore Leave now. Otherwise, if the Holy Spirit comes back, you will never be able to escape."

"How can that be done? You have no safe way out. If I leave, not to mention the return of the Holy God, even if the Martial God comes to check, you will definitely die! What's more, your childhood sweetheart is about to come to the War Academy. Seeing you like this, what should I do? ?" Shi Yu flatly rejected Da Yu's suggestion.

"It's better to die one person than to die two people, and the Holy God doesn't know how I am related to you, so he might save me." Da Yu tried his best to think in an optimistic direction, hoping to resonate with Shi Yu.

Hey, how can the Holy God be so kind? Once he comes back, let alone you, even these Martial Gods will surely die sooner or later! Shi Yu silently thought with disdain, but the words only echoed in his heart but were not spoken out.

Suddenly a thunderbolt hit Shi Yu's heart. He suddenly felt enlightened and the fog in his mind cleared away.

"Yes! It must be the Holy God! Only when he comes back can these Gods of War recover! And then..." Shi Yu suddenly stood up and struck each other with his fists and palms. The most crucial trick was revealed by the big fish.

The old man once said that since the Temple of Martial Arts was moved here, the seriously injured Martial God never recovered. It must be related to the hurried departure of the Holy God and the War God Yu!

This Martial Arts Temple was not built by the War Academy itself, but like the Immortal Soul Formation of the Great Void Saint Immortal Palace, it must have been a means deployed by the Holy God.


Then, this holy coffin is not owned by Zhanyuan, but left by the Holy Spirit! The War Academy has not yet been able to create an artifact that can isolate Tianqi.

Shi Yu grabbed the holy coffin in front of him and examined it carefully again. He even locked himself inside and let out his spiritual thoughts to invade it inch by inch. He wanted to tear it into tiny pieces to check clearly.

Soon, Shi Yu found out that the entire holy coffin was not a complete human body. Apart from the internal organs, the remaining muscles and bones were also broken into pieces, as if they had been eaten away by thousands of insects and ants. Fine holes are all over the body. What made him even more delighted was that those holes were actually filled with the hidden soul essence!

It's too familiar. Shi Yu is too familiar with the aura contained in the power of this soul! When Daxu devoured the soul shed by the Holy God, he had felt the breath countless times.

The Holy God actually planted his souls in these holy coffins, and even when he touched the souls, no trace of the true spirit surfaced, secretly guessing that there was none here. If the Holy Spirit and True Spirit were here, those Martial Gods would have recovered and left long ago.

"No wonder you can isolate Tianqi. How could the Holy God let Tianqi hurt yourself? The power of these souls is probably the key to the recovery of the God of War! Without the Holy God's stimulation, who can have the means to invoke healing!" Shi Yu, who was gradually getting closer to the truth, Unable to bear the excitement in my heart, I eagerly waited for the appearance of the yellow-green light.

The strange light came as promised, and Shi Yu hurriedly got into the holy coffin where the big fish was placed, and imitated the breath of the Holy God to activate the hidden soul essence. Without the soul essence controlled by the true spirit, it was naturally impossible to distinguish the exact breath that Shi Yu imitated. .

Wisps of divine soul power rippled out and slowly sank into Shi Yu's body. Shi Yu was suddenly shocked when he felt the changes brought about by the Holy God's divine soul power. It contained not only the Holy God's divine soul aura, but also a An inexplicable surge of vitality and blood was replenished at the same time.

The dark wounds left by several battles were quickly restored under the wash of two majestic forces. Not long after, the broken lines all over Shi Yu's soul were eliminated one by one, and the minor physical injuries were healed instantly.

The big fish's body is also recovering rapidly. The yellow-green light came and went quickly. After the light disappeared, no matter how he activated the essence of the Holy Spirit, Shi Yu could only feel the energy being replenished, but no limbs were reborn.

Oh, another kind of soul-washing pool? This light is not a vision of the rock chamber itself. Holy God, you have so many methods, so where is the big formation you set up?

Shi Yu was not in a hurry to find out where the formation's eye was, which was like a holy immortal soul formation, nor was he in a hurry to confirm whether the true spirit existed. With such a good opportunity for healing, it was business to recover himself and Big Fish first. After the first experience, the rest will come naturally.

He didn't know how long it took, but Shi Yu estimated that it was nearly a month before the big fish returned to his body.

He looked at his perfectly reshaped body in disbelief. Whether physically or mentally, he felt extremely powerful. Especially when the silver light appeared, all the bones seemed to have been carefully baptized. It's a rebirth.

Standing in the rock chamber, Big Fish looked at Shi Yu with burning eyes, his eyes flashing with enthusiasm. He even felt that Shi Yu was the real Holy God.

Shi Yu also looked up and down at Big Fish's body without any scars, and praised repeatedly: "Sure enough, direct activation is much more effective than formation activation. I thought it would take at least a few years for you to reshape your body, hehe. , really good

! It seems that it won’t take long to rescue all the Martial Gods! "

Before Big Fish could wake up from the excitement of recovering his body, he was stunned by Shi Yu's crazy words. Although it was in his interest to rescue the Martial God, Shi Yu was a monk from another world who had sneaked in after all. Which Martial God would let him go? he? Isn’t this asking for death?

In fact, there was still something that Shi Yu had not said in his heart. He wanted to take all these holy coffins as a reward for rescuing these martial gods.

The power contained in the holy coffin can definitely allow him to reach a new peak in his cultivation. How could Shi Yu be willing to give up because of greed?

"Is this appropriate? Aren't you afraid of them getting angry and hurting you?" Big Fish asked cautiously.

"It's okay. From these two holy coffins, I have roughly figured out what is going on. I have a plan, so there should be no problem. Besides, I have a good sense of the Zhenwu God Realm, and I have received a lot of benefits. Please give me something in return. It should be." Shi Yu said firmly.

Da Yu stopped talking. As long as Shi Yu believed in something, he felt it was absolutely correct.

With a definite plan in mind, Shi Yu hurriedly walked through every corner of the Martial God Temple. He would not dare to find the formation where the Holy God had set up the formation, and directly lend a helping hand to save the Martial God.

With the experience of the Daxu Immortal Realm, the target of his search is much clearer, which is the unusual decorations, sculptures and abnormal scenes in the entire Martial Temple. The first thing that bears the brunt is the constant appearance of yellow and green colors.

In Shi Yu's thinking, he believed that the yellow-green color must be the medium that touched the two powers in the holy coffin, but it would lose its effectiveness if it lacked the power of the Holy Spirit's soul. If we find the true source of this brilliance, perhaps there is the soul shed by the Holy God. If we find the soul, everything will be easier.

The frequency of the yellow-green color appearing is very fixed and frequent. It seems that it appears in all places of the Martial Temple at the same time. After a few days, Shi Yu can still distinguish extremely subtle differences.

The first place that lights up is near a distinctive rock pillar in the middle of the temple. This rock pillar is also the last support before the main road of the Martial Temple branching off into dozens of branches.

The mottled ancient rock pillars were exactly what Shi Yu had in mind. The outline layout of the entire Martial God Temple was engraved on them. Every branch of the road and the position where each sacred coffin should be placed were clearly visible. Shi Yu didn't know that the Iron Martial God had also Pause briefly in front of this stone pillar.

Shi Yu was determined, there was no doubt that the secret would be here.

Looking closely at the rock pillars, there were no traps or protective formations. Shi Yu carefully peeled off the shells of the rock pillars, and found a fine iron-like object about half the size of a man tightly embedded in the rock mass. Under the dark martial arts The temple exudes a faint silver glow.

"Haha~" Shi Yu laughed naively as he felt the familiar aura. Without the cover of the rock skin, the relic of the Holy God's soul could no longer escape.

While laughing, Shi Yu peeled off the entire piece of slough from the rock pillar and put it away. Only then did he discover that there was a palm-sized golden stone tray underneath, which was engraved with complex and difficult-to-understand intricate patterns. The tray had long been broken into several pieces.

Only then did Shi Yu understand that the real reason for the failure of the God of Martial Arts was here. The array plate with the activation formation was broken and could only stimulate a slight yellow-green glow to stimulate the body. How could the Martial God be reborn?

What is more likely is that it was because the formation plate was shattered and the rock pillar's own protective capabilities were completely lost that he was able to remove the piece of soul relic without much effort.

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