Life Control Chart

Chapter 420: Breaking the Boundary Will

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yang Da immediately activated the Star Destroying Divine Light, and a white light as thick as an arm shot out and hit the man's chest.

The entire world seemed to be aware of this extraordinary force. The sticky space suddenly solidified, not only squeezing Zhu Yanlan and others so that they could not move, but even the divine light hung in the air like a long stick.

Only the monk who was walking slowly was not affected. Every step he took seemed to be stepping on the breathing pulse of this great world, and he walked steadily step by step.

Jian Kaitian's face was not only flushed, but the muscles all over his body were beginning to crack, and wisps of blood were squeezed onto his body by the power of space, like strange red flowers blooming.

But no matter how hard he tried, he could no longer move the giant sword.

Pu Wushen on the side also had his eyes cracked, but he could only put his fists on his waist, unable to fight.

The monk's zombie-like face was getting closer and closer. He walked to the tip of the sword, stretched out his finger and flicked it away, and continued to move forward.

Finally, he stood in front of Jian Kaitian, staring directly at Jian Kaitian's bloodshot eyes, raised his right palm, stretched out two fingers, and slowly stabbed Jian Kaitian's eyes.

There was no way to avoid the sword, and he roared but couldn't open his mouth. He could only watch with horror and anger as the two fingers stabbed him head-on.

At this moment, Shi Yu and Mo Yudan chased each other again. The high altitude where they were was not frozen by the strange formation, and their speed was still as fast as a meteor.


When Shi Yu saw the strange scene on the ground, he was surprised. When he returned the three of them just now, he didn't feel such an exaggerated restraint force.

Mo Yudan smiled faintly, without any explanation, and continued to escape into the distance.

All the monks on the ground, including the one who attacked Jian Kaitian, were also alarmed by the return of the two men. They all looked up and Jian Kaitian finally had a moment to breathe.

Shi Yu couldn't let this crisis situation continue. He gave a fierce shout and gave up Mo Yudan again and rushed over.

Just when he was still more than ten miles away from the ground, his speed suddenly became extremely slow. It didn't look like he was flying away, but like a small insect falling into resin, slowly sinking.

Shi Yu was shocked. If he continued at this speed, he would be unable to do anything except collect the bodies by the time he reached a few people.

Yuanlong also felt the pressure around him, and groaned but was helpless. With his current weak body, there was no improvement after several attempts, so he had to give up.

Seeing that Shi Yu had no ability to break through the formation, the monk turned his head back and continued to press the two fingers hovering in front of Jian Kaitian's eyes.

Shi Yu was anxious and angry, Huan Shi started to move regardless of consumption.

Fortunately, Shi Yu still had Huan Shi, so this move was useless against Mo Yutan, but it was still very useful against this monk.

Just when his two fingers were half an inch away from the sword, Shi Yu stood beside the monk.

Shi Yu's eyes were blazing with rage, and two black flames were burning. He stretched out his hand, grabbed two fingers, and pried them off without mercy.

It wasn't until the two severed fingers fell to the ground that the monk seemed to realize that Shi Yu suddenly teleported to him from mid-air, and he seemed to feel the severe pain entering his soul.

Before he could scream in pain when his mouth opened wide, Shi Yu punched him in the face again, and dozens of white teeth flew out in all directions.

This was the result of Shi Yu's mercy, otherwise his big head would have turned into droplets with just one punch from Shi Yu.


It was not because Yu Liuqing had good intentions, but because he suddenly had a huge sense of crisis that made him dare not throw a heavy punch with all his strength. Once the force was too strong and he could not turn his arm in time, a fatal attack would definitely follow. .

Withdrawing his fist and ignoring the monk who was beaten so hard that he jumped up and howled miserably, Shi Yu looked up cautiously.

Mo Yudan was not nearby, but hanging in the void thousands of miles away, looking at him from a distance, like a small flying insect hanging far away in the sky.

The other monks on the ground saw that the formation had no effect on Shi Yu, and they started to move at the same time, slowly surrounding Shi Yu from all directions like a group of zombies walking at night.

In addition to these monks walking slowly on the ground, hundreds of figures rushed out of the rolling mist in the sky, spreading their wings like big birds and sliding down.

"What are these things? They are neither dead nor alive!" Jian Kaitian said to Shi Yu.

Shi Yu frowned and looked at the monks swarming in one after another, and shook his head.

The two of them were still able to communicate under increasing pressure, while the others had long since lost all ability to move and had no energy left to release.

"Junior brother..." Mo Yudan, who was hanging high in the sky, spoke again, "You rashly shook the Heavenly Emperor's formation and alarmed the Heavenly Emperor's will to break the boundary. I'm afraid you will be one step ahead of me."

"Don't worry, I'm very lucky. I've already seen Yu Luyao, but I'm still afraid of his remaining will?" Shi Yu said coldly.

"Haha, when you know what boundary-breaking will is, you won't be so confident."

"You can tell the story slowly, and I will kill all the defeated soldiers here first, and then take off your head."

The closest monk on the ground was already less than a hundred feet away from Shi Yu and the others, and the figures falling from the sky were already showing cold murderous intent within ten feet.

Mo Yudan glanced at the gray fog in the high school and sighed softly, "You always thought that I betrayed the master, but you didn't ask why, and you always thought that Yu Tong was heinous, but you didn't ask why.

Emperor Shenyu once betrayed Xuanpan for the sake of the entire world. You must have heard about this. "

Shi Yu's eyes narrowed, he caught the first monk who jumped down, and broke his neck with a slight twist.

Jian Kaitian finally found the weak point of the formation, but this was the work of the Emperor of Heaven after all, so he could only barely tear open a few gaps to allow himself to move slowly.

Fortunately, his speed had caught up with the approaching cultivators, and he could share some of the pressure for Shi Yu.

Zhu Yanlan and others could only watch, standing behind Shi Yu like statues.

"Junior brother, look, the Emperor of Heaven betrayed Xuan Pan, Yu Tong betrayed the Emperor of Heaven, and in your eyes, I am also a traitor to the master. One after another, they betrayed their loyal teachers and hometowns. Do you think this is a coincidence?"

The gray fog in the sky became thicker and thicker, like a piece of lead plate pressing towards the earth.

"Because we have all come into contact with the truth and acknowledged the truth, while those who are stubborn or conservative are desperately trying to prevent us from awakening."

Shi Yu glanced at Mo Yudan, snorted coldly in his heart, and tore apart several approaching cultivators.

"Junior brother, we are all going to die anyway, so it doesn't matter if you tell you. Originally, no one should hear this news unless they reach the realm of realm master, including me."

"Shi Yu, don't listen to his nonsense anymore. The pressure is getting greater and greater. If this continues, senior sisters and others will be crushed. Come up with a solution quickly!" Jian Kaitian said urgently.

At the same time, Yuan Long in the spirit egg let out a long roar, exploded the spirit egg and rushed into the haze.

Shi Yu was shocked. Even when facing Sha Luanhua, Yuan Long didn't break the spirit egg. Is this place more dangerous than fighting a realm master?

"Haha, senior Yuan Long can't help it. It feels the will to break the realm. If it doesn't take action, it won't even have a chance to fight back and will turn into dust and mud."

"Yan Lan, how many blood marrow beads are given by senior Chi Shang? Can you take them out?" Shi Yu asked anxiously.

Zhu Yan Lan's bright eyes deflected very slightly, and Shi Yu knew that she couldn't do it.

"Don't think about it, Junior Brother! This formation is to contain the Realm Master. I'm already very surprised that you and that big guy can move. You don't really think that you are surrounded by peerless geniuses, do you? Hehe, let me continue my story."

After only a few words, Yuanlong, who had rushed into the sky, kept wailing, and fell from the sky out of control, hitting the ground heavily.

Its body recovered to a size of ten feet, and its body was covered with dense cracks.

"Hey! It recovered too little, and it couldn't resist a single move."

Yuanlong rolled up from the ground with a miserable smile, raised his head and stared at the leaden clouds continuing to sink, as if he had lost the belief in resistance.

"We have always thought that the myriad worlds we live in are everything in this world. In fact, we are all wrong!

This world is not what we can imagine at all. There is actually a kind of existence that can deprive us of everything at will.

In their eyes, we are not even ants. No, ants can still get into holes or escape from our hands, but in their eyes, we can't escape no matter how hard we try." Mo Yudan continued his own topic.

"Idiot! Shut up!" Yuan Long heard Mo Yudan's words and suddenly turned his head and roared.

"Junior brother, look! Senior Yuan Long is either afraid or unwilling to accept it. In fact, he knows that what I said is right."

"Asshole!" Yuan Long was furious and jumped up to hammer Mo Yudan to death.

But it was too seriously injured. It fell heavily as soon as it left the ground. This time, he couldn't even lift his head and lay on the ground panting.

"Wake up! The will of the Emperor of Heaven to break the world has awakened!" Mo Yudan suddenly shouted at the sky.

"Hmm?" Shi Yu had just punched away several cultivators who were rushing towards him when he heard Mo Yudan's shout.

He hurriedly looked up at the sky, and a pair of lifeless eyes appeared faintly in the lead-gray haze, looking at everyone indifferently.

"It's true!" Shi Yu was certain in his heart.

"Big eyes! It's actually big eyes!" Jian Kaitian shouted in disbelief.

Jian Kaitian was extremely surprised and broke free from the shackles of the formation, pointing at the huge pupils in the sky and shouting wildly. He remembered the words Shi Yu shouted when he just entered here.

Then, he looked at Shi Yu in disbelief and continued to shout: "How do you know there are big eyes here? Have you been here?"

Not only him, but even Yuan Long and Mo Yudan looked at Shi Yu in surprise.

Yuan Long also remembered that Shi Yu shouted "big eyes" to the sky as soon as he entered this place, and he also remembered that when Shi Yu fought with him, he laughed and said that his eyes were very similar to the eyes in his dream. Could it be that he had come into contact with the will of breaking the world of other world masters?

Mo Yudan was extremely shocked. He could tell from Jian Kaitian's tone and Shi Yu's expression that Shi Yu was very familiar with the scene before him.

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