Life Control Chart

Chapter 905: Something is wrong with Chunni

Shi Yu threw the jade tablet with a light face to Wan Ling, asking him to quickly refine the boundary gate order that can travel back and forth between the Nine Lives Forbidden Land and Yan Lan City.

If it really doesn't work, build a teleportation array. Although the teleportation array is not durable and unreliable, it is better than nothing.

In addition to practicing, Shi Yu took Zhu Yan Lan and Cao Xinxin, the two sisters Qingchi and Qingxi to chat, and spent a period of peaceful and quiet days.

The task of teaching Chun Ni was handed over to Cao Xinxin, which was also intentional by Shi Yu.

Jian Kaitian is a big monkey who can't sit still, which is completely opposite to Chun Ni's shy and quiet personality.

Therefore, Shi Yu asked Chun Ni to worship Cao Xinxin as his teacher. Cao Xinxin had someone to talk to, and Chun Ni also had a dedicated master.

Chun Ni, who really began to concentrate on practicing, showed an amazing talent, worthy of the fact that the spirit species regarded her as the spirit king.

When she saw Chun Ni, she had less than two epochs of cultivation. Now with Cao Xinxin's single-minded practice, she quickly rushed to more than a hundred epochs.

This was of course related to Shi Yu's willingness to use divine materials to forcefully infuse divine power into her body, but it also showed that Chunni was rising rapidly, and it was definitely not a problem for her to enter the realm of the master.

Shi Yu was very satisfied with everything at the moment. Apart from secretly calculating in his mind when the land of life would rush into the land of life control, he had almost no other worries.

Suddenly one day, Cao Xinxin ran to Shi Yu's practice place in a panic and dragged him out of his meditation.

"Sister Xinxin, what's wrong? What's the matter so panicking?"

"Chunni is not right! Jian Kaitian and Ling Xiao can't suppress her! Come with me!"

Cao Xinxin's cultivation had long been surpassed by Jian Kaitian and Ling Xiao, and neither of them could suppress Chunni, which surprised Shi Yu greatly.

"Chunni is already a master of the realm?"

Cao Xinxin didn't bother to explain to Shi Yu, and pulled him to run, "I know when I see you, it's more terrible than Ling Xiao's scattered power back then!"

Shi Yu immediately imagined the terrifying situation of Ling Xiao dispersing all his energy and losing all his cultivation. At that time, Ling Xiao almost overturned the entire Xuanpan world.

While thinking, Shi Yu had already rushed into Cao Xinxin's courtyard.

Jian Kaitian and Ling Xiao were sweating profusely, looking at Chunni sitting on the wooden couch with horror.

Their hands were stuck to Chunni, and they wanted to pull them out but didn't dare to pull them out hard. The palms were gradually merging with Chunni.

Moreover, the bodies of the two were no longer under control. They couldn't cut off their palms by themselves. They could only watch their palms disappear little by little on Chunni's vest.

"What's going on?"

Shi Yu was also shocked. He rushed forward and grabbed Jian Kaitian and Ling Xiao's arms and pulled them out, but Chunni frowned, as if she felt severe pain in her dream.

Jian Kaitian yelled, "Stop pulling! My girl can't hold on! Realm Master Cao said Chunni was going to break through the 200th century and asked Lingxiao to help her break through the barrier, but Lingxiao's hand grew up when it was placed on Chunni's back!

I was so anxious that I tried to pry it apart, but I didn't know that I grew up too! And... and I'm about to be drained of my energy by this girl!"

Shi Yu hurriedly opened his True Eyes and saw that the lines on Lingxiao and Jian Kaitian's bodies were being torn and swallowed by the thin threads in Chunni's body one by one.

What terrified Shi Yu was that Chunni didn't just swallow the places where her limbs touched. The threads in her body crawled along her arms into Jian Kaitian and Lingxiao's bodies, swallowing them from the inside like leeches.

If they couldn't be separated in time, Jian Kaitian and Lingxiao would die as if their lives were torn apart by Shi Yu.

And the energy in their bodies also rushed into Chunni's body like a torrent, sinking into those fused black lines and disappearing.

Shi Yu hurriedly reached out and grabbed the lines that were merging, which startled Jian Kaitian and made him scream again: "Don't! Shi Yu, don't grow up too!"

"It's okay! I use my divine power to protect my body. Chunni shouldn't be able to steal my divine power, right?" Several people looked at Shi Yu with doubt, but they could only act according to his wishes.

Chunni seemed to be trapped in a demon. No matter how she called, she couldn't wake up. Without the intervention of external forces, there was no way to solve the dilemma.

Shi Yu took a deep breath and quickly inserted his hand into the entangled threads between Jian Kaitian and Chunni.

Ling Xiao's Yuanli was far superior to Jian Kaitian, and he could hold on longer, but Jian Kaitian's face was already blue and purple, and he looked like he was about to die.

The entangled black lines stopped merging immediately when Shi Yu's fingertips, which were full of divine power, hooked them, but they didn't separate. After a pause, they really wrapped around Shi Yu's fingers.

Shi Yu was shocked, but his face was still calm. Telling the truth would only make the situation more chaotic.

Shi Yu made a prompt decision, so he could not hurt Chunni, and had to let Jian Kaitian suffer a little pain.

He moved his fingers like lightning, and before the thread in Chunni's body entangled himself, he cut off the end of the thread connected to Jian Kaitian.

Jian Kaitian screamed and flew out, crashed through the courtyard wall and rolled out.

Cao Xinxin's courtyard was already on the edge of Yanlan City. Jian Kaitian fell out of the courtyard without stopping his fall, and fell into the void outside the city with hundreds of somersaults.

Before Jian Kaitian woke up from the severe pain, Ling Xiao also groaned and flew away.

He was more tightly fused than Jian Kaitian, and the pain he suffered was also heavier at this time. He hit Jian Kaitian like a meteorite, and the two rolled into a ball and fell to the ground outside the city.

Shi Yu frowned. During the moment he rescued Chunni, the thread in Chunni's body had already entangled his fingertips, and he instantly felt that all the power in his body was uncontrollably released.

Fortunately, Shi Yu's guess was correct. Chunni could not take away the divine power, but the black lines that were wrapped around him became more and more, and soon they covered Shi Yu's fingers.

With a ruthless heart, Shi Yu immediately cut off part of his foundation, and retreated with a scream, knocking down my father who had just fallen into the yard.

The noise when Jian Kaitian and Ling Xiao fell out of the city was so loud that everyone thought they were attacked in the city.

"Huh? What's wrong with this girl..."

Wan Ling, who fell into the courtyard immediately, was surprised to see Chun Ni had three arms on her body.

He was about to reach out to grab her, but he heard Shi Yu's distorted scream: "Don't touch her! Stay away from her!"

Shi Yu could see clearly that the threads in Chun Ni's body could not find a new target, and were dancing like snakes at the broken part of her arm. If Wan Ling touched it, he would be the next victim!

Wan Ling shuddered and quickly retracted his arms, and saw the three arms connected to Chun Ni fell to the ground together and turned into ashes in an instant.

"What's wrong with this girl? Can the five elements spirit body eat people?" Jian Kaitian, who was helped back by Ling Xiao, screamed miserably. He felt that his cultivation level had instantly fallen back to hundreds of years ago.

Ling Xiao was not feeling well either. He pressed his hand on Jian Kaitian's wound, and the vast amount of energy stored in his body surged like a tide, repairing the injuries of the two people at a very fast speed.

Chunni, who was sitting in the middle of the courtyard, was still unconscious, as if she had not heard the chaotic words of the seven or eight people around her.

Shi Yu walked around Chunni a few times, and he saw that the life foundation of the three of them gradually disappeared, all swallowed by the black lines in Chunni's body.

The power taken away from Jian Kaitian and Ling Xiao did not fill Chunni herself, as if it had completely disappeared in the black lines.

Only the divine power in their bodies could be left, attached to the meridians, and operated autonomously in Chunni's body.

Jian Kaitian was anxious and angry, and asked Shi Yu: "What did you see? Why didn't you cut off our hands, but removed our entire arms?"

"This girl's lifeline has crawled into our arms. If you only cut off her hands, her injuries will be more serious than ours!"

"The lifeline can still crawl?" Jian Kaitian looked at Chunni in disbelief.

Shi Yu did not explain any more. It was okay to call those threads lifelines. After all, when those threads gathered together and stretched out of the fontanelle, they were lifelines.

Picking up the ashes from the ground, Shi Yu frowned and turned to ask Ling Xiao, "Third brother, do you think this looks like Cangmu using the Guishen Fruit to sacrifice to the cultivators?"

Ling Xiao was shocked and hurriedly took out a Guishen Fruit from his body and held it in his palm.

Everyone had never heard of the mystery of the Guishen Fruit. At this time, all their eyes were on the bright fruit.

Shi Yu grabbed the Guishen Fruit and shook it in front of everyone in the courtyard, saying, "Don't eat such fruits in the future. One will kill you."

Yuan Long carefully picked up the Guishen Fruit from Shi Yu's hand, looked at it carefully, and sniffed it under his nose, wondering, "So powerful? It feels like this thing has no spirituality. It's just an ordinary fruit."

Shi Yu stretched out his hand and grabbed an ordinary little beast from outside the city and stuffed the fruit into the beast's mouth.

The little beast was forced to swallow the Guishen Fruit, and with a hiss, it turned into ashes on the ground, exactly like the three arms that fell from Chunni.

Shi Yu shook his hand and threw away the ashes in his palm, turned his eyes to Chunni, and said: "This fruit is a treasure used to refine divine power, but it is purely poisonous to you.

I have seen Chunni with my True Eyes, and she actually used cultivators to refine the essence and divine power she needed. If I didn't have some special skills, Lingxiao and Jian Kaitian would have turned into ashes today."

Jian Kaitian was shocked and angry, looking at Chunni at a loss. If Chunni couldn't control this strange ability, who would dare to approach her in the future?

"My father, Wanling, have you two seniors ever seen such a strange method?" Shi Yu's knowledge is limited, so he can only ask the two most experienced people in the field for advice.

My father and Wanling shook their heads at the same time. They have never seen the ability to catch a cultivator and refine him into essence. Even if Shi Yu's Devouring Yuan Sutra can't absorb the world master after hundreds of centuries, that is purely seeking death.

"Or, did Chunni inherit your Diyuan technique from Dajian? The ability to condense the essence from the treasure?" Shi Yu guessed again.

Jian Kaitian opened his mouth wide, but couldn't say anything for a long time, because he couldn't be sure.

But then, Shi Yu shook his head and denied this idea. When Jian Kaitian used the treasure to condense, the life line would not move.

Wan Ling pondered for a moment and suggested to Shi Yu: "When I was refining the boundary gate order, I had a lot of exchanges with Danrong. Although he is young, he has more knowledge than us. Why not let him come and take a look?"

Shi Yu's eyes lit up and he took out the boundary gate order leading to the Nine Lives Forbidden Land.

The boundary gate was about to open, Wan Ling held Shi Yu down and walked through the door himself. He didn't dare to let Shi Yu, the only one who could calm the situation, leave.

Wan Ling brought Danrong to Yanlan City in a few breaths.

After listening to Shi Yu's story, Dan Rong also walked around Chun Ni for a few circles, and said in horror: "Who told you that this little girl is a five-element spirit? Fortunately, Shi Yu is here, otherwise the whole city of Yanlan will be destroyed by her! This is a disaster!"

"How can it be so exaggerated! At most, Ling Xiao and I will be unlucky! You are the disaster, and your whole family is a disaster!"

Jian Kaitian was unwilling. This stinky boy said to him that his daughter was a disaster. If he couldn't even lift the sword now, he could fight Dan Rong to the death.

Dan Rong glanced at everyone present and chuckled: "If there was no Shi Yu, you would have to kill this girl to save Ling Xiao and Jian Kaitian.

Who would do it?"

"And when this girl really swallows the two masters, who knows what realm she will be? What state of mind will she be in? Two hundred centuries can't be dealt with, even if it is one hundred centuries higher, who can withstand it when you are not on guard?"

Dan Rong's words made everyone change color, and they looked at Chun Ni with a defensive look.

"This physique is not unique, and it's fortunate that I have seen it before so I can tell it!"

Jian Kaitian became increasingly anxious and shouted, "Why do I dislike you, kid? Can you speak more clearly? What's your physical condition? Who is that person?"

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