Life Control Chart

Chapter 772: Smash the Weiyang Secret Realm

Bingji was speechless, feeling that today's battle was very difficult.

He thought that coming alone could subdue everyone in Shiyu, but he didn't know that my father, a clone of the Witch Emperor, would in turn overwhelm him. If anyone else joins forces with my father, he will definitely be defeated.

He already wanted to retreat in his heart, but his words were still tough. Bingji snorted coldly, grabbed an ice shield with his left hand, and condensed an ice spear with his right hand and pointed it at my father, "Okay! I believe you are the only clone. You and I will fight again." Pass!"

My father laughed loudly and raised the ax in his hand high to point at Bingji, "Bingji, when did you learn to play tricks on your mind? If we are afraid that we will just say it out loud! Don't worry, today you will challenge me one on one. I will never bully you." !”

Bingji's face turned slightly red, and his shame was immediately dispelled by the steaming cold air. He shouted and threw himself at my father.

Bingji knew that long-range attacks would no longer work, and that he could not keep up with the speed of my father's wild leaping slashes, and all long-range spells would be in vain.

My father also shouted loudly, and rushed towards Bingji with two axes in his hands.

In comparison, Bing Ji's appearance is really handsome and pleasing to the eye, with long hair, long gown, crystal shield and ice spear, just like the supreme god general who walked out of the Xuantian Ice Palace.

My father, on the other hand, had short hair and an unkempt beard. His torn trousers and straw sandals were stained with mud. He wore a sleeveless vest that covered his chest and back, and his long chest hair came out from the side seams of the vest.

Dressed like this, he picks up bamboo sticks to break bowls and is hungry wherever he goes.

But with such a filthy appearance, he picked up an ax and became the Jingtian God of War. When he collided with the Ice Palace God, his hair and beard were all stretched out, making him even more domineering.

Violent collisions exploded in the void again and again. Although the flesh body and the iceberg bombarded each other, there was a sound of stars collapsing. Large areas of bright light surged around, and pieces of space were shattered and annihilated.

"Happy! Bingji, today you and I will fight until we die!" My father beat me heartily and kept shouting and teasing.

Even with such a violent and gorgeous thrust, Jian Kaitian became impatient after seeing it for seven or eight rounds, and yelled: "Old me! What are you doing so long? Kill him early and go deal with that slutty bitch. !”


The extremely harsh and rude words seemed to have touched Bing Ji's back scales. He roared and abandoned my father, and rushed directly towards Jian Kaitian.

Jian Kaitian laughed loudly, not afraid to charge back with the sword. He was not as powerful as others but could not be inferior to others. The Hunyuan Taichu body was unparalleled in all realms. He could not reach the place where he controlled his fate and was inferior to others everywhere.

However, my father was one step faster than Jian Kaitian. He jumped thousands of miles in an instant and struck the back of Bing Ji's head. He didn't dare to let Jian Kaitian and Bing Ji really collide together, otherwise Jian Kaitian would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

When Bingji heard the wind blowing behind him, he roared again and turned around, stabbing my father in the heart with a spear.

My father grinned brightly with bared teeth, and his momentum continued unabated. He raised his ax high and struck hard with great force, and passed the ax across like a heavy shield blocking the tip of the spear.


There was another burst of brilliant explosions, and crystal blue ice shards scattered all over the world.

After all, Bingji was weak and couldn't withstand my father's huge strength. He screamed in pain and was hacked into the ground, exploding into a sinkhole hundreds of miles wide and thousands of miles deep.

"The Sword Sea is raging!"

Jian Kaitian's offensive was interrupted by my father, but he still reluctantly released his special move. The torrent of sword sea rushed over after Bingji's falling figure, making the already messy earth even more devastated.

Bingji's cry of pain became louder.

My father was furious. As soon as he told Bingji that he would not fight in groups, Jian Kaitian shamelessly got involved in the fight.

What's even more annoying is that Jian Kaitian added insult to injury and took advantage of my father's injury to Bing Ji.

, Doudou stabbed Bingji in the butt with countless swords. Where did this make my father put his face?

"Jian Kaitian, have you eaten enough to hold yourself up? If you do that again, you'll be the one to do it!"

After cursing, my father put away his giant ax and rushed to Shi Yu's side, glaring at Jian Kaitian with a pair of tiger eyes.

"I'll do it! I'll do it! I'm like Shi Yu now, fighting like a slut, watch me clean up this ice lump with three punches and two kicks!" Jian Kaitian was not afraid at all, and took over this unfinished battle. The battle rushed to the sinkhole.

"Why did you drag me into this again? If you don't scold me a few times during your quarrel, Da Jian, then you can't stop the quarrel, right?" Shi Yu also opened his eyes, and glared at Jian Kaitian with my father.

Jian Kaitian no longer cared about continuing to quarrel with my father. The violent waves of the sword sea rolled up a large turbulence in the void, drowning the ice silence that had not yet broken out of the ground.

But Bing Ji's strength is much higher than that of Jian Kaitian, and if he releases some cold air at will, he will freeze the physical sword flow into ice dust and then become nothing.

When he came back to his senses, he was like an ice arrow breaking through the sky. In the blink of an eye, he broke through the sword sea and stood high in the sky. He looked at the sword opening the sky with cold eyes and uttered one word coldly:


There was no one in Bingji's eyes except my father, and he didn't even bother to say a single word to Jian Kaitian.

Two ice spears were thrown out simultaneously with his left and right hands, stabbing straight into Jian Kaitian's forehead and heart.

Jian Kaitian was not willing to be outdone, and the sword sea turned back and rushed towards the sky. The shimmering sword shadow made everyone unable to open their eyes.

"Ding! Ding!"

Two crisp collision sounds were heard, and the two ethereal sword shadows mixed in the violent waves of the sword sea collided head-on with the ice spear, instantly breaking the gun body and continuing to rush towards the ice silence.

Bing Ji narrowed his eyes slightly and gave Jian Kaitian a high look. If he could block his ice spear, he would be able to defeat at least 90% of the realm masters. Jian Kaitian was also considered to be a handful of the most powerful realm masters.

"Bingtuozi! Where is your ice shield? My divine sword is coming!"

Jian Kaitian's face was covered with anger. Bingji stood upright in the air with empty hands when facing Jian Kaitian's sword flow. His disdainful look was too contemptuous.

Bingji snorted, still standing with his hands tied, not only the ice shield disappeared, but also the ice gun was no longer in his hand, a few ice stars popped out and rushed towards Jian Kaitian, he opened the sword and screamed.

"My father! Such a small character is not worthy of my action! Weiyang Secret Realm is waiting for you!"

After saying that, Bingji turned around and flew away without even looking at what would happen if Bingxing and Jian Kaitian collided.

"Hmph!" The angry look on Jian Kaitian's face caused by Bing Ji's contempt disappeared instantly. The invisible sword shadow quickly picked off a few ice stars and chased Bing Ji away.

"This guy! It looks like the rough guy is actually full of tricks! He just wants to start the decisive battle quickly, right?" My father finally figured out Jian Kaitian's true intention, and he was so angry that his teeth itched.

Shi Yu smiled broadly, "Senior, you are so happy to see Hunter Xin that you always want to have a good fight with Bing Ji, but we are all idle. Bing Ji has no intention of retreating but you still keep fighting. How can Jian Kaitian wait any longer?"

"Go! Smash Weiyang Secret Realm!"

My father's fighting spirit has not subsided, and he also wants to start another battle quickly, and take the lead in chasing Jian Kaitian. Since Bingji can come out, there may be other absolute masters hiding in the secret realm, and more exciting battles are waiting for him.

Shi Yu didn't rush to catch up, and turned back to the three of them: "You three are still a little weak in strength. We will go to sweep away the monks outside the secret realm later. Remember to focus on self-protection!"

Xi Ling, you go help Da Jian. It won't do well if no one is watching the reckless Da Jian during the melee. "

After the explanation was completed, Shi Yucai led the crowd straight to Weiyang's secret realm. Without him present, the real war would not begin.

stand up.

Just as Shi Yu expected, when he arrived at Weiyang Secret Realm, my father and Jian Kaitian were standing side by side outside the gorgeous barrier with cold faces, and hundreds of broken corpses were scattered on the ground.

A little further away, the monks and world masters from the local big city and small village were surrounding them tightly, staring at the two with extremely angry eyes as if they saw an immortal enemy.

Further outside, there is a circle of world masters watching the excitement. They have not yet entered Weiyang's secret realm and have not been turned into loyal servants by Tan Weiyang.

The three of them looked at the hundreds of thousands of monks surrounding my father and Jian Kaitian, including many realm masters, and all three of them had ferocious smiles on their faces.

Being instantly fascinated by Tan Weiyang, the three of them were extremely upset and needed an outlet to vent their anger.

Shi Yu looked around, a little frightened, "She is indeed a master at controlling the soul. No local monk can escape her clutches. If it weren't for our powerful soul, we would have become Tan Weiyang's slaves at this time."

"Shi Yu, stop nagging! I'm just waiting for you!" Jian Kaitian had no time to listen to Shi Yu's sighs and loud complaints.

Shi Yu's whole body was shaken and chaos erupted, and a pair of black and ferocious demonic armor instantly covered his body.

Jian Kaitian's little eyes lit up and he became energetic. Knowing that Shi Yu was already full of fighting spirit, he laughed and picked up the giant sword in his hand.

The three of them couldn't bear it any longer, roared with boundless momentum, and all pounced on the surrounding monks. Regardless of whether they are world lords or ordinary monks, they are all mortals in their eyes.

The giant sword danced rapidly in the sky. Jian Kaitian put his talent for breaking formations to the extreme. With just a few swords, he split open the solid colorful barrier. Thousands of sword lights went up, down, left, and right, cutting into pieces the entire protective formation. fall.

With a loud bang, the gorgeous protective formation exploded completely, and the soul-guarding slave's lair inside was clearly exposed.

Screams of incomparable fright and fury rose into the sky from the secret realm. Tan Weiyang, who was dripping wet from head to toe, flew high from the red night in the cold night, standing up with a graceful and convex body and glaring at Jian Kaitian.


This dazzling and charming scene simply sprinkled honey on the ant colony, and all the world leaders who were just watching the excitement immediately exploded in their nests.

Dozens of the world masters immediately rushed towards Shi Yu and the others with red eyes, their pitiful defenses more fragile than paper in front of Tan Weiyang.

The expressions of more Realm Masters changed greatly, and they hurriedly fled away. The more conservative ones did not even look at the excitement, and quickly disappeared into the distance.

There were only a hundred realm masters left who considered themselves to be superior in cultivation. Their expressions remained as usual, but they looked at Tan Weiyang with a more cautious look.

As for those realm masters and monks who were already fascinated by Tan Weiyang, they all stared at her beautiful figure covered in gauze with enthusiasm. Their eyes couldn't be moved away for a long time. They were knocked unconscious by the heavy punches of the three men. Unaware.

"Bah! Can you become a Realm Master? It's not as good as Yida and the others."

Jian Kaitian chopped up the secret realm barrier and stood leaning on his sword, turning around and laughing loudly at the weak-willed Realm Lords.

Although the ridicule was directed at the enemy, the three people were the ones who suffered the most serious insults. This was no different from Jian Kaitian grabbing them by the collar and slapping them.

In shame and anger, the three of them roared and struck harder and harder, causing the crowd to scream with blood.

The dozens of realm masters who had just been seduced and rushed towards them were also blocked in the middle of the road by the extremely angry Yida, who punched them all into bloody mud with his full momentum.

"Yida! You idiot, slow down! I just said casually, you don't have to be so fierce! At least keep an arm!" Jian Kaitian was very anxious when he saw this. Every world master is a rich treasure, how can you be like this? waste!

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