Life Control Chart

Chapter 784: Kill her while she's sick

"Old me! Go and kill her!" Jian Kaitian bared his teeth at Tan Weiyang and pushed my father.

"Yes! Take advantage of her illness to kill her! She can't even protect her body at the moment, kill her quickly!"

My father's original intention was to beat the dog when it was down, he didn't have the heart to understand the sadness that Tan Weiyang was chasing.


With a roar, my father jumped out from Jian Kaitian again, and chopped Tan Weiyang's neck with an axe again.

Tan Weiyang's neck, which was already half broken, was chopped two inches deeper, and an ugly head immediately fell forward, with his face against his chest and folded in front of his body.

More explosive chaos rushed out from the exploded space crack, completely engulfing all the memory fragments.

Tan Weiyang's pursuit of memory stopped abruptly, standing in the surging chaos, slowly straightened his head, which was only connected by a thin layer of skin, and two misplaced and blank eyes seemed unwilling to accept the facts he saw.

My father leaped into the air for the third time, but he failed to split the space and cause the chaos. Instead, he was blown away by the recoil force and fell into the void with a cry of pain.

The vengeful spirits controlled by the Merciless Witch Emperor also wailed and screamed. One by one, they were pulled out of the soul sea by Tan Weiyang and torn into pieces.

Every time a vengeful spirit died, the white bones between the two stone forts had a little more flesh and blood, and a bunch of green eyes appeared in the stone forts.

Not long after, a Merciless Witch Emperor covered in blood barely stood in the middle of the two stone forts, and there were thousands of swaying green lights in the stone forts.

"Hehe! So powerful!" The Merciless Witch Emperor supported the stone fort and was exhausted.

Tan Weiyang said nothing, but kept repeating the rigid movements, grabbing the vengeful spirits in his head and tearing them into pieces. His dislocated eyes were clear and he looked at everyone viciously.

When Tan Weiyang crushed the last vengeful spirit, she screamed and rushed to Ni Da first.

Ni Da was already angry about the death of Er, and when he saw that Tan Weiyang chose him as the target first, he immediately changed into his original form and rushed forward.

Kui San, who was standing beside Ni Da, was in tune with his elder brother, and he rushed out with a mooing roar. The roars of the bulls excited Ni Da's soul and made Ni Da's eyes bloodshot.

As soon as he started, Ni Da released the Di Yuan technique continuously, and the huge phantom of Suan Ni roared to the sky, and then turned into white mist to cover Tan Weiyang.

Tan Weiyang sneered softly, and his extremely ugly and strange body did not dodge, but plunged into the phantom of Suan Ni and then rushed out, and in the blink of an eye, he and Ni Da and Kui San were fighting.

Ni Da and Kui San, who had just entered the realm of the master, were no match for Tan Weiyang.

As soon as they met, the two were engulfed by the pink flower dust thrown by Tan Weiyang. Ni Da's pure white hair instantly became mottled and ulcerated, and large pieces of flesh and skin eroded and fell off.

Kui San was even more miserable, his flesh and skin were almost completely destroyed, and his white bones were rapidly corroded and disappeared.

Shi Yu didn't expect Tan Weiyang to attack Ni Da first, and he didn't expect Ni Da to counterattack brazenly. It was too late to shout and stop him, so he could only turn into nothingness and rush towards Tan Weiyang when the battle started.

Tan Weiyang attacked Ni Da just to vent her anger and avenge her disfigurement. In fact, she was always paying attention to Shi Yu's movements.

Seeing Shi Yu suddenly disappear, Tan Weiyang shook her body violently, and countless sticky pus spurted out, like suspended venom swirling around her body.

At the same time, pus continued to explode into mist, and the gray gas mixed in the pink flower dust scattered and waved, and anything it touched would hiss and turn into red and green filth in an instant.

Shi Yu didn't care about that much

, and went directly to Ni Da and Kui San through the flower dust poison, dragging them one by one and running away.

His swift movement was immediately caught by Tan Weiyang.

Tan Weiyang screamed and rushed over, her ugly and fat body trembling in the air, and more pus and mucus were sprinkled into the air by her, and the smelly and rotten stench forced other people who came to help to avoid and retreat temporarily.

They didn't have Shi Yu's magical body that was invulnerable to everything, and touching these filthy fumes was like splashing chaos.

Seeing that Tan Weiyang was about to return to that unbreakable and tyrannical posture, the ruthless witch emperor once again slapped the two stone forts. The vengeful spirits in the two stone forts laughed strangely, and set their fierce eyes of skinning and eating souls on Wuqing again.

"Why bother? Why bother? If you activate the evil spirit array again, you'll be dead! Eh? This guy has really turned into an ugly monster, oh my, so ugly!"

The light-hearted and teasing voice came from Shi Yu, freezing everyone's hands and feet like a secret order to end the battle.

"It's that dead turtle again! Hand it over!"

Tan Weiyang's fierce and piercing voice suddenly sounded, staring at Shi Yu's chest and abdomen fiercely.

The little turtle, which had been silent all the time, heard Tan Weiyang's sharp howl and slowly crawled out in cooperation.

The bald little head rested on Shi Yu's collar, looking around up and down, left and right, and saw the ugly Tan Weiyang in the distance. It shook its head proudly and praised:

"Hmm! This looks good, it matches your fluttering moth appearance very well."

"Go to hell!" Tan Weiyang didn't allow the little turtle to continue talking nonsense, and waved her hand to condense a huge claw of Yuanli and grabbed Shi Yu's chest. She just wanted to catch the little turtle and crush this stinky beast pet into powder.

"A fluttering moth?"

Everyone was suspicious, wondering if Tan Weiyang was not the spirit of the Red Pond in the Cold Night, but a parasitic worm impersonating her?

Looking carefully, Tan Weiyang's body really looked like a fat fleshworm that was about to be beaten to pieces, and it immediately understood why she turned into a giant cocoon.

The little turtle didn't care about Tan Weiyang's murderous intentions, stretched out its fins and patted Shi Yu's chest, then stretched out its fins and pointed at Tan Weiyang, "Go! Beat her!"

Shi Yu looked at the little turtle in amazement, wondering what the hell did this little thing see?

"Go! Why are you looking at me? You don't expect me to flutter my limbs to pat her, do you?" Little Turtle was dissatisfied with Shi Yu's hesitation and stretched his neck to look at Shi Yu.

Shi Yu knew that now was not the time to delve into the cause. Since Shi Yu was allowed to go up to this mysterious little turtle alone, he should go up first, so as to create some opportunities for the ruthless Witch Emperor to attack.

With a sigh, Shi Yu raised his palm to smack Tan Weiyang's huge palm. Just as he was about to stand up and rush out, Xiao Gui slapped him on the chest again, "Carrying Suan Ni Jing, you two are the only one with the same strength. That’s why I hurt this bastard.”

"Huh?" Shi Yu was even more shocked. Thousands of battle scenes flashed before his eyes, and his heart suddenly became enlightened.

Whether it was Yida or Shi Yu, they all failed when they attacked Tan Weiyang alone. Only when Shi Yu's power chased after Yida's original technique and hit Tan Weiyang, she would be severely injured.

Ye Da, who was standing aside, also heard the little turtle's instructions, his eyes suddenly shone, and he understood everything in an instant.

Xiao Gui's loud voice was not hidden from Tan Weiyang, and she suddenly thought clearly about the reason why she was seriously injured and disfigured. With her eyes focused, she attacked the giant turtle, determined to kill him with one blow.

My father and Jian Kaitian roared when they saw this.

, jumped up and stopped in the middle of the road, blocking the road with his injuries, just dragging Tan Weiyang's steps to prevent her from getting close to Yida and Shi Yu.

Kui San revealed his true form with a moo sound. He first carried Shi Yu on his shoulders, and then raised his head and lifted Niuda onto his back. Then he stared at my father who had just been ejected, and then drew his sword away. Tan Weiyang was stunned.


Several huge bull roars rang through the air, and Kui San rushed towards Tan Weiyang with all his strength. His thick one leg stepped on the space barrier with a loud "thud" sound.

Shi Yu and Yi Da didn't think much more, and gathered all their strength to prepare for the attack. They waited for Kui San to rush within a thousand miles before risking their lives to attack.

At this time, another figure fell on Kui San. Ling Xiao transformed into the shape of a tree and stretched out solid branches, tightly holding Shi Yu and Yi Da together. Kui San was also rolled into the branches, and the four of them were bundled together. .

The green life force rushed into the bodies of Yida and Kuisan, and the bruises on their bodies that had just been corroded quickly disappeared.

With Ling Xiao's huge support, Yi Da and Kui San were even more energetic, and their whole bodies were filled with the strong breath of revenge for Yi Er.

Tan Weiyang looked up to the sky and let out a long roar, his eyes suddenly flashed red, like two balls of flames burning.

However, the position of her eyes was too weird, and her face was extremely ugly. Her actions that were supposed to increase her aura turned out to be like those of an evil ghost in hell, making her look hateful.

"Hahaha! It's getting uglier! Hanging it on the door can ward off evil spirits!"

Jian Kaitian, who was hanging in the distance, laughed in pain and waved his hand to draw out Tan Weiyang's current appearance in the void. The huge ugly face stretched across the sky and could be clearly seen for billions of miles around.


Tan Weiyang was already furious because her appearance was ruined. At this moment, she was so aroused by Jian Kaitian that she lost all her senses. She screamed loudly again, her fat and sticky body trembled violently, and waves of fat flashed in the evil eyes.

Shi Yu was not interested in understanding Tan Weiyang's mood. He slapped Yi Da with one hand, and Yi Da's full power immediately fired a Diyuan Technique.

The huge floating shadow of Suan Ni stood proudly in the sky, merged with the torrent of power shot by Shi Yu, and rushed out quickly, and both landed on Tan Weiyang, who was in a state of confusion.


Tan Weiyang, who was already extremely ugly, became even more unsightly. The skin that was barely holding the pus in her body was shattered everywhere with a combined blow. Large strands of yellow, green, black and red rotting pus spurted out in random directions, making everyone sick. They all covered their mouths and noses and retreated.

Xi Ling screamed and jumped behind Jian Kaitian. If he wanted to spray, he would spray Jian Kaitian first.

Jian Kaitian laughed loudly, turned around and reached out to catch Xi Ling, and stuffed her into his chest without any explanation. Then he raised his sword and turned around, shouting angrily and blasting the sea of ​​swords at Tan Weiyang.

The little turtle poked his bare head on Shi Yu's chest, and casually glanced at the people in the distance who were taking advantage of the situation to attack Tan Weiyang, and stopped their unnecessary actions.

"Don't waste your efforts! Chaos energy is useless, only the strange upper realm divine power in this kid is useful! The upper realm divine power plus Suan Ni Jing's Diyuan Technique can hurt this big fat insect!"

When Shi Yu heard the words, he had an epiphany and tried his best to mobilize the power of the upper world in his body. A trace of strange but weak power flowed in the palm of his hand, and then he poured it into Yida's body.

"Yida! It's up to you!"

Suan Da nodded heavily, feeling the mysterious power flowing through his body. He took a deep breath, and the phantoms of Suan Ni suddenly appeared in the sky, charging at Tan Weiyang one after another.

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