Life Control Chart

Chapter 288 Moon Charm Mystery

Shi Yu breathed a sigh of relief. Although he knew that none of them dared to knock on the door to ask, the guilt in his heart always made him uneasy, especially since Guan Yueying's gaze that seemed to discern the truth never left the stone door, stinging Shi Yu. His whole body was itching and writhing, and he didn't have the calm and elegant look of his seniors at all.

"It's better to go out less in the future! We are all monks, who knows what secrets there may be, oh! I'm so shocked every step of the way!" After everything returned to calm, Shi Yu laughed at himself and started to practice again.

The chaotic state of mind was still there. Not to mention finding a clue to Chaos' immortality, Shi Yu didn't even realize that Chaos had eroded half an inch of his flesh for a moment.

Shi Yu's mind was filled with images of Guan Yueying's saintly and dignified figures and Guan Yuewu's charming figures, which were mixed and intertwined from time to time, seemingly blending into similar scenes from the past, sending out wordless temptations towards him, Shi Yu's long-frozen love The mind gradually relaxes, and the confusing illusions gradually become more and more bizarre and bizarre, and it is difficult to look directly at them.

He saw the two sisters undressing and walking in. Gradually, their appearance changed into Mu Li, Zhu Yanlan, Lu Yan... and Jiang Shuangxue, whom he least wanted to think of, even turned into Xiyue, whom he feared the most... Shi Yu completely forgot that he was still practicing in the chaos. All the women in his life whose names he had met at first sight surrounded him happily. All the taboo emotions were shattered one by one. Even the clear ponds and clear streams were laughing with joy. Hug his arms.

The deepest love turned into red powder and spread around everyone in the fantasy world. Everyone allowed him to take whatever he wanted. Shi Yu was deeply addicted to the illusion of pink and pink and could not extricate himself.

Fortunately, it was already the time when the chaos disappeared, and the Shiyu Chaos Immortality Skill was still working hard to resist the invasion of chaos.

If the chaos continues for a moment longer and Shi Yu loses consciousness and falls, the consequences will be disastrous. The sudden change in body sensation awakened Shi Yu, who was deeply confused. He jumped up suddenly and stood in the room in panic, covered in sweat!

"Something's wrong! Something's definitely wrong!" Shi Yu shook his body to recover from his injuries, pushed open the stone door, and strode into the courtyard.

The movement was so big that the four people accompanying him hurriedly opened the door and walked out, looking at Shi Yu who was at a loss with a cold expression on his face.

Everyone was a little worried tonight, fearing that if Shi Yu really did it, if he turned his face on him, he would really bring disaster to the sect.

"Go! Invite Sect Leader Liu here!" With a cold word, Shi Yu got back into the stone room.

Xiaohua, the smartest among the four, disappeared without waiting for the others to react. Not long after, the frightened Sect Leader Liu hurriedly landed in front of the stone room.

Just as he was about to knock on the door, Shi Yu's words came from inside: "Master Liu, there's no need to be polite, just come in."

Liu Yingsong knew what happened in the early morning on the road. He looked back at the four disciples, gritted his teeth, opened the door and walked in.

"Liu Yingsong has met Mr. Shi!" Liu Yingsong stood at the door without daring to breathe. This was the first time that Shi Yu had taken the initiative to summon him in a year, and there was suspicion of peeping, which made him feel worried.

"Sect Leader Liu doesn't have to be so reserved. This is Xuantian Sect, not Yinghuo Palace." Shi Yu pointed to the open space in front of him, comforted Liu Yingsong, and emphasized that he was the landlord.

"Yes! The little old man lost his composure and made the young master laugh." Liu Yingsong said with a smile, walked a few steps and sat opposite Shi Yu.

After Liu Yingsong calmed down a little, Shi Yu slowly asked: "Excuse me, Sect Master Liu, what was the purpose of this chaos in the first place? And how?"

What about those who are detained in one place? "

Liu Yingsong hurriedly replied: "This is the place where the third ancestor of the sect used to keep his weapons. Back then, the third ancestor almost succeeded in entering the Nine Elders Association with a Chu Yuan sword. As for how to build this Chaos Stone Chamber, it was because the third ancestor It’s not uncommon to open a space crack underground and use formations to induce chaos.”

Shi Yu nodded. It was almost as powerful as the realm lord. It was not difficult to capture some chaos to raise weapons. If you go one step further, you can use chaos to open up a large realm.

"Has anyone continued to use this place after that?" Shi Yu asked again.

"No. This room has been vacant since the time of the Third Ancestor. Although we have learned to practice the Third Ancestor's method of raising soldiers, we have failed repeatedly. Any divine weapons and spiritual treasures placed here according to the law will be completely destroyed. This is also the case for our Xuantian Sect. Confused."

But like me, I never get what I want! Shi Yu thought.

"Does the third ancestor of your sect have other secret rooms to raise troops?" Shi Yu asked again. He wanted to try another place, but the sudden confusion here made him inexplicably uneasy.

Liu Yingsong hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said: "There are still a few places, but they have been abandoned for a long time. The Chaos Overflow has long disappeared, and they are haunted. Sect disciples are never allowed to get close."

"Haunted?" Shi Yu's eyes lit up. He had been uneasy the previous time, as if he was surrounded by inner demons. The phrase "haunted" was very relevant right now. Ghosts and the like are not trustworthy. Liu Yingsong only meant that he could not find the source of the vision, not that there were real monsters causing trouble.

"Tell me carefully, how to create a haunting!" Shi Yu asked eagerly.

When Liu Yingsong saw that Shi Yu was not angry at being recognized as an obscene person, but was more interested in ghosts and ghosts, his heart skipped a beat and he asked hurriedly: "Master Shi, didn't you also see the demon dancing around? This... this... …”

"The devil is dancing wildly?" Shi Yu was stunned and his face turned red. Thinking about the psychedelic scene, it seemed that it was really what happened. He nodded and said, "Absolutely."

"Alas!" Liu Yingsong sighed, lowered his head in frustration, and whispered: "It seems that this place is about to dry up. In another hundred years at most, our sect will have to seal off the last place of chaos."

Shi Yu pondered for a moment and listened to Liu Yingsong's words. Other places of chaos could no longer be used for cultivation, and the only one in front of him could only last for about a hundred years.

"Sect Leader Liu hasn't told me what the haunting means yet." Shi Yu felt that a hundred years was not a short period of time, and the top priority was to overcome the mental disorder.

"This is not only unique to our Xuantian Sect, but this happens to all sects that have created a unique place for chaos. When the formation fails and the chaos rift closes, it will delude people and their minds for a long time. The more afraid they are, the more they are afraid. The more you see something, the more you want something, the more you can enjoy it all at once.

Whenever you practice luck in an abandoned chaotic land, you will often fall into hallucinations. It's easy to get rid of it. If it's not a desperate situation, just let whatever you see in the illusion happen a few times, and the temptation will naturally disappear. "

When Shi Yu heard this, his face turned red, he laughed unnaturally, and thought: How can this happen? If you do this, you will be called a real adulterer.

Liu Yingsong has also matured with age. One look at Shi Yu's face, which turned slightly red with embarrassment, and he knew what the scene in his fantasy was. Looking at his strong blood and abundant energy, it is normal to see such things. It must have been caused by the fluctuation in his mind as he watched Sister Guan Yueying performing martial arts last night.


Liu Yingsong was also quite embarrassed by this. If it had been other female disciples, it might have been a good story to be with Shi Yu, but the fate of the two sisters was determined and no one else was allowed to interfere. If they continued to be around Shi Yu, they would cause trouble. Not easy to clean up.

But if it were someone else, Shi Yu would be in a mess if he was afraid of being exposed and angry.

Liu Yingsong was in a dilemma, he hesitated several times, complaining in his mind that Shi Yu was so advanced in cultivation that he couldn't resist this temptation, and at the same time he only wanted to please the Shangzong and didn't think carefully about it.

He didn't know that it wasn't that Shi Yu's heart was weak, but that the scene of Guan Yue dancing on her side under the moon was very similar to the first night he and Jiang Shuangxue met, and it was even more charming.

This scene directly broke through the dust of thousands of years and stirred the love strings between men and women that had been silent for a long time.

The two of them sat in silence for a while in the stone room, both thinking about how to speak next.

Shi Yu felt that concealing it would only add to the misunderstanding, so he calmed down and said with a blushing face: "To be honest, I accidentally broke into the Guan sisters' practice last night. I feel ashamed that I triggered the demons in my heart because of my weak heart. Since Sect Leader Liu said The illusion can be broken by turning the virtual reality into reality. Why don't you let the two sisters practice with me."

Liu Yingsong frowned, looked at Shi Yu with a troubled expression, and thought to himself: What should I do? Do you want to tell him that the two sisters are engaged?

Shi Yu smiled calmly. He knew what Liu Yingsong was thinking, and he didn't want to do anything to the sisters. "Master Liu, don't worry too much. I don't have any other intentions. I just want the two girls to be by my side during practice. When I see the real person, You won't be able to fall into an illusion again. Why don't the four of you just follow me and I can give you some advice when I have time? If this method doesn't work, I will leave and leave the two girls innocent."

Liu Yingsong was immediately overjoyed. His original intention was to let the four of them talk more with Shi Yu, but at this time, Shi Yu had not left the house for a year, and his reputation was tarnished as soon as he came out. It was really unexpected.

Now Shi Yu took the initiative to put aside his taboos and was even willing to teach the disciples of his sect. He was overjoyed and nodded in praise.

But he was still a little worried. Shi Yu's method was just a guess, and no one could judge what the outcome would be. If it doesn't work, Shi Yu will be lost in the chaos again, and he can't afford it if something goes wrong.

"It's not that I don't want to, but it's because Mr. Shi has a noble status. It's a great blessing that he was safe and sound last time. If there is another accident in the future, my Xuantian Sect cannot withstand the anger of the consecrated girl." Liu Yingsong was confused.

Shi Yu laughed and said: "This is my decision, what does it have to do with Xuantian Sect? I have already told Zhu Yanlan that any accidents during cultivation will not involve your sect, so please be at ease!"

Four suspended wooden platforms were quickly hoisted in the stone chamber. Chaos would only spread a few inches close to the ground. The wooden platforms were three feet above the ground, so they would naturally not be harmed.

Shi Yu was also very satisfied with this. Liu Yingsong only told his disciples that Shi Yu missed everyone's hard work together and delayed everyone's practice. He deliberately gave some advice to express his gratitude and did not mention anything about the two women's seduction into the illusion.

When the four disciples saw that they were being taught at the same time, they didn't think much about it. They all smiled brightly. They had heard that Shi Yu was a great power of the millennium, which was among the top in Xuanpan. He had been able to teach him through his ear. It took several lifetimes of cultivation. Blessing.

Liu Yingsong saw that things were settled here, so he bowed out politely. Before leaving, he looked at the Guan Yueying sisters hesitantly, and finally shook his head and flew away.

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