Life Control Chart

Chapter 921: Selling a flaw

The people of Yanlan City had long known from the Immortal Void Martial Saint that Shi Yu had killed his way into the army of spirit species. Almost all the realm masters in the city gathered in the main hall of the city lord's mansion waiting for Shi Yu's return. A lively celebration banquet was naturally inevitable.

Meng Chu's corpse was also hung at the city gate and drifted in the wind, becoming another thick ink in the merit book of Yanlan City.

Although Shi Yu always smiled at everyone, he always felt a little uneasy in his heart.

He always felt that it was too easy to fight with Meng Chu. Such a king of spirit species, let alone facing the broken life land, even facing the siege of the absolute master, dare not say that he can win.

Could it be that Big Eyes is counting on such an opponent to stop him from entering the upper realm?

"What are you thinking? Now the realm masters of all realms dare not provoke us, and the king of spirit species has been killed. Yanlan City can be said to be extremely stable. Why are you still smiling so reluctantly?" Yuanlong slapped Shi Yu on the shoulder.

Shi Yu grinned and asked, "Is Meng Chu really dead?"

"Hmm? Do you have any doubts? This soul king has a familiar face, but he has been tormented by Wan Ling and Mai Heng for a long time. I'm afraid his chest is rotten."

Yuan Long was startled by Shi Yu's question, but when he saw Wan Ling laughing and Mai Heng calmly, the uneasiness in his heart subsided.

Fortunately, no unexpected news came until the end of the banquet in the hall.

Shi Yu told the Immortal Xuwu that he didn't need to go out anymore, and after practicing well in the city, he went to see the corpse of Meng Chu hanging under the city.

The corpse had already leaked all the serous fluid in the body, and its appearance had changed drastically, like a skeleton covered with skin swaying in the wind.

There was no lifeline floating above his head, and he was indeed dead.

Back to his own courtyard, Zhu Yanlan has been in seclusion in the secret room since he was easily captured by Mi Susu last time.

Shi Yu looked up in the courtyard, and the mirror-like sky did not show a single color.

"I don't know what the result of the fight between the Zhiling Guard and the Jinhuntian people was. Did they kill the people? Or did they capture the people? Will Jinhuntian send people to sneak into Yumingtian?"

Shi Yu seemed to be sitting quietly in the courtyard, but in fact he was full of confusion.


A faint and crisp knocking sound suddenly came. This was the sound of the bell of Yanlan City closing the city. Gai Ying activated the city defense formation, slowly covering all the light outside the formation, creating a quiet world like night for the people in the city.

Shi Yu's mouth corners slightly raised. He had never strolled around the city properly. Taking advantage of the moment when he had nothing to do, he might as well take a look at the night view of Yanlan City.

Walking alone on the street, Shi Yu hid in the void. He didn't want anyone to recognize him.

Since most of the spirit seeds were released to the ground, Yanlan City has been dominated by realm masters and former Yunyin monks. Therefore, there are few pedestrians on the wide streets at this time, and most of the trade shops along the streets are closed, making the streets particularly quiet and dark.

Shi Yu measured the streets with his footsteps, stepping on every blue brick of Yanlan City.

Suddenly, Shi Yu felt a commotion outside the city. The sound was not loud, but the chaotic space tremor still added a sense of restlessness to the quiet night.

Shi Yu did not move. Yuanlong, Wanling, my father, and Wang Qi had already jumped out of the house at the same time and rushed to the place where the commotion occurred silently.

And Wanlei's Luoxing Hammer had already flashed in a place that could not be seen outside the city.

Shi Yu walked slowly and calmly. Since the commotion did not make much noise under the suppression of several city leaders, there was no need to pay too much attention to it. Just go and see the excitement.

As soon as I walked to the edge of the city, I saw my father jumping and slashing continuously, chasing a faint figure in the void. Wan Ling was guarding beside Meng Chu's corpse, looking at that figure with a cold face, always leaving my father far away.

"Is it him?"

The figure that my father was chasing after was Sha Jiexing, the master of the spirit world who sneaked into Yanlan City.

Seeing the way Wan Ling was guarding Meng Chu's corpse, it was known that Sha Jiexing wanted to steal Meng Chu's body at night.

Wan Lei and Moro were guarding far outside the city, trying to block Sha Jiexing's retreat as much as possible, especially Moro's shadowless arrows, which were shot one after another, forming a shining stream of light chasing behind Sha Jiexing.

If Sha Jiexing dared to stop, he would be seriously injured in the next moment.

No one made an angry roar in the battle. The people of Yanlan City did not want to rely on Shi Yu for everything, for fear that too much noise would make Shi Yu come to help.

Sha Jiexing's cultivation is still far from perfect, at most he is at the level of a peak realm master, but he has a unique skill of invisibility, and he disappeared in front of everyone while fighting.

If Gai Ying hadn't been secretly pointing out the direction for everyone, Sha Jiexing could have left Yanlan City openly.

Even so, Sha Jiexing was soon injured by my father, and there were Moro's shadowless arrows everywhere, which gave him less and less space to move.

But even if he was injured, Sha Jiexing didn't choose to escape. He hugged his half-broken body and rushed to Meng Chu's corpse again and again, looking for every opportunity to snatch the corpse away.

But it was Wan Ling who was guarding the corpse. Even if Shi Yu came to snatch it, it would take some effort. How could Sha Jiexing break through Wan Ling's defense?

Soon Sha Jiexing was seriously injured, and all the realm masters in Yanlan City showed a playful smile, thinking about how to make Sha Jiexing suffer more.

At this moment, they all heard Shi Yu's secret voice transmission at the same time: Sell a flaw and let him snatch it away.

The people in Yanlan City paused in their hearts, but their faces remained unchanged.

When Sha Jiexing avoided my father's wild jump and slash again, a brilliant light suddenly burst out in Yanlan City, as if someone had attacked the city and killed an important person.

The people who besieged Sha Jiexing were surprised, and their eyes turned to the light involuntarily.

Seeing that the opportunity could not be missed, Sha Jiexing gritted his teeth and rushed towards Meng Chu's corpse, ignoring the fact that Wan Ling was pressing his palm on the corpse's back.

The second ray of light flashed again, and the roar of Gai Ying was heard in the city. Wan Ling immediately exerted his strength to destroy the corpse first.

But his action was just one step slower than Sha Jiexing. The force from his palm only hit Sha Jiexing's shoulder, and Meng Chu's corpse had been carried away by him.

"Asshole!" Wan Ling was furious and ran after Sha Jiexing.

"Great Protector, return to the city! I am enough!"

Wan Lei shouted, driving thunder and lightning to chase Sha Jiexing. The others stopped their steps after hearing the words, and shot back to the city and ran straight to the light.

Sha Jiexing didn't know what happened in Yanlan City. He only knew that he was completely exposed and could never get into Yanlan City again. Now his only thought was to escape with Meng Chu's corpse.

Sha Jiexing kept running, and Wan Lei chased him closely. The two soon rushed to the blockade line.

The Lord of the Ten Thousand Worlds had already noticed that the mighty Wan Lei was approaching at a high speed, and the three absolute masters stood in front of him with cold faces.

To their surprise, they saw Wan Lei chasing a zombie, which was slanting in the air in a strange but extremely fast posture.

Except for Shi Yu, no one could see Sha Jiexing, and Wan Lei was the same.

So Wan Lei was really watching the corpse chasing, and he was very angry at Sha Jiexing's stupid behavior. This idiot didn't even put the corpse into his body. In that case, Wan Lei could just use the excuse of losing it to go back to the city directly.

Now there was a bright corpse flying across the air, and he, Wan Lei, didn't dare to give up even if he wanted to. Doing it too obviously would only make Sha Jiexing suspicious.

"Get out of the way! Yanlan City is chasing the scoundrels, and those who stand in the way will die!" Wan Lei's thunderous voice echoed.

The three absolute masters looked at Wan Lei with sneers on their lips.

With Wan Lei's ability, they can suppress him in a one-on-one fight. Wan Lei relied on the reputation of Yanlan City to think of himself as a master?

"Hmph!" Although Yi Juezhu knew that the corpse was Meng Chu hanging under the city, he still hated Wan Lei's bullying and slashed at Wan Lei with a palm, knocking him off balance.

"You're looking for death!" Wan Lei was furious, and the lightning around his body suddenly surged. Tens of thousands of thunder dragons broke free and rushed straight to the Juezhu. The Luo Xing hammer in his hand also smashed down violently, with the intention of smashing his head in one fell swoop.

The Juezhu's expression remained unchanged, and he slapped out with a palm. Tens of thousands of wind blades also met the thunder dragon. The two hit each other in the air, exploding with a roar of broken light.

Wan Lei groaned and flew back. The Juezhu also retreated thousands of feet with a look of shock on his face. He looked at Wan Lei who turned around and ran back to Yanlan City with a twitch in the corner of his eye.

In the mind of this absolute master, he had experienced the baptism of divine power and had long been able to surpass most of the realm masters in Yanlan City. Except for Wan Ling and my father, the others were not worth mentioning. Who knew that he was struck by Wan Lei and his body and soul trembled, and he almost lost a big face.

Sha Jiexing was not much better. He got rid of Wan Lei, but the other two absolute masters were targeting him. They were more powerful opponents than Wan Lei.

The two absolute masters also saw clearly that the corpse was just a corpse. There was no sign of life. There must be someone hiding his body and dragging the corpse.

After a little more thought, they immediately understood that the one in front of them was the realm master who kept provoking and harassing. Only his hiding skills could snatch Meng Chu's corpse under the eyes of Yanlan City masters!

Enemies are particularly jealous when they meet, especially the absolute masters who are full of anger because of Sha Jiexing.

The camps and villages were burned and destroyed every few days, and countless indigenous minor cultivators were killed. The murderous intentions of the absolute masters have long been filled in their hearts.

Several lines of fire went straight to Meng Chu's corpse. It didn't matter if Sha Jiexing couldn't be seen. As long as he attacked the corpse, Sha Jiexing would definitely try his best to rescue him. He couldn't hide any more.

Sha Jiexing tried his best to avoid the attack. Even though more and more realm masters fled to the sky and blocked his way from all directions, he still had no intention of giving up Meng Chu's corpse and escaping alone.


The Yanlan City formation suddenly broke open, and dozens of realm masters rushed to the blockade with great momentum.

The distant roar frightened the realm masters of all realms and made them hesitate. They didn't know what Sha Jiexing had done in Yanlan City to cause Yanlan City to mobilize so much.

The two absolute masters who were chasing Sha Jiexing snorted coldly and stopped. Even though they hated Sha Jiexing and the dead Meng Chu, they also hated Yanlan City.

There was an opportunity to embarrass Yanlan City in front of them, and they were unwilling to give up.

Sha Jiexing breathed a sigh of relief. He was extremely glad that he had won a chance to survive in the cracks, and fled away without looking back.

Shi Yu was a hundred miles away, following closely behind Sha Jiexing. He did not open his eyes to seek truth, but also stared at Meng Chu's corpse and chased him, with the same doubts in his heart as Wan Lei.

Sha Jiexing would rather get hurt than take the corpse into his body, and the reason was really puzzling.

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