Life Control Chart

Chapter 906: The Body of All Changes

"Lord of Earth God! The body of all transformations!" Danrong finally gave the answer that everyone was waiting for.

"The body of all transformations?" Everyone shouted in unison, their surprise palpable.

Danrong nodded heavily and turned to look at Shi Yu, "Shi Yu, you have met the Earth God Lord. You saw that he has been suppressing you. Without his suppression, he would have gone crazy and killed everyone in Duansheng Earth!"

Shi Yu took a deep breath, and reflected in his mind the appearance of the Earth God Lord who was always hurting himself, and exclaimed: "I thought he was just trying to suppress his violent nature, but I didn't expect that there was such a secret."

"You introduced the Blood Erosion Beast to the Duan Sheng Land. Do you know where the Blood Erosion Beast's roots are?" Danrong said with a chuckle.

There is no need to answer these words, everyone knows that the root cause lies with the Earth God Lord.

"The Earth God Lord fought in the upper world back then, and his cultivation level was second only to the Lord. Even if Shi Yu you wreaked havoc on the Duan Sheng Land several times, he did not release all the restraints and fight with you, because that would mean killing you, and the Duan Sheng Land would be destroyed. No more.

In the upper realm, as long as there are enemies that cannot be dealt with, the Earth God Lord will come forward and use the body of all transformations to refine all the enemies, and the blood-eroded beast is one of them. "

"But, after they are all refined, why do those blood-corrupting beasts appear again?" My father hesitated.

"That's because the Earth God Lord didn't refine all the blood-eroded beasts! Back then, many ministries in Yumingtian had blood-corrupted beasts to raise, and they would throw a few of them into any heavenly realm that they didn't like."

Zhu Yanlan, who had never had a chance to speak, asked worriedly at this time: "Chunni won't live with chains and arrows in the future, right?"

Jian Kaitian was even more annoyed when he heard this, but in the blink of an eye he felt helpless. He had no choice but to do that. We can't let our daughter cause trouble everywhere in Yanlan City.

Shi Yu only stared at Danrong to see what he would say.

Danrong felt terrified when Shi Yu saw him, "Recognizing the physical constitution is already my greatest skill. How to suppress such a terrible system and how to practice cultivation, you have to ask the Earth God Lord.

It is said that back then, the Lord allowed the Earth God Lord to wreak havoc on Yumingtian. When the Earthly God Lord became the Realm Lord and could go to Yumingtian Battle Path, there were not many living creatures left in the world outside of Yumingtian Battle Path. "

Hearing these words, everyone in the courtyard turned pale, and Jian Kaitian was even more confused.

Wan Ling narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice to Jian Kaitian: "Jian Kaitian, you have heard it too. Why don't you give Chunni a hard time and find a place to live where you can't touch any living beings?"

This was said euphemistically, but everyone understood that this was to imprison Chunni. Chunni had not even spared his own father just now, and he would not let anyone else go once he became possessed.

Wan Ling didn't say to kill Chunni directly, which was already very polite.

Jian Kaitian had no choice but to turn to Shi Yu for help.

Shi Yu pondered for a moment and whispered, "Wait until Chunni wakes up and see if her character has changed. It doesn't matter if her character remains as usual. Weren't everyone fine before?"

Danrong shook his head again in disgust, "Before, Chunni's cultivation level was too low, and he was unable to shake the foundations of others, and he would not be disturbed by the body of all transformations.

But today she broke through the bottleneck of practice, and now she has the ability to kill people. You should still be careful.

It is said that when the Earth God Lord's body of all transformations first awakened, he could not control the magic of all transformations at all. He would drain everyone he encountered, and when he was happy, he would start to destroy the world. In the end, he even killed the war master who hurried back. "

"How many hundreds of years can you kill Zhan Zun?" Zhu Yanlan was stunned by Danrong's words.

Danrong sighed in her heart, feeling that everyone in front of her was too simple-minded, and they were full of questions without a clear explanation.

But he still had a smile on his face, and explained to Zhu Yanlan in detail: "The Mingtian Heaven at that time was different from now, and the world masters all practiced in the Mingtian Land.

When the Earth God Lord was born, the highest level in the world he was in was only a thousand-year monk. When the War Master realized that something was wrong and rushed back, the Earth God Lord was already a world master. "

"How about locking him up, alas!"

Jian Kaitian still accepted the fact. Regardless of whether Chunni had lost her character or not, just because she couldn't control the Wanhua Divine Art, she couldn't help her walking freely outside.

Shi Yu rolled his eyes and glanced furtively at Dan Rong.

Dan Rong was frightened and couldn't help but take a half step back and asked: "What do you want to do?"

Shi Yu hurriedly waved his hands to get rid of the sudden thought in his heart, "It's nothing, I'm just wondering whether to take Chunni out for travel. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone in Yanlan City, I don't care."

"So vicious? I don't think this is like you." Danrong obviously didn't believe Shi Yu's words.

Shi Yu's words are actually very feasible. His real idea is not to take Chunni to travel in the land of destiny, but to take Chunni to the Duansheng land and let Chunni cause harm to the Duansheng land.

But this vicious idea startled him, and he strangled it in his heart as soon as it sprouted.

"That's right!" Shi Yu suddenly punched his fists and his face became happy.

"What did you think of?" Jian Kaitian asked hurriedly.

Shi Yu asked Danrong: "Your Duan Sheng Land is considered a waste world, so is there a way to go to other waste worlds of reincarnation?"

When Danrong heard Shi Yu ask this, he knew that he wanted to imprison Chunni in a certain waste world, and couldn't help but chuckled: "There must be a way, but you have to ask Qian Jiangzun."

"Ah? Don't your families and mansions secretly communicate with the world? Don't you want to go to the chaos?" If you want to ask Qian Jiangzun, that road will definitely not be accessible.

"Only two bureaucracies in Duansheng Land know how to get to the Wasteland. One is Qianjiangzun's Lanyuntai, and the other is Mu Yuanche's Shenjia Mountain.

When we were escaping from the upper world, it was because these two groups worked together that our ancestors escaped. Otherwise, with the pride of a thousand generals, how could he lead a group of profiteers?

We reproduce in secret, in fact, it all depends on Shenjia Mountain, but Shenjia Mountain has been destroyed by you, and Lanyuntai is now back under the command of Qianjiangzun. How are you going to ask him? "

Shi Yu's joy suddenly disappeared, and he turned into a sad face again.

But at this time Jian Kaitian actually stood up and said seriously: "I have a solution."

"Do you have any idea?" Shi Yu and Danrong turned their heads at the same time,

"Yes! I want to create a world!"

What Jian Kaitian thinks is that if Chunni has a world to herself and there are no living creatures in it, then it doesn't matter what she does!

"Then you can only go back to the Chaos side of the Ten Thousand Realms. There is no way to create a realm here in the Land of Destiny. Otherwise, Wu Qianman wouldn't have to think about all the hard work to move the big realm! I'll ask for it when you go back How long will it take?" My father poured a basin of ice water on Jian Kaitian's head.

"What's so difficult about this? Let's go to Duansheng Land first, and then go directly to Ten Thousand Realms! I remember Shi Yu said it's okay!" Jian Kaitian stared at Shi Yu with burning eyes, just waiting for his reply.

Shi Yu's scalp was numbed by Jian Kaitian's gaze, and he could only nod, "We will be discovered when we enter Duansheng Land, and there is probably no chance to open the gate to the world again. In that case, Xiao Chunni will be too dangerous."

"If you can't go, just stay in Duanshengdi! You and I will kill him and turn the world upside down, just in time for this girl Chunni to eat meat!" Jian Kaitian suddenly gained strength, threw away Ling Xiao who was supporting him, drew his sword and shouted.

Everyone was stunned by his sudden madness, even Chunni slowly opened her eyes, and a flash of red light flashed from her eyes.

Cao Xinxin, who had been staring at Chunni, suddenly screamed in shock, bringing everyone back to reality.

Following Cao Xinxin's gaze, she saw that Chunni, who had always been shy and taciturn, now looked like a supreme queen, sternly looking around, as if it was her first time in this flower-filled courtyard.

"Ya... girl?"

Jian Kaitian still held up his giant sword and looked at Chunni with a cautious look on his face, extremely worried that she would get up and pounce on everyone.

Shi Yu also secretly accumulated strength in his palms, watching Chunni's every move. Only he can restrain Chunni at this time, and he must not let Chunni hurt others again.

Chunni slowly stood up from the couch and stared at Zhu Yanlan without looking at anyone. He stared at her face for a moment, and then slowly moved his gaze to her belly.

Her long eyelashes trembled quickly when her eyes rested on Zhu Yanlan's lower abdomen.

Zhu Yanlan's expression changed drastically, and she quickly put her hand in front of her body, trying in vain to block Chunni's gaze that could penetrate her body.

Shi Yu rushed to Zhu Yanlan with a side step, completely blocking her behind him. Chunni actually had the intention of harming the fetus in Zhu Yanlan's belly. This was completely a sign of going down a wrong path.

Jian Kaitian's face was extremely tangled, and the giant sword in his hand slammed in front of Chunni. The wind of the sword opened a long crack on the ground, and he shouted:

"Girl! What do you want to do?"

The roar of this sword actually brought back Chunni's mind. The flashing red light in her eyes quickly disappeared, and she returned to her previous timid appearance.


Chunni, who had woken up, shouted softly at Jian Kaitian, who was so happy that Jian Kaitian hurriedly put down his giant sword and reached out to help Chunni, but Shi Yu rushed over and hit him on the arm with a palm, beating him. Staggering.

Chunni was puzzled and hurriedly went to hold the sword to open the sky.

"Stop!" Shi Yu shouted again, so frightened that Chunni shrunk her neck and burrowed into Zhu Yanlan's arms.

Zhu Yanlan's face suddenly turned pale, and she stepped out of Zhang Xu, like a rabbit being chased by a bobcat, and ran up the rockery in the courtyard.

Chunni was stunned for a moment, standing in the courtyard at a loss. Looking around, she also saw something strange in everyone's eyes.

"Master~" Chunni turned to Cao Xinxin for help.

Cao Xinxin comforted her softly: "Don't be afraid of Chunni. Sit back first and Master will explain it to you slowly."

Chunni sat back on the couch with eyes full of grievance. Everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief when they saw her being so obedient and obedient.

After Cao Xinxin finished explaining everything in detail, Chunni himself could not accept the change from a five-element spirit body to a body of all transformations.

She originally planned to report the good news to Uncle Shi Yu after breaking through the 200th century, but in the end, she almost killed her own father and Uncle Ling Xiao, and even caused Uncle Shi Yu to lose an arm.

Turning around, he saw that although the arms of Shi Yu and the others were all full-length, they all had weak breaths, which made Chunni feel even more guilty.

"Everyone, please go back first. Jian Kaitian and I will discuss what to do. You should think about it carefully when you go back. If Chunni's physique is used well, it will be a great blessing for our Yanlan City. If it is not used, it will be a disaster for the city."

Shi Yu's words made Chunni unable to understand how he could become a catastrophic disaster to Yanlan City.

Heartbroken and timid, her tears fell again, making Jian Kaitian feel heartbroken.

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