Life Control Chart

Chapter 785: Joint Attack

Having suffered a loss once, Tan Weiyang naturally would not sit still and wait for death. Her bloated and fat body was not slow in dodging.

She easily avoided the Diyuan technique that Ni Da blasted at her by running left and right. The pus that kept being thrown into the void flew everywhere, which was extremely disgusting.

While dodging, Tan Weiyang did not forget to fight back. She was extremely annoyed at the moment, and she only hated that she was scared by Shi Yu's clean and neat killing of 16 absolute masters at the beginning.

She wanted to transform into a cocoon and then increase her strength, but Shi Yu and his group seized the opportunity to hit her hard, making her look like a ghost who was despised by heaven and earth.

One wrong step, one wrong step, Tan Weiyang fell to the current situation, it was because she overestimated the strength of Shi Yu and his group. In fact, she could easily calm the whole situation without transforming into a cocoon.

Especially after hearing Xiaogui's words, Tan Weiyang calmed down completely, and the war fell into her control again.

Ni Da's strength was too low. He had magical skills that could hurt Tan Weiyang, but he didn't have the speed to catch her.

When Tan Weiyang tried to avoid the shadows of the Suanni, Ni Da was like a clumsy sparrow trying to chase the agile hawk. Not only did he miss every time, but he was also beaten by Tan Weiyang's counterattacks.

If Ling Xiao hadn't resisted desperately, he would have become a ghost.

The talisman buried in the void could explode and bombard when Tan Weiyang approached, but the result was not satisfactory. It couldn't even delay Tan Weiyang's figure.

And the several magic weapons that Shi Yu threw out were actually knocked down one by one by the messy flower crown inserted on Tan Weiyang's head.

Shi Yu really didn't dare to imagine how powerful and unpredictable Tan Weiyang would be if she fought with her complete true body.

"Hehe! Hahaha!"

Tan Weiyang laughed a strange laugh that was not sure whether it was happy or annoyed. She easily dodged the phantom of the Suanni blasted out by Ni Da again, and threw out two pink rainbow lights to repel the four people who were gathered together.

Then, the twelve tentacles slapped and stabbed like iron whips, causing Ling Xiao to scatter countless broken branches and leaves and fall into the void.

In order to prevent Shi Yu and Ni Da from being broken up, Ling Xiao, who had tied the four people together with branches, was the most seriously injured.

He was like a wooden shield blocking Shi Yu and the others, and took all the attacks of Tan Weiyang.

It was also fortunate that Ling Xiao had endless life force, which forced Tan Weiyang not to pursue too much.

Niusha, supported by Ling Xiao's power, became a turret that blasted out the endless truth technique. If Tan Weiyang got a little closer, she would fall into the sea of ​​Suanni phantoms, where there was no escape.

Knowing that the attack was useless, the others did not stop, even if they could restrain Tan Weiyang a little bit, it was better than doing nothing.

Jian Kaitian threw a mighty sea of ​​swords and endless falling rocks at Tan Weiyang, creating some opportunities for Shi Yu and his men to chase.

Wuqing Wudi also forced himself to activate the large formations hidden in the air to restrain Tan Weiyang.

Only my father, who was far away, was anxious but could not help at all. He just stopped Tan Weiyang for a moment, but he was injured again.

All the people put together and barely fought Tan Weiyang on equal terms. The battle fell into a bitter struggle that seemed like a thousand years in an instant.

Only when Tan Weiyang was exhausted, Shi Yu and his men would have a chance to win, but who knew when Tan Weiyang would be exhausted, and who knew whether she had defeated or killed everyone before she was exhausted.

"Damn it! Why are we getting more and more discouraged? If the soul-guarding slaves in the future are so powerful, we might as well just go back to Yanlan City to retire!"

Jian Kaitian is the most impatient person. He gets upset if a battle lasts more than half an hour.

And now this war seems to have no end.

"Hehe, you still want to go back to retire? I'll send you to death today!"

Tan Weiyang in the distance sneered. She had been leisurely fighting with Shi Yu and the others. Knowing the reason for her injury, she was able to control the war better. From time to time, she would injure someone in Shi Yu's group, but she was unscathed.

"Tsk tsk!" The little turtle had been sticking his head on Shi Yu's chest to watch the battle, and now he spoke again.

"No! This ugly bastard is getting smarter and calmer. You guys are powerful when you get together, but you lose the initiative. Unless you hold her down, you can't hit her at all."

Tan Weiyang looked at him coldly, snorted at Xiaogui, and said viciously: "When I kill them, I'll make soup with you, this little turtle!"

Shi Yu was shocked when he heard Tan Weiyang's curse. He felt that Xiaogui was hinting at something every time he spoke, and he could always hit the key points of everything.

If he said he wanted to hold Tan Weiyang down, then there must be a way to hold her down!

Thinking quickly, Shi Yu's mind flashed through the figures of all the people, but he couldn't think of anyone who could control Tan Weiyang.

Tan Weiyang was not afraid of the witchcraft curse at all, and the huge force was rebounded again. It seemed that my father had to endure the nausea and forcefully hold Tan Weiyang.

My father's thoughts were exactly the same as Shi Yu's. When he saw Shi Yu's eyes turning, he immediately roared and used a 10,000 times force to jump and chop with an axe.

The axe hit, and my father's screams and Tan Weiyang's laughter sounded at the same time. My father would rather lose his arm and faint than hug this sticky and disgusting big meat worm in front of him.

"Don't count on him. His power is only when he jumps and slashes wildly. There is no difference between jumping over and hugging or jumping over and slashing. Both will be shot away."

The little turtle is like a wise military advisor. It can clearly judge the true intention of the people in the field with a look or a movement.

"Can you say it directly if you have something to say? Don't beat around the bush! Also, can you not say it with your mouth? Can't you use voice transmission?" Shi Yu didn't dare to speak again. His mind randomly poked at the little turtle, full of anger.

The more Tan Weiyang listened, the more comfortable he became in the fight. The little turtle was not only helping Shi Yu, but also Tan Weiyang. It felt like a villain who was stirring up trouble on both sides!

The little turtle rolled his eyes, "What's the use? Have you forgotten that she can read minds? Now she is as smart as a monkey, what can she hide from her?"

"Uh..." Shi Yu hurriedly strengthened his mind again, feeling that things were getting more and more difficult.

No wonder Ni Da's attacks could no longer be successful. Tan Weiyang's mind reading saw through all his thoughts, and every attack of his had a trace.

"What should we do?" Shi Yu asked bluntly.

Tan Weiyang had been listening for a long time, and now she had a smile on her lips, and her full of disdain spread from her eyes to Shi Yu's face.

"My god! Look at her ghostly appearance, can you find a face that looks down on you more?" Seeing Tan Weiyang's weird and scary smile, the little turtle shrank his neck and got back into Shi Yu's arms.

Shi Yu looked up, and Tan Weiyang's disdainful expression was indeed so strange that it was indescribable. Her two eyes glanced to one side, one up and one down;

The wide mouth in the middle of her face was stretched into a diagonal line, splitting the ugly face in half;

The two holes of the upside-down nose were constantly spewing light red smoke, as if incense for worshiping gods was inserted in it;

A mouthful of silver teeth were scattered all over her face, twisting and swaying, like little white worms trying to break out of the flesh.

Shi Yu took a look and quickly

retracted his gaze, adjusted his breathing and suppressed his disgust.

At this moment, Tan Weiyang had completely let go of her entanglement with her appearance. Neither the ridicule of Xiaogui nor Shi Yu's expression could make her mood fluctuate, let alone reveal her flaws.

Easily avoiding the dozens of phantoms of the Suanni shot by Ni Da, she shook her fat body like a ghost and flashed to a nearby place, throwing pus all over her body at Shi Yu and others.

Ling Xiao hurriedly dragged Shi Yu and the others back, releasing blazing fires to intercept those disgusting things.

Jian Kaitian in the distance also hurriedly blasted down countless rocks, smashing all the pus into the ground.

After missing the first attack, Tan Weiyang dodged and retreated. The great Diyuan technique blasted over again, and she was not sure if she could rush closer without getting hurt.

Just when everyone thought that a new round of stalemate was about to begin, a soft low humming sounded from Shi Yu's body.

Everyone was stunned, and Tan Weiyang's eyes were also focused, staring at Shi Yu's belly.

This low humming sound was definitely not something that a mature little turtle could make, but it sounded like a baby mumbling in a dream.

"Go! Hit that ugly monster!" The little turtle's commanding words came out clearly.

Shi Yu's eyes lit up all of a sudden, and the eyes of others also glowed like divine light, each shining like a star.

This sudden change startled Tan Weiyang so much that she quickly retreated and fled to the edge of the secret realm in the blink of an eye. If she had not been unable to leave the secret realm, she would have retreated millions of miles.

But all this was in vain. A dark little beast appeared directly in front of Tan Weiyang, and with a flick of its small tail fin, it slapped Tan Weiyang's ugly face.

Tan Weiyang's ugly face was like a completely overripe watermelon, which was blown open by a blow. The overwhelming pus gushed out from the broken cavity of the neck, like a meat column fountain that polluted most of the secret realm.

Shi Yu and his companions' faces changed drastically and they hurriedly retreated. Ling Xiao no longer dared to maintain his huge tree body, and turned into a small sapling and flew between Jian Kaitian's legs.

Jian Kaitian was holding up a piece of chaos to block the heads of the two witch emperor clones, annihilating all the falling pus.

Shi Yu also instinctively turned into a void to avoid all the filth falling from the sky, and with a bitter face, he grabbed Ni Da and Kui San, and tried his best to avoid every drop of pus that was gushing out.

If he had known that Xiao Hei could seriously injure Tan Weiyang, why would he fight so hard, and even sent Er's life into it.

But Shi Yu's idea was obviously too idealistic. Xiao Hei hit Tan Weiyang with his tail, and it squeaked in pain, shrinking its body and bumping into Shi Yu.

Looking closely at its tail fin, it was already exploded and full of chaos, and the hideous cracks were overflowing with chaos, obviously it was seriously injured.

"Go! Stupid guys! Xiao Hei has stunned that ugly monster. Now is a good opportunity to attack. Are you going to waste it?" The little turtle crawled out of Shi Yu's arms again, and the small limbs and fins slapped Shi Yu's chin hard.

The opportunity cannot be missed. This is not the time to ask for details. Shi Yu grabbed Ni Da and Kui San and turned around to pounce on Tan Weiyang again.

Although Tan Weiyang still looked disgusting without his head, he was much more pleasing to the eye than when he had that ugly face.

Shi Yu held up the chaos to block the flying pus, and placed his palms on Ni Da's shoulders, pouring the power of the upper world into Ni Da's body again.

Kui San also tore open his chest, and his heartbeat was right behind Ni Da, shocking him so much that his blood surged and he was full of courage.


This time, there was no shadow of Suanni flying through the air, only a strong white light rushed straight into Tan Weiyang's broken neck.

After releasing this white light, Ni Da seemed to have his bones and muscles pulled out, and his whole body went limp and collapsed in Shi Yu's palm.

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