Life Control Chart

Chapter 287 No clue

"Is it because I practiced too late and it's hard to break the wall? Or is it because I don't understand enough and it's hard to understand the truth?"

Shi Yu smiled bitterly and sighed that Wu Yaoshi thought he could practice Chaos Immortality because he had a rich reserve of Yuanli and could withstand the short-term invasion of Chaos. He didn't consider whether he had the talent to understand the true meaning of the practice. Saving the God of War was in front of him, and he was just a trial product.

Practicing is like reading a book. The book is there, and there are only so many words. Anyone can learn, anyone can understand, but what they really understand depends on their talent.

Helplessly experiencing fruitless practice again, Shi Yu looked at the faint chaos and had no clue. He stood up with a gloomy mood, opened the door and walked out. For a year, he had never left the stone room. It was time to adjust his mentality and temporarily stop blindly wasting.

A small courtyard has been built around the stone room. The bamboo and wooden fence encloses a hundred feet of radius, and some flowers and plants are simply planted inside.

It was early in the morning. Shi Yu had not appeared for a year. No one was on duty in the courtyard. Only the faint moonlight was shining. Qinghui took advantage of Shi Yu's embarrassment and helplessness at this time.

Shi Yu walked around in the courtyard irritably, thinking hard about what he did wrong. The cramped courtyard made him feel depressed and had no place to vent.

Helpless for a moment, Shi Yu walked out of the courtyard slowly and walked along the path to the more remote and high mountain top behind the stone house, hoping that the wide view could help him relieve his mood.

The moonlight was very beautiful. Shi Yu felt that he liked the quiet and quiet night more and more. Being alone and gathering with relatives and friends were both indispensable parts of a comfortable life.

Walking straight up the mountain, Shi Yu exhaled a long breath and saw everything in Xuantian Sect. The once glorious Xuantian Sect still has magnificent halls and vast areas.

In this rich and comfortable Xuanpan Realm, under the protection of the Burning Fire Valley, there is no need to worry about safety. It is indeed a place without heavy responsibilities and can enjoy the glory of the ancestors.

"It is really a better place than Shenyu!" Shi Yu praised sincerely.

Standing on the top, Shi Yu slowly turned his eyes, and the clear moonlight cast a mysterious glow on the whole land, quiet and peaceful.

Feeling much better, Shi Yu was about to return the same way, but someone approached him along the mountain road, and his tiny steps made a light "tap" sound.

Shi Yu relaxed physically and mentally, and never thought of using his divine thoughts to cover the surroundings. He was touched by someone less than a thousand feet away.

"It's really interesting, why do you like to sneak to a deserted place in the middle of the night!" Shi Yu chuckled in his heart. The person who came must not be a bad guy. There was no intention to hide his whereabouts in his hurried footsteps.

With a twist of his body, Shi Yu disappeared into the night wind on the top of the mountain. No matter who the other party was or what he wanted to do, he didn't want to pry into their privacy.

But things just didn't go as planned. The vague words were full of resentment, and Shi Yu's name was sent out.

"Sister, when do you think Senior Shi will leave? We can't practice with peace of mind. Master doesn't even let us go to Yuehua Valley, for fear that he will suddenly call us."

"How should I know? Stop talking nonsense. The dawn will soon come. Only here when the day and night change can some moonlight condense. Hurry up and practice."

"Humph! Practice! In the end, you will be given to Haixiaoxu as a concubine!"

Although Shi Yu had no intention of spying, these words made his heart tremble. The strong resentment made the night wind suddenly cold, and he trembled slightly in the wind.

"This is fate, you and I

We knew it long ago. Master told us when he accepted us."

"I know~ You're here again. Didn't I say I wouldn't go? Isn't it just to marry a sea monkey so that he can take our Moon Charm body so that we can break through? For my parents, for my younger brother! It's our good fortune to be chosen! You always say that, aren't you annoying!"

"It's good that you know. My younger brother has opened nearly forty orifices. He is the hope of our entire clan. It's worth it for you and me to sacrifice."

"Alas, think about the future. Once we lose the Moon Charm body, the sea monkey will no longer pay attention to you and me. We can only be left alone in the deep palace and die of old age. I feel uncomfortable."

The voice fell silent, and two pretty and graceful figures appeared on the top of the mountain. The faces of the two sisters were a little cold and indifferent.

The two of them posed for the exercise without saying a word. Shi Yu was stunned when he saw it. He felt embarrassed and a little hot at the same time.

Guan Yueying was fine. She was sitting cross-legged on a flat stone with her long hair dancing. She made the orchid gesture with her palms facing the sky and slowly closed her eyes. Her elegant and dignified appearance was coated with a layer of porcelain white under the hazy moonlight, which showed a holy posture, which made people respect her.

But Guan Yuewu was too charming. She was lying on the ground on her side, and a piece of green grass was her soft and comfortable couch. She put her palms together and rested her head on her smiling face, her back was slightly bent and her legs were bent, as if she was going to fall asleep sweetly.

This was nothing, but the strange thing was that her body gradually revealed a similar clear light under the moonlight. The clothes on the ground could not cover the glow from her and gradually became thinner and thinner. The hazy and vague girl's jade body had undulating ravines and round curves, like a fresh peach, waiting to be picked.

"So beautiful! So like!" Shi Yu recalled the past, and another picture of a beauty under the moon appeared in his eyes. Jiang Shuangxue was lying on the grass not far away with a sad face, and the moonlight outlined another picture of mountains and peaks that were both holy and tempting.

Shi Yu was immediately dazzled. The sweetheart who was buried deep in his heart and dared not recall suddenly appeared in front of him. He unconsciously took a step forward to see more carefully.

Fortunately, Guan Yueying seemed to have sensed something and opened her eyes at this time. Shi Yu woke up from his delusion and blushed immediately. He quickly looked away and left in a hurry.

The night wind completely startled the two sisters who had just fallen into the true meaning of practicing. They both stopped and jumped up at the same time, looking around vigilantly.

"Sister! Something is wrong. Let's not practice anymore. After all, only the two of us can enter Yuehua Valley. Although this place is remote and forbidden to enter, what should I do if someone sees it~"

Guan Yueying said nothing, still looking around, and said helplessly after a long time: "Someone has been here, alas!"

Shi Yu, who fled back to the stone house, didn't know what the two sisters said later. He didn't have the face to continue listening. Guan Yuewu's body was almost exposed to him. Once it was discovered that it was him, how could he pretend to be a master.

Thinking that the two sisters actually had such a destined future, Shi Yu also felt emotional, but he didn't know the inside story and couldn't judge whether it was good or bad. Judging from the expressions and tones of the two, it was extremely reluctant but helpless to accept.

It's not good to ask about other people's family affairs rashly, and he didn't have the intention to save the beauty.

Shaking his head, Shi Yu began to ponder the boring and fruitless Chaos Immortal Technique. But he could not calm down and ponder carefully. His mind was always filled with the two sisters' completely different postures and expressions. It seemed that his infallible ability to enter into meditation for thousands of years was broken overnight, and thousands of demons hidden in his heart kept teasing his heartstrings.

"How could this happen? I have never been so agitated even when I saw Mu Li!" Shi Yu tried hard to outline Mu Li's beauty in his mind, using her to dispel

the troubles lingering in the hearts of the two sisters.

In terms of beauty and appearance, Mu Li is more than one level better than the two sisters, and no woman has been able to surpass her until now.

But even such a flawless and peerless face could not defeat the two young figures, but was defeated repeatedly. Always without Shi Yu's knowledge, she turned the tables and drove away Mu Li's beautiful shadow in his mind.

At this moment, Shi Yu was no longer embarrassed and ashamed. The two sisters' shadows under the moon were reflected in his eyes. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly. A heartstring that had been buried deep in his heart and curled up slowly trembled, like a ray of warm sunshine passing through layers of dark clouds and shining on the withered grass, reappearing a little vitality in his heart.

Just when Shi Yu was in a trance, a crisp rebuke sounded outside the stone room: "Tie Niu! Xiao Hua, you two come out!"

If there were voices outside the house on weekdays, Shi Yu would immediately enter into meditation and isolate himself from everything, but today, for some reason, he pricked up his ears and released his mind to walk around the whole courtyard.

"What are you doing? So early in the morning." Tie Niu's honest voice sounded.

"Where's Xiao Hua! Aren't you two in the same room?" Guan Yuewu asked after a pause.

"How would I know? He always comes home late and leaves early. You know that."

"Why are you looking for me? I heard you calling from a distance!" Xiaohua's voice came closer and closer, and his footsteps landed on the ground with a "bang".

"Where did you go?" Guan Yuewu's hesitant voice sounded.

"Why do you care about me? Anyway, I didn't run far. I will show up immediately if Senior Shi summons me." Xiaohua said indifferently.

"Tell me the truth, did you two peek at my sister and I practicing?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Xiaohua's voice became anxious, "Do you want us to die? How dare you say such things?"

Shi Yu smiled bitterly, thinking: It seems that everyone in Xuantian Sect knows that the sisters' practice is not to be seen. Then they still find such a conspicuous place to practice, isn't this harming people!

"Not you two?" Guan Yuewu's voice hesitated, and Shi Yu suddenly felt several eyes shooting at the door of the stone chamber, and his heart was weak.

"Did either of you notice anything last night?" Guan Yuewu's voice was almost inaudible, but it was exposed to Shi Yu's guilty thoughts.

Xiao Hua and Tie Niu both shook their heads. Tie Niu was thick-hearted and asked directly: "We all know that you two went to the top of the mountain. Who dares to go and see? Is it other disciples passing by? Could it be that a rapist broke into the sect?"

"Shut up! Bullshit!" Xiao Hua cursed, "This ten-mile radius is a restricted area. Who else dares to come except us? Where can there be a rapist?"

As he said that, he covered Tie Niu's big mouth with one hand, wishing to slap him twice. He already had a bad guess in his heart. Tie Niu's unintentional words might cause trouble.

Guan Yueying, who had been silent all the time, never moved her eyes, staring at Shi Yu's stone room, wondering what she was thinking. The stone room had been silent since Tie Niu's nonsense, as quiet as usual.

Seeing this, Xiao Hua stopped talking, pulled Tie Niu and quietly went into his room and closed the door.

"Sister, what are you looking at? Could it be that Senior Shi really saw it?" Guan Yuewu smiled slyly and moved closer, her pretty eyes rolling.

"Shut up!" Guan Yueying glared at her sister, then lowered her eyebrows and sighed, then turned back to her room.

Guan Yuewu mumbled something and hurried after her, and the courtyard returned to peace.

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