Life Control Chart

Chapter 783 Memory Fragments

"It's okay, it's okay! I thought those ghosts full of resentment would not distinguish between friend and foe!"

After Jian Kaitian and other resentful spirits all rushed towards Tan Weiyang, he released the giant sword in his hand and twisted his tight and sore body.

My father chuckled, "Those ghosts really don't distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. If it weren't for the ruthlessness of feeding the demons with their bodies, these ghosts would be tainted with the idea of ​​​​fighting Tan Weiyang. They would come out to attack anyone they see.

We, the Witch Emperor's clones, suffered a lot when he was refining weapons. "

"Ah?" Everyone was speechless. If Qingqing's clone released the array and disappeared for some reason, wouldn't it cause chaos in the world?

"Then... can we help now?" Shi Yu looked at the dark ghosts rushing towards Tan Weiyang, and felt that the Ruthless Witch Emperor should not be allowed to fight alone.

"Don't go! One ruthless person is enough!" My father hurriedly stopped Shi Yu.

"Senior Qing Wu can defeat Tan Weiyang by himself?" Shi Yu didn't believe this possibility. If Qing Qing was so powerful, he would have been captured and made flesh by Big Eyes.

"Of course we can't win! Tan Weiyang is more powerful than Di Ruo, how can Qingqing alone win?

But it won't be a problem for him to hold on for a while. We must take advantage of this time to find out Tan Weiyang's flaws!

We just joined forces to act, wasn't it just to make Tan Weiyang relax her vigilance and reveal her shortcomings? Isn't it because Jiankai Tianzang has been holding the sword for so long just to seize the opportunity? "

Shi Yu understood, "Senior is right! Then I'll go take a closer look. You guys stay here and don't move."

Just as my father was about to stop him, Shi Yu had already disappeared, and he hesitated for a moment without calling him back.

Shi Yu secretly followed behind a group of resentful spirits, listening to their screams and screams, watching them baring their teeth and claws, and rushing toward Tan Weiyang like a group of demons.

Seemingly aware of Shi Yu's whereabouts, the hundred or so resentful spirits headed by them turned around and screamed at Shi Yu several times. Shi Yu was so shocked that he almost thought they were no longer under control and were about to turn around and attack him.

Fortunately, they were just screaming threats. They were still hundreds of miles away from Tan Weiyang. The resentful spirits suddenly accelerated and turned into jet-black streams of light and shot out.

Tan Weiyang, who was getting ready to go, stretched out his arms and stretched his tentacles. Large swaths of pink flower dust and ecstasy light covered the world, and hit all the resentful spirits head-on.

But Tan Weiyang's bone-crushing pink flower dust fell on these ghosts and resentful souls, just like floating dust on their bodies, with no effect at all.

The ecstasy light penetrated into their bodies, but there was no confusion and confusion as they attacked each other.

Slightly panicked, Tan Weiyang spilled the pus all over her body again.

The resentful spirit laughed strangely, passed through the pus and rot without any delay, lay on Tan Weiyang's Yuanli shield, and began to tear it apart like it was devouring the ruthless Witch Emperor.

Even Tan Weiyang, who mainly focused on attacking with souls, was almost broken by the screams of the resentful spirits, which shook his mind and broke his defense.

After several rounds of back and forth, Tan Weiyang was finally able to break through the Yuanli shield by these resentful spirits who were not afraid of Yuanli attacks and were not afraid of divine souls.

The resentful spirits swarmed in through the gap in the shield. They did not dislike Tan Weiyang's disgusting appearance at all. They hugged her body and thrust their ghost claws into the sea of ​​souls. They squeaked and scratched inside. Threads of soul threads filled the mouth.

Tan Weiyang was frightened and angry, and she hurriedly exploded her soul power to sweep away the soul sea, and all the ghost claws that penetrated the soul sea were swept away.

But then more dark and gloomy ghost claws penetrated the soul sea, grabbing her soul and shaking it desperately.

A few breaths have passed, but the conversation is still over

Seeing that he could not completely drive away the resentful spirit, Yang suddenly swung the twelve tentacles behind him, rushed into the air and shed endless light.

Shadow ghosts are always a little wary of strong light and thunder, and weaker ones will be killed directly.

Tan Weiyang was at a loss and could only use this method to restrain the resentful spirit.

The ruthless Witch Emperor's ridicule rang out from every resentful spirit, "Little goblin, you know some subtle tricks to charm people's minds, but what can you do to me? I, a resentful spirit, was created by an extremely powerful world master, so I will be afraid of your even..." A glowing technique that is inferior to ordinary monks?"

"What is the most powerful realm master? The most powerful realm master is just my slave! Wait until I catch you and see how I can make you unable to live or die!"

Tan Weiyang howled loudly, swatting away several resentful spirits that broke through the shield and climbed onto his body.

"Haha! I pretended to be fascinated by you, how can you feel the energy blasted into your body? Isn't it the result of you becoming so ugly now that all your body shaping powers were blasted away and you piled them up casually? You're such an idiot and you still want to catch me?"

The ruthless Witch Emperor specializes in exposing people's scars with his words, and with just a few words, Tan Weiyang's heart was torn to pieces and dripping with blood. The soul was slightly unstable, and thousands of resentful spirits pounced on it, tearing and biting it vigorously.

The soul threads were pulled out of the body one by one and they competed to eat them. Tan Weiyang got rid of one and ten more came at him, just like layers of flies biting the wound of a wild cow. No matter how fast the cow's tail flicked, it could not drive away the swarm of insects.


Tan Weiyang screamed in pain again, making my father's eyes flash.

"It seems that although this guy is good at attacking souls, her own soul stability is not satisfactory. Hey! It would be great if Shi Yu didn't have his soul seriously injured!"

At this time, Shi Yu was lurking next to Tan Weiyang, looking for an opportunity to take action. He clearly heard my father's voice of regret that was deliberately amplified. His eyes turned sharply and landed on Tan Weiyang's colorful and ugly head.

Immediately, taking advantage of the chaos, it was placed three feet above Tan Weiyang, and Shi Yu's divine soul transformed into a needle and stabbed hard towards her fontanel.

Tan Weiyang, who was concentrating on driving away the resentful spirits, felt a world-destroying spear falling from the sky in the soul sea. Endless black light burst out from the gun body. Each black light was like a sharp sword cutting through the space, instantly stabbing the soul sea thousands of times. It was riddled with wounds, and the soul and spirit were severely damaged.

The resentful spirits also let out stern laughs at the same time, rushed into the soul sea, grabbed pieces of soul fragments and crunched them.

Then he hit the cracked True Spirit wildly, hitting Tan Weiyang as if he had fallen into the abyss. He felt no other feeling except darkness and pain.

Just when Tan Weiyang seemed to have no power to fight back and couldn't help but scream in shocking pain, a line of red light suddenly shot out from her fontanel, passing through Shi Yu's virtual body and shooting straight into the sky.

Shi Yu was startled and quickly stepped away, raising his head to look in the direction of the red light.

I saw the red light climbing up to the top of the sky and exploding with a bang, and the endless dazzling light and shadow immediately came into view.

When the light and shadow drifted down, Shi Yu discovered that these flashing lights formed by the red light were not any secret attack techniques, but memory fragments that vividly interpreted the lives of hundreds of millions of monks.

What is shocking is that most of these memories are about love affairs between men and women, joys and sorrows,

There are even some boudoir pleasures that are not suitable for public viewing, which are extremely contrary to the monks' habit of killing, killing and killing each other bloody and violently.

After looking at it for a few times, Shi Yu looked away in confusion. He didn't understand why Tan Weiyang wanted to reveal these hidden memories.

If she didn't intentionally show it to others, no one would know that she still had these memories except Search Soul.

The sword opens the sky

The nonsense started ringing out at this moment, causing Shi Yu to shake his head and smile bitterly.

"Old whore! How many ignorant monks have you caused trouble to have so many scenes of fornication? Fortunately, those dozen absolute masters died in our hands, otherwise, wouldn't it be possible for people to even take a bath with you naked? Are you going to show off your butt when you are old? You will have to die in shame!"

What Jian Kaitian said completely ignored the facts. None of the scenes in the memory fragments belonged to Tan Weiyang.

There are countless men and women of all colors, and their experiences vary widely.

If Tan Weiyang's incarnation was all doing it personally, how would she have time to practice?

What's more, she is the guardian of the secret realm who only appeared after the reinvention of the land of destiny. It is impossible for her to run out of the secret realm to do such a joyful thing that is extremely boring to her.

As if Jian Kaitian's sarcastic words had hit a sore point of shame, Tan Weiyang didn't even care about the soul sea being ravaged by the resentful spirit, let alone looking for Shi Yu, the culprit who broke the soul sea.

Instead, he screamed and pounced on every memory fragment, stuffing them back into his body at an extremely fast speed, as if he was afraid that these beautiful things would be seen clearly and carefully.

Shi Yu's eyes lit up. At this moment, Tan Weiyang's mind was entirely focused on the scattered memory fragments, which exposed all the weak points in front of him. It could be said that there was no protection at all.

The opportunity could not be missed and would never come again. Shi Yu mustered up all his strength and launched a sea-like offensive. Every time a blow landed on Tan Weiyang, she was hit with spitting fluids and vomited blood.

Not only Shi Yu, but everyone was an old Jianghu who had been killed for a long time. Seeing this scene, they all shouted loudly, and together they used all their strength to attack Tan Weiyang.

My father also immediately struck out with his crazy leaping slash, hitting Tan Weiyang on the back of the neck. Even if he was seriously injured by the backlash, he would not give up this good opportunity.

He was worthy of being the number one fighting force in Shi Yu's group. My father's giant ax struck down, and the loud noise shook the sky and the earth.

A huge space explosion exploded between my father's ax blade and Tan Weiyang's neck. The powerful force blasted my father away and also knocked down Tan Weiyang.

All the scattered memory fragments were swept away, and they were all involved in the torrent of chaos.

"No! Don't!"

Tan Weiyang seemed to have forgotten that this was a life-and-death battle, and actually plunged into chaos to snatch the memory fragments, completely ignoring all injuries, including my father's ax wound that had split half of her neck.

The following Jian Kaitian slashed down with his sword, hitting the back of Tan Weiyang's head. A sword mark about a foot deep ran through his skull, intersecting with my father's ax mark, and a fountain of fluid spurted out from the hideous wound.

Jian Kaitian was stunned. He thought he would return in vain, but he never expected that the heavy blow between him and my father would hurt Tan Weiyang the most.

Watching Tan Weiyang fall from his giant sword into chaos in surprise, Jian Kaitian murmured to himself: "What's wrong with these girls? Aren't they just memory fragments? Are they even dead?"

My father, who hurried back, stared at Tan Weiyang who was still picking up memory fragments in the chaos, and said in a deep voice:

“It’s probably because of these memory fragments that she was able to give birth to spiritual wisdom and become the guardian of the secret realm!

Don't forget that her true form is Hanye Hongtan, and she is the perfect choice for someone like your senior brother to hug Jiwai.

These memories are likely to be one of her sources of strength, perhaps even the most important source of strength. "

Jian Kaitian curled his lips and was about to be disdainful, when suddenly he glanced at Xi Ling out of nowhere.

Xi Ling was actually in a daze at this time, staring at Tan Weiyang's figure chasing the broken memories, not knowing what he was thinking.

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