Life Control Chart

Chapter 689 The unknown is the future

The three of them exchanged brief greetings, and Shi Yu pointed at the golden spirit master Lu who was blazing into the sky and asked, "I wonder what Divine Master Wang thinks of what he sees in front of him?"

Wang Yangming thought for a moment, then twirled his beard and said slowly: "It is not humane to be cruel and cruel!"

"Then you won't stop Yu Luyao?"

"The inhuman way that Yu Luyao followed was the way of the emperor."

"Isn't it against your will?"

"Humans without emperors are not human beings! Emperors have no way, and humans will attack them!"

"Who can defeat the emperor?"

"Him!" Wang Yangming pointed in the direction where Jin Keni disappeared and answered simply.

Shi Yu turned around and asked Yu Luyao, "Then why don't you go kill those who will attack you in the future?"

Yu Luyao bowed to Shi Yu and said: "Master Wang said that you can't do anything to the end, and to end your life is to end your own future.

If our world is established and people's hearts are united, our enemies will only make us stronger. If I lose people's hearts, it would be better to destroy my world through the hands of my enemies than to destroy it myself. "

"Hey! Didn't you say we want to eradicate the roots?" Shi Yu chuckled.

"That is the way of humanity, not the way of the emperor. Without external enemies, there will be corruption within." Wang Yangming said.

"Yes! I met Divine Master Wang and talked all night long and became enlightened.

Killing is only a means, not an end. I used to kill so hard that I was the enemy of all realms. If they couldn't defeat me, they would still have to form a group and fight to the death. If I gave them some chance to resist, it would be much less. In the past hundred years, I have been better than before. The harvest will be even more abundant in countless years.

The Golden Spirit Realm is seeking death, and I have left 10% of the population for them, while I have left a full 70% of the population of other major realms..."

"If you are invincible on the outside, you will rot on the inside... Was the world of Shenyu and Yu destroyed by internal rot back then? People's desires are boundless?" Shi Yu did not listen to Yu Luyao's complacency, but just thought silently in his heart.

When Wang Yangming saw Shi Yu deep in thought, he stopped talking and slowly let out Mo Yudan, who had always been standing behind him.

Mo Yudan stood a little far away from Shi Yu in fear, lowering his head and raising his eyebrows to secretly watch Shi Yu's expression.

The figure of Mo Yudan appeared more and more clearly in Shi Yu's eyes, pulling his thoughts back from the distance, "Have you memorized everything your master taught?"

"Remember it! Never forget it!" Mo Yudan replied hurriedly.

"I hope you can do it, just stand aside."

Mo Yudan hurriedly stepped aside and got behind Wang Yangming again. Under the cover of Wang Yangming's broad figure, Mo Yudan completely disappeared from Shi Yu's eyes.

Shi Yu suddenly wondered whether it was because Mo Yudan had been shrouded in Wang Yangming's shadow all his life that he developed an uncontrollable sense of resistance and joined hands with Jin Kedi to confront King Wen Shen, who was also his teacher and father. Killer?

Thinking far away again, Shi Yu focused his gaze again and said with a faint smile: "I happened to come to see Jin Kuai today, but I didn't expect to see a sudden change.

Don’t worry, go ahead and do whatever you want to do and realize your ideals as soon as possible.

Yu Luyao, do you still want to marry Sha Luanhua? Consider these my congratulatory gifts to you. "With that said, Shi Yu took out a few magic weapons with pleasing shapes and stuffed them into Yu Luyao's hands.

Yu Luyao was flattered. He had always felt that Shi Yu was vaguely hostile to him, but today he actually sent him a wedding gift that had not yet been written. You can imagine his anxiety.

"Is it too early? I haven't proposed marriage to Shaluanhua yet, and she may not agree yet. And I also want Brother Shi to officiate the marriage for me." Holding a few magic weapons, Yu Luyao It's like holding a few pieces of hot potato.

"Oh, I rarely set foot in the world, so I may not be able to catch up with your wedding. Just let it happen."

Shi Yu clasped his fists and saluted Wang Yangming again, "Master Wang can also build it in Yu Lu Yao

Great ambitions are displayed in the world, and I wish Master Wang that all his wishes will come true. "

After saying this, Shi Yu opened a boundary door at will and ducked away.

Yu Luyao wanted to say more, but Wang Yangming held his arm and shook his head gently.

Mo Yudan took out a long breath and wiped the sweat from his forehead after Shi Yu disappeared through the gradually closing gate.

Yu Luyao felt strange and tilted his head and asked Mo Yudan, "Why are you so afraid of the Time Lord?"

Mo Yudan's eyes were panicked. He glanced at Wang Yangming first, then saluted Yu Luyao and said, "Back to Yu Shen, I don't know. I always feel that he has a very scary and weird aura about him."

Yu Luyao felt the same way, "Master Wang, the aura of the Time Realm Lord is extremely mixed. I actually feel traces of you and me on him. I really can't figure it out."

Wang Yangming twisted his beard and smiled, "For these masters who are watching you and me secretly, no matter how strange it is, it is normal."

"Yes, that's right!" Yu Luyao tossed several treasures given by Shi Yu in his hands and suddenly said with a smile on his face, "It's time to propose marriage to Sha Luanhua!

You have lied to me for so long with your clones, but it turns out that the two women are actually the same person! With Brother Shi's congratulatory gift, she doesn't have to accept it even if she doesn't want to! "

Excitedly, Yu Luyao opened the gate of Jiming Realm and plunged in without looking back. He didn't even want to wait for a moment, and he also forgot that Wang Yangming should propose marriage on his behalf.

Wang Yangming turned around and praised Mo Yudan: "You gave a good answer just now! I think you are frightened, so you should go back to the Soul Realm and rest as soon as possible."

Mo Yudan immediately bowed and saluted, and jumped into the cave with the gradually retreating army.

Wang Yangming stood still for a moment, then opened the gate of Shengchen Realm and walked in.

This door opened directly inside the Xuanli Gate. Wang Yangming walked into the fairy cave that had been broken by Shi Yu, found a clean stone room and sat down, and slowly said: "Yu'er, come out."

In fact, Shi Yu did not leave. The moment he stepped into the realm gate, he turned into a virtual body and returned to the Golden Spirit Realm. He was waiting quietly beside Wang Yangming. He still had something to say to his master.

Upon hearing Wang Yangming's call, Shi Yu's faint figure suddenly appeared in front of his eyes and he saluted respectfully.

Wang Yangming patted the futon in front of him and said, "Come and sit down. There are only master and disciple you and me here. Don't be too formal. Just say whatever you want."

Shi Yu sat down cross-legged, scratched his scalp in embarrassment, and said with an embarrassed smile, "I really can't hide anything from Master."

Wang Yangming laughed loudly, "You can tell what the apprentice I teach is thinking just by looking at his eyes. You little guy always puts on an indifferent and aloof look, but you are very soft on the inside."

"Really? Master must look at his apprentice's eyes first when he sees him in the future. No matter how critical it is, he must see his eyes clearly before doing anything else." Shi Yu suddenly looked at Wang Yangming seriously, with an indescribable seriousness on his face. .

Wang Yangming was startled for a moment, but then he was relieved: "Master has made a note, and I will definitely look at the eyes first before talking about anything else."

Shi Yu's words have made it very obvious. If Shi Yu doesn't show up, Wang Yangming will only have Mo Yudan as his disciple. Shi Yu wants him to keep an eye on his disciple. Who else can he have but Mo Yudan to guard against?

"I wonder what Master's expectations are for Yu Luyao's creation of the world?" Shi Yu changed the topic and talked about the future. The less he said, the better.

Wang Yangming chuckled, "He is not creating a world, he is simply creating a dream.

I had only heard a little bit about his perfect world before, but after working together for decades, I finally figured out the basics. He will never succeed, and it is impossible for him to succeed.

All I did was try my best to help him make up for his shortcomings. "

Shi Yu lowered his gaze and whispered: "Yes, Jue

It won't succeed. But I could only watch him create endless evil, but I was unable to stop him. "

"Yu'er, have you seen your destiny? Master knows not to ask, but if you don't explain clearly, I won't know how to help you."

"No, no one can see their own destiny. The moment they see it is the moment their destiny changes. The unknown is the real future.

It's like something that I had obviously prevented happened in another form, a form that I couldn't see or expect. "

"Like Yu Luyao and Sha Luanhua, like Jinling Realm?" Wang Yangming asked seemingly casually.

Shi Yu hesitated for a moment and nodded lightly, "There is always a hand that puts things back to the path they should have taken. No matter how hard you try, you only change some minor details."

Wang Yangming was silent and suddenly laughed again, "So, my good disciple, don't worry about Master anymore. What should happen will eventually happen, it just takes a different path. The end is still the end after all."

Shi Yu felt a pain in his heart and his eyelids involuntarily jumped a few times.

"Go back! Just go back to where you should be and watch silently. Master will let Yu Luyao create a world as soon as possible so that the world can last longer."

Shi Yu looked at Wang Yangming and wondered if he would think he had a dream a long time ago when he met Xiao Yu in the future.

Shaking his head vigorously, Shi Yu woke himself up from his confusion, "These hundred years have been far beyond my imagination. It seems that with the help of Master, Yu Luyao has done tens of thousands of years in one year. What is the end result?" What's going on?"

Wang Yangming smiled and twirled his beard, with a rather proud tone in his voice, "Although Master is not very good at cultivation, he is good at adjusting everything.

Yu Luyao made rapid progress in his work and left too many troubles. With me helping him make plans, there were fewer hidden dangers and troubles, and the speed of creating worlds was naturally much faster.

When I first saw him, he was being chased again. Haha, except for these days when he was chased to the sky and into the earth, the days when he really contributed to the creation of the world were not long at all. "

"Who is so powerful? Chasing Yu Luyao?"

"Xuanpan sick tiger! That guy said that Yu Luyao brought disaster to the Xuanpan world, and he had to pay for it with his life. Hahaha, he is also a tiger even if he is sick! Although he is an era later than Yu Luyao, Yu Luyao Lu Yao is no match at all.”

"Then what did master do to make them stop?" Shi Yu was curious.

"Hahaha! Are you the master? Can you intervene in their fight? Just when Yu Luyao was about to be beaten to death, a master suddenly passed by. Attracted by the sick tiger's invincible attitude, he just took the fight and let him go. "Yu Luyao."

"Where did they move their hands? By such a coincidence, they alerted the passing masters?"

"In the Dongyuan Realm, as soon as that realm was captured by Yu Luyao, Binghu rushed in with Xuanpan and the other realm masters, and the fight was really lively.

I don’t know who that master is. Seeing Yu Luyao running away, I ran away with him. I don’t know what the outcome of the battle between Bing Hu and that master is. "

Shi Yu thought for a moment and knew that the master should be Ye Mobai. He was always hiding next to Yu Luyao, waiting for him to peel off the will to break the world, and also secretly protecting his safety.

Yu Luyao's creation of the world was advancing so fast, and his secret protection was indispensable.

"Then the sick tiger will come to provoke Yu Luyao again?"

“I don’t know what happened in that battle, but sick tiger never took a step outside the Xuanpan world afterward.

Yu Luyao hid for a few days and then became active again when nothing happened. In the past, he hid for tens of thousands of years, only to show his face after the enemy's anger subsided, hahaha! "

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