Life Control Chart

Chapter 920: Rhetoric

Shi Yuzhen admired Meng Chu's ability to control the spirit species Xiaoxiu freely.

More than 100,000 minor repairs, in his hands, are like parts that can be formed into any treasure weapon at any time, and he can attack and defend at will.

But this ability can be used against others, but it is too weak to deal with Shi Yu.

Just when Meng Chu was watching Shi Yu closely and planning his next move, a dark monster rushed out from nowhere, and in the blink of an eye it grew into a giant body thousands of miles away.

His head hit the giant spiritual shield, and the small spiritual beings who formed the shield with their arms and legs were smashed into pieces and blood flowed across them.

The formation instantly fell apart, and more than ten thousand corpses fell to the ground.

"Hey! Do you really want to send them all to death before you can talk properly?" Shi Yu made a move with his hand, and the giant beast that was thousands of miles long suddenly disappeared, and a small pet as big as a bean fell into his hand, and it followed it cutely. The arms climbed up to Shi Yu's shoulders.

Meng Chu looked at the spiritual seed that had lost less than half of it in just a moment. His handsome face was extremely distorted, and he shouted angrily: "This is too much!"

"Hmph! You were the one attacking me from the beginning to the end, and you threatened to attack Yanlan City. Isn't it ridiculous to say that I bullied you?"

Shi Yu still walked towards Meng Chu unhurriedly. Their fight had attracted the attention of many people, including the lord of the besieged city.

The besieged realm masters stood in the distance and looked at Shi Yu with complex expressions. The spiritual king they had been unable to defeat for a long time actually lost his temper like a child in front of Shi Yu.

"Withdraw! We are blocking the outside of Yanlan City. We are just blocking the spiritual seeds from rushing into the city for Shi Yu." Master Youjue said dejectedly.

"We can't withdraw! Even if there are spiritual seeds rushing into the city, there are still more spiritual seeds coming to defect! We finally managed to suppress Yanlan City's spiritual seeds by hundreds of thousands. Do we want all our previous efforts to be wasted?" Another Jue Master immediately objected.

"That's right! Although the king of sudden spiritual species is strong, we can still deal with it. If there are more spiritual species in Yanlan City and a few kings are created, what will we do?" Another Jue Master suggested.

All the words clearly fell into the ears of Meng Chu and Shi Yu. Meng Chu sneered and shouted at Shi Yu: "Did you hear that? Even you Demon Realm Lords can't tolerate you! You actually stepped over them to embarrass me first!"

Shi Yu smiled nonchalantly and spread his hands, pretending to be helpless, "I can't help it, who can make me be kind? After taking in so many spiritual species, I will naturally become a public enemy.

I just never understood why you spiritual kings couldn't tolerate me like them when you should be grateful to me.

I'm more worried about your existence than them. "

Shi Yu was obviously talking nonsense, so Meng Chu shut up immediately.

The less than 100,000 spiritual cultivators around him were also silent at this time.

"You little guys are even weirder. You used to run desperately to Yanlan City and the Nine Lives Forbidden Land. Now that you have the king, you have turned your back and don't recognize anyone? Could it be that spiritual seeds are just talented in cultivation and have no bottom line in dealing with things?" Yu pointed his finger at the little spirit species again.

"Bah! Shi Yu, please stop here and confuse the public with your lies! All the spiritual species in Yanlan City and the Nine Lives Forbidden Land were kidnapped! This land of destiny is the homeland of my spiritual species. You demon bastards have taken over my homeland. My hometown should be killed and driven away!"

Meng Chu suddenly cursed angrily, which made Shi Yu confused.

"Demon Realm, you always talk about the Demon Realm, who told you that our world is the Demon Realm?" Shi Yu quickly asked while Meng Chu was distracted.

"Hmph! Stop trying to trick me! The worst is to die in battle!" Meng Chu was much more cunning and cunning than Shi Yu. Whenever secrets were involved, he would keep his mouth shut and never say anything.

Shi Yu rolled his eyes and photographed the appearance of the ten kings. He placed each of them ten thousand feet high so that the world masters in the distance could see clearly.

"These people have already fought against me. They are all masters like you. Do you recognize who they are?"

Shi Yu made the figures of the ten kings rotate slowly, depicting each person's characteristics and details vividly. This was also a disguised reminder to everyone not to show mercy when meeting these ten guys.

Meng Chu stared at the floating figures of the Ten Kings for a moment and said in a deep voice, "Have you been to their lair?"

"Huh? You didn't say anything when I asked you, and now you ask me about it?

I'm a generous person, so it doesn't hurt to tell you. I have indeed been to their old lair, which is on the edge of the Land of Destiny, where the spiritual seeds were born. There was a soul-guarding slave named Tuo Lizard there who was killed by me. "

Shi Yu's words did not shock Meng Chu very much, but many of the world leaders who heard it clearly changed their expressions and left. They must have rushed to the Tuo Lizard's lair to verify whether what Shi Yu said was true or false.

"In the Fringe?"

Meng Chu whispered to himself, and suddenly shouted: "Shi Yu! You deceived me! If the ten kings had all come out, wouldn't you have been beaten to death long ago?"

The angry shout was far slower than the action. Meng Chu just uttered the first word of his roar, and the endless torrent of spells rushed in front of Shi Yu, looking as if he was going to catch Shi Yu off guard.

Although there are less than 100,000 spiritual seeds left, the power they gather is unstoppable.

Shi Yu dodged away and said slightly annoyed: "Thank you for your good appearance, I have to capture you before I can talk properly!"

Shi Yu and Meng Chu started to fight again, and the world leaders of all realms were a little gloating about their misfortune. They wished that the two enemies would perish together. That would be God's eyes open and the whole world would celebrate.

Shi Yu turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Meng Chu. Meng Chu roared loudly and blasted out with endless fierce breath. The size of the spiritual species around him suddenly grew even more exaggerated, and the smallest one was nine feet tall.

Shi Yu was rushed by the fierce breath, and his body was immediately blocked, which also gave the spiritual seeds blessed by the fierce breath a chance to attack.

Countless magic powers rumbled in, submerging Shi Yu's slightly paused body.

Shi Yu immediately turned into a void to avoid all the force, and crashed into the center of the spirit seed with a groan, just in time to meet Meng Chu's iron palm coming from the air.

The violent sound of metal clashing sounded immediately. Shi Yu threw a punch without hesitation, hitting the iron palm head-on. The void between the fist and the palm exploded immediately, tearing bloody wounds on thousands of small cultivators.

Meng Chu is worthy of being the king of spirit seeds. Shi Yu threw himself in front of him and showed another trick. The whole person quickly turned into a crystal sculpture, as if cast in glass, and stood in front of Shi Yu.

Shi Yu's fist swung away Meng Chu's palm and hit his glass heavily. Then a sound like the sound of a chime sounded, and Meng Chu was punched out a hundred miles away, piercing through the earth and going straight into the ground.

Shi Yu's own fist was also numb, and the vibration from the bone marrow quickly entered the soul, making Shi Yu feel sore and itchy.

The spirit seeds that were still gathered around Shi Yu exploded with a bang, all blocking the hole created by Meng Chu's collision, preventing Shi Yu from taking advantage of the situation to chase and kill.

Shi Yu had no intention to kill Meng Chu, he was staring at his fist in a daze.

The surface of his fist began to slowly turn into jade and solidify, as if he was also going to turn into a glass body like Meng Chu.

"Interesting!" Shi Yu looked at his fist that was gradually losing consciousness, and suddenly had a feeling that he was fighting against the combination of the three brothers of Ni Da.

With the petrification of Er and the encouragement of Kui San, Er and Kui San were absolutely obedient to Ni Da, just like the support of these spirits for Meng Chu.

Shi Yu knew that the three brothers could not combine into one spirit to embarrass him, he just looked at his palm turning into jade and suddenly felt sympathetic.

The divine power brushed across the surface of the fist, and the fist returned to its original state. Shi Yu sighed lightly and said loudly: "I'll give you one last chance. Tell me your origins, otherwise don't blame me for killing you!"


Shi Yu was answered by a loud noise, and Meng Chu's crystal clear glass body suddenly jumped up from the ground, hanging in the sky and staring at Shi Yu angrily.

Seeing that Shi Yu was safe and sound, Meng Chu's anger suddenly disappeared, and he hesitated, "You are fine?"

"Tsk!" With a light laugh, Shi Yu raised his right palm and shook it in front of Meng Chu, and then said:

"Why should I be in trouble? You are not the only one who has this ability. It is because I saw that your ability is very similar to that of a brother of mine that I did not chase you and kill you directly!"

Meng Chu said in a deep voice: "You are so arrogant. I haven't shown my real ability yet, and you think you can defeat me?"

Shi Yu frowned slightly, "Forget it! Since you don't cherish it, I won't talk to you anymore."

As soon as the voice fell, Shi Yu immediately turned into nothingness, and Mo Lu and Xiao Hei appeared beside him, which frightened Meng Chu so much that he roared several times and retreated repeatedly. The spirit seeds on the ground also jumped up at the same time, and formed a crystal wall protection array again to block Meng Chu.

Mo Lu didn't care about the consequences of rushing hard, and pierced through from the front with a sharp scream.

The solid crystal wall was pierced by it and hit Meng Chu's forehead directly.

The glass body was indeed hard. Mo Lu stabbed and drilled hard, but only a white spot was pierced on Meng Chu's forehead.

Meng Chu raised his hand to grab Mo Lu, but saw Shi Yu, who was in a magical body, penetrated the crystal wall and stood in front of him, and slapped Mo Lu into his head with one palm.

"Ah!" With a painful howl, Meng Chu lost his crystal jade glass body in an instant. He slapped his head with both hands, trying to slap out Mo Lu who was raging in his head.

At the same time, he was desperately urging the teleportation magic, but he didn't know why his body was fixed in place. In the past, he could reach thousands of miles away in an instant, but now it was out of reach.

Let alone thousands of miles, it was difficult to move even an inch.

Shi Yu was relieved when he saw that Meng Chu couldn't break through the thousands of miles of space. He was really afraid that this soul king could break out and harass Yanlan City every day in the future with the teleportation magic. That would be a real maggot attached to the bone.

"Ha! I'm here!"

Xiao Hei had just arrived at this time. Without the leader, tens of thousands of spirit seeds were like a pile of loose sand in front of Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei easily broke up the large formation formed by tens of thousands of spirit seeds, and then bit Meng Chu and chewed it hard.

Although there was a sequence, in the eyes of the onlookers, it was Shi Yu who threw out Mo Lu and Xiao Hei, and the three rushed towards the King of Spirit Seeds at the same time, breaking the indestructible crystal wall protection formation of the King of Spirit Seeds in one fell swoop, and easily captured the arrogant king.

The lords of the Ten Thousand Realms who were watching saw that Shi Yu had just used his real ability to end the battle in an instant, and they were silent and sad. The hope that Shi Yu and the King of Spirit Seeds would both lose was completely lost.

Shi Yu tore open Meng Chu's body, and Xiao Hei cheered and pounced on him. Mo Lu nodded at Xiao Hei with disdain, as if laughing at his greed and childishness.

The leaderless spirit seed remnant army had no idea what to do at this moment.

This place was far away from the land where they were born, and was surrounded by the masters of the Ten Thousand Worlds who were eyeing them covetously.

The only way to survive was Yanlan City, but would Yanlan City still take them in at this time?

Shi Yu had already seen their helpless appearance, but he was not stupid enough to be kind and take these spirit seeds into Yanlan City.

"Let's go! Go back!"

After Xiao Hei packed up the treasures, Shi Yu patted him on the head a few times and dragged Meng Chu back to Yanlan City.

As soon as they left, the restless masters of the Ten Thousand Worlds quickly rushed into the panicked spirit seed remnant army, and blood waves and screams immediately rose between heaven and earth.

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