Life Control Chart

Chapter 752 Mysterious Power

Jian Kaitian screamed and jumped, as if he was afraid that everyone's manpower would be lost, so he asked Ling Xiao to throw out several rays of vitality and pour all his energy into it.

Everyone was torturing Tianchu with great energy, and the three brothers were shocked and frightened. They were really worried that Tianchu would die suddenly and Shiyu would disappear.

Ling Xiao also didn't understand Jian Kaitian's thoughts. If Tianchu died under the beating of everyone, how would Jian Kaitian explain to Zhu Yanlan when he returned?

But Jian Kaitian turned a blind eye to the doubtful looks of Ling Xiao and Yi Da, and just yelled at everyone to be more ruthless and swift, and it would be best to kill Tianchu on the spot.

As long as Tianchu is solidified, Ye Mobai will cast out the Light Condensation Technique, fixing the severely injured Tianchu in the void.

Taishu Bachen followed closely and got entangled in the space crack, scraping off a large piece of flesh and blood from Tianchu's body again.

The heavy blows from others also hit Tianchu, especially the replica of Qianbai Tianchu. They all used Mo Lu with all their strength and blasted Tianchu's body out of the light-condensation prison, and his body shattered into countless pieces.

The more seriously Tianchu was injured, the tighter the look on Jian Kaitian's face became, and he muttered to himself from time to time.

"Uncle Jian, can you stop now? Young master really can't bear it anymore!" Kui San took courage and begged Jian Kaitian.

In Ling Xiao's hand, there was almost a complete body of flesh and blood, but it didn't have a soul yet, and it hadn't been condensed together.

"Fart! We are about to kill Tian Chu, how can we fall short? Shi Yu can't take the opportunity to come back by himself, then he will die with Tian Chu! Tian Chu is Shi Yu, he will definitely find a chance to go back after killing everyone here, don't you think Will he sleep with my senior sister when he returns?"

Everyone was speechless. Jian Kaitian's words were too vulgar, but they were extremely correct. If Shi Yu couldn't escape from Tianchu's heavy injuries, then no one would be able to save him.

The clones of the two wizard emperors never moved. At this time, my father couldn't help but ask: "Where did you come from? It is said that there is my father with you, why are you still missing?"

"Get out of here! You don't have time to talk about this now! Go ahead! Fuck him to death!" Jian Kaitian shouted towards the battlefield again, refusing to answer my father's question in an extremely rude manner, which made my father's short fibrous roots stand up in anger.

"How overbearing! You've been assigned to work like running errands for so long, and you just want to get out of here?" Soul Shadow Witch Emperor was unhappy and taunted Jian Kaitian.

Jian Kaitian's eyes slanted down, he glanced at the wandering Soul Shadow Witch Emperor, and said disdainfully: "What's the matter? Are you wronged? The strength of the two of you is at the bottom here! Which one of you two dares to enter the battlefield? Honestly Standing here is of great benefit to both of you."

"You!" My father was so angry that he was shaking all over. He and Soul Shadow Witch Emperor were trying their best to help from the beginning to the end, and they knew what he wanted them to do without Jian Kaitian opening his mouth.

From awakening Uncle Bachen to looking for a master to help him, he never negotiated compensation, but now he was ignored by Jian Kaitian like a clown.

"Let's go! Although I, the Witch Emperor, am not a master, I am not a person who can be insulted or bullied by others. I will return your fruit to you!" My father came up with a stubborn temper, took out the spirit fruit that had not yet been warmed, and threw it at Jian Kaitian. Pick up the soul shadow and leave.

"Huh? It's not enough! Did the ghost shadow take a lot?" Jian Kaitian's strange voice sounded, which made my father's eyes bloodshot.

"Give him back!" The first Witch Emperor's momentum completely exploded. The Soul Shadow Witch Emperor, who had been quarreling with my father, immediately took out the spirit fruit and threw it at Jian Kaitian. Jiji smiled strangely and my father disappeared without looking back. Far in the sky.

Ling Xiao and others were shocked by this sudden change, and they didn't understand.

Bai Jiankaitian made a mistake and humiliated the two witch emperor clones in this way.

Even the other people who were fighting fiercely also glanced sideways, feeling very down on Jian Kaitian's character.

Only my father, who was sitting quietly in the snow bead, stood up with a serious face. Jian Kaitian had only one explanation for sending away the two Witch Emperor clones. The real decisive battle was coming, and the most powerful father was needed to appear.

Some words cannot be said clearly, and the purpose can only be achieved by offending others. This is the method that Jian Kaitian always uses well.

Tianchu, who was left with only a bloody body, was carrying the space rift, the light condensation magic, and countless heavy punches from Tie Xingkui. His body was also covered with red lights and wheat grass, but he was hanging in the void to eat. Eat and laugh.

This laughter interrupted everyone's thoughts about Jian Kaitian forcing away the Witch Emperor's clone, and focused all their attention on the battlefield.

"Awesome! I thought I was invincible after getting this body, but I didn't know I was forced to this point by you."

Tianchu's words were weak and he seemed to die suddenly at any moment.

Uncle Bachen acted decisively and was not interested in listening to Tianchu's story. Seeing that he still had the energy to talk nonsense, billions of space cracks suddenly appeared around Tianchu and rolled towards him.


Tianchu shook slightly and took the lead to blur his body. The space crack passed through his body and disappeared into the void.

"If you don't let me leave, then I won't leave. If you want me to die, then you die first. Luan Kong, do you still have the strength to fight with the me you've recruited now?"

The Lord of Chaos Kong was stunned, and the mirror turned slightly and walked out of Tianchu, but it collapsed and fell into pieces as soon as he came out of the mirror, unable to even maintain his body shape.

Everyone was shocked. Based on Tianchu's current state, the mirror body summoned by the Master of Chaos Kong must be stronger than the real body. But why did the strong one collapse while the weak one still maintained its strength?

"Haha! As expected, the replica you summoned by Luan Kong still can't transcend your world! But do you know that the power I possess is beyond your comprehension?" Tianchu said something that not many people could listen to. If you understand.

Jian Kaitian's expression suddenly changed, "It's terrible! Tianchu really controls everything about Shi Yu!"

"Kill!" With a roar, Jian Kaitian rushed into the battlefield again.

At this time, Jian Kaitian no longer had the annoying frivolity just now, only the surging murderous aura and the unstoppable killing intention.

Before everyone could react, another strong figure appeared in their eyes, and my father held two axes and chopped towards Tianchu.

"My father? You are not..."

As soon as Wan Ling exclaimed, he realized that my father in front of him was not the Wu Emperor's clone he knew. The person in front of him was older, more stable, and his strength was beyond imagination.

When Wan Ling was wondering why there were two my fathers, a piercing pain exploded from his whole body, causing him to scream in pain, and the sharp cry tore his throat.

At the same time, Mai Heng, who was also looking at my father in surprise, also exploded into dust in an instant.

His body was not as strong as Wan Ling's, and he disappeared into the air before he could even scream in pain. Only a small grain of wheat was quickly born from the ashes, and it flew away and disappeared in an instant.

"You ran fast, but you lost all your strength. How can you be reborn in the Land of Life? Who will help you to continue your life this time?" Tianchu's voice was like a ghost, and he looked at the direction where Maizhong disappeared with an evil smile.

"Land of Life?" Some people who were still present heard this word for the first time in shock.

When they heard this word, the previous names of the Unknown Land all faded away, and only the four words "Land of Life" replaced them!

"Lifeline?" Another new word fell into their minds after "Land of Life", but they didn't understand what it meant.

Jian Kaitian's giant sword and my father's giant axe were helpless in the face of the virtual body. They all fell into the void, and the huge force almost tore off their own arms.


My father and Jian Kaitian still didn't give up, and turned around and rushed towards Tianchu again.

Ye Mobai and Tai Shu Bachen had also used their magic skills to freeze Tianchu in the void. In the pale white light and still space, Tianchu's ghostly and eerie smile seemed to last forever, making people shudder.

"Crack, crack, crack!"

The slight cracking sound, even though covered by the roar of my father and Jian Kaitian, was still clearly heard by everyone.

Tianchu, who should not have been able to move a finger, turned around slowly and faced Jian Kaitian with a bloody face.

"It's you, a rotten stone, I should have killed you long ago! You know me too well, even better than I know myself!"

As Tianchu spoke softly, his body became thinner and completely disappeared into the void, completely ignoring the magic skills of Ye Mobai and Tai Shu Bachen.

Ye Mobai and Tai Shu Bachen were shocked. They did not feel any fluctuations in the Yuan force, nor did they notice any chaos. Tianchu actually escaped from the powerful confinement with the support of some mysterious power.

"Don't just think about it! Tianchu is either going to the upper realm or he is going to kill you! Everyone, strengthen your shields to the strongest! Everyone, put on the strongest armor for me! Wanling and Mai Heng were attacked because they took away his power, you don't have to be afraid!" Jian Kaitian once again passed through the void where Tianchu was.

My father's two axes also split the void into a chaotic and broken space, but Tianchu did not appear.

Under Jian Kaitian's warning, everyone put on heavy armor and shields around them, looking around vigilantly.

"Why do you always say that I can go to the upper realm after I die? What's the use of a dead person going to the upper realm? What's more, I don't want to die."

Tianchu's indifferent and charming voice rang in every corner of the void. Everyone felt that he was whispering in their ears, but they couldn't detect his presence.

Jian Kaitian was startled at first, and then moved at the sound, his eyes widened and he raised his sword wildly, but he failed to split Tianchu out of the void.

"What a pity! This power is too weak. If Wan Ling and Mai Heng are killed, there will be very few left. But it is enough for me to kill one person. Who do you think I should kill?"

No one will feel relieved because Tianchu is weak. No one can guarantee that Tianchu will let him go. He said that Jian Kaitian should be killed the most, but which of Tianchu's words can be believed?

Just when everyone was in doubt, the Lord of the Chaos Realm, whose mirror body was still sweeping everywhere, suddenly cried out in pain.

Tianchu seemed to want to shock everyone. After punching through the mirror body, he slowly condensed his bloody body behind the mirror and laughed silently at everyone.

The Lord of the Chaos Realm quickly turned into a human body in a panic. He struggled hard to get rid of Tianchu's fist that pierced his chest, but he was hit on the forehead with a palm and grabbed the top of his head.

The Lord of the Chaos Realm immediately lost all resistance. He was held up in the air by Tianchu with one hand in fear and powerlessness. His power was madly pouring into Tianchu's body.

The Lord of the Chaos Realm shrank rapidly while crying out in silent pain.

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