Life Control Chart

Chapter 688 Who is the prophet? Who is the departed?

More than ten days passed in the blink of an eye, and the sound of fighting in the Jinling Main Land gradually subsided. The fire was still burning, and the crying was still echoing.

It seemed that these two things best represented destruction and sadness.

Yu Luyao, covered in blood, staggered to Shi Yu's side and saluted Shi Yu respectfully, as if he had expected Shi Yu to watch the killing from afar.

Yu Luyao also nodded and greeted Jin Kui beside Shi Yu.

"Brother Shi, all the descendants of the Jinling bloodline have been killed, and only the mixed bloodline born from intermarriage with other realms has been left." Like a general reporting military intelligence to the emperor, Yu Luyao briefly told Shi Yu the results of the battle.

Shi Yu blinked, pretending to be puzzled, "Why should I keep 10%? Isn't it better to kill them all?"

Yu Luyao grinned, "If I kill them all, I'm afraid that Brother Shi will be unhappy. I still remember Brother Shi asked me: What is the purpose of your conquest? There is no need to leave so much killing in the world.

Since then, in all battles, I will keep at least 10%!"

Shi Yu was struck by lightning. If Yu Luyao here did not kill all the enemies because he listened to him, then who did Yu Luyao in another time and space listen to to be kind?

It's impossible that there is another Shi Yu who went back to the past and stopped another Yu Luyao.

Jin Kedi also staggered and flew over, and fell headfirst at Jin Kui's feet.

Without regret or apology, he just pointed at the main land that was about to burn to the ground and wailed. The piercing howls were like a mother wolf who had lost her cubs, howling all night long.

Looking at Jin Kedi, the culprit who would destroy the Shenyu Realm and kill his parents and younger brother in the future, Shi Yu's eyes gradually became blurred.

Seeing that Shi Yu was staring at Jin Kedi, Yu Luyao thought that he admired this boy, and said in a flattering tone: "Jin Kedi is not bad. He brought four people to fight me. The blood giant should not be underestimated."

Shi Yu slowly raised his head and said in a low and hoarse voice, "Can he beat you?"

Yu Luyao was a little surprised by Shi Yu's voice. This voice sounded like an extremely sad emotion that was desperately suppressed. "Of course it's impossible, but together with three blood giants like him, they can already join forces to injure me."

"Blood...enough?" Shi Yu turned his eyes away from Jin Kedi and watched the soldiers on the main land swarm into the still wide-open sky cave again, their blood-soaked bodies glowing with the glory of harvest.

Hearing that Shi Yu's voice was slightly unhappy, Yu Luyao's heart jumped, "That's enough, I just need to trouble the Lord of Jin Kui to select another creature to rebuild the Golden Spirit Realm."

Jin Kui turned his eyes from the blood-red-eyed and howling Jin Ke Di to Yu Luyao, and suddenly smiled, "Yu Luyao, we'll meet again at that place, I'll wait for you there, and when we meet again, I'll ask you if your dream has come true.

The Golden Spirit Realm is left to you, let your Yu family bloodline revive the Golden Spirit Realm."

Another thunderbolt struck Shi Yu's mind, and he could no longer tell who was the prophet who could see into the future and who was the departed person waiting to return to his homeland.

Jin Kui struggled to tear open the space, and her staggering back sank into the rolling chaos. Shi Yu even forgot to say take care or say goodbye to her.

Yu Luyao didn't care about Jin Kui's full of hostility and threats, and grinned and glanced at Shi Yu. If Shi Yu hadn't been there, he would have crushed the arrogant Jin Kui to death.

Shi Yu was stunned for a long time, watching the space crack slowly close, and couldn't help but reach out and gently stroke the void a few times.

He wanted to ask Jin Kui if he saw another tragic future, the moment when Yu Luyao's dream was completely shattered.

He also wanted to ask her if she saw a young man thrown into a dark prison, and no longer had bright eyes.

Yu Luyao sneered on the side, Jin Kedi wailed at his feet, and Shi Yu seemed to be cut off from this world again, and a wave of anger and boundless sorrow surged into his heart.

The flames of Jin Lingzhulu in the distance burned bigger and bigger, and there was no other color in Shi Yu's eyes, only a leaping golden red dancing.

He saw that in the crazy dancing red flames, Jian Kaitian laughed wildly and shattered in the void, but tears rolled out of this rough man's eyes for the first time; the arm stretched out powerlessly, trying to grab another slender jade arm, but the arm could not reach the figure that was getting farther and farther away.

He saw that Ling Xiao was left with only a scorched trunk that was still emitting black smoke, and countless swords were stabbed diagonally into his body. There was no vitality left on the giant tree that should have been infinitely prosperous.

And Cao Xinxin had become a withered grass, nestling beside Ling Xiao's broken roots, and dissipated into the world after a breeze.

Where are the others? Where are the others?

Shi Yu hurriedly looked up to find them.

Wu Di was fighting an enemy that he couldn't see clearly. His roar clearly shattered the void, but no sound could be heard.

An iron fist pierced Wu Di's chest, instantly blasting him into eight scattered figures, none of which could close their eyes in unwillingness.

Where are the three brothers, what are Ni Da and the other three doing?

In the distance, Ni Da was desperately kowtowing to a laughing figure, while Er and San Kui each held one of his legs to prevent him from stepping towards the fiery red lying behind the three people, and a small baby was squirming and crying on the fire.

Yuanlong had long since turned into a pure white Yuanling, spreading around the fiery red Sleeping Beauty, with two snow-white shins still clenched in his tightly clenched fists.



Where is this?

When is this!

Shi Yu's heart was filled with a growing cry.

He saw more people. The land was covered with scattered corpses. Half of Xuan Pan's head, Yu Luyao's broken body holding a sword, Wan Ling and Zhi Kun sat on the ground back to back, but there was no sound.

Lu Zheng and Chi Yu's broken bodies stood with swords in front of Zhi Kun, their eyes broken like rotten cotton...

What about me?

Where am I?

Shi Yu looked at himself, but he couldn't see anything, as if he had become the big eyes in the life-controlling space, able to see everything but not himself.

Who are those people? Who are the murderers who killed all the old friends?

Shi Yu tried to open his eyes, but he couldn't see the figures who were laughing wildly in death.



Shi Yu howled in pain, and his howls echoed in the world full of death, but he couldn't get a single glance back from those brutal figures.

"Dead... all dead..."

After a long howl, Shi Yu began to murmur again, and the low and hoarse murmur slowly disappeared along with the howling that was getting farther and farther away.



The howling suddenly became louder, causing Shi Yu's eardrums to hurt, and his hazy eyes were once again focused on the raging flames in front of him.

It turned out that all the roars and howls were made by Jin Kedi, and Shi Yu just saw an illusion in the blood and fire, or... a whim.

It turned out that he did not move from beginning to end, and did not make a sound!

Yu Luyao stood with his hands behind his back, standing beside Shi Yu and watching the blazing Jinling Continent with him.

Jin Kedi was still sitting in the void howling and screaming, and his chest was torn into pieces by himself. The Jin Kui blood that could not be absorbed was scattered in the air, but it could never call back their owner.

"You won't kill this evil wolf? The only descendant of the Golden Spirit, right?" Shi Yu asked calmly after calming down.

Yu Luyao looked at Jin Kedi with disdain, "I have destroyed all his meridians and half of his true spirit. He can't enter the realm of the master of the realm even if he lives forever. What's there to be afraid of?"

Shi Yu sighed, "What are you going to do next?"

Yu Luyao was stunned for a moment, and said frankly: "Marry Sha Luanhua, and then tell the good and bad luck a few more times, I think I can start to create the realm."

"So soon? You still want to marry Sha Luanhua? I remember you said that you will never enter the realm of destiny in your lifetime!" Shi Yu was surprised. He had not appeared for a hundred years, and one thing after another was back on track.

"Is it fast? Brother Shi, do you think I am too hasty?" Yu Luyao was more surprised than Shi Yu.

Shi Yu shook his head hurriedly. He wished that Yu Luyao would be faster, but what he thought would take at least a million years suddenly came to him. Shi Yu was a little unbelievable.

Yu Luyao was relieved. He always felt that Shi Yu's words and deeds were meaningful. He had to think twice about things that Shi Yu did not agree with. "Haha, it is not my own idea to marry Sha Luanhua. Someone will help me propose marriage.

Some time ago, Wang Yangming, a great man in Shengchen Realm, found me and said that he was very interested in my perfect world.

After a deep conversation with him, I realized that perfection lies in the heart, not in the things. No matter how good the external things are, they cannot match the joy in the heart. So now I am doing what he wants, and there is no need to make more unnecessary preparations.

It was he who said Sha Luanhua Born to be able to decide good and bad luck, we must take him under our command, and even better, marry him. "

Shi Yu smiled knowingly, and silently said, "Master still understands my thoughts. He not only reduces Yu Luyao's killing sins, but also knows how anxious I am in my heart."

Shi Yu smiled, and Yu Luyao felt that Shi Yu's approval was even more so. He immediately smiled and said, "Wang Yangming is indeed worthy of his reputation. Why don't I introduce him to Brother Shi? You two will definitely get along well."

In fact, there is no need for Yu Luyao to introduce him. There are already two people floating over from a distance. Who else could the tall and burly old man be but Wang Yangming?

The two also learned that Shi Yu was watching the battle of slaughtering the world in the Jinling Realm, and hurried over after hearing the news.

Unlike Wang Yangming who was at ease, Mo Yudan was obviously a little afraid of Shi Yu. He half-hidden behind Wang Yangming, lowered his head and dared not look directly at him.

Yu Luyao laughed loudly, kicked away Jin Kedi who was still howling, and flew to meet him.

Jin Kedi rolled all the way down to the depths of the void, his howling getting longer and longer, gradually drowned out by the more mixed and shrill cries.

Wang Yangming just glanced at the rolling figure and ignored it. Mo Yudan didn't know what to think, and kept watching Jin Kedi disappear into the endless void.

Yu Luyao showed his respect for his teacher, bowed repeatedly to Wang Yangming, who was several levels lower than him, and pulled up Wang Yangming's sleeves warmly and hurried to Shi Yu.

"Brother Shi! This is the literary giant Wang Yangming I just told you about. With Master Wang guiding me, I believe that the perfect world will be achieved soon!

Brother Wang, this is Brother Shi Yu, whom I often mentioned to you. If there is someone in the Ten Thousand Worlds that I, Yu Luyao, sincerely respect, it must be Brother Shi."

Shi Yu sorted out his mood and bowed slightly to Wang Yangming.

Wang Yangming also nodded in greeting, and supported Shi Yu and said he dared not.

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