Life Control Chart

Chapter 936 The Last Top Level True Spirit

Jingluohai screamed like a little girl who was tortured, watching the sharp horn pierce her eyes.

His four men rushed over when Shi Yu caught Jingluohai. Everyone had a good body made of iron, and their heavy footsteps on the ground were like the rumbling of cattle running on the grassland.

Xiaohei laughed strangely and shouted: "Come on! Come on! Let's sacrifice you all to open the door!"

The world masters who were watching were scared and scattered.

King Ku and King Chen had already blocked Shi Yu on both sides. They hoped that if they showed their sincerity at this time, Shi Yu would take their safety into consideration when they met the generals.

Xiaohei also raised his long whip tail and listened carefully to the footsteps around him.

Xiaohei still had a childish temper, and a childish temper meant lawlessness and ignorance of the importance of things.

When the fastest world master was still dozens of feet away from Shi Yu, he was suddenly wrapped around the waist by the whip tail thrown by Xiaohei and smashed hard against the side of Jingluohai.

Before Jingluohai hit the bronze statue, his men had already taken a step forward and hit the edge of the base heavily, and were immediately smashed into two pieces. Blood splattered all over Shi Yu's face, and his internal organs were all over Jingluohai's body.

Shi Yu was shocked and left Jingluohai and ran away.

Xiao Hei didn't know why Shi Yu ran away. He was in high spirits and was ready to roll up the second world master and smash him in front of Jingluohai.

In his eyes, the death and injury of the world master was no different from playing with insects and ants. What's more, Xiao Hei couldn't see anything at this time, and he didn't feel bloody and cruel.

But when Shi Yu ran away suddenly, Xiao Hei lost his target and could only roll up whatever he caught and throw it wherever he wanted.

As luck would have it, he rolled up Jingluohai, who was still unable to move, and threw him heavily on the tall and majestic gate of the Soul Casting Hall.

The large amount of blood and broken internal organs coated the gate with a thick layer of blood, which was as inhumane as the human sacrifice.

All the blood and internal organs were not from Whale Luohai, but from the unlucky guy who was cut into two pieces. However, Whale Luohai smeared them on the gate one by one.

Although Whale Luohai was not afraid of blood, he was also horrified. He struggled to get rid of the remaining divine power and ran away before he dared to look back.

The other three surviving subordinates also ran to Whale Luohai at this time, looking at Shi Yu with a wooden expression.

"Xiao Hei! What are you doing?" Shi Yu tried to release some divine power to wipe off the blood stains on his body, and asked Xiao Hei in a somewhat exasperated manner.

Xiao Hei was puzzled and answered doubtfully: "Kill the enemy to shock! What else can you do?"

"Kill it! Why make it so bloody?"

"Shocking! How can you shock without something exciting?" Xiao Hei shook his long tail, as if he was still not satisfied.

On the other side, Jing Luohai looked at Shi Yu in shock and anger, and shouted to the people around him: "Who is this guy? Why can he release his energy?"

"His name is Shi Yu." A subordinate answered woodenly.

"Who is Shi Yu?"

"The first demon star in the Land of Controlling Life, the real ruler of Yanlan City."

"The first demon star? Why didn't you tell me this?" Jing Luohai was furious. When he ran towards Shi Yu just now, no one reminded him what to be careful of.

"The master is invincible! The demon star has nothing to fear!" The wooden master suddenly raised his arms and shouted, making Jing Luohai so angry that he couldn't say a word.

Jing Luohai has always been showing off his strength in front of his subordinates. He can knock down any opponent with three punches and two kicks. The idea of ​​invincibility is also forced into the souls of his subordinates by himself.

In the past, if his subordinates reminded him that his opponent was strong, he would slap him in the face and scold him, forcing his subordinates to shout: The master is invincible, the villains have nothing to fear.

Now his subordinates suddenly said such a stupid thing, which is also the sequelae of being beaten by him.

But now, when he shouted this sentence, it sounded like a slap on Jingluohai's face.

Shi Yu saw some clues and laughed: "Jingluohai! Are they scared by you? Their brains are so stubborn."

Jingluohai shouted in shame and anger: "Shi Yu! I don't know who you are! If you have the guts, don't use your energy to fight me!"

"Idiot! If a dog bites me, should I bite it back? Of course, I will beat it to death with a stick! You are rampant here, why don't you give up your strong body and fight with others? The four men you subdued are not willing to submit to you because you are stupid, right?"

Shi Yu's tone was frivolous, and revealed a little helplessness, as if he was facing the second idiot at the head of the village.

"Hahaha!" Xiao Hei laughed, and waved his round fin at Jingluohai like a fox pretending to be a tiger.

"No more nonsense, come! I'll give you a chance, use all your skills. Don't even think about beating me, if you can avoid being caught by me, I will let you go." Shi Yu smiled lightly and walked towards Jingluohai step by step.

Whale Luohai retreated immediately.

His pride would not allow him to run away, but if he continued to fight, he would soon become Shi Yu's captive again. He did not want to choose either way.

Regret, deep regret, Whale Luohai looked at Shi Yu who was getting closer and closer, and finally stopped retreating. He roared and rushed forward, with the thought of dying in his heart.

He had to die in a blazing manner, and he must not leave a bad reputation as a coward.

Shi Yu raised his palm to meet Whale Luohai's iron fist, and easily clenched the heavy fist that could split mountains and crack the earth.

"Even if I only use my flesh, you are not my opponent. You should ask more. There are not many people in the Land of Controlling Life who dare to fight me in close combat."

Whale Luohai was even more shocked. He felt that he was stepping on Shi Yu's strengths step by step, and all the advantages he was proud of were not worth mentioning in front of Shi Yu.

"Go! You guys, catch those two guys!" Whale Luohai's pride still did not allow him to lead people to besiege Shi Yu, which made Shi Yu look at him.

Whale Luohai planned to exchange King Ku and King Chen. As soon as his hand was grasped by Shi Yu, he knew there was no way to escape.

The three realm masters rushed towards King Ku and King Chen silently, like puppets without emotions.

But Whale Luohai's hope once again failed. King Ku and King Chen were also kings of spiritual species. Even if they were worse than Whale Luohai, they were much stronger than other realm masters.

King Ku, in particular, quickly entangled the three realm masters with a strange move that leveraged his strength. With a little help from King Chen, Shi Yu gained three more prisoners.

"Haha!" Shi Yu kept holding Whale Luohai's fist to watch the fun. Whale Luohai tried hard to punch several times, but his fist seemed to be growing in Shi Yu's hand and remained motionless.

"Stop bothering, I've already shown mercy to you. If I didn't think you were useful, I would have killed you long ago!"

Shi Yu released Whale Luohai's fist, pushed him lightly and threw him dozens of feet away.

Whale Luohai was shocked and confused. He couldn't feel any killing intent from Shi Yu, so he asked, "You won't kill me? What do you want me to do?"

Shi Yu waved his hand to signal King Ku to let go of those realm masters, and walked towards the gate of Soul Casting Pavilion. He gave Whale Luohai a slap on the back of his head and an incomprehensible word,

"When I meet some powerful people, you just show your face."

"Then what?"

"Then when I leave here, you'll be free."

King Ku and King Chen walked quickly to Shi Yu's side, not daring to ask questions, but waiting for Shi Yu's response.

"You two, let's go! The whale falling into the sea should be the same as the way you were born. He is stronger than you here, and he is enough."

Shi Yu still didn't look back, and placed his hand on the door of Soul Casting Pavilion. The golden nail that was flattened by the whale falling into the sea was slowly recovering.

Shi Yu's words shocked King Ku and King Chen, and they looked at Whale Luohai with some hostility. They knew very well that the destined enemy of the King of Spiritual Seeds had appeared.

However, the two of them did not leave immediately, but stood behind Shi Yu without moving.

Shi Yu smiled lightly and didn't take it seriously.

Suddenly, Shi Yu turned around and said to the two kings, "The strong man among the natives has also appeared, and he has killed the Night King."

"What?" King Ku and King Chen were shocked.

"He not only killed the Night King, but also killed all the other powerful natives who were born with him. That guy and I fought to no avail. So, you really have to thank the Soul King for not killing all of you. Then take away all your power."

Shi Yu's seemingly plain words set off a storm in the hearts of King Ku and King Chen.

"What's his name? Where is he now?" King Chen asked loudly.

"His name is Bai Que, and he is also here. If you meet him, you all will be lucky. He is not as easy to talk to as me." Shi Yu chuckled, but it made the two kings' heartstrings tremble.

Whale Luohai was not that frightened, and just asked doubtfully: "Can I be on par with you? I didn't provoke him, why should I ask for more blessings?"

Shi Yu glanced at Whale Luohai and said nothing, thinking that this guy was truly simple-minded and full of recklessness.

"When were you born? What did you do after you were born?"

"This... I have grown so big in just a few years since I was born! After I left my mother, I wandered around. I heard that there was a treasure here and rushed here. However, I met you by chance and did nothing except capture a few younger brothers. Pass."

Whale Luohai didn't have the consciousness of being a prisoner at all, and couldn't help but offend Shi Yu with his words.

"You're the only one in this birth?" Shi Yu asked again.

"Well, our Yuanjing clan can only have one child at a time, and my belly can't hold more than one!" Whale Luohai was surprised. He thought Shi Yu had seen his true form.

"Are there any new powerful men as magical as you near your birthplace?"

Whale Luohai shook his head and became arrogant again, "No one in the billions of miles around is my enemy! After leaving my parents, I asked around where there were masters, but none of the masters were my opponent, haha!"

Shi Yu was surprised and asked: "Didn't you see a big sky formation near your home? It's blood red."

"I saw it! But my mother didn't let me go. When she let me go out, the big formation was gone again. There was only a little girl inside who looked like a sika deer, and I beat her away with a few punches." Whale Luohai said it very proudly.

"Did you knock Mi Susu out of his body?" King Ku and King Chen screamed again.

"Mi Susu? Really! But that bitch ran too fast. When she saw that she couldn't beat me, she got into the chaos. I was too lazy to chase her. Hehehehe!" Whale Luohai smiled honestly.

The self-confidence lost from Shi Yu returned to Whale Luohai again.

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