Life Control Chart

Chapter 771: Ice Silence

Xi Ling was also a mutated water mage. He was immediately frightened when he saw such a sharp and extremely cold attack, and the layers of falling snow became even denser.

The man's eyes were stunned, and he reached over the sky and landed on the flying snow behind him. He sneered, "How dare you show off in front of me, little ice type! Why don't you become a maid with me today!"

Li followed the words, and a blue ice spear suddenly condensed behind Ling Xiao, roaring towards Xi Ling, with layers of space ripples tearing like silk at the tip of the ice spear.

Ling Xiao roared angrily, and a stream of fire roared out, quickly wrapping around the ice spear.

The two colors of blue and red were fighting like two dragons, their chiss and chises disappearing as they headed straight towards Xi Ling, and were annihilated at the same time several miles away from Xi Ling.

Even though Ling Xiao struggled with all his strength, Xi Ling's already pale face became even paler.

Every time the ice spear pierced a snowflake, it was like a steel needle piercing her heart. The extremely cold air made it difficult for Xi Ling, the master of the ice and snow world, to resist.

The Realm Master, who had never paid attention to Ling Xiao, was slightly surprised at this moment. He let Xi Ling go for the time being and turned his attention back to Ling Xiao.

But that's all. He still didn't regard Ling Xiao as a strong enemy. Everything he could see was what he could do. Thousands of ice spears suddenly appeared in the sky, forming a giant ice dragon and flying towards Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao didn't dare to be careless in the seemingly monotonous attack.

Just now, the fire-defeating ice attack seemed to be equally matched, but the opponent was attacking from thousands of miles away, and the strength had already weakened. Ling Xiao tried his best to resolve the attack at his side, but he still almost let the ice spear rush in front of Xi Ling and severely injure her.

Which is higher or lower is self-evident.

The roots of the tree slammed into the earth, and the earth waves raised by the sky covered the sky and the sun. In an instant, the earth fossilized and formed a thick stone shield in front of him. The breath of gold and iron in the earth condensed into soldiers, swords, spears, swords, halberds, The axe, axe, hook and fork also merged into a torrent of gold and iron that rushed straight towards the ice dragon.


There was no violent impact, only slight cracks. Whether it was a stone shield or a flow of gold, it shattered when it encountered the ice dragon, turning into floating dust without even scraping off any ice chips.


The frightened and angry Ling Xiao finally let out his first roar in the battle, and the huge tree suddenly burst into flames.

Being a wood spirit, he used his body to help the fire. The sea of ​​fire, which seemed to be billions of times more powerful than the ice dragon, rolled out wildly and engulfed the ice dragon in an instant.

As for those good-for-nothing Realm Masters who had long since lost their courage, they instantly turned into powder and blue smoke under the powerful force of the two people clashing with each other.

"A bunch of rubbish!" The world leader cursed secretly, feeling extremely angry that these vanguards who went to battle turned into blood mud without even scratching their opponents' oily skin.

But he immediately understood why these people were so stupid. Ling Xiao's violent momentum was unparalleled. As the wave of fire rushed over him, he couldn't help but staggered back a few steps, and there were waves of fear in his heart. .

"Awesome! I've long heard that there are a group of tycoons in the Land of Destiny who are invincible just by their momentum. It turns out it's you! I saw you today and you are indeed worthy of your reputation!" The Realm Master praised a few words, and rushed towards Lingxiao again with a solemn figure. The impact of that momentum on him was instantly minimized.

"Master Jue?" Ling Xiao's voice sounded in surprise. He didn't expect that Master Jue would join Tan Weiyang's command.

"Exactly! I, Bingji, let me come out, you bluffing guy is no match for me!" This is no longer the time when Jue Zhu first saw his supreme aura. Bingji revealed Lingxiao's weakness with one word and overcame the pressure of the aura. I will no longer take Ling Xiao into consideration


Ling Xiao's dark fire rose. Although he was not yet the Ultimate Master, he considered himself to be no worse than the Ultimate Master. Now that he was looked down upon by Bing Ji and turned into an ant, no matter how calm and calm his mind was, he could still arouse boundless anger.

"There is no need for my father to deal with you. I'll take care of the wormwood that kills you with an axe." Although Ling Xiao was not good at words, he was still able to ridicule others.

Bing Ji was furious, but he laughed. He thought he gave Ling Xiao a chance to live a little longer, but Ling Xiao didn't cherish it.

Immediately, he opened and closed his arms and swung them like wheels, and glaciers like the Yangtze River surged out from between his palms.

Ling Xiao was already the body of a hundred-mile tree, and Bingji was as big or small as an ant in front of him, but the glacier thrown out was as high as the tree, and it hit with a loud rumbling sound that shook the heavens and the earth.

Ling Xiao snorted coldly and gathered the endless water vapor hidden in the world, turning it into a real river and rushing towards the glacier. The cold air of a glacier can split gold and crack rocks, but what else can it do if it freezes water into ice?

The facts once again shocked Ling Xiao. The river he blasted hit the glacier and immediately condensed. It exploded into pieces and disappeared into the void. He really managed to return to where he came from. Not only did he fail to reduce the force of the glacier, but it actually made it worse. Add to the majestic momentum of the glacier.

Roaring angrily again, Ling Xiao's five elements began to reincarnate together, forming a foreign object comparable to chaos and resting in front of the glacier.

It's a pity that this bunch of unknown debris is not as good as the power of water just now, which can at least knock up some ice flowers on the glacier.

"You can't do this! It's a big mess, and the enemy is in chaos before they can hit it. This is the same as the clones of mine, which are not suppressed by my true self, and are in civil turmoil before they can hurt the enemy!"

My father's steady voice sounded behind Ling Xiao, followed by loud shouts and explosions, and a faint figure flashed past Ling Xiao.


The indestructible glacier collapsed instantly, and Ling Xiao finally saw clearly that the seemingly dense glacier was actually made of countless ice spears.

"I've been waiting for you to come out for a long time! Come and die!" The Bingji Glacier was broken, and he was not angry but happy.

He believed that except for my father, there was no one here who was worthy of his real action, and he regarded my father as his opponent after hearing that the Witch Emperor's clones merged into one to fight against Yu Luyao.

My father laughed loudly and stepped back a hundred miles on the collapsing glacier. "What a Bingji! Let you use your special move, or I will chop off your head with an axe, and you won't be willing to be a ghost!"

If you mean the same thing, different people will have different feelings when they say it. Bingji didn't think it was insulting that my father said he would be killed with an axe, so he immediately retreated thousands of miles and started transporting his strength.

The unwilling Ling Xiao was about to fight again when he was pinned to the ground by a palm from behind.

"Second brother?" Ling Xiao looked back and immediately put away his anger, returned to his human body in the blink of an eye, and stood beside Shi Yu with an unswerving expression.

The three people in Yangda followed Shi Yu with shame on their faces and looked at Ling Xiao with an embarrassed smile.

Shi Yu crossed his arms and looked at the battlefield, "My father said that this guy is also ranked high among the Juezhu. If he went up to the Juezhu Peak, one of the ten Juezhu would have to come down, so you don't have to be discouraged. If you can It’s not easy to hold on for so long.”

Jian Kaitian also pretended to be relieved and patted Ling Xiao on the shoulder, with a smile on his face, "Shi Yu is right! Although you are not that person's opponent, at least you didn't lose like these three fools. "Ui Liu, can't you easily resist that slut's evil spell?"

These words made the three of them even more

I was so embarrassed that I almost buried my head in my feet.

Within a few words, my father and Bing Ji collided head-on again. Bing Ji, who was still arrogant and domineering just now, was hit by my father with an axe, and he vomited blood and flew thousands of miles away.

Facing my father, Bingji's blue ice spear lost its power.

My father is not like Ling Xiao, who likes to stand still and confront people head-on. My father is tougher than Ling Xiao, but his toughness is also accompanied by a flexible body. My father's special skill is the mysterious jump and slash with ten thousand times the force.

No matter how fast the ice spear thrown by Bingji was, it was not as fast as my father's wild jumping and slashing regardless of the distance. He just saw my father's silhouette and before he could throw the spear, my father's big ax had already hit his head.

As soon as the blow was successful, my father did not hesitate to jump and strike again wildly. He shouted angrily and reached Bingji's head before anyone could reach him.

Fortunately, Bingji's reaction was also very fast. A thin ice shield quickly condensed and was isolated between the ax blade and forehead, blocking the giant ax that my father was cutting head on.

The blade of my father's ax was blocked, but the momentum of the ax continued unabated, and it fell straight to the ground, pressing Bing Ji down, but he was unable to chop Bing Ji until blood spurted out. The sharp ax was like a heavy hammer hitting the frozen river surface in the middle of winter, causing large cracks but failing to break through the ice to reach the bottom of the river.

Seeing that the frantic slashing was fruitless, my father pulled out the ax and spun it into a ball of ax shadow, whirling around Bingji like a jingle of iron. Each ax strike was a hundred times more powerful, causing Bingji to panic all over his body. Trembling.

Bingji was amazed by my father's infinite strength. Although the ice shield he condensed was not thick, the cold air in it was stronger than the ice gun. Whenever someone came close, it would freeze into an ice sculpture, and it would explode instantly if someone came close. Powder, even thoughts of regret will freeze into nothingness.

However, not only was my father very close, but the two giant axes on the door panels were struck with thousands of heavy blows in just one breath, causing cobweb cracks all over the extremely solid ice shield.


An ice dagger quickly penetrated the ice shield and stabbed my father's waist and ribs that had just turned sideways.

My father roared angrily and forcibly twisted his waist and hips. He barely managed to avoid the sharp blade and jumped hundreds of miles away, but was also broken by the tight whirlwind ax shadow.

"Okay! This is a great move! Come again!"

Just as he regained his composure, my father shouted again and jumped back. The figure disappeared and came back in an instant, leaving Bingji no time to breathe, let alone change his moves.

The huge ax blade struck hard on the dagger that could not be retracted, and the blade snapped with a snap, and also took advantage of the opportunity to pierce the unbreakable ice shield.

Bing Ji grunted and retreated quickly, annoyed that my father had caught him with just this little flaw.

"Not bad! It seems that you are comparable to top masters like Wan Fang and Wu Po. I think that if I hadn't had an unexpected encounter, I would be far behind you!"

My father put away his offensive and weighed the ax in his hand a few times, leaving Bingji some time to breathe.

Bingji took the opportunity to retreat further, and several ice shields suddenly formed and swirled around the body.

"My father! How many clones have you melted?" Standing in the distance, Bingji was very dissatisfied with her innocence and shouted to my father in the distance.

My father chuckled and stretched out a finger, "It's just me! If you had melted with other clones, you would have separated from your body and turned into a lonely ghost!"

"One? Impossible! None of your seven clones are a match for Yu Luyao!" Bing Ji swallowed hard, finding it hard to believe that my father was telling the truth.

My father did not explain much, raised the ax in his hand and shouted: "You will know after a few strikes! After a hundred blows, you will naturally be able to tell how many clones I am!"

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