Life Control Chart

Chapter 419 This situation is not easy to deal with

Suddenly, the entire world began to tremble, the gray sky began to roll up with thick haze, and bursts of roaring sounds came from high in the sky, shaking the space.

The three brothers, who were happily killing each other, suddenly stopped and a spirit jumped back to Shi Yu. He looked up nervously at the sky to see what kind of horror there would be there. He was angered by the wanton behavior of a few people and burst out.

However, this was not the case. The surging mist just pressed down heavily and dispersed into gray air currents that penetrated into each monk's seven orifices without causing any harm to Shi Yu and others.

Shi Yu smiled contemptuously and said: "I'm afraid I'm going to wake up, Yida, you guys should also practice your skills. The one with the highest cultivation level here is Bai Laiji, who is about the same as you. Don't always rely on external objects, your body is weak." "

Before Shi Yu finished speaking, Jian Kaitian suddenly roared and rushed out with a swing of his sword. His target turned out to be a fish that had slipped through the net standing dozens of miles away.

Just now the three brothers were blasting away at crowded places, but there were always a few monks who escaped through the cracks.

Shi Yu's eyes narrowed, Jian Kaitian was not a target without aim, that monk only had a little more than a century of strength, and there was no need for him to be as prepared as he was when facing a powerful enemy.

"Haha, I can't believe that there are still people who can see through my illusory formation. Junior brother, your companions are all amazing." The man smiled softly, but it made Shi Yu feel creepy.

"Mo Yudan! It's you! Where is Yu Tong?" Shi Yu shouted angrily, and Jin Tiansuo immediately grabbed it in his palm.

Too close! Mo Yudan was hiding so close, and he didn't notice it at all.

If he carelessly leaned in, Shi Yu could not guarantee that his master's tragedy would not happen to him again.

Facing Jian Kaitian's giant sword, Mo Yudan did not fight hard, but lightly backed away from Bai Shili, and then said with a smile: "Yu Tong! He and I have separated a long time ago.

It's too late for you to kill me now. You have already disturbed the last taboo of Emperor Shenyu.

But junior brother, you have got your wish, I will die with you, because no one can escape. "

"Die together?" Shi Yu frowned, and his spiritual thoughts rolled out. It was still those low-level traitors who were gradually waking up. There was nothing else to be wary of.

"Junior brother, no matter what you do, it's useless. From the moment you stepped here, you have already alerted God Yu Tiandi's will to break the world. Even Yu Tong and I can't do this. Who are you? "

"The will to break the boundary? What is it?"

Shi Yu asked, quietly activating the method of opening the world gate, and sure enough, he could no longer sense the breath of any big world.

Mo Yudan did not answer his question, but said to himself: "Without its permission, no one can leave, otherwise I would have run away. If it was not a last resort, I really don't want to come here!

After the will to break the boundary awakens, unless Emperor Shenyu succeeds in breaking the boundary, the people here will be taken out by him, and you will be the same. The person who sent you here has no good intentions. "

"Hmph! You talk so much! No matter what, you have to die in front of me! Just in case you can't escape, I will personally take off your head to pay homage to Master's spirit in heaven!"

With a low groan, Shi Yu put everything behind him. He didn't care whether Sha Luanhua had good intentions or not, nor how Emperor Shenyu's boundary-breaking will killed everyone. Now he just wanted to kill Mo Yudan with his own hands.

"What? I'm going to die soon, and you still want to attack me? What's the point? Junior brother? Hahahaha."

"The meaning is that you died in my hands! I personally avenged Master!"

The ferocious black armor once again covered his body, and Shi Yu threw himself at Mo Yudan with a roar. He wanted to use the image given to him by his master to fulfill his long-cherished wish.

Mo Yudan did not fight Shi Yu head-on. He was not good at hand-to-hand combat, and at this moment, it seemed that his level of cultivation was quite different from that of Shi Yu. How could he dare to stand there and wait.

"Haha, junior brother, your growth is so rapid. Senior brother sincerely admires you. If master is still alive, he will be extremely happy." Mo Yudan said unhurriedly as he backed away.

"Shut up! You still have the nerve to mention Master!"

Shi Yu was furious in his heart, billowing chaos ignited around his body, and he displayed the illusion without reservation. He just wanted to kill Mo Yudan with one blow.

"Junior brother, you are becoming more and more like a martial artist now, more like a disciple of King Jiang Shen. You are far from the elegance and elegance of our King Wen Shen."

Just as Shi Yu was about to refute, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. In the past, as long as he used the magic time, the enemy would be caught off guard, and the winner could be decided in a few breaths.

But Mo Yudan didn't seem to feel the existence of illusion at all. Both his words and movements were as soothing and comfortable as ever.

"Mo Yudan, you are really thoughtful. You were cursed like that by me last time, and you still retained your strength. You can obviously crush Yu Wushang, but you have been entangled with him for so long. By the time Jiemie is destroyed, you will have surpassed the master. Bar?"

"Yu Wushang is nothing. He is not worthy of me at all. Without you, he would have become a dead soul long ago. For you, I have to retain all my strength."

"Hmph! You are the third person besides the female hunter and Yuan Long to break my illusion of time! Then let me see you with all your strength!"

"Haha, so this secret technique is called Illusion Time? Not vulgar, very impressive, but you are too arrogant. Illusion Time is also a spell, so the spell must be broken.

In fact, I was just trying to protect myself. Why don't you ask me why I betrayed the world of Shenyu and why I attacked Master? "

"I will ask. After I take off your head, I will search your soul and find it slowly! Don't try to delay time or use your misery to exchange for my sympathy. Today, one of us will die!"

Shi Yu didn't want to talk to Mo Yudan anymore. The fog in the sky was getting thicker and thicker.

The monks on the ground had basically woken up and were looking up at the two people chasing them. If they continued to delay, things would definitely change.

"Ni Da! Kill them! Leave no one alive!" While chasing Mo Yudan, Shi Yu urged Ni Da and his men to start killing again.

The monks who lost more than half of their lives welcomed the light and fire again.

But these monks didn't seem to take the death of their companions seriously. Their eyes were always chasing Shi Yu and Mo Yudan. Half of them were puzzled and half were fanatical. The fanaticism was for Mo Yudan.

They could withstand the attacks of Ni Da and his men, and if they couldn't, they would just wait to die.

"Junior brother, these cultivators were the personal guards of Emperor Yu Tian in his early years. They have long been subdued by Yu Tong. Now their loyalty is all tied to me. As long as I give an order, they will rush to you regardless of life and death."

Shi Yu looked down and was a little worried. Mo Yudan would never say that.

These cultivators who seem to have low cultivation can still cause any harm to his group?

But Shi Yu's mind is still firm. He must kill Mo Yudan no matter what, even if it costs him his own death!

"Then come on! Let me see how much you can rely on, so that you can die willingly!"

Mo Yudan saw that Shi Yu was still unmoved, his face changed slightly, and he quickly distanced himself from Shi Yu. His two sleeves fluttered and bulged out endless Yuanli to resist Shi Yu's dark and chaotic waves.

The surviving awakened cultivators have been watching Shi Yu and Mo Yudan silently. No matter how fiercely they fought, no one intervened.

Shi Yu couldn't take down the enemy for a long time, so he was inevitably a little impatient. He saw that Mo Yudan was just wasting time with him, waiting for the will of Emperor Yu Tian to break the world.

The two fought faster and faster, and in a blink of an eye, they disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Brother, follow up!" Zhu Yanlan was a little worried.

Jian Kaitian shook his head solemnly, and turned his vigilant eyes to the remaining monks on the ground.

The three Ni Da had been killing red-eyed, and ran to crowded places. Although they seemed sparse, there were still thousands of monks scattered around.

"Lao Pu, protect my sister. Sister, take out the most powerful things, this battle is not easy to deal with."

"What's the matter?" Zhu Yanlan looked at the remaining soldiers carefully, but didn't see any clues.

"They were setting up a formation. Fortunately, many of them died, otherwise we would have no power to fight back now."

"Setting up a formation?" Zhu Yanlan's heart tightened suddenly. Whether it was a formation or a talisman, they were all incredibly magical. Often, three or five ordinary cultivators joined hands to resist opponents who were one or two realms higher.

"Don't look at them. When they woke up, there was a dark condensed Yuanli running around..."

Before Jian Kaitian finished speaking, he saw the three Ni Da who were bombarding frantically, being drowned by the air column that suddenly rose into the sky, and fell to the ground with a wail.

Shi Yu had to give up chasing Mo Yudan. He caught the three people like a stream of light, threw them beside Jian Kaitian, and rushed out again.

Jian Kaitian pulled the three people up, stood behind him, and slashed several swords around him. The sticky Yuanli like a spider web was hooked out from the void by him, and entangled his big sword tightly.

"It's bad! These cultivators have been connected to the Great Realm. If Shi Yu is one step later, he won't be able to send Ni Da and the other two back safely."

"Connected to the Great Realm? Could this entire Great Realm be the foundation? That's too scary, right?" Zhu Yanlan said in horror.

Ni Da and the other two desperately stuffed healing holy medicine into their mouths. The air column almost broke them into pieces. Fortunately, their bodies had been tempered very strong during the retreat, so they were able to withstand it.

"How powerful is Yu Luyao? Have you heard from Master?" Jian Kaitian clenched the giant sword in his hand, a little nervous.

"Master never talked about him. Xuan Pan Great Realm erased everything about him. I really don't know what he did back then. The entire Xuan Pan Great Realm regards him as a taboo that cannot be mentioned."

"Madam, let's talk later, they are coming!" Ni Da coughed softly, suppressed his injuries, and aimed the Star-Destroying Divine Light in his hand at a cultivator who was walking slowly.

Every time the monk took a step, a circle of ripples was created on the ground, which rose and fell towards the people.


Jian Kaitian shouted, raised the giant sword, and chopped at the ripples with all his strength.

Unexpectedly, the giant sword that should have been swung up and down quickly seemed to be dragged by countless people, moving very slowly and sluggishly.

Jian Kaitian's eyes were red from holding his breath, and his eyeballs bulged out of his eye sockets.

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