Life Control Chart

Chapter 751 Kill Him

"Stop talking nonsense! Kill him!"

Jian Kaitian shouted loudly after exchanging greetings with everyone. Especially when he knew that two top masters Mu Gu and Chen Zhong had come to help, he could not help but want to kill Tian Chu directly.

Ye Mobai hurriedly grabbed Jian Kaitian and asked in a low voice: "Brother Jian, it seems that Tian Chu will die. It is not true as you said that if Tian Chu or Shi Yu died, we would directly ascend to the sky, right? What will we do if we go up?"

Although the voice was soft, everyone heard it clearly. When they heard the words of ascending to the sky, everyone looked up at the sky with wide eyes, wondering if they had heard it wrong or thought wrong.

Only Yu Luyao laughed even colder, constantly throwing up and down the spiritual fruit that Jian Kaitian threw to him, and said grimly: "Is my world-breaking will still work? Return it to me after you use it up."

Jian Kaitian, who was extremely thick-skinned, laughed loudly in the surprised eyes of everyone, hugged Yu Luyao's shoulders, turned him around to look at Tianchu who was in doubt,

"Did you see that guy? He has been secretly coveting your world-breaking will. Now that he is in trouble, isn't it better? Just kill him and get revenge!"

Although Yu Luyao was angry, he was not as strong as others. , but he didn't dare to confront Jian Kaitian directly, and still said in a cold voice: "I'm talking about the will to break the world! Not to kill people! I have the ability to kill Brother Shi, but he would take away my will to break the world?"

My father was surprised and squeezed over to ask: "Yu Luyao, you have such a little ability that you can actually condense the will to break the world? There are so many masters here, but none of them can condense the will to break the world! From what you two said, the will to break the world was stripped away by you?"

Yu Luyao snorted coldly and said no more. This already involved his biggest secret, so naturally he didn't want to say more.

Jian Kaitian didn't care about that, he just wanted to deal with Tianchu, and immediately turned a blind eye, "It's not that you can't, but you don't dare to condense the will to break the world, for fear of being smashed by the God.

Yu Luyao has never been here before, so he is ignorant and fearless. Besides, the God didn't even take his broken will to break the world, and it would dissipate if he released it!"

"Hmph!" Yu Luyao snorted angrily. Jian Kaitian didn't tell the truth, but he said too badly about him, making him a useless world master of a small country world.

Mai Heng stood aside, his eyes rolling, staring at Yu Luyao thoughtfully, twirling his beard and nodding.

Unwilling to continue talking, Jian Kaitian drew out his giant sword and shouted, "You all heard what I just said. Killing Tianchu will allow you to enter the upper realm directly. The fruits I give you are from the upper realm. Believe it or not!

Even if you don't believe it! If you kill Tianchu, I can give you another 100 spiritual fruits each. What are you waiting for? Come on!"

Jian Kaitian rushed out first, passing through the passage that Taishu Bachen and Ye Mobai had intentionally opened, and rushed straight to Tianchu, holding the giant sword tightly with both hands and slashing it down on his head. He looked like he really didn't intend to let Tianchu live any longer.

As soon as Jian Kaitian moved, the people who were invited to help rushed forward. Under the control of Taishu Bachen's unparalleled space magic and Ye Mobai's incredible light condensation skills, they all delivered fatal tricks to Tianchu.

"Tianchu! How can you have the magic weapon refined by my body?"

Tie Xingkui was most confused. In the phantom that my father showed him, the metal puppets that Shi Yu intercepted Tianchu were exactly the same as those on his body. The iron tower was one of the most important parts of Tie Xingkui's body.

Now that Shi Yu has become Tianchu, he still wants to ask clearly.

Tianchu sneered and answered disdainfully. Tie Xingkui, a simple and straightforward

man, was his favorite target to harm. Since he had already sacrificed Tie Xingkui once, he didn't care about doing it again.

Easily avoiding the giant sword that Jian Kaitian chopped on his body, Tianchu stretched out his hand and grabbed the lifeline above Tie Xingkui's head.

Tie Xingkui had not yet transformed. Now he was just a human body about ten feet tall. His lifeline looked just a little thicker than that of an ordinary person.

But when the lifeline fell into Tianchu's hands, he thought he would break it with one pull, but he was surprised to find that he couldn't pull Tie Xingkui's lifeline at all.

Instead, he was punched in the face by Tie Xingkui, who was close to him. His nose was bleeding and his teeth were flying. He screamed and fell backwards.

This scene made Jian Kaitian's eyes light up, and he grinned and swung his sword.

Tai Shu Bachen took the opportunity to entangle Tianchu with thousands of spatial cracks, and snatched a lot of muscles, bones and internal organs from him before Tianchu turned into a virtual body.

Tianchu screamed even more, and hurriedly turned into a virtual body to avoid being completely torn into pieces by more spatial cracks that followed Tai Shu Bachen.

Tai Shu Bachen threw all the broken limbs and flesh into Lingxiao's hands.

Lingxiao, who did not participate in the battle, was stupidly holding the bloody limbs in his hands, and he could really vaguely piece together a small part of the complete body.

Ni Da and the other two also stared at each other, thinking that Shi Yu's resurrection was in sight.

There was only a split second of victory in the battle between masters, and Tianchu did not dare to be careless anymore, and only used his virtual body to fight.

For a while, Taishu Bachen couldn't hurt Tianchu, but Tianchu couldn't continue to kill others under the close pressure of Tiexingkui who was not afraid of the life-grabbing magic.

After a short fight, all the world masters who came to help knew that ordinary means could not do anything to Tianchu. If he couldn't break the confinement set by Taishu Bachen and Ye Mobai, he would have defeated and killed everyone one by one.

"What are you still thinking about? Use your ultimate move! If such a guy is released, this place will be a waste sooner or later!

Old Mai, where is your seed that absorbs the energy? Wanling, where is your blood-sucking red light? Tiexingkui! You fool, don't release your true body, it will be bad if you break the space confinement!"

Jian Kaitian's roar urging the battle sounded at the right time. Although he didn't point out the forbidden moves of each person, he shocked Mai Heng and Wanling so much that their jaws dropped to the ground.

The truth of the origin technique that these two had never used in front of others was actually revealed by Jian Kaitian. How did he know their ultimate secret?

Tianchu rolled his eyes, and wanted to shout like Jian Kaitian, shouting out the entanglement and hatred between Wanling, Yu Luyao, and Xuan Pan and Jian Kaitian. Although those things have not happened yet, they are enough to disrupt the battle and let him find an opportunity to escape.

But Jian Kaitian, who is unreasonable and wants to stir up trouble, how could he not think of Tianchu's intentions, and he shouted everything before Tianchu opened his mouth.

"Hurry up! Wanling, Luankong, think about it carefully. If Tianchu escapes, you will definitely be subdued. The first thing he wants to kill is top players like you!

Yu Luyao, Xuan Pan, you two are even more not running away. You have long wanted to kill Shi Yu, but Shi Yu was soft-hearted and didn't attack you first. When Tianchu completely controls Shi Yu, he will not be soft-hearted!"

No matter whether Jian Kaitian was right or not, the people who came to help were shocked, and the moves in their hands immediately became decisive, and the endless magical skills and achievements were all directed at Tianchu.

The brothers Mu Chen stood behind the crowd, and together with Kui San, they cheered them on.

The sound of their bells and drums was more than a hundred times stronger than Kui San's. The morning bells awakened boundless potential, allowing the tireless strength of all the realm masters to grow exponentially.

The dusk drums wiped out all spirituality,

making Tianchu's legs and feet sore and drowsy, and his strength fell to the bottom.

If it weren't for the unbreakable trick of the virtual body, Tianchu would have been beaten to ashes.

Under the siege of the unique skills of a group of strong men, the disadvantages of the virtual body were finally discovered. Although it was not afraid of any knife chopping and axe chopping, and was not afraid of any five elements of light and darkness,

it could not escape the original art of extracting Yuanli by Mai Heng and Wanling. Tianchu was deprived of a large amount of Yuanli in the air, and his combat power declined faster.

The red light of Wanling extracting Yuanli from all things spread throughout the void, and it could also extract the surging Yuanli through the virtual body.

Mai Heng scattered countless wheat seeds, and his virtual body was entangled and pierced by wheat roots, sucking power like a blood-sucking leech.

Yu Luyao narrowed his eyes and suddenly jumped into the battlefield. Taking advantage of the chaos, he put his palms on Tianchu, but he didn't dare to stay for long. He just touched and separated, and returned to his original place as if escaping, and then laughed.

Jian Kaitian, who ran out of the battlefield with him, smiled and said: "What? The Devouring Yuan Sutra can also hurt the virtual body?"

Yu Luyao's face became serious, put down his palms and stopped talking, staring at Tianchu with a calm look.

Jian Kaitian let him go and flashed back to Ling Xiao and others. He was useless on the battlefield, and he achieved his goal by provoking a fight.

Tianchu was driven to anger by the two magic arts of extracting Yuanli, and released rolling chaos to eliminate red light and wheat seeds, but Wanling and Mai Heng were at their peak, and with the encouragement of the morning bell, they spared no effort to perform the Di Yuan Art step by step.

Every time the two took away a bit of Tianchu's power, they felt that they were one step closer to the upper realm. There was a strange force that was constantly closing the distance between them and the upper realm.

This made Wan Ling and Mai Heng's spirits rise and they attacked more fiercely. In their eyes, Tianchu had become a shortcut to heaven.

The one who was best at seizing opportunities was still the Lord of the Chaos Realm. He had been standing outside the battlefield and watching coldly until Tianchu began to weaken. He then turned into his original body, the Chaos Mirror, and led the expressionless mirror Tianchus to the real Tianchu.

These replicas of Tianchu from the past were a little stronger than the gradually weakening Tianchu, but this little bit became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Tianchu quickly became a ravaged sandbag from the time he still had the strength to resist.

Fighting with people who were a little stronger than him and were exactly the same as him in every aspect, even the iron-clad King Kong could not stand it!

Tianchu's eyes turned fierce, and he was willing to be hit thousands of times, and he also learned the method my father used to break the Lord of the Chaos Realm, releasing endless pressure to make the Lord of the Chaos Realm collapse.

But the three brothers of Ni Da and Xi Ling saw the opportunity and fled to the Lord of the Chaos Realm, and at the same time released their aura to protect the Lord of the Chaos Realm.

The aura of the Tianchus who walked out of the Chaos Mirror one by one was no longer effective, but Tianchu himself was dizzy and swollen by the thousands of replicas.

"Die! You all will die!"

Tianchu, who was forced into a desperate situation, suddenly shouted loudly, hugged the steel fist of Tie Xingkui who was coming towards him, and rushed to Tie Xingkui's face, like a desperate madman who wanted to die together.

Tie Xingkui was not afraid of a head-on collision, and immediately roared to the sky, his huge head tilted back slightly, and then rushed forward, colliding with Tianchu's forehead.

With a loud bang, Tianchu and Tiexingkui both screamed and fell, leaving long blood lines in the air.

"Quick! He's dying! Try harder!"

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